Sapient's blog
A Story of America’s Future: Your Nightmare That Could Become Reality
Submitted by Sapient on August 20, 2024 - 11:20am.Imagine waking up in an America that no longer feels like the land of the free. The streets are quieter now, not because people are content, but because they are afraid. Fear has become a part of daily life, especially for those who dare to think differently, to believe differently—or not to believe at all.
It starts with small changes. Oklahoma adds the Bible into it's public schooling. A favorable ruling in the SCOTUS allows Trump's loyalists to force Biblical studies into public schools nationwide. A law is passed requiring all government buildings to display religious symbols. “In God We Trust” is no longer just on currency—it’s everywhere, on every wall, in every courtroom, a constant reminder that the state is no longer neutral. Non-believers feel the weight of these symbols, understanding that they are not welcome here.
Then, it escalates. New policies are introduced that funnel public money into religious schools, leaving secular education systems starved for resources. Judicial appointments continue to favor those with strong religious leanings, and soon, the legal landscape begins to shift. The Supreme Court, packed with conservative judges, rolls back rulings that protected reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the separation of church and state.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she’s a Christian, a Rational Response
Submitted by Sapient on November 12, 2023 - 4:49pm.Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she’s a Christian, a Rational Response
Submitted by Sapient on November 12, 2023 - 4:49pm.We're building the Atheism United Library in Bihar, India
Submitted by Sapient on May 3, 2023 - 8:02am.I've partnered with Humanist Global Charity to help vet recipients and have committed to donating $1,000 to help atheists in Africa and India. If you use Facebook, please share the message for me to help increase exposure for this important cause as we aim towards building "The Atheism United Library" in Bihar, India.
Here's the Facebook post that I'm hoping you'll like and share.
I'm concerned about the future of humanity
Submitted by Sapient on October 16, 2018 - 5:19am.I'm increasingly concerned about the underwhelming steps we've taken to mitigate the risk of climate change. We know that the fossil fuel industry owns the votes of many politicians by means of lobbying/bribery. These politicians have sold out life on Earth in exchange for funds that ensure they stay in power.
On November 6th we have a chance to elect candidates that are vocal about the threat of climate change and have plans to reduce the catastrophic impacts we will face if we don't do abundantly more. This year I donated more to democratic candidates than all other elections combined in my life. With the election of anti-EPA Trump we have taken a sad turn towards human extinction and it's imperative that we step up now before we spiral even further to our doom. I isolated 80 races around America in which a donation can make a meaningful impact in the outcome of the race and I created an Act Blue fundraiser. Please donate through this page and share the link on your social media sites to help encourage voters to elect leaders that value human life.
Orlando shooter was gay, World leaders fail to respond properly for the millionth time!
Submitted by Sapient on June 17, 2016 - 10:35pm.Many republicans #Drumpf included want to make sure the focus stays on "Islamic Extremism." There are now reports surfacing that Mateen was suppressing his homosexuality due to his religion. There is a lesson here that no politician will talk about and it's that religion is wrong. It's lies lead to repressing who you are, and in turn it makes you more stressed, irrational, and dangerous to yourself and others. We saw the same thing (and same lack of proper response) during the Priest fondling children scandals. They were repressing their human biology to the point that they became sick, irrational, and dangerous.
When politicians and world leaders start framing the discussion as what can we do to end religion, we will put one more foot on the right path to a peaceful world. They must start with an increased focus on critical thinking in our schools (and set a good example of this). From there we must be able to teach the history of religion in our schools while applying our critical thinking skills and allow our children to learn how we can determine that the gods our world believes in today are false. And finally from there, we must have an increased focus on science, including the big bang, abiogenesis, mitochondrial dna linking, and evolution. These topics must be looked at in depth, we must learn and understand them well.
Once our world leaders stop respecting religion and instead respect the people that have been brainwashed with bullshit we will have taken one giant leap for mankind.
Please donate to help us cover recent costs
Submitted by Sapient on November 7, 2015 - 12:06am.If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you know by now that last week we were hit with an intense DDoS attack. I've created a fundraiser so that you can send hackers (likely religious) a message: Your attacks on RRS, Celebatheists, AtheismUnited and the other atheist sites we manage only serve to make us stronger.
We incurred costs to mitigate the effects of a DDoS attack however there is more we can do. Please show me that you have my back and chip in a few dollars. It's the first time I've asked in 2 or 3 years.
My son sent this email to a prospective college emphasizing Christianity
Submitted by Sapient on November 22, 2014 - 12:33pm.My son just sent a letter to a prosepective University. With a good idea that the school wasn't right for him based solely on it's emphasis of Christianity, he decided to air it out. Here is a snippet of the letter....
A little victory against a squatter rationalresponders.blogspot
Submitted by Sapient on January 20, 2014 - 12:36am.A couple of haters grabbed the blogspot address that corresponds with this site address. It's recently come to my attention that Google has suspended the account. I'm not sure of the reason, just that it is no longer available to use.
This address used to be owned by Christian haters. They used the site to tell misleading and usually dishonest interpretations of RRS. Often they came up high in google because of name similarity. Google took action. Nice of them.
People get away with telling lies about people online because most people aren't going to go through the costs or effort of taking it to court. We had built up tons of evidence to take that case to court and in the end I can only assume that submitting that info to google played a role in the name being taken away from the world.
If anyone ever sees it become available, I'll offer you a reward to let me know about it. I'll take you out to dinner when you come by Philadelphia.
Sorry our site was down for over 12 hours. Can you make a donation?
Submitted by Sapient on January 19, 2014 - 8:37pm.Our site goes down from time to time but we usually resolve it within an hour. This time it was 12 hours. Sorry for any inconvenience, frustration, sadness, or depression that you dealt with as a result. It lasted so long this time because was our amazing volunteer server admin was away from the computer.
It gives me a chance to be frank with you. I hate doing fundraisers, as I want to believe that this site can be sustained on ad/amazon/subscriber revenue. Many a months, it can. RRS costs a few hundred dollars per month to operate and right now, we're not quite making that back. Actually one of our awesome board members recently sent us our largest single donation of the year and it got us to about even.
Another reason I haven't made a public request for donations in over 2 years is that I feel I let you down on the last public appeal for money to buy a server. I assure you we got a new server to upgrade our sites to the next era of web utilization. I am sorry I can't enjoy it's spoils with you quite yet. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus, but for the most part it's delay was beyond my control. I could have avoided it if I had 10-15k to spend on professional help. I don't work off a budget that large, we're dealing in hundreds here.