Ceiling Cat and Atheist cats (you can haz much pikturez)

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Ceiling Cat and Atheist cats (you can haz much pikturez)

We have a few threads on the ceiling cat craze, but I thought I'd combine some of the best pictures and links in this opening post and send it out to a few friends on facebook that didn't understand. 

Here is the LOLcat Bible which is a wiki style amalgamation of the view of the world by cats mixed with the ridiculousness of the Bible.  Here is our thread on the LOLcat bible. And a site that documents the history of the Ceiling Cat Meme.

Here is our thread on Lolcats with pictures.  I've posted the best pictures below. 

The rekindling of interest in Ceiling Cat started yesterday after Ceiling Cat on twitter called me out and said...

Celing Cat wrote:

@rationalsquad Yu say der no god. But yu no can disproov Ceiling Cat! http://is.gd/4u7qs

The original ceiling cat image, this is what started it all!

Ceiling Cat Creation Story

Ceiling Cat has epiphany of noodly appendages

Ceiling Cat Daily Bread

Agnostic Kitteh

Devil Cat

Ceiling Cat dogma

Racoon God Killer

Rapture Gopher


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I never get tired of this...


(Silly Mommy, I added the Daily Bread cat to the first post. - Sapient)


From Objective Ministries website (beware when scrolling over Lambual!!) :


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Abu Lahab
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Thanks Abu for the 2 pictures I didn't have, I added them to the first post and removed the double of the dogma picture to keep the load time of this thread down. - Sapient

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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New pictures added to first

New pictures added to first post.  Are we missing any?  Link me and I'll host and post! 

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Any new ceiling cat pictures

Any new ceiling cat pictures out there since this post?  Please post them, I'll host and post.



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I guess this is armageddon.