Kirk Cameron is still a doofus

Converting Kirk Cameron
"I was rich, I was young, I was famous, I could do anything I wanted with whomever I wanted." - Kirk Cameron
By KEVIN SITES, TUE MAY 29, 1:47 PM PDTBELLFLOWER, California - At the height of his Hollywood success, former "Growing Pains" sitcom star Kirk Cameron started worrying about something his money couldn't buy: salvation.
He had more than just legions of fanatic fans. He also had stalkers and kidnapping threats, and was sometimes driven to the set in a bulletproof car. It got him thinking about his own mortality. He had it all, but still felt empty.

Kirk Cameron reaches a new audience these days through his Christian radio show, television show, and Web site.
"I was raised not going to church. We never prayed — didn't know how. Are you supposed to close your eyes, keep them open? Look up? Look down? Get on my knees? What do I do?"
Cameron started reading the bible and going to church. He became a Christian, but says his transition had some growing pains of its own.
On the set of his hit show, the easy-going prankster became detached and sullen. Once close to the other cast members, he pulled away from them all — except his co-star and fellow Christian, Chelsea Noble, whom he married in 1991.
He also started taking issue with some of the show's writing. One script called for his TV mom to have a nightmare in which Cameron's character, Mike Seaver, wakes up next to a beautiful girl and says, "Hey, babe. Good morning. By the way, what's your name again?"
Cameron balked, pushing for the writers to change the scene. They refused. Cameron says he wasn't trying to push his religious views on the show. He just didn't want to compromise his newfound moral principles.
When the series was cancelled after a long and successful run, he continued acting, but began taking roles on low-budget Christian films, most notably the rapture-based "Left Behind" series based on the best-selling books.
A few years later, after reading one of his books, he met New Zealander Ray Comfort, a former surf shop owner-turned-roving preacher.
They teamed up to form Way of the Master Ministries.
Comfort says his ministry was already taking off, but the partnership with Cameron was like putting it on steroids.
Cameron says his priorities are very clear: "God, family, career — in that order."
"Both Kirk and myself are amazed at his celebrity," says Comfort. "How powerful it is when you call an organization and say 'Hello, this is Kirk Cameron.' They say, 'Oh Kirk, I loved "Growing Pains."' It's such a wonderful door."
They have harnessed Comfort's writing and Cameron's celebrity to create a small multimedia empire that is in service of a hardcore fundamentalist message: Accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior or you will not get to heaven.

Ray Comfort owned a surf shop before he became a preacher.
They get their message out through books, pamphlets, radio programming an award-winning TV show seen in 70 different countries — and a slick Internet site
Cameron is 36 now and still has the boyish good looks of his TV character — but with a few of the wrinkles and creases that go along with self-reflection and fatherhood. He and his wife have six children, four adopted and two of their own.
He says he is more comfortable in his Christian skin today, his convictions just as strong, but without the isolating air of self-righteousness. He has reconciled with former "Growing Pains" cast members and even was part of a reunion show in 2000.
But Cameron says his priorities are very clear: God, family, career — in that order.
He says those decisions have had negative consequences for his career.
"I had one producer in a meeting discussing a movie say, 'So I hear you've got content issues.' You know, absolutely I've got content issues," Cameron says. "What I would say is I've got convictions. I've got priorities. If someone was asking me to do something that would compromise my relationship with my wife I wouldn't do that; if that's going to hurt my marriage, I'm not going to do that. If it's going to hurt my kids, I'm not going to do that and I take it a step further and say if this is going to hurt someone else's kids, I don't want to be a part of that."
"It's about personal integrity," he says, "that's all."
Cameron says he'd love to do non-religious films and TV again, but at times it's difficult to convince producers that while he has found Jesus, he hasn't lost his sense of humor.
-Producer: Jamie RubinAtheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Well, Hamby, I have to agree with you. Kirk Cameron is a doofus.
And what's up with that Ray Comfort pic? Is he really THAT happy he's found god. He kind of looks like a weasel. A little bit.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I'm so puzzled why they didn't mention the debate, though. Seems like if they were interested in promoting him, they'd think it was important that he did a national tv debate with two of the country's leading atheist activists. I wonder why they didn't mention that...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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It sure seems to me he has lost his sense of humor.
And all that went away, just like his career when he converted. People just didn't care about a has been anymore.
It's easy to put career dead last as your priorities when you no longer have one. I don't worry much about my umbilical cord either, mainly because I don't have one and there's no way for me to get it back.
Kirk actually seems like an okay guy. I'm sure making personal attacks in place of adressing what the person actually believes is considered a logical fallacy.. Ad Hominem? Douch bags... oops
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
Of all the negative side effects of the opiate of the masses this is one of the worst. What an insult to your 'loved' ones to put an imaginary being before them. How much value can your really be placing on your family if you would choose a fictional magical megalomaniac over them?
I cannot comprehend what it would be like to live surrounded by these people. To know what any real connection I might make will always mean less to them than their delusions.
No wonder fundies have no problem with the way they damage their kids, through runining their mental development with indoctrination or disowning them when they don't share the same delusions. God wants them to do it, and God trumps all.
I feel so sorry for the children of Kirk Cameron and any of his kind. You have a choice of who you marry and If you just live around a lot of these nuts you can move but his children are stuck.
I'm glad that I grew up with parents who put their family before all else. If there is a god I hope he would want it that way.
Don't know what he's preaching for. After everything he must have done to those sheep there's no way he's getting let through the pearly gates.
Sorry New Zealanders (And Americans who probably don't get it) but I had to say it. I'm Australian and I know the rest of the world makes the same jokes about us.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
I'm a New Zealander, and I'm not offended at all. I don't think it's very clever, but hey. On a lighter note, I've been surrounded by Christians my whole life, and on the whole, they seem decidedly mentally balanced despite their "harmfull" upbringing. I think all these arguements against Christianity are irrelevent. What's relevant is the facts. Christians believe in a loving God who has condemned billions of his creation to an eternity of acute suffering and torture, for the simple reason that they didn't stroke his strangely human ego. It's a vile and disgusting belief that defies common sense.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
I consider this thread entertainment. I don't really have to think and formulate arguments. It's just people conversing sort of.
I'll agree with you on your take of the christian god. There are a ton of other threads that broach this subject that perhaps you'd find more interesting than this one.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Damn, I'm always raining on someone's parade! When will I learn?
couldn't agree more. any guy that puts "god" before his own family is a prick, plain and simple. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
I don't want to derail the thread, but I wasn't trying to give you a hard time. I just thought your topic at hand was a bit heavier than the original topic of the thread.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
I find this in no way suprising. It's almost as if Kirk doesn't have the ability to not be a doofus.
In response to the title of this thread: Yup!
In response to why the debate wasn't mentioned: Because they tanked.
Kirk Cameron had zero credibility before he threw his lot in with Ray Comfort. Now he has less than zero. I have no doubt that every time Ray gets to say Kirk's name out loud he gets a hard on. Meanwhile, Kirk gets to play Mikey Pious to the public. Since he sucks as an actor it isn't too shocking to me that he sucks at this part too.
{Edit for clarity}
You know i want kirk to fucking try to convert me. YOu know how he does on the show? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able toair it
Kirk was easy pickings for Christianity. When you start out ignorant on an issue, that dosnt make you unintellegent on all issues, just merely ignorant on that issue.And combined with his social clumsyness and insecurities in dealing with been a teen celebrety it is easy to see how he fell victim.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Kirk Cameron is sofa king we tar did.
Yep, just for clarification, virtually any time I use the word "doofus," it's not going to be too heavy. I just thought this article would be highly amusing to people who heard the debate and are familiar with the Dynamic Duds.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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