The only Frank Walton post you will ever need to read.
Dear Rook,
Before I received your letter this morning, I had never heard of Frank Walton and, as far as I can recall no one with that name has ever written to me. I did receive a letter from a certain Tim O'Neill, who, after asking him to identify himself, replied that he was an amateur researcher, interested in questions of the historical Jesus, a claim which I credited as, among other things, his assumptions about academic credentials were, at best, naive. I receive such letters frequently and so, after a cursory check of the name on Google, I responded.
He reported to me that you had made a public claim that your book was to be published in the Copenhagen International seminar, a monograph series for which I am responsible. Since, as you know, I am in fact currently reviewing your monograph and considering it for publication, I wrote you immediately and asked you to remove any such claim from your web site, which you immediately agreed to do, without objection and without questioning my request. With that I was satisfied. Such misunderstandings frequently occur, I felt, and are easily corrected.
However, I must thank you for referring me to the criticism you have received on Frank Walton's blog, which I have just read. Dated September 14, this person claims that he had written to me--apparently, I now assume, posing as Tim O'Neill to prevent me in identifying him or his blog. In Frank Walton's blog, following a rather scurrilous description of your academic interests, he accuses you of lying regarding a claim that the book you now have in progress is to be "peer reviewed" for the Copenhagen series. This statement of yours, however, is true and I hardly have any objection to this description--as it accords well with our discussions in the past.
In quoting my letter (without my consent or knowledge), not only has Frank Walton deleted the name of Tim O'Neill in the address and claimed that the letter was to himself, he also has deleted the question he in fact had asked in his letter to me--not whether your book was to be "peer reviewed" and under consideration for publication in our series, but rather, whether the book had been already accepted for publication. That he has switched his questions is, of course, unknown to the readers of his blog and thoroughly dishonest.
If you consider it useful to cite this letter in responding to Frank Walton's slander, you have both my permission and best wishes.
I hope the blog-storm that the unethical misuse of my letters has created will not effect your consideration of our series for your monograph and that you will allow me to continue with my review of the book as heretofore planned.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas L. Thompson
University of Copenhagen
Books from Thomas L. Thompson purchased here sends roughly 6% to the RRS
Here is another blog exposing Christianities Prince Frank Walton.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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Typical, ol' Wanker has to result to lies to promote his religious agenda. Really, really pathetic. I kinda feel sorry for him (not really) because his beliefs are so weak that he feels pressured by the RRS to giving in on his belief system. As a defense mechanism he has to lash out at anyone who challenges his weak world view.
Once they get around to adding "asshat" to the dictionary, they ought to put Wank Falton's picture next to the definition.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
My theory on this Frank guy: He's an atheist. He is deliberately embodying all the worst fundamentalist Christian stereotypes to emphasize their stupidity, vileness, and irrationality. Go Frank!
I just gave some quotes to the author of this blog, and here is the article he wrote...
We just found out today about a glaring hypocrisy in Frank Walton. (not that there was any doubt before as to his twatwadish behavior)
Here is a link to his whining.Frank has apparently at one point whined about his personal information being posted and this is what he said:
Frank got what he deserves there, and I offer this thread as a place to post all of the personal information you want about Frank Walton. Since Frank found out Brian Sapient's real name, who he knows needs to be protected due to an onslaught of death threats unlike Walton will ever see, Frank Walton has consistently posted Sapient's real name. Frank doesn't care!
Frank Walton consistently posts Sapient's real name and is therefore putting other human life at risk including that of the innocent children in his life. For those that are curious, as anti-theistic as he is Sapient has offered to take his own child to church if he was interested, his child instead chose video games. He has apparently made this offer to his child every year, and seeks to shelter his child from the spectacles that he gets involved in, including requiring cameramen to never shoot his child.
Someone on Frank Waltons piece of shit blog that they hope "nobody harrasses his family because of this exposure." after Frank Walton made the post releasing Sapient's name.
Franks moronic and glaringly immoral excuse was:
In other words Frank, since Ed Babinski has asked other people for their private info before, it was perfectly ok that he asked for yours. And since Ed Babinbski has given out some peoples info before it's ok to give out some of yours. Frank Walton you are a fucking immoral hypocritical dumbass.
Frank doesn't value the lives of others, he seems to only value his own, and those of the 3 people in the world who agree with him. This self serving disgustingly hypocritical attitude is what Christianity has to offer. Christians look in the mirror and you will find little dashes of the worlds biggest asshole, Frank Walton embedded in you.
If you have information as to the whereabouts, the address, the job, the school, the anything, about Frank Walton... you are encouraged to use Frank Walton's moronic logic, and post all the info, since he sees nothing wrong with it.
Maybe Sapient can use the info when he sues the shit out of Frank in the future.
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People just love reading about Frank Walton. These are some of our stats for the last few days. It represents how many times something was searched in google and then the user visited our site. In this instance you can see that most people who visit the site based on searching our name visit about 4.5 pages, spend about 7 minutes here, are about a 42% chance of visiting for the first time, and are going to leave the site about 37% of the time on their first page they visit.
Those who visit this thread by searching google are spendng about twice as much time reading, and are abundantly less likely to leave the site after one page. Oh the skinny on the asshole known as Frank Walton is compelling, compelling indeed... a greatr example of why Christianity sucks.
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An IP address you want to share?
If you have an IP address of Frank Walton or anyone who he claims to be impersonating him, please feel free to post it as a comment to this post with the title or opening phrase "IP address."
These are the names we believe the Christian who calls himself Frank Walton goes by:Abnoxio, Alan Baxter, HGissufficient, Mark Cote, MrBright, Rich Voss, S_Allegory, stanlee, Terry Pritchard(fully confirmed), John G. Deering(reduced to: possible), Scary Jesus (extremely likely)This post is a statement of confirmation that the information will not be posted publicly on this site and will only be used to prosecute Frank Walton or whoever the real person is behind him to the fullest extent of the law. We would like to connect more dots to this puzzle. Spread the word to anyone you know that has been attacked by Frank Walton. You have our promise the information will only be used in a court of law.
If you would like to add a disclaimer stating that it is ok to post the IP if we can find confirmation that such action is legal, please add the disclaimer.
If you have been cyber-stalked, lied about, attacked, threatened, or harrassed by any of the following people help us complete the puzzle by posting the comment/IP here and it will wait in moderation for our crack staff. There are many ips known within this puzzle, we're looking to find more conclusive connections here.
If you doubt the legitimacy of this site please view the footer of the highest ranked atheist website in the world to see that they have our "blessing."
UPDATE: Due to the fact that we're not idiots and are able to piece a puzzle together, we must add that Corey Washington is (highly likely) also Frank Walton. Further we are elevating the possibility that Scary Jesus is actually Frank Walton.
Frank, you think we are stupid? You think we're gonna take your threats?
If you feel insecure posting the ip info here you can send the info to anyone you trust within the RRS and they will add it to our findings and help prepare the info for the courts and the feds.
P.S. There are too many very obvious signs that they are all one and the same, we will piece some of it together as we can, however we want this post to be front and center for another day or so. We'll likely just add to this post. Let this be a lesson to atheists out there, don't you dare back down to dishonest pieces of shit, ever! Stand your ground when you hold the moral high ground.
Frank Walton is his own stalker!!!
Frank Walton the dishonest Christian blogger is own stalker(s)!!! We have IP proof and are looking into the legalies of exposing this sick fuck online. More coming soon. When we say he is his own stalker, we mean that he purposefully creates sites that hate on himself and then he attacks himself. He's gone so far as to whine about how someone wants him dead... that someone is himself pretending to be an atheist stalker!!!
Furthermore there are two blogs created by John Deering, one of which claims to be all about reposting everything Frank Walton says and allowing free speech on the site. In other words since the blog at atheismsucks censors almost all comments that disagree with this sick fucking freak, supposedly "John Deering" created a blog to allow any comments to be made. This sat odd with us that Frank Walton (the sick fuck hopefully soon to get the padded cell and straight jacket that he needs) would allow someone to abuse his copyright. So a bunch of people spent the day posting this comment on his site (a comment that any true Walton hater would love):
Now John Deering, the free speech king who wants you to believe he hates Frank Walton is censoring the best exposes on that fucking asshole who has illegally defamed the character of almost every important atheist in the world. Including defaming the character and lying incessantly about the Rational Response Squad and specifically Brian Sapient.
What's really fucked up about this twatbag is that he's actually managed to convince a few atheists of his stories. Proving of course that atheists can act with poor logic as well.
If you are an atheist blogger, to protect the safety of others you should remove all comments from anyone who seems to support this fuckface.
Do not trust: Terry Pritchard, Ted Bell, Frank Walton, we currently believe that we have a strong case to prove that all of these men are the same people. Stalking each other. Is it split personality, or simply conning for Jesus? Honestly we don't care, we look forward to letting the cybercrimes unit figure it out.
If you are an FBI agent interested in this story, or a lawyer and would like to fight a case against one of the biggest frauds to attack atheists online in the last 5 years, please post a comment anywhere on this site and we will find it.
Also, if you can show us proof that posting IP addresses is not illegal, our crack staff is researching it now, please inform us by posting a comment.
Frank Walton banned by very pleasant atheist
Many people know the Uncredible Hallq as a very pleasant person who values rational and critical inquiry over rash judgment, which is why Frank Walton being banned from his blog speaks quite a bit about Frank, the internet scumbag of the 21st century.
Here is what he posted when he banned Frank, and some extra commentary added by our crack staff.
That's right Uncredible, actually I think that comment was made by Mr. Gawn. Mr Gawn is a rap artist, and he created a song including some words about burning christians if they don't convert, however us sane individuals recognize this as merely art. Best we can tell Frank never posted any portion of the truth from the story. We've all heard rappers and musicians say things in their music that they'd never do. It's art and we accept it as art. What Frank and his cronies do and did was slanderous.
Here are the facts:
- Mr. Gawn has never physically hurt another Christian.
- Mr Gawn wrote and recorded his song before he ever had a conversation with any RRS founding member.
- Mr Gawn was a fan of the RRS, and they weren't familiar with him until the song was sent by Gawn to their email.
- Brian Sapient said on RRS radio "this is definitely not our message" directly to Mr. Gawns face.
- Frank Walton has misled his readers by pretending as if this message was condoned by RRS and that RRS would actually condone violence.
- The RRS is mostly comprised of pacifists who pride themselves on a non-violent message.
- Frank Walton has lied to discredit the work of the RRS by instilling fear in you.
- Such action is illegal, and subject to heavy fines.
If Frank Walton has told this lie on your blog, feel free to post the link to it on this blog so that we can make it easier for the RRS to find it and include it in any future lawsuit.We asked Sapient to provide the audio to show 43. The recording happened on the first day that RRS met Mr. Gawn. Here is the proof that Sapient and RRS do not condone the violence that Frank Walton disgustingly has tried to brainwash you into believing (includes entire song). You sick dishonest fuck, Frank Walton. You're a disgrace to humankind.
The Rational Response Squad and Rook Hawkins refer to theism as a concept that should be gone from this planet. They often say it should be "eradicated." For emphasis and umph, sometimes they say we need to rid the world of "theists." What they mean when they say this, is that we need to remove the conditions from society that cause theism, by doing so there would be no theists. They would never condone harming another person simply for believing in a god, in fact everything they do is for the betterment of humanity. They believe that only through the removal of religion can we start making major progress towards world peace. Mr. Gawn himself believes this. Have you ever heard Eminem talk about puking when he thinks about Kim Mathers? Or have you heard him talk about killing Kim Mathers and stuffing her in a trunk? It's art! They are the things we think but don't do. Is Frank too stupid to get this? Or is he a delusional fraud? Or is he simply a conman? Whatever he is, he's a shining example that theism is a delusion that needs to be eradicated.
The RRS has every intention of suing Frank Walton, as well as preparing his criminal activities on a silver platter for the feds. As I understand it, they have not done so due to the lack of an inexpensive lawyer and due to lack of time. They've also talked about the fact that anybody that believes the crap coming out of Frank Walton is too stupid to be part of their team. With more important projects that they could pro-actively engage in, they simply haven't had the ability to take the time to compile the thousands upon thousands of instances of defamation of character committed by Frank Walton.
We urge and suggest that anyone who has ever had a comment posted on their site by Frank Walton should remove it from their blog immediately. Frank seems to be trying to get members of the Rational Response Squad murdered with his rhetoric, and how ironic is that? Don't allow yourself to be a pawn in Frank Walton's sick game, remove his content immediately.
If you see Frank Walton committing illegal acts for Jesus, please feel free to post them all over this site.
I may be a lot of things, but Frankie Boy Walton or one of aliases isn't one of them. I'm insulted by the very idea. I'd like that rumor, which offends me greatly, to stop now.
I'm killing my Atheism Sucks UNCENSORED site tomorrow night because I'm so sick of this "you are Frank Walton" carp. I'm done with him and most of his crew, although I have email and some blog activity still ongoing with a couple of them. Even they know I'm not Walton so why I can't get the owner of the Atheism Sucks - Sucks blog to believe he's wrong I have no idea. I’ve tried my best but his witch-hunt seems to be without boundaries. At the moment I’d like both he and Walton to go the hell away and stay out of my blogs.
Because this whole thing has become such an ungodly mess, Frank is on his own. He can spread his damaging, unchristian form of Christianity far and wide at this point for all I care. He's bad for the faith but I'm no fan of Christianity.
As for this rumor, that I, John G. Deering, am Frank Walton, it's entirely untrue. Those seeking the truth had better get on board, and damn soon...
Well I'll give you this.... your IP address is a full 30.7 miles and 38 minutes away from the college IP address of Frank Walton/Terry Pritchard! What are the chances? (that's rhetorical)
This part is not rhetorical: mods... watch everything he says. Don't delete anything, if you want to delete it, take a print screen. When the shit hits the fan on this, tons of evidence will be needed. And if at anypoint you feel our safety is at risk, please IP ban and block account... but make sure to post about it in the mod forum immediately.
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You tell me? I’m in the middle of Texas on a satellite. That’s the only ISP you can get out here besides dial-up. If Frank Walton lives in Texas, then I’ll buy him a beer and yell at him in person...
[MOD EDIT: We will not be allowing you to post any links to anywhere]
And the name of that Sattellite ISP provider that sends your signal through a computer 37 minutes north of Frank Walton/Terry Prichard issssssssss???????
(and obviously you know already Frank/John/Terry/Ted that the location you're claiming is like 1000 miles from where you actually are)
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Mods feel free to delete anything other than the name of the Sattelite provider.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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[MOD EDIT: Now it is formatted correctly.] My ISP is Hughes Network Systems.
[Mod Edit: Now with less fat!]
If you are a reasonable person you will understand that you are caught in the middle of a sensitive issue and it's probably in your best interests to just accept that and understand that it's not going to resolve itself quickly, and not going to resolve itself in this manner.
{MOD EDIT: Don't post his prsonal information, bub.}
{MOD EDIT: Keep the threats coming.}
So you intend to harass me because I rather politely chimed in? I don't know the history of what's going on here.
I sure hope you don't end up calling me. I'm not very receptive to harassment.
It's no skin off my nose. I like to call people...
[Another mod edit]
More of the same.
The fascinating thing here is that it's likely that if you approached this along the lines of "hey guys, i noticedy ou had me on this list and though i can appreciate it's a sensitive situation i have no dealings and am not this person and am willing to talk to you more about it, but i would really like the name removed from that list".
I can appreciate your position in not wanting to be associated with that dick, but I just think your approach is something that is not going to draw a positive consideration and clearly that is the case.
I am not a hard person to track down, if you want to call me go right ahead but htat's not going to accomplish anything. I don't have a piss amounts worth of control here so it's not going to make a difference.
That said, if you want to calm down, be sensible, and have a polite conversation with Sapient about hte topic I am sure he would be receptive to a private message sent to him through the site / forums.
Nothing positive will come of my phone ringing in the morning.
It's a little late for that I don't really have the time. So far he's seemed to do everything that Frank Walton would do while having a nervous meltdown that someone would figure his multiple personalities/accounts/blogs out.
Had John Deering/Snarf recognized from the start that we're skeptics, and dealing with a wacked out individual (WankFalton) we're likely to have some skeptical doubts. With that said, I don't know of anyone who said they believe with proof and conclusively that Frank Walton and John Deering are the same person.
However, Frank Walton is one of those rare people that happens to be able to twist reality upside down. Just like John did here. John/Snarf is whining and crying like an infant, while presenting an exagerrated view of the circumstance with an overly hostile tone... Frank Walton trademarks.
With that said, it seems Frank may have up to ten online personas, and some of them can really run the gamet. From hard core liar for Jesus to something that almost looks intellectual in a debate. As of right now, there isn't enough evidence either way. For all we know, Frank Waltons real name is John Deering, and that's how you've got the mail. Or the mail could be forged, or you could be Frank Walton living in John Deerings house, while the real John Deering sits shackled in the basement for Frank to return for another rape session.
Had "John Deering" been cool from the start, maybe he'd have had a chance. John Deerings every move has had audiences in stiches over just how strikingly similar they are to Franks.
Frank, you're lucky we actually wait to have proof for our claims. Or we'd be calling this one right now.
What if it's his mommy calling to apologize for his behavior?
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Tarpan wrote:
I’m disappointed in you xxxxxxx. I thought you might be the grownup here? Since you won’t take responsibility for a forum you moderate for, that’s obviously not true.The legal situation going on between Mr Sapient and Mr Walton is none of my business which is why I stay out of it. I don't know the history, do not know the details, and recognize that it is a matter of sensitivity.
So you apparently seem to claim to live in Bastrop, correct?
Bastrop number, Cedar Creek address...
Y’all seem to be having a little logical disconnect here. Hatred tends to do that, so let’s use a little Occam ’s razor on the situation. What is the most likely cause of why I’m so pissed off? Is it:
[mod edit: The mööse is very big. They grow them tall in Greenland]
I'm drinking beer and reading the Times. xx might have a chance if I start playing online poker and have a good session...
[mod edit: Never fold on a full house.]
Happens all the time. You have to pay to see the flop. If you aren't folding hands that would have won then you're playing too many hands, and that is not a winning strategy. I've tried it and the books are right...
My phone isn’t ringing yet...
I personally don't know what to think. I'm withholding judgement and am living up to my name for the most part.
Just watchin' all the drama.
p.s. I don't even know who xxx is.
[Edit] oops. sorry guys.[/Edit]
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Ironically that's all stuff Frank would say, and the reason you claimed to be against him when you launched your blog against him. Your blog instantly had all the hallmarks of Frank Walton and started hating on the RRS instead of Frank (yes you softball Frank, you pussy/Frank) as soon as anyone even hinted at the chance of you two being one and the same.
Stop threatening our users. And stop being a bitch.
Where is Capt. Pineapple with the Wahhmbulance?
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That’s a shame because if you were “thinking”, you’d realize that there is one seriously pissed off guy in Texas and will do whatever he has to to clear his name, and that every person who posts in this thread involves themselves a mess that BS made by being a useless little shit.
There is only one reasonable, obvious answer, and it just happens to be the truth. How long it takes this group to come to that conclusion I can’t say...
I’m not making threats kid. I have time, and money, and experience in the courts. You get that over time if you’re as big a bastard as I am. You don’t have users, you have Mods. That makes them liable. My hatred of Walton has been switched over to you. I like it because it gives me something to rant about besides Christians who wouldn’t know the teachings of Yeshua if I rammed them up their asses.
You’d better get my name off your site and call me you little shit. I’m not going anywhere until you do and I get the very public apologies that I’m demanding. If you want Walton then you want me out of the way. I’m not him but he is your enemy and so am I so right now, so if he wanted my help to take you down, I’d pile on. That’s human nature buddy boy. You want me to back off? Then do the right thing and own up to the fact that you have screwed up in a very serious way. Once that’s done maybe you can get back to fighting with Frank. Until that happens, I will make him look like the pussy we all know he is…
This guy needs the asshat avatar in my opinion.
You know I don't take well to legal threats. Traditionally speaking I'm the guy that fights back at those and exposes the person clogging the courts as the bad guy.
A very christian morality game you play. Believe this, do what I say, or burn in hell bitches!
Do us a favor, subpoena Frank Walton as well, I'd love to see you and him in the same room together. Afterall, he'll likely be crucial to the case.
I'll tell ya what... you post a link to a specific place when someone has out and out stated in a factual manner that Frank Walton is conclusively John Deering, and I will see to it being removed. However if you are asking to remove any conversation of anyone theorizing that you and Frank may be one and the same, or anyone proposing that it is likely that you are one and the same, then you might as well stop posting the threats.
Around here we value our right to free speech, over embracing a terroristic message anyday. That's right, you're a terrorist. And that comment will be staying.
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You realize of course you can't make someone apologize for something they didn't do? Nobody has said, that I'm aware of that you are Frank Walton beyond a shadow of a doubt... people simply doubt.
Further it is not illegal to post the name of a online persona, especially when that online persona is commenting on your site or blog (that's you). Further you can't force someone to call you on the phone via threat.
TERRORISM: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to ...
You realize that we realize that anyone who actually disliked Frank for the multitude of reasons that one could dislike him wouldn't jump in to his party wagon so fast and impulsively, right?
You realize that wanting to side with scumWalton immediately after being called out on the possibility that you were Walton actually makes you look like you're actually Walton... right?
Theorizing that you might in fact be Frank Walton isn't a screw up. It's a theory based on factual data. Do you have data to prove you are a man named John Deering? Yes. Is your data 100% conclusive, no? The data is currently inconclusive either way. While it may seem obvious to you that you're John Deering, you are failing to understand the minutia of the skeptic mind.... JUST LIKE WALTON.
Your argument is one big strawman. JUST LIKE WALTON.
Show us where someone said you and he were definetly the same person and I'll see if I have the power to have it changed.
Ok, Frank.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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I'm in Texas too, brother. Pretty close to Cedar Creek too. I'm "involving myself into some BS"? Why? I haven't done anything to you. I have no idea what to think. You may be telling the truth. I have never said you didn't. I'm doing something illegal by simply investigating what is going on? Has Bush really screwed up our laws that bad?
You need my name? Ok. **** *******. There you go. I'm perfectly reasonable. Why are you so angry at anyone that posts at all? Why are you acting so aggressive towards me? Calm down. Exactly what have I done that's illegal?
Give me the exact charge, I'll call my brother(he's a member of the Texas Bar Association and has a law degree from UT in Austin). If he says you have a case against me personally, then I will publically apologize and "cease and desist" whatever I have done. Is that rational enough for you?
I'm not really concerned yet. I'm watching for real evidence that you have a case. Not being a dick here (like you are acting, no offense) but I think it's slightly amusing that you think you can cyber bully me into being afraid of legal entanglement in all of this.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I'll be surprised if they chase me accross the border for the bold deed of claiming ignorance and suggesting that you calm down to get more effective results.
But hey, what do i know about your legal system? not enough.
If the site was unmonitored the Mods would be immune?
They have moderators on unmonitored sites?
What do they do?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
It's a fuuny thing it is, but being a party to a suit doesn't stop at the border. Did you not think that you still had personal liability even on the Internet Chris? That's a shame...
Sure. How can you and I come to an arrangement that you are who you say you are? Let's figure out a way for you to prove to me that who you are and where you are is indeed fact and I will pass on that info to everyone else. Does this meet your satisfaction?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
If the site was unmonitored, like a telephone company that doesn’t listen in on what’s said, which means it can’t be sued successfully most of the time unless is avoids its responsibility, then you would not be liable. As it is, you act as a “monitor” of what’s said, and that means that you are liable for libel and defamation of character. Things said against a private citizen that are untrue, once exposed, must be retracted and corrected.
In this case, every comment that says I am Frank Walton is untrue and therefore a defamation of my character and name...