Some recent RRS rumors...
So how many atheists out there embrace faith? The more I learn, the more I realize faith permeates everything... way too many atheists utilize it. Question everything, and when the source is available, ask it.
Rumor 1: Sam Harris gave the RRS $500,000 for a house. They proceeded to do nothing but play video games and smoke pot.
Status: False. Sam Harris isn't our anonymous investor. The video game and pot rumor likely stems from the times we hung out and partied with other atheists. If I'm correct, it's sad they left thinking that a night of partying is what happens every night. I would think our body of work spoke for itself.
Rumor 2: They got a free house from an anonymous investor.
Status: False. I purchased a large house with the help of an investor who owns 60% of the house. When we sell, we each get our share. I consider it a huge gift but technically we weren't given anything, all the money the investor spends on the mortgage will be returned upon sale of the home.
Rumor 3: Brian Sapient decided to leave Rational Response Squad but not tell anyone because he was still making money on it.
Status: False. I informed subscribers that I was working a real life job about the same time I started working one. I started working the job to preserve the ability of RRS to function, to stay afloat. I spent 80% of my life savings in the 3 years I worked RRS full time to cover the difference between income from RRS and expenditures. Additionally I was dealing with a batch of personal issues that are personal. I never left RRS. I consistently spent time as I could addressing issues related to upkeep and maintenance. I was $50,000 in the hole for the three years that I ran RRS without a real job, sorry for making a few hundred of it back while I worked a real job and didn't dedicate 100 hours a week to RRS.
Rumor 4: Brian Sapient has only returned to make money.
Status: False. This isn't a comeback... I never left, I never will. Try living your life for the rest of your life working 100 hours a week on the same thing, see if you can do it. Need a break from time to time? I worked a real life job, recharged my batteries, waited out the recession a little, and got right back to it. I decided to get a job because I had used up so much of my savings and at the start of the recession got quite a few warnings from subscribers that they had to pull back donations as a result of the downturn.
I'm not going anywhere, this site isn't going anywhere. It will exist after my death as well. The RRS has not made a profit.
I left a good career to do this, this is my love, this is my legacy, my effort to make the world a better place. If I was in it for the money, I would be a little smarter than to work for 80 cents an hour. If I was in it for the money there would be no RRS. Maybe I'd be the President of a big Atheist org... you know the people that make $60,000-$100,000 a year.
Rumor 5: RRS is Atheist Nexus
Status: False. I didn't even have an atheist nexus account until yesterday. The Rational Response Squad page on atheist nexus was started by a friend of mine.
Rumor 6: Brian Sapient and Kelly started a rumor that Richard Dawkins cheated on his wife to get back at him.
Status: False. We didn't start a rumor. This one is rather easy to pick apart, can you find anywhere that Kelly or I posted that in a public place at the time when it supposedly happened? This is what it looks like when I "get back" at someone. It looks a little different than "he said it, just not on the internet anywhere." I wouldn't want the world to know a story like that, imagine what the Christians would do with that info.
Rumor 7: Kelly was spending RRS money on illegal drugs.
Status: False. Kelly was on prescription medication, if she had an issue with substance abuse it was more in the alcohol department, she made her drinking public during a few broadcasts. Those concerned about Kelly should know she's doing better now, and she's on a better track. We spoke yesterday for the first time in about 80 days. We have a mutual admiration for each other and hope the best for each other. She's currently working on bettering herself in a number of areas, details of which are personal.
Rumor 8: Sam Harris wanted to give us $500,000 to work on a non-profit but decided against it to do The Reason Project instead.
Status: False. However, may I note that "The Reason Project" is not working... we can't even get atheists to embrace reason. This rumor might've stemmed from my interest in helping Sam Harris get the project started, and the fact that at one point he explained that groups like RRS would be the beneficiaries of funds... however we'd have to be a non-profit.
I'm not a 501-C-3 so that we don't have to limit what we talk about. If I wanted to limit what we were going to talk about we could be a non-profit and I'd likely make over $60,000 a year. I'm just trying to get by and I'm frugal about it. Every penny is stretched to the limit.
Spread this post around, help faithful atheists everywhere.
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Sapient wrote:Some recent RRS rumors......
Signature ? How ?
Some recent RRS rumors...
You are to be commended for your efforts, and I think that this is a good site
and is definitely necessary especially in these days where Science itself is under attack.
As for the rumours, I am not concerned.
and please put back the advertising, a slow site is better than no site at all.
I was reminded of this
I was reminded of this thread tonight and thought it deserved a bump, to keep it relevant in searches.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I heard a rumor that you
I heard a rumor that you were the father of Batboy and a closet Redskins fan. It's true because I read it in the National Inquirer. What?
(Note to self: Did I think that, or type it?)
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I heard a rumor that Brian S. got his real job by takeing over one of Kelly's gigs dancing at a local club.
(Note to self: Did Brian 37 think that, or did I type it?)
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Jeffrick wrote: (Note to
THAT IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL! I'LL SUE I'LL SUE! Never mind that I parodied SNL'S Weekend Update's Norm MacDonald "Note to self". SCREW FAIR USE!
You will make me a millionaire. That or I will simply wag my finger at you in utter futility because it was a good comeback.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
btw if you can find millions in my bank account I'll split it with you. LOL!
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
What's your bank account number? what bank? what pin? I've got a nigerian friend who wants to put millions in there!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Sapient wrote:Jeffrick
My pin is "1-2-3-4-5-6" No Spaceballs reference in that AT ALL!
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
This deserves another
This deserves another bump, it's still relevant.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
To each and every one of
To each and every one of those rumors:
"Kids say the darnedest things"
No shit. It's jaw-dropping and 'blank stare' worthy. The only thing left to be done now is get Orly Taitz on your case. Then the vile attacks become even more surreal and disgraceful.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
A recent post of mine is
A recent post of mine is relevant to this recurring issue of people failing to apply skepticism full-force, even on their own beliefs and assumptions, which is what rumour mills are based on: Credulity.
When people ask me how the RRS community members are doing, I reply, "Still unapologetic, thanks for asking."
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