About Me

This is one of my older blogs on myspace.
My usual blog space is at http://blog.myspace.com/aven_phoenix
I currently have 106 posted.
Here is an older blog I wrote which is just about me.
I'm an asshole and I think this blog warns you of that.
My strengths are:
Born leader, must correct wrongs, strong-willed, exudes confidence, sees the whole picture, goal oriented, moves quickly to action, knows the right answer, has little need for friends, is usually right, and excels in emergencies.
My weaknesses are:
Bossy, impatient, quick-tempered, enjoys controversy and arguments, won't give up when loosing, inflexible, little tolerance for mistakes, may make rash decisions, demands loyalty, demanding, decides for others, knows everything, can't say sorry, may be right but unpopular.
Alright, I have a new "about me" written out. I'll post it in this blog too in case people want to comment on it in a better fasion than the generalized profile comment list thing.
I am Samuel Thomas Poling. The foremost thing about me I stress is my mind. Advancing it in any way I can is always of great interest to me. Logic is my greatest strength and more formidable weapon. Aside from my genius my greatest trait would be my confidence. I exude it. The way I walk, the way I talk, the way I argue, the way I lead all radiates it. I am very straight forward, frank, and brutally honest. If someones argument is illogical I will not pull a punch to it. This is also my greatest weakness. Yes, I am a total dick sometimes.
I love to debate, for example. Its my favorite activity, as a matter of fact. I must become a lawyer and/or politician in my life, its all I would enjoy doing. Arguing. However, Im a total dick in debate. I cant get through one without insulting my opponents logical reasoning, or something of the like. Im right, Im being honest, Im making a point, but its something people tend to gasp at, and many to even hate me for. In a debate once, at the end of my last rebuttal, I said, So please, vote for my side, because there is nothing left on my opponents side to even vote for. Now, personally, I thought that was a pretty damn good thing to say, but the bleeding heart phlegmatics in the audience picked at it. Oh well, at least Im right.
Another thing, it may seem that I am not very modest at all. Well, Im not, but not because Im full of myself, but because Im honest. I say my strengths as they are, as I will say my weaknesses as they are. Talk to my about my weaknesses and I will be just as frank with them as I am with my positive traits.
You see, the thing is Im a choleric. There are four personality types I go by, theyre very complete. They are choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic, and sanguine. I say I am a choleric because thats my primary personality type, however I must stress that it isnt so much which one you are, but to what extent you are of each type. My personality make-up is as follows: Choleric - 70 percent, Melancholy 25 percent, Sanguine 5 percent, Phlegmatic 0 percent.
If you are curious I will briefly describe each one, but in order to do so I must define some words. An introvert is one who thinks inwards to themselves. You could call it selfish but its not exactly the same thing. Just everything they do is ultimately for themselves. An extrovert is the opposite. They think outwards. Everything they do is directed to others and the world around them. Doing so is what makes them satisfied. Optimistic is someone who looks at the good before the bad and/or makes appeals to the good sides and good possibilities of things. Pessimistic is the opposite, in that if something looks down, they either focus on it, of flat out accept it and go on. Phlegmatic is the pessimistic introvert. Melancholy is the pessimistic extrovert. Sanguine is the optimistic introvert. Choleric is the optimistic extrovert.
To further explain, I will also say phlegmatics are passive in emotion. Melancholies are sad, sanguines are primarily happy, and cholerics are the anger. Phlegmatics are for the easy way. Melancholies are for the right way. Sanguines are for the fun way! And cholerics are for MY WAY! Get it? Alright, good.
As I said, Im: Choleric - 70 percent, Melancholy 25 percent, Sanguine 5 percent, and Phlegmatic - 0 percent. Man, oh man, do I hate phlegs. And lemme tell ya, they return the favor. Yer so rude! I dont give a shit, Im RIGHT. If Im right about you being an idiot, then sorry, but Im right about you being an idiot. How else could I say it? Phlegs are a waste of everybodys time. Introvertic thinking AND pessimistic. Listen, pessimism is illogical. Yeah, thats right. If you are going to aim it might as well be for the center of the target! Just because the chances are youll die or lose doesnt mean you should give up when you gotta do what you gotta do. Pessimism is worthless. Yes, you can look toward the bad of things, but only with an optimistic mind set will you overcome them. And introvertic people only want things for themselves, so, that being lame goes without saying. All you get-nothing-done phlegs out there... Concentrate on the other personality types you have if you want to be of worth to society. Which is pointless to say because I know you dont want to be of worth to society, you want to be of worth to your own God damn self. If you are a nice, inoffensive person, who phlegs often are, that is only because you dont want to bring controversy and argument to yourself. So you cop out of competition just be left alone. Come on.
Now, as a choleric, Ill list my strengths and weaknesses.
The Doer. The Optimist. The Extrovert. The Leader.
My strengths are: Born leader, must correct wrongs, strong-willed, exudes confidence, sees the whole picture, goal oriented, moves quickly to action, knows the right answer, has little need for friends, is usually right, and excels in emergencies.
My weaknesses are: Bossy, impatient, quick-tempered, enjoys controversy and arguments, won't give up when loosing, inflexible, little tolerance for mistakes, may make rash decisions, demands loyalty, demanding, decides for others, knows everything, can't say sorry, may be right but unpopular.
Thats it. Thats how cholerics are listed. 45f one personality is considered a lot. The average decent amount of a personality type you can be is 25 percent. 45s pretty decently high. I am a whopping 70 holeric. That is so rare I wont even get into it. Im also decent in melancholy, with a touch of sanguine, just a touch, and zero phlegmatic, which is more rare than my 70 holeric. Man oh man, do I hate phlegs. They are the opposite of choleric, where melancholy is the opposite of sanguine. The only good phleg is a teacher or a parent. Other personality types work fine to, but phlegs, you know, are pretty damn good teachers and parents, but thats it, okay?! Theyre also decent in politics, but they need a good choleric or two. But thats it! Alright, they suck. Alright.
Also Im an atheist. Theists are fools by their own account. What do you think faith means? Belief without actually knowing something to be true is both faith And foolishness. Its what both mean. When someone has they have great faith, they are literally saying they have great stupidity. Im not saying there definitely isnt a God, Im saying there might not be one, therefore dont believe and rely on it! Thats completely stupid! By a man of faiths own account! And such stupidity does take it horrible toll. Read some of my blogs to learn more about that. But anyways, Im atheist. And if you are decent minded on the topic of God, then you are one too.
Finally my political views. Democrat? Republican? Technically mean the same thing. Youd have to go off what which side usually goes for to tell any difference. Conservative Liberal. Well, now, you cant go off that either, strictly. No one can be completely conservative or completely for change. Thats ridiculous. So one must go off of the side that most commonly fits their beliefs. But never always be democrat or republican on every issue! I agree with things on both sides, and I disagree with others. The political thought I hold is that a human being has the right to do anything unless it directly impedes the rights of others. No one has the right to force anything on anyone unless it is direct counterforce of them forcing something on you (self defense). I would legalize everything but the actual taking of another persons rights. Like murder, theft, and so on. I would not ban guns because they could be used for good. You cant ban something unless it impedes the rights of others and owning a Gun, or gays getting married, or viewing porn, or smoking pot does not impede the rights of others! Gun VIOLENCE should be banned. Driving under the influence of pot should be banned. The actual impeding of the rights should be, but not what might lead to them. If you ban what might lead to violence youd have to ban literally everything, including thought. Thats completely stupid, yet people, all the damn time; want to force THEIR opinions, THEIR morals, and THEIR choices on others. Thats a load of bullshit and I wont stand for it. I will tear them apart in any debate, as I have in the past, and I will change this nation where it needs to be changed and I will keep this nation the same where it needs to be kept the same. Which am I? Democrat? Republican? Depends on the issue. I am no slave to a damn title like the great ignorant majority of this country. If I must choose it would be Democrat, only because the times, for the most part, more require a democrat. The types of issues this day in age, on the Republican side, would refuse to grant liberties and freedoms to people FOR NO GOD DAMN REASON. Gays cant marry. What the hell?! Read some of my blogs on that one, but you get my point. Democrat side, for the most part, is the more commonly correct one this day in age and therefore it will be what side I am mostly for. However I am appalled when Democrats try to take away rights, like the right to bare arms or video games. Forcing their choices on other without merit. Can you say stupid? They sure can, and they do it all the f**king time.
Anyways, thats that, I think you have a pretty good idea what I am like now. Oh, one more thing I guess I should add, I write, direct, and produce films for my film company Floundur Productions. You can see one on my videos called Hey You Good Ones. Its all comedy, man, its all comedy.
- Samuel's blog
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