Purchase Shows

Please consider purchasing a show package or becoming a monthly long term recurring subscriber. It is the goal of the Rational Response Squad to help end the mind disease commonly referred to as, theism. We are currently reinvesting over 170% of all donations into growth, literature for theists, and the development of our site and show. We can't do it without your help. Look forward to cutting edge activism that will make a huge impact from our team, hang around our forums to help take part... and buy your show package today!

Those Truly Dedicated to the Rational Response Squad... | ||
Gold | If you are extremely dedicated to helping the Rational Response Squad end theism and want access to all of our shows, you can subscribe for $10 per month here. You'll get some shows immediately and the rest after you hold your subscription for a little while. Lock in at the $10 per month rate now, it'll be going up when we have our automated system running. | |
High Quality MP3s of Shows 1-5 | ||
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Freethinking hip hop musician Proclaim joins us, followed by Sunsara Taylor of worldcantwait.net. Featuring over an hour with Brian Flemming creator of The God Who Wasn't There movie. Show length: 2.5 hours Show Preview |
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Show 2: Author of the Bible on Biblical debunking, Dennis Mckinsey joins us to discuss contradictions in the bible that have come from over 30 years of research. Show length: 1.5 hours Show Preview |
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Show 3: 14 year old Sam Smith called in the help of the ACLU when he got in trouble for refusing to say the Pledge in school. He won his case and joins us for his honorable story. Show length: 1.5 hours |
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Show 4: Two Christians join us. Meet Kymberly and Reverend Oglethorpe. A must hear show! Show length: 1.25 hours |
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Show 5: This is a Christian intervention with our friend JJ, a young Christian from the midwest. Sapient also tells a story about why he's fighting theism. Show length: 1 hour |
High Quality MP3s of Shows 6-15 | ||
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Show 6: Luigi Cascioli in his first American interview with Sapient, who has been helping Luigi for 5 years now. Luigi recently made International news when his lawsuit against the Church for claiming a man named Jesus Christ (son of God) existed was heard in court. Learn more about the future of this case! Show length: 1.25 hours. Show Preview. |
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Show 7: Ray Comfort from Way of The Master TV and Radio joins the show. Sapient and Chaoslord2004 debate/discuss with Ray Comfort his argument that atheists don't exist and that the banana proves intelligent design. Show length: 1.5 hours Show Preview |
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Show 8: Christian Intervention show with Lawrence our Christian guest. We also discuss the hilarious Bill O'Reilly clip in which he says people who have no evidence for their claims are irrational, and you should run from them. Show length: 1.5 hours Show Preview |
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Show 9: Yellow#5 and Bob Spence shine in this show in which we debunk Fishdontwalk.com. Joined by Fishdontwalk.com founder Bill Morgan, this is a must hear show for any science buff, who likes debunking the claims of ID'ers. Show length: 2.25 hours |
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Show 10: The real Jesus Christ joins us on the show? This isn't a joke! We are joined by a man who thinks he is Jesus Christ. Only subscribers get a chance to hear the full 2.25 hour version, the radio version was whittled down to an hour. Show length: 1 hour |
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Show 11: Spoken word artist, vegan, and activist Jared Paul joins us for a live performance and discussion about activism, the state of this country, and more. Also, a segment of Crazy, Ignorant, or Lying. Show length: 1.5 hours |
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Show 12: Proclaim comes back to introduce his remixes to Brainwashed and Wake-Up. Brian Flemming recaps the War on Easter with us. Hip Hop freethinking artist "The Truth" joins us to explain three of his songs and discuss the ridiculousness of Christianity. Show length: 1.5 hours |
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Show 13: Richard Carrier comes on to discuss Ancient history, specifically as it relates to the lack of evidence for a supernatural Jesus Christ, or a non-supernatural Christ for that matter. Richard Carrier is one of the most scholarly individuals on the planet and authored a book entitled "Sense and Goodness without God." Don't miss this show. Show length: 1.5 hours |
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Show 14: Annie Laurie Gaylor Co-President of FFRF.org joins us to talk about the recent push to ban abortion in South Dakota. Annie has authored several books as well. We're also joined by Eric Schwartz, singer of "Keep your Jesus off my Penis." Show length: 1.75 hours |
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Show 15: Dan Culberson author of "An Atheist Handbook" comes on the show briefly to discuss his conversion from theism to atheism, and his book. Also, Squad member Amanda Bloom comes on the show to discuss her brilliant song Magdalene, issues with Religion and more! Show length: 1 hour |
Shows 16-22 | ||
16 | Show 16: We'll start with a short interview with David Swanson, creator of CensureBush.org and AfterDowningStreet.org. We'll also have our first Jewish Intervention! Meet Nick Zatz, a High School friend of Rook Hawkins our biblical expert.
Show length: 1.5 hours |
17 | Show 17: Christian Intervention: We'll talk to Travis, a Christian who had the guts to come on the show and try and defend rational belief in God. Do you think you can do it? Do you know someone who can? Contact us through the link in the top menu bar and tell us about you or the Christian who can defend God rationally, we have yet to see it done. Additionally we'll talk to Meme of HipHopBullshit.com for a moment about his song "Original Sin"
Listen to a show preview here! Show length: 1 hour |
18 | Show 18: Tom Lowe and Proclaim join us! Tom Lowe is the director and creator of a new atheist themed movie that begins shooting this Summer. Rational discussion spanning a variety of topics including Toms time at Gombe Reserve. Visit his site for all the details on the movie. Tom, took a liking to Proclaims music after hearing him on our show, and we hook them up for a little meeting of the minds for the first time verbally. Proclaim also debuts the title track to his album, "Question Everything" on our show, we'll find out what his new song "Nature Vs. Nurture" is all about.
Show length: 1 hour |
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Show 19: Honorary Rational Response Squad Sergeant Reginald Finley, the Infidel Guy joins us on the show for the first time. We'll talk about how he got started, where we go from here, the need for show hosts at Freethoughtmedia.com to join the revolution, and we'll also discuss and hear his song "Open your Eyes and See". The Infidel Guy was originally a founding member of 112 in High School. After IG we'll hang out with Uncle Scams for a few minutes, and listen to his song "Jesus Never Existed." Listen to a show preview here! Show length: 1.5 hours |
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Show 20: A deconversion story! Several months ago a man by the name "Jesus Walks" came to InfidelGuy.com to give us atheists a mouthful. He quickly became the boards most active poster in a community of 13,000+ people. He defended his faith often, so often that he eventually was able to admit that his faith was unfounded in reason. Since then he has changed his name to Savage, has deconverted, and is now an atheist. Listen to a show preview here! Show length: 1 hour |
21 | Show 21 Christian Intervention: Steve Gregg a Christian Radio Talk show host was referred to us by a Christian who claims Steve is one of the best most rational defenders of his faith out there. Rook and Steve square up for one of our more animated discussions on the Rational Response Squad so far. Discuss his appearance more on our forum here.
Show length: 1.5 hours |
22 | Show 22 Rook Hawkins Squad member and Biblical expert presents a short discussion, explaining parts of his dissertation. Rook is on the verge on some important findings that will help prove that Yeshua the Christ didn't exist. Rook has stumbled upon something big in his research, he's started a thread about it here.
Show length: 1.25 hrs
Richard Carrier in studio shows! | ||
Richard Carrier joins us in studio to record a batch of shows. About 13 hours of recording, some of our best shows ever!! TOPICS INCLUDE: - Metaphysics and History of Religion - Biographical questions and atheism - More audience submitted questions - Jesus Mythicism show - Problems with Philosophy show with ChaosLord2004 - Carriers Dissertation and Rooks findings show - The Drunk show! - A show for myspace - Carrier meets Ray Comfort - IRRATIONALITY OF THEISM SHOW: LEGACY SHOW!
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Where Will My Money Go? | ||
Recording equipment & expenses
The War on Easter funding
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.