Atheism and religion in the news XIX

Sorry that this has taken a few days to put up. My computer has had problems and I have been busy. Anyways, read on.
Islam in British schools.
This blogger is defiantly right-wing, but he talks about an interesting subject.
Private Muslim schools have been given the power to police themselves, despite widespread fears over religious segregation... In a controversial move, they have won the right to appoint their own Ofsted-style inspectors.A new independent watchdog has been set up to be more "sensitive" toward Islamic education.
The decision comes despite concerns some private Muslim schools are already failing to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
When Fundamentalists advertise with posters.
I love it when these guys do this crap, it shows how crazy they are.
A advertising poster for the Christian Congress for Traditional Values which claimed that gay people want to abolish families has been found to breach the advertising standards code.
Archbishop: Catholics Should Be Allowed to Discriminate with Government Funding
At least they are open about what they want.
The Colorado legislature is considering a bill that would change which religious groups can be exempt from non-discrimination laws. Currently the exemptions appear to be fairly broad, but under the proposed rules they couldn't discriminate with jobs funded by the government. So a Catholic hospital could discriminate when hiring people whose positions are religious in nature and which are funded privately, but not when hiring for non-religious positions (like janitors and managers) which are funded publicly.
Evangelicals to stop voting?
One can only hope.
Jim Dobson is threatening to boycott the November election. And he wants to take his fanatic followers with him.
Saudi Businesswoman Lands in Riyadh Jail. For Having Coffee with Male Colleague at Starbucks.
Arn`t you glad these guys are our allies?
"A Saudi mother of three, who works as a business partner and financial consultant for a reputable company in Jeddah, didn't expect a trip to the capital to open the company's new branch office to get her thrown behind bars by the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
Anti-religious book could be banned in Germany.
I hope they start selling these here in North America soon.
The book, which has been described as being Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion for children, conducts a highly critical tour of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.Not one of the priest, imam or rabbi emerges creditably from the story, called How Do I Get to God, Asked the Small Piglet, by Michael Schmidt-Salomon, with illustrations by Helge Nyncke.
Another interview with Richard Dawkins.
Title says it all basically, link goes to a site that allows you to download a pdf of the interview.
FRANK: What would the "Richard Dawkins School of Public Service" look like?[RICHARD DAWKINS]: It would probably be similar to this school (Clinton School), but it might have a bit less emphasis on the nuts and bolts of public service in politics and economics, and a bit more emphasis on educational aspects in encouraging people to open their eyes to the beauty of the world in which they live.
Media in America.
Noam Chomsky gives his views on American media. Link goes to a youtube video.
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