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Worst Jon Stewart interview?

I really like the Jon Stewart show. In years past he has given a good view of the world and the media of the world for their hypocritical and ridiculous ideologies.

This interview with David Barton is however not one of Stewart's best. Stewart seems out of alignment and he doesn't dig in to the story like he should have; that Thomas Jefferson (while still a Christian) was not main stream. He was a man who rejected all the "miracles" and "magic" of the bible. So much so that Jefferson created his own bible by ripping out those things which made Jesus a human being rather than this "super natural" being.

Jefferson also was a person who wanted religion to be separated from politics. He knew that mixing the two cause problems and this is why he wrote:

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Danbury Baptist Association, CT., Jan. 1, 1802

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What a dumb shithead...

I stumbled on to this and was annoyed from the very start...



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Aliens .vs Christians

If an alien came down from the skies and said, "I am god" would christians know the difference?

What if the alien had done their homework and knew of the prophecies and could recreate them?

Would christians know the difference?

If the alien could perform miracles or provide answers to all the questions, would christians know?



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The creation of the religion of Gorn

This post is inspired by the "official RRS defeats the way of the master" thread.

I started to think about how religion is faith based and what would happen if they didn't have their "documents" to prove the existence of their god.



Here is the interesting thing about all people who believe in religion and the debate with Ray Comfort proves it.

They are all faith based, meaning that every thing they have is based on the bible, the qua ran or the torah (and I know the torah is only part of the jewish documents), but with out these documents, what do the have? Nothing.

Let's wipe the slate clean for a little experiment.

If there were no religious documents to give people of faith their foundation for the belief in a god how would they communicate to each other their belief? Let's say they all got together for the very first time at a conference for people of faith. What would they most likely do?

Most likely they would write every thing down so they could share it and store it. They would want to share their "experiences" with others. Some people would say "I saw god in a burning cat who spoke to me" and another would say "God came to me in a dream" or maybe "an angel came before me and told me I would get pregnant".

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Bible Thumpers

Just had a visit from the bible thumpers... the entire community is crawling with them. About 20 of them outside walking up and down the street!

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Top Ten Lists from ThinkingAtheist

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My response video for 5:30 who posted the "elliott argument"

I have posted this video as a video response to one of the silliest, most ignorant claims I have ever seen on the web.


Feel free to comment your opinions on the video.

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