fjp800's blog

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I have proof that God does exist!

I decided to do some research into the purported existence of god. Surely the following statistics prove there has to be a god. One has to agree that jc does, in fact, exist if only Tsunami deaths are considered (god works in mysterious ways!)!

Were they all sinners? Nonbelievers and non-christians were, for sure, sinners!!! But, he also took some of the faithful as a sign of his love and mercy! No matter how young they were. Even the unborn children!..... By drowning and/or crushing them! His love and mercy are boundless!!!

Hopefully, this will end the debate over the existence of a god. COMMON SENSE (Reason, logic, rational judgment, etc.), proves he/she/it or whatever does exist! How anyone can deny his existence is beyond me!

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Never received my order(s) of The God Movie

Has anyone had a problem getting his/her order of the "God Movie" (The God Who Wasn't There) as I have? I ordered a copy on 5/11 and never received it. My computer crashed and I lost the order information. Then on August 18th I ordered another copy...forgetting about my original order... and again I did not receive the DVD!!!! Sad

I sent Paul Sapient (A co-founder of Rational Responders) e-mails both through My Space & RR and have not received a reply!!!

I lodged a dispute with PayPal asking that the 5/11 order be refunded and the 8/18 be processed.

If you are thinking about ordering the DVD ..WAIT until you see the results of my poll. If this blog disappears... RR has removed it.... If the problem is resolved.....I will post the information for you. COME ON, PAUL, GIVE ME MY CREDIT FOR THE FIRST ORDER AND SNED ME THE SECOND ORDER...... Otherwise, you will go to hell Smiling

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