IAmHumanism's blog
Submitted by IAmHumanism on December 15, 2006 - 11:06am.Atheism
I love theology, but I believe in no religion. This makes me an atheist.
Typical scene in which a stranger tries to figure me out:
Stranger: So, how is your relationship with God?
Me: I have none, I am an atheist.
Stranger: *gasp* You must be saved!! You should ask God to forgive your sinful soul! And I thought you were a decent person!! *runs away, terribly frightened*
Common Misconceptions about Atheism:
1) I do not HATE the world - in fact, I probably see more worth in it than you.
2) I do not ride with Satan every weekend collecting followers and burning Christian homes. (sorry guys, this is funny)
There is no God.
Submitted by IAmHumanism on December 14, 2006 - 10:24am.God almost certainly does not exist.
"Almost certainly" implies that it is impossible to completely disprove the existence of anything. If you don't believe me, try it. Try to disprove, without the shadow of a doubt, the presence of the spaghetti monster. But, when someone proposes a claim, (God exists), it is entirely their responsibility to PROVE that He does, rather than the atheists response to prove that He doesn't. What if I was to say that the spaghetti monster is invisible, takes up no space, and is everywhere at the same time. And made everything and is everything. Why? Because over 33% OF THE WORLD (that's 2.1 BILLION people) believes a book that says so. Out of 4,300 known religions in the world why do so many people pick Christianity? Good question. Let's have a look at some facts.