The Patrician's blog
Why Intelligent Design is a really, really dumb idea in two words.
Submitted by The Patrician on June 2, 2007 - 7:07pm.The prostate.
Yup. Just these two words should be enough to make most older guys go "Uh huh, there is no way anyone would design something that stupid".
For the ladies and the younger guys who are reading this and going "a proswhat?", the prostate is a small gland at the base of the male bladder that surrounds the top of the urethra and which is responsible for producing parts of seminal fluid. I would show you a diagram but, frankly, that would be a bit gross.
Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with ID being a stupid idea so I'll tell you. The prostate drains poorly, is prone to infection, is really, really difficult to treat when it becomes infected or inflamed and, worst of all, grows as you get older. This growth is the clincher because, you see, as it grows it tightens on the urethra and pushes up into the bladder causing urine retention and ultimately renal failure followed by death. When you're twenty it's maybe the size of a walnut. When you're 70 or so it's getting towards the size of a lemon and causing all sorts of bother for about three quarters of the male population.
Atheism and me (I)
Submitted by The Patrician on May 14, 2007 - 2:55pm.So... where to begin?
Hmm... I know:
I remember as a young boy of nine years of age (or was it ten? It's so long ago I can't honestly remember) sitting in a pew in a church, cub scout uniform on and knees relatively unscabbed listening to some geezer declaiming from the pulpit. It was Easter Sunday and the church was pretty full - as well as our pack and a couple of others there were a few Scout troops and Girl Guide units (they didn't mix in these days - Scouts for boys, Guides for girls) plus the usual crowd of regular worshippers and a number of guilty souls who had obviously made the effort because "Well, it is Easter".