Visual_Paradox's blog

The Classic Ontological Argument
Submitted by Visual_Paradox on June 17, 2008 - 10:36am.St. Anselm of Canterbury once tried to show, through an ontological argument, the existence of god from reason alone. He said, "Thus even the fool is compelled to grant that something greater than which cannot be thought exists in thought, because he understands what he hears, and whatever is understood exists in thought. And certainly that greater than which cannot be understood cannot exist only in thought, for if it exists only in thought it could also be thought of as existing in reality as well, which is greater. If, therefore, that than which greater cannot be thought exists in thought alone, then that than which greater cannot be thought turns out to be that than which something greater actually can be thought, but that is obviously impossible. Therefore something than which greater cannot be thought undoubtedly exists both in thought and in reality.... And you, Lord God, are this being." His argument can be reformulated, in English, as:

Sodom and Homosexuality
Submitted by Visual_Paradox on June 17, 2008 - 9:46am.Many people interpret the tale of Sodom in Genesis 19 as condemning homosexuality. I read and analyzed the text of the story and concluded: the story condemns the inhabitants of Sodom for extreme inhospitality, not homosexuality. Below, I offer my reasoning.
In Genesis 18, around noon, Abraham had a vision of God. Then, three men approached his tent. When Abraham saw them, he hurried toward them and bowed, then offered them food to fill their stomach and water to clean their feet. At Abraham's prompting, Sarah prepared leavened bread for their guests. Abraham's hospitality and concern for their welfare had pleased God, so one man told Sarah that she would bear a child. Sarah giggled because she thought he jested. Once the visitors had finished resting and decided to leave Canaan to go to Sodom, Abraham walked with them and showed them the way.