Feast of Fools: Gay Fun Show talks to Shirley Phelps

A recent episode of the Feast of Fools podcast has featured Shirley Phelps, spokeswoman for the Westboro Baptist Church and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, columnist for Out Magazine. Josh has written an article in the upcomming edition of Out magazine calling the Phelps' the “most important GLBT activists since Stonewall.” He's even gone as far as to start a site, phagsforphelps.com, to support them.
If anyone's is interested, you can listen to the show on the site or download it through iTunes.
Brain Fork
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I love this phagsforphelps.com thing. That's a good idea
Go Shirley, Go Shirley, Go !
I disagree. His aim is to have the Phelps' polarize people as either for homosexuality or for the Phelps. It's basically assuming moraility is black and white. I've posted an argument about the issue on the FoF site, of which I am a member.
Brain Fork
That is pretty funny. One good thing about those asshats is they sure help make atheism look good!
Well yeah, but that goes for most religious groups.
The show was interesting but nothing important was said by either guest and I really feel that the ideas expressed by the gay guest were terrible. I find the idea that Phelps' caricature would polarize anyone anymore than Falwell of the other religious maniacs really silly. I think America is quite polarized already.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
It was interesting to learn that they didn't start out as a religous group and that their first protest was about something I agree with them on. Additionally, getting a glimpse into her humanity was intriguing, albiet creepy.
Brain Fork
Yeah, though I'm not very surprised that she's as human as the rest of us. Really, I think she's a perfect example of just how compartmentalized the theist's brain can be.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
very true... considering the rest of the audience of the FoF, it was probably a big shocker to see her humanity on display.
Brain Fork
I didn't really read anything on it when I clicked on the phagforphelps link, I just looked at it rapidly but anyways... Georgebushingly say things like : Either your with the Phelps or with the queers, is completely ridiculous... But I still think that idea behind the whole thing to be very funny.
...for your reading pleasure, let me be black and white here : I don't give a blunt fuck about Shirley Phelps humanity ! Call me biased, immature, extremist, unreasonable or whatever.
She can be a good women, great mother, lovely wife that really wants what's best for fags and dykes and she's probably doing this by warning us that what awaits us is Eternal Torture.
Well... Thanks for the warning you fucking delusional bitch !
I am not going to be reasonable about this family, period !
In the post you made here you asked the question : Would you rather live in a country where people ‘love the sin and hate the sinner’ (religious moderates) or a country where the biblical literalists and evangelicals have their way?
This will go in the same direction that Sam Harris is advocating. I blame the religious moderates for holding the door open to groups like the Phelps or similar but "friendlier" religious ex-gay movements, ministries and so on... So I rather would not live in either of your 2 "gray or white" worlds. Call me utopian...
And welcome on the forum, nice meeting you !
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
Thank's for the welcome!
I found the whole concept amusing as well, I'm with you about Phelps' humanity as well. She may be human, but her beliefs are a detriment to our society and thus make her unimportant.
I also agree with you about not wanting to live in either of the two scenarios I described, I don't want to live in them either. From what I see, the American gays are trapped between a rock and a hard place. Considering that more than half (if someone has an exact number that would be nice) of Americans believe the Bible to be the literal word of God, if polarization is to occur, there will be little siding with the gays and more with the Biblical literalist and evangelicals. The moderates are irritating beyond all reason, but they are currently the only thing stopping people like the Phelps from imprisioning and executing us. Thankfully I don't really have to worry about it as I'm not American.
The sure fire way to solve this problem would be to remove the moderates. The best way to do this is to convince them that all religion is wrong and should be cast off. This is where I see atheism and groups like the RRS coming into play and not only saving the world from the plight of religion, but giving us homosexuals the equal rights that we deserve.
Brain Fork
I saw on your deviant art that you are Canadian, me to, I'm in Montréal.
You should say : Since we are not Americans, we don't have to worry about it yet !
Here is a quick example of what I mean :
Québec is about the least religious province of Canada (for what I know) but I was listening to a radio talk show about a year ago hosted by Normand Lester, a well respected political journalist. He had a guest on his show saying that being gay was, not only a choice and that people could "come out" of it but that it was part of the evil gay agenda to make people believe that being gay was natural.
I unfortunately don't remember the guys name but I later found out, without any real surprise, that he was an active member of New Direction (a Jesus freak ex gay organization based in Ontario). I was surprise to hear the host, Mr. Lester, agree with a lot of things and saying things like : "The gay lobbies are to strong" etc...
So these people exists... The more this will go on in the US the more it will leak into Canada. Alberta as a creationist museum now...
So we should maybe worry a little... Don't take anything for granted.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
Tell me about it... I was booed out of a lesbian forum a week or to ago for a couple of reasons... The first reason being that I never hesitated to say to these 50+, lipstick, good hearted women that they were not only delusional but stupid to be part of the Christian community... Ok maybe that my undiplomatic way of telling them this was probably worst to them than me being an atheist... but I still got tons of hate mail from them in my PM box.
Now I'm a banned atheist dyke.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
It is true that they are leaking into our country, but they currently have little (if any) influence on our government. While the conservatives are the most religious party (and the current rulers), they are far more secular than their american counterparts. Basically, we are ruled by religious moderates while the US is ruled by fundamentalists.
The good thing about this is the fact that our opposition parties are much more secular than their American counterparts and actually keep the religious leanings of the ruling party firmly in check. This is evident in our continued right to equal marriage.
I agree we should stay vigilant to protect our rights, as we have thus far.
Brain Fork
I find it very sad and incredibly ridiculous that some homosexuals willingly practice a faith that says they are an abomination. There's another thread on the FoF site that I discussed the stupidity of religion, only to be argued against (albeit poorly). It's amazing how people will defend the very institutions that persecute them.
Brain Fork
What I find absolutely incredible is that they deliberately poke their eyes out and shut their brains off first thing in the morning before breakfast. And then they say things like this :
- Well, this part of the bible is valid but this other part is not.
Who the fuck are you to say things like that ? God ?
Isn't the bible suppose to be The Book where you get your moral values from ?
What is the purpose of this God damn book if you can pick and choose what your common sense find to be acceptable and reject what this same common sense find completely ridiculous ?
The Phelps are right !
And we Abominations have to get that into our heads ! God Hates Fags, period ! It's written in the fucking book.
Christianity is a sure way for us to go to hell.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
This is exactly the case. This is why I see the Phelps as unimportant ... they're not saying anything new. The sad thing is that they are just brushed off as "kooks" instead of actually listened to. Josh Kilmer-Purcell has the right idea (exposing the Phelps to the spotlight) for the wrong reason (to polarize people as either for or against homosexuality).
I would think people like the Phelps would cause others to look at their faith objectively and see that the "Good Book" is really not that good. It's a shame they're just ignored.
Brain Fork
I agree with you about Purcell.
People have the right not to give a fuck about us or about the Phelps.
I don't give a damn about what straight people and gay guys do in their beds... Why should they care about what I do ?
Do whatever you want when it comes to your life as long as you don't hurt anyone that doesn't want to get hurt... Other than that, I really don't care, it's none of my buisiness. But I have the right to think that fucking with a dog is disgusting... Doesn't mean I hate you if you do it.
So if they think homosexuality is disgusting, it's their right... But fuck away ! Cause it's none of your business !
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
To further that point, they also have the right to say they hate it, just as I have the right to say they are ignoramuses. It's shameful that anyone should try to silence another because they disagree. I guess in that sense Purcell has some merit... but again for the wrong reason.
Brain Fork
If somebody hates me, not only are they entitled to it, but I actually want to know that they hate me !
I've written something about this here.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
The fuck -- is that gay Dave Matthews in the background?
Why don't I get what you just said ?
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
Ahhhhhh !
Forget about it I just saw the background in question. lol
The music used in the intro.
I love how Shirley referred to racism being wrong because race isn't chosen... she comes so close. The biggest victims of Fred's madness are his own family. If you haven't seen it, Louie Theroux's "Weird Weekends" covers them in one episode.
I know eh? That was the main issue I addressed when I commented on the show.