Atheist, Pioneers of Eccentricity!! [Trollville]
Ok, so there's no God. The story of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale. God was never in the picture untill some of your genious ancestors came up with these ideas. So now we know that you guys are responsible for this mess, now you wanna clean it up eh? Why would you start something within your own circle, and at the same time combat it, did this start as a board game or something, and then someone actually took it serious? I mean look at the world now, all because some atheists, decided to do the opposite as everyone else. Now from a couple person's concepts of a higher power, look what it lead to. Millions of higher powers, Zeus, thor, Athena, flying spehgetti monsters!! Jesus never existed. And your sidistic, tyranical, atheist ancestors, actually set around planning this. They knew this would happen, they did it on purpose. Another great contribution by the Atheist.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
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Well, the people who ultimatly submitted the idea of a belief in god likely believed it themselves so they couldn't have been atheists.
Unlesst they just created as a form of manipulation, which is likely, in which case then yes an atheist would have done it.
Interestingly enough, they wouldn't have bene an "atheist" because "atheist" wouldn't have existed without the concept of theism.
This idiot says I am debased and depraved? because I undertand his bible far far far better than he does and can explain it far better than him? well if I am debased and depraved...all I can say is...kettle meet pot.
But the question now comes....can he debate, can he do it without preaching at all? I bet he can't.
naw tarpan, you gotta do better then that. re-read what you said cause your scattered all over.
A theist cannot be first, so therefore a submission of the belief, came from an atheist., theist have to come from atheist, unless your taking the position of the bible, which your not.
Why would you do such, why would you try to manipulate your fellow beings? Sounds evil. If it were to create a government, they couldve just used force, i.e, weapons.
Atheist can and do exist without the concept of theism. Absence of a belief in a deity characterizes everyone, according to your own allies.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
If he person believes, then they are no longer an atheist.
The term "atheist" i mean would not exist if the term "theist" did not, but that was just word play.
Unless yo'ure implying that the formation of religion was malicious in nature and not a person spreading their own formed belief, then it was started by a theist.
If it was used to manipulate people without belief from the originator, then it would hae been an atheist. And the manipulation of would not be a surprise. It's not like atheists inherit sin of a former atheist though, so what does it matter if it was originated by an atheist?
Wouldn't that make you all the more gullible for still buying into it and make me all the more correct for not?
You asked a question but the question contained an answer in itself. "why would you try to manipulate your fellow beings? Sounds evil." Of course humans who are mad with power want to manipulate others to gain more control. They will decept fellow people to become more powerful. This is something most would consider evil.
And not all battles are fought with weapons and acts of violence.
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
Hey Beatz. A sad turn of events I see developed here: First you bailed out of you own post ( when you would no longer defend your calvinistic beliefs, anouncing that the discussion "bored you". Now I see you here and try and pin theism's creation on atheism, arguing that "A theist cannot be first". If I got this right, you mean a theist could not be a theist and at the same time invent theism, so it had to be an atheist (a really strange development: the "atheist of the gaps"?). So I guess that, by this logic, Joseph Smith was not a mormon, nor Muhammad a Muslim, and we can be damn sure Antisthenes was not a Cynic. I wont point out the obvious of this argument, since Tarpan already did so.
Nope, rather I would like to point out another obvious thing here: this is really, really stupid. What's the point, Beatz, of starting threads and "discussions" you wont even finish, or that, like this particular jewel here, are just crack-baby dumb?
I personally despice getting to the point of having to resort to this kind of image response (see below), but you sir, have earned it in full:
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
You are so self centered and egotistical. You really think that 6 billion people, all of them should give one ratts ass about your magical claims or your god? Some do, that is true, your club has lots of cheerleaders just like you.
BUT SO THE F WHAT? Muslims have their zealot cheerleaders and so do Jews. You just have a different flavor of superstition.
Trying to blame atheists for your inability to make a case for the god you claim is real is a diversion tactic and does nothing but make you look like a fool.
We are not responsible for your delusion, the person who convinced you is. Atheists did not start religion, atheists dont have a religion.
Religion was not started by magical being in a white robe anymore than a man with a pitchfork manipulates the nuerons in a human brain to make them worship volcanos or sacrfice virgins.
Religion was started by ignorance. People made bad guesses as to what was and those bad guesses got filtered down oraly through early humans and then got filtered down through the written tradition. NO MAGIC OR HOCUS POKUS NEEDED TO EXPLAN REALITY
This was not a cause of atheism, this was caused by human ignorance void of Superman vs Kriptonite like you have been indoctrinated to believe.
Do not blame us for what the writers of the bible wrote, we didnt write it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
We would share common ancestry with the originators of religious doctrine, assuming you're a human being... which, I guess, is a risk on my part... considering the argument so far. If you admit the premise that religious ideas are "a mess," then you place us in the right for wanting to correct it, leaving yourself to perpetuate what you've admitted is a clusterfuck. I know you didn't mean to do that, it's just that you're of below average intelligence, and you've let your own rhetoric get away from you; the intellectual equivalent of an eight year-old trying to direct a fire hose.
I am trying to figure out who you are directing this to. Your first few sentences give off the feeling that you are atheist but you end giving me the impression that you are not atheist.
Are you saying atheists are responsible for all the religions/beliefs in the world just becuase they didn't believe?
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Atheists did not start the religions of the world.
A masochist, however, did begin this thread.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Here's a scenario that could be possible. Maybe a stretch, but probably more likely than anything theists might come up with.
Once upon a time there was a tribe of primitive humans. They knew certain things like lightning could hurt or kill them if they were unlucky enough to be struck by it. There were many other things in the world that could harm them or be of benefit to them. They went about their business everyday, always in a state of paranoia because they could not predict any of the bad or good things (abstracts they were probably trying to refine).
In this tribe there were several alpha males continually jockying for power among themselves. One day a relatively minor player in this drama discovered a treatment with some roots that helped heal a wound or illness one of the other tribal members had. He began experimenting and finding new herbs, etc that had healing powers. He ultimately claimed special knowledge and powers and became a shaman (new position in tribes at this point in history).
As time passed the chief of the tribe became jealous or intimidated by the prestige the new shaman had built up and began to fear his position as chief might be in jeopardy. He began plotting ways to bring the shaman down and started rumors about him.
The shaman, realizing he might lose favor with other members of the tribe began to think of ways to hold onto it. One day it came to him, and he began talking about the world has having powers that were channeled through him because he was special.
Through the mellenia this "power" evolved into spirits and gods in order to keep a level of fear and awe in the members of the tribes. Keeping them ignorant was also primary for the continued prestige and ultimately fear of the unknown (known only to the shaman) to gain power and control. Eventually they set themselves up as priests and had their personal enforcers (lesser priests who were let in on the scam) who enforced the holy laws set up to keep people in line.
How's that for imagination? Actually, it's probably been part of the plot for many fiction stories written about cavemen and such. Hey, works for me. It still comes down to lust for power and a good dose of evil.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
No Renee, here's what im saying. Where there is no belief, one must be conjured. I'm not saying that atheist are responsible for all the religions because they DIDN'T believe. I'm saying that atheist are responsible for religion because originally there was NO religion, no belief.
The atheist assumes the position that there is No God, and rely on science, and evolution. Now, if we take that in perspective, we have to go all the way to the beginning. Whether the first life form was an animal or human, it had no belief whatsoever in a deity = atheist.
Over time, more and more humans came into existence, all of which were atheist. In order for any belief to take place, an atheist at one point in history created the idea of a deity. I like Bulldog's example of the shaman. You have a group of people in a tribe, and a cheif, all of which are atheist. Somehow, the humans realized they needed a leader, and they relied on one from among themselves. Sometime along the way, one became jelous, and plotted a scheme so that he/she could be the leader.
With the submission and lie to the other tribe members, one of the atheist proposed that he had special powers, to control lightning, make the sun come up, etc. Eventually he came up with a name for himself, god. The people presummed this was the truth and worshiped.
Now I admit, that story is rather rambunctious, but atleast he gave it a shot. What i'm saying here is this, you have to take a definite stand on your beliefs. If you are x-ing out the bible record of humanity, then your only left with one other choice, and that is, a human in past history at some point, developed the idea of deity's. He was not born believing it, one day, he thought of it. He wasn't born with any beliefs, as we know from your web-masters own slogan, "everyone is born an atheist."
So, if your taking the stand of evolution, your also taking the stand that one of your atheist ancestors started the beliefs in deity's, and further down the line, it was expounded upon. And in return, your campaign against religion, is combatent against what your own people originally started.
See, this is the problem with humanity today, and i'm sure our predecessors as well. Everyone's running around pointing the finger.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
no magilum, your wrong, as usual. I submit WHOLE HEARTEDLY, that religious IDEAS are a MESS!! and by YOUR own premise, you and your atheist ancestors take full responsibilty for it.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
Does that include your beloved Calvinism or did that god that those evil atheist ancestors created somehow allow Calvin to get it right?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Brian37, do you proof read before you post?
Albedo_00, i'm not catholic, no drawings or images of people's depictions really mean anything. What they did to Jesus was worse then that, try The Passion of The Christ x10. But, I didn't know da vinci played mortal kombat.. FINISH HIM!!.. Apostles, Win! FATALITY...
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
The thing about if the BuyBull is wrong then all the religions were made up by atheists is a false dichotomy. Hinduism (for example) could be true. Christianity was almost certainly made up by Jews, not atheists. Same with other religions - many were made up by people who already believed a different one. Of course the first religions probably were made up by some atheist who happened to be delusional, but so what?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
The Origin and Evolution of Religion
THE EVOLUTION OF THE IDEA OF GOD: An Inquiry into the Origin of Religions
Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought
Signs And Symbols Of Primordial Man by Albert Churchward (Paperback - Jun 1, 2007)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I may be a bad speller, but I know a poorly written book when I read one. If you are a Nazi about writting skills, you should bitch out the inept writers of the bible.
Talking donkeys, unicorns, talking snakes, ghostsperm, zombie gods surviving rigor mortis after 3 days. No character develpement, rambling geneology with outragous claims of people being 900 years old and advocation of infantiside and genocide, all believed to be fact.
Go ahead and pick on my spelling all you want, I could care less. I am not working at a newspaper or magizine.
I am not the one who believes in Santa for adults. At least I have the sense to know the differance between fantacy and fact.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
simple yes or no wouldve been fine B. I wasn't talking about your spelling, I was talking about what you said, didn't make since.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
Not only is your premise breathtakiingly inane, it's breathtakingly flawed. Think about the definition of the word "atheist" for a sec:
"One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods."
To deny or disbelieve a concept, doesn't the concept have to exist first? I can't deny or disbelieve in a concept until it is first posited, therefore, how could an "atheist" (One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.) possibly posit a non-existent concept? So no, moron, an atheist did not come up with The God Concept. As Brian37 pointed out earlier, the concept was born of ignorance.
(Oh, BTW Mr. Proof Reader Extraordinaire, I think you meant "sadistic", not "sidistic". Pointing out spelling errors in a debate: first sign that said "editor" has nothing of substance to contribute to the argument)
Teehee okay so you're trying to be sarcastic when you say Adam and Eve is a fairy tale but lol IT WAS. Okay so the big man or lady makes this human being out of DIRT and breathes life into this being (because that's how humans are made of course) and then so like God digs on into Adam while he's sleeping (he kinda magically dug in there and without pain) and took out a rib and made another human being (Eve). There's no freakin' way Adam & Eve are my ancestors .... h-e double hockey sticks no. Jesus probably didn't exist meh. All hail FSM.
And it's spelled sadistic and how about you just shut the f--k up?
---George Carlin---
A)Let's say for the sake of argument that you're right, and athiests (ie: those with no god belief. Regardless of if the word existed at the time, we can use it now to describe them then) did cause all of the world's religions. So what? Since nobody's positing that those ancient liars and deceivers are still alive, your proposition amounts to 'athiests caused the problem, now athiests are trying to fix it'.
So what the hell's your point?
B)Bull's probably pretty close, but the process doesn't necessarily have to have any intentional deception involved in the early stages. It's probably due to people striving to find answers, and coming up with the best explanations they could at the time; giants, monsters, spirits in the deep woods and high mountains... the deception comes later, and still doesn't have to be intentional, if those who begin to forge religions out of collections of folktales and myths were deluding themselves as well, feeling that they truly were right and had some special understanding of things.
After all, Beatz, look at you. You claim to have a special understanding and truths you feel nobody else recognizes. And so with them: poor deluded victims of their own flawed search for the truth, slowly building up one mistake upon another, because they simply did not understand the underlying flaws.
Either way, I'm still left asking the question: So what?
We can't change the mistakes made in the past, but we can work to correct it now.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
Let's see. I provided an inference based on your premises, while you shouted "Nuh uh," at me and proceeded to soil yourself (probably).
The weakness of my arguments is that they demand an ability to comprehend on your part, which again it is my mistake in assuming. This leaves me three choices:
1. Acknowledge your limitations and repeat myself, hoping your signs of mental disability are aberrations.
2. Change approach and argue on some other level, most likely to be ignored as well.
3. Concede the loophole that I can neither force you to comprehend, nor stop you writing nonsense.
Beatz wrote, " Another great contribution by the Atheist." -----
YUP, Jesus the Atheist , the bible canon is old poltics, read it's history and the Gnostic writtings ....
, what the fuck is wrong with you Beatz ? , as Jesus would say, "Get behind me Satan" , as scolding Peter ....
YEAH JESUS, time out Beatz , get a grip,
Do your 40 days alone friend ..... poor miserable Beatz
BUMMER ..... how old are you anyway ?
I do like your vigor Peter, I mean Beatz .... WISE UP ..... a little more study friend, Jesus/Buddha would insist ....
Atheism Books.
You are either a pesimist or a realist or both. Never say never, I like to think optimistically and MAYBE MAYBE hope beyond all hope someone can put a crack in his dense delusion and save him from his fantacy. I only hope that my wishfull thinking isnt utopian itself.
I would tend to agree with you though that there may not any hope for Beatz, but I always love being proven wrong in cases like this.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
What I say doesnt make sense? Look who's talking zombiegod lover.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Personally, I don't understand why atheists here are willing to spend so much time feeding a troll. Beatz is just pissing on your shoes ( while you're wearing them ) . I don't see the appeal.
He is not pissing on our shoes, he is merely pissing in the wind because of his delusion. No skin off my nose, I love having chewtoys to play with. I think the fact that he hasn't bolted after all the ammo we have shot at him says to me that we are getting to him.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I understand Brian. We each have our differing temperments and threshold for enduring bullshit from others. I just find that as I get older ( will soon turn 49 ) that I have less patience for people that I perceive as just wanting to argue for the sake of argueing.
Carry on.
Speaking of arguing for the sake of arguing, has anyone noticed that the only thread that has been completely ignored is the one with actual knowledge in it -- the one where I posted several of the best books on the subject of where religion actually came from?
Looks like Beatz wasn't even interested in taking a break from the discussion for long enough to learn something, even when I linked straight to Amazon. One click buying, Beatz! You can have the book at your house in under a week, and then you could read it. Then you would know something about the subject.
(I'm taking wagers... right now it's 10:1 that he'll ever demonstrate knowledge of this topic.)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Hamby, i saw the books dude, I dont know if i'll ever read them, but dont think your effort was a waste, i've just been working a lot.
Brian37, I really wasn't talking about your spelling, a lot of people caught feelings off of that, that was not my intention at all. I still think your a loser though.
And Dexter, i mean, johnny neutron.... sorry, Magilum.
A) The inchoative treatise your cerebral cortex manufactured, was unequivocally inept of erudition...
B) Blah, blah blahblah blah.
C) How's your day going?
But seriously guys, i'm wrappin it up, so praise the atheist gods, beatz the delusion is finally leaving. I had fun though. Dont worry, I'll still refer to you guys as my atheist friends.
Don't believe in God? I can't fix that.
Reformed Theology Resource:
BEATZ , don't forget your 40 days.
Let us know how it goes , L O L
and thanks for caring ....
Atheism Books.
They don't have any TV listings or close-ups of feet in them, so I doubt they're on the front of your queue.
Floors won't sweep themselves.
He'll get over it... somehow.
You're burning me with your knowledge of children's cartoon characters? Awesome.
Making my point about comprehension. Thanks for that.
I'll reciprocate by lumping you in with other idiots I've come across, abstracting you until you have no identity to me at all.
<taking bets on whether Beatz comes back with another new thread>
Just playing the trend...
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Actually Hambi, I am devistated. He started off equating us to mass murders. I am a bit dissapointed that I am merely a loser now. How can I barbaque a kitten and be a good heathen cootie spreader if I am merely a loser?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Assigning Beatz to nameless anonymity is probably the worst insult to his ego you could say to him as his bragging rights are based totally upon his belonging to God's special club of the "elect".
Beatz screaming: "You can't forget about me !! I'm SPECIAL !!!!"
Beatz, you're missing the whole point, dude.
I, along with a few other perceptive folks, have pointed out that you insist on continuing this debate even though you obviously don't know a damn thing about it. I've given you everything you need to learn about it. If you want to debate it after you know something, that's fine, but right now, it just makes you look silly.
"I don't know anything, but I'm going to argue anyway!!!!"
Where's Cpt_Pineapple with the Waambulance?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Sorry, I was out of town for the weekend.
Damn, dude. That was fast!
A few weeks ago, a house burned down in my neighborhood, and it took the fire department over 30 minutes to get there. (The FD is exactly .7 miles from my house.) You're in Canada, right? Damn fine response time.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I agree that humans at some point created a 'god belief ' to explain why certain things happened - check out animism - Are you a Deist? Does it bother you that within this post you state that humans created a god myth?
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