Seth MacFarlane says he's an atheist

It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV. But where are those good old fashion values, for which we used to rely? Lucky there's Family Guy. And the creator of the series, Seth MacFarlane said in an Advocate magazine interview that he's "an atheist".
I figured as much with all the Jesus jokes I've seen in the cartoon sit com. In one episode Peter Griffin, the main character of the show, is in church taking holy communion and asks the pastor, "Is this really Jesus' blood?" When the pastor says "yes", Peter says, "Man. That guy must have stayed plastered all day."
It's good to see the creator of a very popular TV show be open about his non-religious beliefs.
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Indeed. The more atheists out of the closet in media the better.
I never though otherwise.
The fact that he he has an episode called petarded where he shows a chart that lists 'retarded' above 'creationist' was a pretty good example of where he stood on that issue.
Plus in his commentaries he talks a lot about walking the line around religious insults. The only reason he has the Jesus and God characters is because you can't say Jesus Christ without referencing him, and he just wants to use it as a curse.
no surprise.
that i dream of genie bit at the end kills me everytime
Can you provide any other issue info, possibly a link, and a direct quote?
I'll have it posted at
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The article was in The Advocate, a gay and lesbian news magazine.
He says he's an atheist about half-way down the first page when he's talking about The Parents Television Council's view of the show.
Here's the link:'s coming back someday. Will you be ready?
It makes perfect sense, want to bet they try and take it off the air again?
I always figured he was an atheist. Sometimes you can just tell, you know? It's great that he's open about it though.
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It did seem pretty obvious. I've always assumed Matt Groening is similarly persuaded what with various cracks at religion in the episodes and the film.
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Come on like the episode which stewie time travels with his older self into the future for a 40 year old viginisque, where the older stewie mentions about visiting jesus in the past and says that he wasn't all he was cracked up to be. yeah family guy and american dad have some priceless religious attack moments.
I hate Family Guy so much, and not because the creator is an atheist. I liked it during its first run, but it's just stupid now. Looking back, it was all kind of stupid. More than anything though, people who incessantly quote the show thinking they're clever get on my nerves. It's like people think they're in on a big secret, but it's just a meaningless mish-mash of pop culture fragments.
"Oh, here's that Shining scene! Here's that Easy Rider scene! Here's that Rush Hour scene!"
I myself as an atheist never liked or senn "what's so great" about family guy.
One of my favorite quotes is from the Christmas episode:
Peter: As we all know, Christmas is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing Christmas Carols to lull him back to sleep.
Bob: Outrageous, How dare he say such blasphemy. I've got to do something.
Man #1: Bob, there's nothing you can do.
Bob: Well, I guess I'll just have to develop a sense of humor.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
A lot of people don't like Family Guy, including the creators of South Park. I've always liked both shows. Even though there are a lot of gimmicks on Family Guy, I think they're usually pretty funny.
Family Guy got on my nerves exactly once. I was going through my final growing pain, the one that left me a full-fledged atheist. Prior to this time I wanted to believe in god because I wanted to believe in life after death. All my life I'd been told I would live forever, either in heaven or hell. The idea of hell scared the...hell?...out of me, but I didn't want to just die. What would become of that celebrated, long-running show, The Life of Iruka Naminori, starring Iruka Naminori, indispensable to planet Earth?
The answer came to me and when it did the logic was inescapable. So many people believe in religion for that very reason. They are afraid of death. I learned one of my life lessons: Beware of that which you want to be true.
When I became finally and fully aware that I was going to die someday and that there was absolutely no evidence to support the supposition that my "spirit" would live on, I went through a period of intense fear. I was sorry I had been born because I was so afraid of death. There was only one way out and that was death itself. During that period I tried to hide from the fact of death.
One night I was watching Family Guy and it pissed me off.
I didn't want to be reminded of that eventuality just then.
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Iruka Naminori, that scene was GREAT!
How about the originally un-aired episode When You Wish Upon a Weinstein? FOX thought it was to controversial and anti-semitic.
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Hey I don't know if the billions will survive, But Ill believe in God when 1 and 1 are 5 - Greg Graffin
Ha ha, yeah I remember that scene.
I know completely where you're coming from though. I'm terrified of dying. I know that sounds odd to the atheists because Christians are supposed to have peace about those sorts of things, but I don't at all, and haven't for many years. That speaks volumes for my faith I guess.
But what else could be expected? We're brought up from infancy with these beliefs that center around death - life is just a test, and reality begins after death; in all likelihood you will spend this eternal reality in a place where the burning never stops hurting; not to mention the fact that our God's wrath is satisfied by blood and blood only, and especially by his son's. So to be in my late 20's, completely fucked up emotionally and with an unhealthy fear of death seems to be the logical continuation of such an upbringing.
Well, I really didn't mean to derail this thread, but your post really "touched me", for lack of a better cliche.
Yes but Groening seems to think religion has some value in American culture. Like it's a drug to keep the morons happy, on a par with Moe's bar. McFarlane seems to have contempt for religion.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I'll be glad when Jesus comes and leaves all of you in hell
its just sad that you all wont have salvation
Aww, is pudd'ums offended?
All that is necessary for the triumph of good is that evil men do nothing.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
Is no one going to comment on how sad this is? Holy shit. I always tried to ignore that stuff, learning about it in Sunday School, because it was so incredibly mental. Who comes up with that crap, and then delivers it in earnest to children? It's so warped.
Anyway, I feel for you, jmm. Don't go taking it too seriously.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Not a big surprise to me. The episode where Peter was rated as more intelligent than a retard, which is more intelligent than a creationist, was one of my favourites.
The only show I've seen recently that is even more irreverant to religion is South Park.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yeah for dumb quotes based on dumb arguments for an awesome compilation of stupidity.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.