NorCalHeathen is onboard...

Hello all. Just a few words to introduce myself to you.
I am an Atheist (duh!) from Redding, CA... Most of you probably think of California as a somewhat liberal and secularly minded part of the country. Well, I'm here to tell you that the rural areas of Northern California are , in most cases, like a bible-belt-bubble! For example, well over 65% of high school students in my county of residence (Shasta County) do not believe that Evolution is a viable explanation for the diversity of life on our planet.
Statistics like this sicken me and I feel it is my responsibility to do what I can to bring about a revolution in rational thought in my geographic area.
I post regularly as one of the few atheists on my local newspaper's website... ( under the same user name I use here. I am an avid reader and have rabidly consumed the latest atheist author's works...Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Dennett and Mills. I've also read somewhat deeply into the works of the major bloggers (Kelly is one of my favs!).
Anyway... I think you've got enough about me to get an idea of where I stand. I do have a myspace page... it is
So, hello all! I look forward to posting and participating in rational discussion with you all.
"If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!"
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I beg your pardon, but I was unable to read any of your post because I was distracted by what appears to be a dolphin attempting to mount and have intercourse with a person.
Ever wonder what might result from such an encounter?
Welcome on board sir!
Welcome and well done for taking a stand in your newspaper.Every bit of activism helps. Now, must..tear..eyes..from..dolphin..
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Welcome aboard from a fellow Cali atheist. It is like that here in central cali too, but maybe not quite as bad there. We have a pretty good mix of libs and cons so it keeps things interesting anyways. Have a buddy from Redding originally now stationed down in San Diego.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
Hey... Thanks for the response. My brother lives down in Dego and I used to live in the Central Coast area for many years... Rio Del Mar (Aptos) & San Juan Bautista (Fremont Peak). Most people were uber-liberal in both areas when I lived there... so it was a bit of a shock when I moved to Shasta county and encountered mass numbers of fundies for the first time! Although there are some freethinkers sprinkled about, we are very few and far between.
"If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!"
How are you supposed to clean up accidental duplicates?
A sore ass?
And hair that smells of fish.
Redding, huh? Near the various Pitt River rancherias. I've recently had the honor of being kicked out of the Pitt River Tribe. (Stupid casinos make people really greedy.)
That doesn't have anything to do with much of anything. I guess you could use it as an analogy for a dolphin raping you or something.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Yes my default photo is somewhat disconcerting... although it is an attention getter. I suppose I'll feel the need to change it to a more appropriate and fitting image sometime soon. In the meantime... enjoy flipper gettin' a little love. Also... would the result of the encounter possibly be a dolphman or maybe a huphin?
"If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!"
From here - it looks like a male on male encounter.
Welcome to the forums!