A Rant, but Please Tell Me What You'd Do.....

This is really just a rant to some understanding like-minded people, but in the end, I'm really not sure what to do with the situation, so feedback is welcome, of course
I have been searching desperately for a job. Cash is running out, and my luck has been grim. I went to interview for this company yesterday and before I did so, I spent some time on their website gathering up what intell I could before going in. Everything seemed normal enough until I went to their About Us page, and there at the bottom was one sentence: "Hi-Line is a Christian-based Organization."
I searched around for other mentions of it on the rest of the site, looking for hidden fish or what-have-you, and found nothing. I really didn't feel well about it, but times are desperate enough to start sleeping with the enemy, so to speak....so I hoped that this religious aspect would be at a bare minimum, just like it was on their site.
I showed up and signed in, and the receptionist had me wait. As I approached the waiting area, I noticed a conspicuous book on the table.
Oh, please, don't let that be a Bible. Please let it be some weird book that just LOOKS like a Bible.
Nope, it's a Bible.
I winced and turned my attention to the flat-screen TV above the receptionist, hoping it would take my mind off the Greatest Bullshit Story Ever Told lurking next to me. Bithdays of employees scrolled by. Then it switched to top sales reps for the last month. Then congrats for babies. Then a picture of the three crosses untidily plopped onto a hill, all askew, with a nice red sunset background. Over this, a diatribe taking up the whole screen about how this was a Christian company and thus they didn't discriminate against Christians and Christian holidays.
I might have ran out right then if the interviewer hadn't shown up. The interview went normal, so discussion of religion or Jesus, so I guess they know how to follow the law... He left for a moment to go get the girl who I would be replacing if hired so that she could tell me more about he job. In the interim, I started looking around the small conference room I was in. This company was involved with hardware and electronic sales. So I figured the books that were crowding the shelves would have to do with hardware, electronics, and sales.
Nope, all God books.
At that point I just wanted to hurry the interview up and get out of there FAST. When I got home and started to relate the story to a friend, I noticed that the "Hi-Line is a Christian-based Organization." was actually a link. Not sure how I missed that the first time, I clicked it and immediately regretted it. It was obviously the inspiration for the flat-screen TV message, but it just kept GOING AND GOING! They even have company-sponsored Bible Studies at the office! And here is where I sit now: What the hell do I do? I really don't want to be affiliated with a company like this, but I need a job so bad. Assuming I get hired, if I join up, it wouldn't take them long to give me The Look for not participating in their Christian fun. For all I know they also have a stake at which to burn me somewhere on the grounds. I really don't want to pursue this...but what if it's the only thing I'll end up having a shot at for a while?
Link to Christian Uber page here.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
- Blaise Pascal
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You'll be miserable if you take the job. There's no way to get around it. They'll pressure you into bible studies, etc. and tell you you're not a team player when you say no, blah, blah....
If you feel you absolutely have to take the job, I would suggest reading up on workplace discrimination laws and case law re: such.
And...solely for the purpose of a civil lawsuit because there is no changing their behavior. As most companies do, when they find out you're not a "team player", they'll make up some arbitrary (read bullshit) reason to fire you to avoid violating discrimination laws. So if you take the job..play along and document everything.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Well here's an idea. The question is whether you should take the job or not, correct?
And some people seem to think that if you take the job you will be miserable from religious pressure.
Instead of not taking the job or taking the job and getting pressured, why don't you take the job and show up with a copy of the Atheist's Bible and have it clearly seen on your desk? If they ask you anything about religion, politely tell them you are an atheist.
Sounds just as good to me as far as not taking the job at all. Oh yeah, and keep looking for another job.
At the very least you'll come out with some interesting stories.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Don't sell yourself short. You will find another job. Taking this job would just be self-torture. You'd quit in a week anyway. Better to spend that week looking for another job.
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I can work as a grill cook despite being vegetarian.
It's (needed) money, take the job and keep looking for something else.
I would say it all depends on how tolerant you are of being surrounded by the Christians. It definitely sounds thick there, just from reading what they have on their site you linked. They do mention...
"our company's founder has chosen to establish Christian ethics and ideals as our model of corporate behavior. And as the Constitution represents political freedom, Hi-Line's efforts to establish certain Christian-based standards also includes freedom - freedom to believe in Christ as well as the freedom to believe something else."
Did they bring up any religious things in the interview? Like AmericanIdle said Be armed and ready with knowledge of the labor laws and discrimination stuff if you do.
I would just be ready with excuses of having an extremely busy life, and you just can't spare time for anything after work. I don't participate in my companies fund raising, charity stuff or parties simply because work is work and I like to keep that separate seeing them 8 hours a day M-F is enough for me.
It's a tough decision indeed. What if you just asked them at the next interview, you noticed the place seems to have strong religious ties, and that your beliefs differ and you don't let that interfere with being a professional. See what they say to that.
Best of luck to you. Do let us know what you decide. I feel if you do take the job, you'll have lots of posts in your future...
I wouldn't take the job but if you need a job so badly that you're at the point of 'can't pay rent if i don't find a job today' then take the job and while your co-workers are doing their lunch hour bible study, eat your lunch at your desk while you browse the employment ads online.
i am, however, assume this job doesn't require you to proselytize or something.
Take the job and stay as long as you can take it. I would think that money is more important for you at the moment. You can't reject a job on the hope that you will find another soon, take this one and keep looking. I wouldn't antagonize them either with saying you are Atheist, they will look for an excuse to fire you. Just go to work, do your job, go home.
If Jesus was born today he would be institutionalized as a schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Sounds like a great opportunity to save some christians. "Jesus character was an Atheist !" ( like Buddha) Read the gnostic books, sharpen your "sword" ! Have fun , be fun , share , love the enemy ! Give them hugs ..... maybe you could say you are more a buddhist fan of Jesus ! Be clever. Be Jesus ! ( just more carefull .... giggles , What ever feels right, BUT don't be SHY ..... SHINE Bright !
Atheism Books.
I think what I have finally decided is to let this prospect go by. It's a shame too, it would have been a really great job if it wasn't for the whole intolerance thing that has been savagely bred into Christians. I could deal with people that don't share my views if they were fun-loving hippie folk.
Thanks all for your input and I hope that anyone else who is working or has worked for a Xian company will also add to the discussion.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
- Blaise Pascal
I saw a great quote by a xian.
A preacher was given a donation by a gay group. Someone asked him how he could take money from sinful people. The preacher said, "Satan has had his hands on this money long enough! Now it's the Lord's turn!"
Take the job and support yourself. They can't legally fire you for not being xian. They can't harrass you at work over religion. Laugh every time you get a paycheck. You're keeping that money out of the hands of a religious cult!
Be polite when asked to join their prayer groups. When they ask you about your religious beliefs, say it's a very private matter to you, or some other dodge. Tell them this buy-bull quote and say I don't pray in public as Jebus commanded.
Give them an honest days work, and learn as much as you can from them. If they fire you because of your beliefs file a law suit.
Bottom line is the bottom line.
You need money, take theirs. I've had a few jobs in my life, and not all of them were fun or enjoyable. But almost every job I've learned something. Take the experience and their money down the road with you after you get on your feet. Fundies suck but they usually don't bite.
Ever "hang-ten" on the bow of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier at 30+ knots?
So many great stories just lost. Such a shame. But it's your choice. Good luck with finding another job soon!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I worked at a christian company for a few months. Not a company with a lot of christians,but a literally christian company.There was devotions and everything. Now,they were good people,but sometimes I wanted to just wanted to lock myself away. If you really need cash you should take what you can get,but I wouldn't recommend it.The strain of constantly hearing and seeing stuff you disagree with is enormous.You''ll always be on guard.The time will come when you're asked to pray and you have to decline in front of everyone.It can be a little intimidating. It's not really worth it.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I would have taken the job. You have to make a living somehow. You can always look for something while your working at a job you hate. My personal example isnt quite as good as the original post but I use to work for Intel repairing computers. Now Im a janitor in a school. lol. I needed the job and Ill take what I can get for now. Can always find something different.
I get annoyed and nagged by the fundies often in that I look like a criminal soul in need of saving, but the scenario that you described didnt have any notation of direct hostility toward your atheist views. It does suck that they wear their faith out on their sleeve and that it can easily be perceived as passive-aggressive proselytizing, but it requires perception to have an effect. So long as they leave you alone about your business, I would take the job. If they were outwardly hostile towards you and your "lack of faith in Jeebus", only then would I pass. It seems they are hoping that only like minded morlocks join their ranks and are trying to scare away the Eloi. Dont let them do that. Pee in their pool by just "being" there.
Mike in the rural bible belt of PA.
Closer to apes than most
I would absolutely not take a job like that. I'm not believing it's the only one available to you, and money isn't a good reason to take a job you'll hate.
Well, I think I've found another job. It's closer and I haven't seen one cross necklace or fish on a car yet. Yeah, a treasure trove of stories might have been lost, but I can fabricate the summaries for each of them that I'd have to tell right now:
1) "Today I went to work and 10 people asked me which church I attended. Not if I attended....which one I attended...."
2) "Today I went to work and they gave me the confounded look that Christians get when you tell them you don't want to pray or worship with them."
3) "Today I went to work and someone had left a Bible on my desk."
4) "Today I went to work and they were having a prayer circle AROUND my desk."
5) "Today I went to work and sacrificed a goat on my desk. They asked me to not come in tomorrow."
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
- Blaise Pascal
Thats great you have found something that will be even more convenient.
It's unfortunate we'll be missing out on all the stories, but your fabricated ones were probably lots better then the actual ones, and well... I'm happy for the goat that didn't have to be sacrificed. Haha. So it's win win.
Good luck in landing that job.