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Sorry .... a flash of

Sorry .... a flash of inspiration I wanted to post late last night, went dark, and I erronrrously hit the submit button.

Basically it was: The ancient atheistic Jesus/Buddha philosophy message "I AM GOD", has failed to over take the separationist superstitious GOD of ABE one.

As I see it, this really is the battle that the atheists need win. The very definition of god needs to make an obvious mockery of the dogmatic separate god concepts. So many people want god ..... so give them a "uplifting believable helpful" g-o-d  that destroys "separation". Seems likely this is the only way we can eventually defeat bad religion of fear and guilt. "God is You" .... this message has mostly failed ....

why ? yeah I partly know, but I am truely sadly amazed and troubled by this. Many people are so unproud and god "fearing" .... Religion is the enemy, not G_O_D. We need to better communicate these words as separate concepts.

"I AM an Atheist and God is on my side" ..... doesn't that work better ??? 

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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:"God

I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

"God is You" .... this message has mostly failed ....

Can you give me more to work with concerning that statement? I've seen you post it before, but I'm not sure where you're going with it.

Are you presenting it as a Zen exercise?

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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

"I AM an Atheist and God is on my side" ..... doesn't that work better ??? 


To riff off of Stephen COlbert, how about "I am God and so Can You"?

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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God is you

I think that maybe he's trying to say that the seperate being called God is the terrible concept we should be attacking.  We should treat each other as if each of us were a god, similar to the notion of "Do unto others and you would have them do unto you."

It's just a guess, though.

Remember how you figured out there is no Santa? Well, their god is just like Santa. They just haven’t figured out he’s not real yet.

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  YES to all of you.The Zen

  YES to all of you.

The Zen thing ? Well I am not well read on the details, but I am a fan of Alan Watts, who liked Zen philosophy.  He said something like ,

do I only begin with my skin and go inwards, or is the air, the sun and all the cosmos all part of me .... How can I be without all that is. Nothing is separate. --- 

Finding eastern ideas a fews back really helped me feel justified, hopeful, and more peaceful. I have always thought all is god. Finding out that Religion of Abe was of separation freaked me out. It really didn't hit me untill a fews yrs back when the fundys got loud and I took a closer look at what people believe and why ....  holy shit , I was amazed    I got mad and sad .....

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 I AM GOD AS YOU wrote: I


I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:
 I have always thought all is god.

Ah! I think I understand your position now. Thank you.

Responding to your original post, what could suffice as a replacement to a hierarchical duality between human and Truth Fairy? While a broken delusion might be painful, what emotional methadone could anyone offer?

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Good question Will. I will

Good question Will. I will just parrot what many would say ....

Well playing a doctors roll, to a willing patient going thru withdrawal from god of abe and feeling a sense of lose, I would prescribe large doses of eastern and pantheism ideas, along with the ideas of our founding fathers, and all famous atheists including comics; and all the sciences a-z, with lots of FUN recreation to include interacting with other atheists.

I'd also suggest re-reading the NT, and especially the gnostic books from the perpective that the Jesus story "character" was also an atheist Buddha one.

Read all the great RRS authors .....

There's some rrs "decoversion" threads that have some good insight.

Anyhow, Put love on them, "save" a Xian, teach them real "faith", Jesus/Buddha might say ! ... and yes "You are God" ..... I like stealing the religious words to teach atheism .... seems effective. Seems many atheists miss my points because they aren't sick. Jesus was a missunderstood "atheist" doctor the story reveals. Just look again compassionetly at how sick the god of abe followers still are. The world is obviously still in the dark ages ..... but I AM optimistic.

Thanks to many with the likes of you "saint" Will .

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Sounds good. It's worth a

Sounds good. It's worth a try, anyway. I wonder if I can change my login name to StWill. It's catchy.

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence