POST IDEAS , need some help
So God was there with nothing better to do ?
Say "God of Abe", Not just GOD
Running with the Jesus
I might be dumb but I can throw Love Bombs
Females and their perfect Sex Organ !
Smells Good !
Then you get old and croak, not much more too it
Keep the AWE, fuck the DOGMA
Yeah, when you are GOD , there is no other, God is Godless ....
They still want to kill me Jesus ....
I can't help it I AM only God
RRS makes old fucks horny
Intimate Parts ?
I AM GOD AS YOU, sorry there is nothing more, but we could keep learning more of the details ..... go science ....
Bow only to thy self
God has us by the balls and tits
Damn it's hard to argue with GOD
What's going on here
So why the freaking out ? Yeah it hurts ! For retirement I recommend morphine , and when it really hurts a bullet.
and that's the way it was ..... Yes I AM sorry ..... GOD AS YOU ..... ^__^
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I left out an important one,
"Love my sweet smelly ass or burn in hell"
.... giggles , got wisdom?, let it roll , I got ears. Don't be shy. Why be shy ? I wear my stupidity proudly , for all to see , what ya know ??? Calling all Dicks and Pussys ..... speak up , get proud , shout at the devil .... get free .... WE are the stuff .... we are consciousness
WE rock .... we own this place ..... ! Now what ???? sheezzzzzzzzzzz , this is it ..... let's party .... no more work ..... all for FUN ..... that's what we want , so insist ..... and it will be .....
Bob Black has an essay on this .... here it is again ....
It is in podcast too , really great it is ...... think think think ...... what ya want !!!!!
Atheism Books.
It just seems that calling oneself god seems rather self-deprecating. After all, we're better by virtue of corporeality.
If a god exists then after the human rights violations trials were over, I would feel sympathy since being god offers no chance of self-improvement. You're stuck and remorse and regret are not possible since you already knew that you would be stuck. Sex with twins isn't even enough to bring a god out of a godly depression. Even impregnating every virgin on earth wouldn't bring but a fleeting sadistic giggle as compared to the entirety of existence splayed out in front you and easily manipulated into whatever. The same game over and over until MAYBE just MAYBE you encounter a rules change that yet again becomes monotonous.
While I, a mere human, am infinitely open to new things. Every day of my existence offers something to approach with the glee of novelty.
Poor god. So sad.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Here is my view on being ones own god.
I control me. I make decisions and act on those decisions. I shut up, mouth off or remain calm and collected. I decide. I AM god, the god of my life. God is a strong word, think of this, I know my thoughts...ALL of I know all in my mind, am I god?
IAGAY: You are so very cool
Slowly building a blog at ~
Renne, you get me .... I've been trying all day to write some worthy poetry dedicated to you , but I AM only god, and just a man.
Sometimes I stumble and fall, and there is lovin you helping me along.
Untill I can get the words right, I will send "song".
I would not be a happy man without you .....
Ashlee Simpson - Catch me when I fall (fan video)
Odd to me they call this one a Christian song, IT IS ATHEIST ???
What If God Was One Of Us? -- The Lion King
Atheism Books.
"Poor god. So sad."
INDEED, darth_josh
Does anyone believe in the un-known
So ? You are not GOD ? .... how so ?
oh, i get it , you mean that "OTHER" god .... yeah 
Atheism Books.
"The gods envy us."
That is why they throw coke bottles from the sky at us.
That is why they send calamity upon us.
Yet we persevere.
I'm no god because without your worship and adoration, I would still remain. A god would die from inattentiveness by his/her/its worshipers.
A god must create his own mother, father, children and other relatives. While some of us would envy that, it simply detracts from our accolades for surviving childhood despite our upbringing.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I'm reminded of something I read a while back:
Proof of God
1. It is impossible for one person to see reality through the eyes of another.
2. By definition, a reality you can’t enter via any form of transportation is another dimension.
3. You comprise 100% of your dimension, because no one else can share exactly your perception.
4. If you are the entire universe within your dimension, you are God by definition, since you are everything within your own dimension.
Source: The Dilbert Blog.
Readiness to answer all questions is the infallible sign of stupidity. Saul Bellow, Herzog
Thanks guys , you rock .... and so cool that The Dilbert Blog. I mailed that out.
Ineresting guy, Saul Bellow, he is fun ..... nice to know him
"People can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned." S.B.
Ummm, so what / why are we? , I'll say god and be done with that ..... so back to science for the details .....
( shit I've got 3 cigs burning in the ash tray behind me and just another .... 
Atheism Books.