Clinton, Obama or McCain?
Posted on: March 5, 2008 - 10:51am

Clinton, Obama or McCain?
As someone who is not an American and thus an inferior race I'm curious... Out of the three Presidential hopefuls who will you vote for in a few months time?
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you are forgetting another vital candidate, His name is Ralph Nader... I am still keeping my vote for him for now while i see who comes out on top and then i may change my vote...
Obama - as he is closest to my views (most liberal candidate that has a chance of winning.) Hillary Clinton would be my 2nd choice.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Obama. I suspect he is a closet atheist as well have having the most similar views to my own.
Obama, simply because he most closely matches my, and many of my friends, views. In all honesty, however, any one of the three major front runners (Obama, Clinton, and McCain) will be infinitely better than the monster in office now.
Your god's silence speaks loud and clear
A drunk bum fucking a stray dog up the ass in an alley could easilly do a better job than asshat Bush.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Not sure if there is much difference between all three candidates, so a vote for one is a vote for all. They all seem to support big business and corporate welfare over us peons. McCain does have a good track record of working with the dems, however we need a president that is somewhat knowledgable in economic principles and not just another chickenhawk. Obama might be good for foreign policy if he could get Bill Richardson as a VP. Clinton is just more of the same of what we currently have so won't even consider her a viable alternative.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
I will be voting for Obama in the upcoming primary election, and if he gets the democratic nomination, I will vote for him in the general election.
Otherwise, my ballot will be cast for McCain.
Meh,i don't really care for elections. But if i had to vote,it would be for Obama.
wait... what was the question?
We got Rocky! We go John Wayne and we got George Dubya!
(Note to self: Did I think that, or type it?)
Crap, voting to Americans, on either side of the issue has become like picking up roadkill on a hot August day. You pick the one that smells the least.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Matt, usually you're more straightforward than this. Please stop sugarcoating it and tell us how you really feel about the Asshat in Chief.
And you political map on that other post was very good. The middle part should be labeled Asshatistan though.
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
Voter apathy makes me a bit sick to be honest.
If you disagree with the Bush presidency blame yourself since voter apathy / lack of turnout are big reasons why he got into power.
The first presidential candidate I voted for was Ross Perot. He got 10% of the popular vote and not a single, solitary electorial vote.
Here in the USA our votes are suggestions that are usually ignored.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Then change it. The electoral system is broken, then change it.
In Canada we have open discussion on electoral reform and frequent votes at the federal and provincial levels when an idea has merit. If people demand something, they will get it. Switching to a proportional representation model would make a lot more sense.
ok, I'll take care of that tonight. Thanks for the advice!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Glad to help.
I'm still waiting to see who the third-party candidates might be, but I'm very interested in seeing what Obama would do.
oh, and McCain can go fuck himself. Oh, wait, Bush already took care of that.
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
I'd probably go for Obama, I think its high time the Republicans fucked off home. However, he's still a little bit too centrist for my liking.
Atheist Books
I like the look of Obama but that's because an article I randomly read the paper sold him to me.
I think that a lot of people who get behind candidates are often running on hope of what this guy might be.
Reminds me off my favourite quote from the 2004 elections.
The difference between Kerry and Bush is the difference between assraped with lube and assraped without it, but trust me when I say that's a seriously significant difference!!
I personally could live with any of them after 8 years of bush running the white house. Part of me really wants Hillary because it would be the first woman and that would be nice and I really thought her husband did a great job, with exception to his extracurricular activity's. But I do think that obama is also a very strong candidate and has a better chance of beating McCain. The best would be them joining forces.
I like Obama, but that whole thing about him being anti-white, anti-Jewish is questionable. He didn't deny it. I still like him, but I wonder if he's ready to be president.
We do not need another Clinton regime, thanks. I'm tired of them.
Although I don't agree with McCain on a lot of issues, I like him and would choose him over Clinton.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
Like Brian says , vote for the least stinky, but I must add, That can actually WIN.
Voting for the best is usually a wasted vote, and helps put your worst in office. The whole voting system needs a modern overhaul. First choice, second choice etc etc.
The government as a rule wants us to be afraid. Terrorism is a small worry. More people die every year from hospital mistakes alone. Dying from tripping and hitting your head as well, etc etc .....
Obama seems to be the most peace oriented.
McCain is a war monger.
Why are we not asked to vote on issues every few months ? WE are a stupid america .... and a stupid world. Who is proud YET ????
Atheism Books.
second that. people like Bush crave the indifference of the disenfranchised independent/democrat, because their loyal sheep base will go out to vote year after year as long as their candidate simply declares himself a "man of faith" with "strong conservative values".
i'm pulling for obama. screw all the "not enough experience" spin coming from mccain and hillary, cheney and rumsfeld had the most experience the white house has seen in the last 50 years and look at the mess they made. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
Obama! I mean he's not perfect, but he's pretty damn good.
AND he's pretty dank if you ask me!
I'm north of the American border, but, since the American election gets me all excited anyway:
I think I'd vote McCain. He's a reasonable human being, he concedes good points to people he argues with, and frankly, once upon a time he took trip into the not-so-magical world of warfare and saw/experienced the horrors of it firsthand. So he knows what he's committing to when he declares war.
I haven't heard how preachy he is (...which sort of speaks for itself); what's his religious stance like (I assume he's Christian)? Sucks that all of the candidates can't show themselves as being anything but God-fearing, or they lose the entire bible belt to an opponent.
Obama would be next, though Hilary wouldn't at all be far behind. I have a far greater appreciation for her than her husband - though I think the 'greater than thou' mentality is definately a trait that, unfortunately, they both share.
Oh, fuck. And Nader's running again. That guy's persistent if nothing else. Too bad he doesn't have a fucking clue and doesn't give a shit he's splitting the vote for slighty-less-left-wing Democrats.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Perhaps Nader thinks that by running every four years he's bound to get in eventually. Its pretty much why the Liberal Democratic Party exists in Britain, they'll never get in but they still try.
Atheist Books
Really, how much further to the left would you prefer a candidate to be ? ...perhaps someone with views more similar to Daniel Ortega, Nicolae Ceausescu, Vladimir Putin.... ?
Antonio Gramsci? He'd make a fine American President, if he weren't dead and Italian.
An Italian intellectual who embraced aspects of Marxist communism ?
And the problem?
Atheist Books
Uh, never mind Jacob. Just something about embracing a political system that has such a pathetic track record with regard to human rights....
( edited for clarity )
Hitler's family was a Jew =P
Revolution, Evolution baby, turn it upside down , they that are comfortable I will devouer ..... ummm , Kind of an oxymoron there, lyrics ??? "Stop cooperating, kill them all" ..... (geezzz, and another oxymoron .....)
"never surrender" , and so another one ...... shit
I know one thing for sure I AM .... fucked up ! (drunk as a skunk)
Atheism Books.
I'll more than likely vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. You know, it's a shame that Obama's been laden with all these unfounded racial and religious stereotypes.