Nibiru Planet X 2012 bullshit!

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Nibiru Planet X 2012 bullshit!


That website contains all kinds of information on stupid irrational claims.  My friend emailed this to me, I had to tell someone cause this is some major bs. Apparently It's all based on some lady Nancy Leiders' over active imagination.

Lieder states that she was chosen to warn mankind about Planet X, which would sweep through the solar system in May 2003, causing a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The pole shift would apparently be caused by magnetic attraction between the earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This magnetic disruption of the Earth's core and subsequent displacement of the crust of the Earth is said to correspond with the event Christians refer to as the biblical Armageddon.


Anyway since off course nothing happened in 2003. They pushed it to 2012 the end of the mayan calender, and now the hoax starts again. I guess people just really want there to be an end times, apocalypse, armageddon, ragnarok, etc etc..  The site sais the only way to survive the coming destruction is to ascend to the 4th dimension. Sounds to me exactly like heavens gate cult, they where waiting for hale bot to pass buy cause there was a spaceship behind it. Just thought you should check it out pretty ridiculous. I also wondered could this be considered religion or does it fall into some other category of ignorance?

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funknotik wrote: The site

funknotik wrote:

 The site sais the only way to survive the coming destruction is to ascend to the 4th dimension.

4th dimension eh? thats rather stupid of them considering we already live in a 4 dimensional world, the 4th being time. I have a sneaking suspicion that the name "Michael Tsarion" will occur somewhere in the website somewhere, but I can't be bothered to look before I head off to sleep.

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Nancy sounds crazy!Just like

Nancy sounds crazy!

Just like you said, I also think that theist wish to escape into death when they talk about end times. Either that or they just love the thought of having something scary associated with their fact lacking belief systems.

As a little child I was always confused by how they talk all that yap about the afterlife being so wonderful and being able to see eaching other again; yet when someone dies they morn/cry insead of celebrating...


"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called Insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion." - Robert M. Pirsig,

Enok Zakooes (not verified)
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This is most disturbing all their is to life just this. A world filled with narrow minded morons who live in a world of disbelif and illrational behavir. You know what the whole world is in an mentally illrational elliptical orbit, that is why people are so imposible to reason with. Don't worry I work for the good of mankind

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Quote:This is most


This is most disturbing all their is to life just this. A world filled with narrow minded morons who live in a world of disbelif and illrational behavir. You know what the whole world is in an mentally illrational elliptical orbit, that is why people are so imposible to reason with. Don't worry I work for the good of mankind

Just a heads up: Nobody will address this without heaping on appropriate scorn, because in terms of grammar, spelling and syntax, your writing is comparable to that of a small child. I suppose I should keep to the above: You are a certified loonball. I don't think anyone here would be able to write fake lunatic rants that sounded as foaming-at-the-mouth-crazy as yours do.


I would like to have an e mail from you guys

Even if anyone wanted to communicate with you via email (which they don't) they wouldn't be able to. You're using the anonymous posting feature, you idiot. Your email address is not registered here with an account, and you didn't give it out.

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I love reading this stuff

I love reading this stuff OMFG. I have a co-worker that is so nihilistic (christian) if you can believe it or not. He still believes the whole 2012 bull shit and found a new one. He has been saying for weeks that the Earth's tilt has increased by more than double what is was just a few years ago. Essentially, the weather patterns right now are a result of a drastic change in the Earth's tilt and no one has noticed it.

By time the Summer soltice is here the sun will be up to somewhere over Texas instead of the Tropic of Cancer. If I can I will find the links he sent to me. It was some really interesting reading.

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Like every astronomer,


Like every astronomer, pilot, captain, and tourism provider (just to start) wouldn't instantly notice a shift in the planets tilt, which is even more responsible for climate than the entire atmosphere and all the landmasses and all the water on Earth combined. The only thing that has a greater impact is our distance from Sol, and Sol's activity itself.

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The End of The Mayan Calendar

There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.

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They are not wrong that the

They are not wrong that the end of human life will happen. BUT they are stupid in thinking myth and pseudo science is a predictor.


They are like a kid finding their pet goldfish belly up in the bowl and shouting "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE".

Yea, eventually somehow, but there is no magic or myth or conspiracy to it. There is no super hero or super villain or third planet on the grassy knoll.

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You are a loon!

2012 Doomsday wrote:
There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.

You are wrong on two counts. One, the Long Count of the Mayan calender (part of their three calender system) is 26,000 years, not a mere 5125 years. Secondly, it's only non-Mayan's who consider the end of this particular Long Count to be the end of the world. The Mayan's alive today know that it just restarts the calender. That's why you don't see the inhabitants of Oaxaca, Mexico lying down preparing to die. There is a reason that the Long Count calender is a giant circle, and not a line with a beginning and an end. You are imposing a Eurocentric view of their calender, which is why you have such a stupid and uneducated view of it.

You are stupid for believing the bullshit coming from the mouths of con men, who are appropriating another people's culture to support their insane "end of the world" claims.

I will see you on Dec. 22, 2012 so I can laugh in your gullible face.

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2012 Doomsday wrote:There

2012 Doomsday wrote:

There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.

I wonder if this is the same guy that started this post?

The Mayans didn't predict shit. It wasn't a cycle you moron. It was a calender and they extended it as far as they could with the math they had at the time. The did not know how many seconds were in a year, much less a nanosecond or Planck time for that matter.

Given enough delusion a fan of Harry Potter could twist the words of that book and turn it into a prophecy religion. Scientology was started by fans of a science fiction writer.



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There is no indication that

There is no indication that the Mayan calendar cycle is anything more than an inherent consequence of the way they added periodic corrections to make it fit better the actual details of the timing of astronomical events. When you use ordinary integer arithmetic, such corrections will eventually repeat. The finer the adjustments, the more accurate the corrections, longer the whole system would take to repeat.

There is nothing particularly significant to the time it takes to repeat. If the civilization had survived, they would have had to further adjust their calendar, and the repeat time would almost certainly have got even longer, as they found it necessary to account for slower astronomical orbits which only became apparent after longer observation.

2012 will just be yet another failed apocalyptic prediction to add to a long list.


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Enok Zakooes wrote:This is

Enok Zakooes wrote:

This is most disturbing all their is to life just this. A world filled with narrow minded morons who live in a world of disbelif and illrational behavir. You know what the whole world is in an mentally illrational elliptical orbit, that is why people are so imposible to reason with. Don't worry I work for the good of mankind

I would like to have an e mail from you guys

Wow, you are so right.  How could I have been so close minded for all these years?  Obviously I should believe everything every random stranger on the internet has to say at face value.  For some bizarre reason I've been thinking I need evidence, but apparently people just saying things, and using common logical fallacies is all the evidence I really need.  Thank you so much for your help.

Why don't we talk more about this.  You can email me at:  You'[email protected]

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2012 Doomsday wrote:There

2012 Doomsday wrote:

There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.

You are so right.  The Mayan were obviously all super geniuses who could predict everything that was going to happen in the future.  That's why they are still around today to.......oh wait they aren't around anymore are they? 

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Brian37 wrote:2012 Doomsday

Brian37 wrote:

2012 Doomsday wrote:

There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.

I wonder if this is the same guy that started this post?


I'm certain it is, or they are in cahoots. 


Ok so let's listen to John Cusack and pack our bags.  Let us put on our blockbuster armegedon hats and play the game.  So What happens in 2013 if nothing went down, do you eat your foot?  I'm not saying it won't, but 100% of end of the world professies have not come true so I'd be wise to place my bets.     

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 Scientists know that it is

 Scientists know that it is not a mater of IF a cataclysm will hit the planet in some form, via a mega volcano or meteor, but WHEN.

WHAT pisses me off is WHEN it happens , when scientists observe, close to the event and know there is nothing humans can do about it, the myth lovers will shout like delusional nutcases claiming it was a result of myth and super heros or the  mafia killing John Lenon because he denied Elvis was still alive.

OUR SPECIES WILL DIE, something will kill us all. DUH, but there is no magic to it and prophecy based on superstition is about as useful as using used toilet paper as a napkin.

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Since it is unlikely that

Since it is unlikely that the world is going to end in 2012 what do you think the next popular doom day date will be?

I'm going to guess 2020.  Two 20 right next to each other.   Surely that has got to spell the end of the world. 

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B166ER wrote:   2012

B166ER wrote:


2012 Doomsday wrote:
There are too many coincidences happening around the 2012 date, to just simply dismiss the whole thing. The Mayan calendar encompasses a tremendous 5125 year great cycle. Obviously, the calendar was meant as a signpost for a future generation...THIS GENERATION.


You are wrong on two counts. One, the Long Count of the Mayan calender (part of their three calender system) is 26,000 years, not a mere 5125 years.


Umm, where did you get that from? 5125 years is one Baktun of which there have been 13 in the system. 26,000 years is slightly longer than 5 Baktun. If you have a link, I would be curious to read it.


B166ER wrote:
I will see you on Dec. 22, 2012 so I can laugh in your gullible face.


Agreed but the line forms behind me.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Originally 2012 or rather

Originally 2012 or rather the end of the world was scheduled for y2k, but then nothing happened so the dumb bitch Nancy Leider rescheduled for 2012. All new age nuts love this shit, this deepak chopra, and the secret. The holy trinity of New age bullshit thinking.

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RatDog wrote:Since it is

RatDog wrote:
Since it is unlikely that the world is going to end in 2012 what do you think the next popular doom day date will be?


I'm going to guess 2020. Two 20 right next to each other. Surely that has got to spell the end of the world.


Well, I suppose that any date is as good as any other. The only thing being that if the next date is fairly soon after another failed prediction, my experience is that it will get little if any real attention. Consider how many people even noticed the 2003 date (coming so soon after the whole Y2K thing).


Speaking of Y2K, there is some potential for chaos at the end of 2028. Here is how that works:


At the beginning of computerized record keeping, programmers would compete to write the best programs for some basic things such as a calendar. Then they would share their work and see if someone could make it even better. As a result, there are only a few routines for calculating dates and they mostly all calculate the year the same way.


Remember that computers don't “really see” base 10 numbers, only base 2 ones. So the year 1900 is commonly assigned as the arbitrary year one. The way that certain years are denoted in binary is as follows;


1900 = 0000 0010


2000 = 1100 1001


2028 = 1111 1111


So you see the problem? Y2K was never going to hit on 12/31/99. If it ever comes to pass, 12/31/28 is the day when some of the older pre-Y2K software would roll over. Hopefully, the whole Y2K nonsense has pretty much taken care of that old code but who knows where there may still be fragments of it ready to trip?

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

2028 = 1111 1111


Ohmigod... I think I just shit my pants.

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?If 1900 == 0000 0001


If 1900 == 0000 0001 (1)

then 2000 = 0110 0101 (101)

1111 1111 (255) => 2154

0111 1111 (127) => 2026.

Doesn't quite work, AFAICS.

If 1901 is assigned as year zero, (0000 0000) then

2028 will be 0111 1111.

FWIW, 'time zero' in Unix, PHP, MySQL, etc is Jan 1, 1970.

Many different dates have been used.

Network Time Protocol, very relevant to the Internet, uses Jan 1 1900.

Windows uses Jan 1 1601, the origin of the Gregorian calendar cycle in effect when Windows was developed.

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Actually, I have expected to see more "normal" believers on this website.  I even hoped to see some believers curious about atheism....  HA ... 

It looks like the site is filled up mainly with 3 types of species: 1) atheists 2) fundamentally freaked christians and 3) fundamental freaks. 

I think the types 2&3 are violating by a large margin the probability of producing  the meaningful words (not logically connected though) by monkeys randomly pressing keyboard buttons.


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100percentAtheist wrote:



Actually, I have expected to see more "normal" believers on this website.  I even hoped to see some believers curious about atheism....  HA ... 

It looks like the site is filled up mainly with 3 types of species: 1) atheists 2) fundamentally freaked christians and 3) fundamental freaks. 

I think the types 2&3 are violating by a large margin the probability of producing  the meaningful words (not logically connected though) by monkeys randomly pressing keyboard buttons.



I think the road towards atheism for a 'normal' believer probably tends to be a more private thing (it was for me).  It isn't pleasant to subject your theism to scrutiny by third parties, and you have to be a very savvy theist to debate on forums like this and not sound like an idiot.  The 'normal' theists who are not interested in atheism aren't very interested in theism either and probably don't spend much time thinking about their own theism in the first place.


So in short, theists who are interested in challenging their beliefs tend to be extreme cases.

Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.

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The End of the Mayan Calendar

Funny thing is we don't really know what the mayans were referring to.

Since we keep time according to the Roman calendar instead of the Mayan

calendar we have just supposed the date of  the Mayan calendar ending on or

about 21 December, 2012.   The Mayans contend that the ending of the age was

upon us. There wasn't any supposition or predictions as to what was going to occur

just that one age would succumb to the beginning of another. Ever wonder where

the term New Age came from? Simply the ending of an old and the beginning of something new.

The Mayans looked to the New Age as a dawning of enlightenment not disenchantment.

The opening of the mind to broader perspectives, seems all we have done is closed our minds

to the newer unaccepted age of attitudes and knowledge.  Instead of pumping

yourselves full of doom and calamity why not open one's eyes to new a beginning .



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Human Beings are so over

Human Beings are so over dramatic. I'm always like , Chill out guys.


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i wonder J.O.'s when you or

i wonder J.O.'s when you or the other side is wrong how fast will you come to your allocated blog spots and give up the narcissism and your "rational" response jo squad and admitt you were naive and ignorant and by all the most to in fact be Wrong!  who hass the balls to admit when the time comes to

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  We've made it past the

  We've made it past the 11:11 GMT deadline.  A new Maya calendar cycle now begins.  Time for a new fake end of the world story.

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Sapient wrote:  We've made

Sapient wrote:

  We've made it past the 11:11 GMT deadline.  A new Maya calendar cycle now begins.  Time for a new fake end of the world story.



                   You mean the Mayans were just going to start again at ONE!!!!! How do I tell the bank OOPS? Any more fake 'world ends tomorrow" crap and I am going to start kicking some apocolyptic ass, BIG TIME!!!!!!




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