"Atheist Rewards" picture on Deviant Art

Not sure if someone has already posted about this, but a rather ignorant Xtian has posted a rather ignorant (poorly done) art piece on his Deviant Art gallery. It's received coverage on many other locations, including About.com, Pharyngula, and others.
The art piece, attached to this post, depicts a stick figure person sitting in a tiny room, on a chair. His description made it quite clear that he believed the afterlife for an Atheist was basically a lonely, empty room, and that it was impossible for Atheists to know love.
I've had some personal correspondence with this guy -- I've tried reason, I've tried humor, I've tried sarcasm. He's dead-set in his ways. So have at him.
His Deviant Art Gallery (he's posted about this art piece quite a bit lately) is here: http://krensada.deviantart.com/
The About.com article (written by Austin Cline) about him is here: http://atheism.about.com/b/2008/03/11/krensadas-deviant-anti-atheist-bigotry.htm
PZ Myer's blog, Pharyngula, is where I first saw it. The art piece is currently being shown here: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/03/actually_its_theists_who_belie.php
If you're REALLY angry about this, his email is: his birthday is Oct 22nd, 1982 (this was PUBLICLY AVAILABLE and you can find it by googling him), and his other website is http://www.farmillia.com
I've given him plenty of opportunity to be decent, realize that he was being unreasonable, and say "Hey, maybe I was wrong," and he absconds every opportunity by shutting his ears off.
Go read his posts on D.A., you'll see what I mean.
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There's no point in dealing with the stubbornly irrational.
Here are working links
about atheism
and PZ Myers
Anybody remember the Chocolate Jesus artwork controversy? How the Christian were outraged by it? I highly doubt the atheists were up in arms over that.
I don't really agree with the artwork, I personally find it stupid as I do with the chocolate Jesus, as well as the various other anti-religious drawings I've seen on this site.
Remember when You guys making fun of the Muslims offended by the picture of Mohammid on wikipedia?
Whatever happened to freedom of expression? If you don't like it, don't look at it. When an Atheist creates anti-religious artwork blaspheming any and many God(s) , it's freedom of expression. So why isn't this?
Don't give a damn about the picture itself. Confronting untrue and irrational beliefs? Isn't that why this group exists?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
My post is for the people that laugh at Christians who are outraged by blasphemous images, yet are outraged by this.
But the question is how do they confront them?
BTW I wrote that post after reading the about atheism article, though it wasn't directed at one specific person.
@Ctp_pineapple: Thanks for fixing those links -- I didn't realize the forum app would truncate them.
I was never really outraged by the artwork at all. I think it's just a poorly sketched piece that may as well have been done on a bathroom wall. What pissed me off was his response to being corrected. He is defiantly ignorant. In spite of myself (and I'm sure dozens of others) specifically pointing out the flaws in his argument, he continues to perpetuate that. It would have been one thing if he did this piece, someone says "hey, you know that's not really accurate OR polite," and then he says "oh, my bad," or even "yes, I realize this, but I'm simply expressing a viewpoint". Instead, in his response to me he told me to go stand in traffic. (total serious there -- I've got the email in my inbox still)
I agree that everyone is entitled to free speech, but the free speech has no "no-talkbacks" clause in it -- if you say something offensive, expect people to get pissed off.
I am in 100% agreement that this guy has every right to post his art (sic!). In fact, I think we ought to help him publicize it. I'm going to link to it from my myspace page. This is something the whole atheist community ought to see, after all.
HEY EVERYONE!!! Look at the Christian trying to scare us into believing! Isn't that cute?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I think that most atheists don't find it outrageous so much as just stupid. As already mentioned it indicates a great misunderstanding of atheism and the world as a whole. To think that without god the world is an empty room with blank walls is sort of ignoring all of reality.
what's the atheist supposed to do in that room? think, i guess...
sounds a hell of a lot better than mindless worship.
Well, I have to give the Christians some credit. Solitary confinement is pretty much one of the worst things you can do to a human being.
In the 1940s, Rene Spitz conducted a study of a foundling homes, in which poor infants whose mothers could not care for them were put into solitary confinement. They received no human warmth, but were fed with the best nutritional food, kept at an ideal temperature, and the facilities were highly sanitary. Thirty four of ninety babies died.
In reviewing data from other homes, he found even higher incidence of 'unexplained' infant mortality.
(Spitz, "Hospitalism," 53-54; Spitz and Wolf, "Anaclitic Depression," 331.
Among primates, rodents, and birds, we've seen exactly the same thing. Animals who are deprived of social contact and affection die at astonishingly high rates, and suffer moderate to severe health problems that cannot be attributed to any other variable. In prisons and detention camps, inmates show signs of mental deterioration after as little as 36 hours of solitary.
Of course, there are problems with the concept of heaven, too. We know that there are enormous problems with people who have to do the same thing for weeks or months at a time. Imagine fifty billion years of the same old songs, day in and day out! The insanity might not set in as quickly, but it would set in, nonetheless.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I thought the man in the room picture showed atheist turned into black people. or something.
Yep. Going to hell is going to get all the folks that the Tower of Babel missed.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
honestly, i'd be more surprised if i didn't get this kind of response.
Oh man. I'm a big fan of well-done art, but this is not art. It's some dude's interpretation of hell. This is a standard motif in both art and in sermons - to characterize hell as something other than a pit of fire.
And as far as sacrilegious art goes, I love some of it. I thought Piss Christ was brilliant. There's a fine line between art and self-importance though, and many people cross that line.
If we're stuck in a room that means no xtian can preach to us and be annoying!Sounds like a reward to me
BTW,did you know atheists are the most close minded group on earth?THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE FACT.It's on the interwebs.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
This picture is doing everything I thought it would...it's great!
I disagree with the theme of the of the drawing and what you said about it, but I fully support your right to spread your message to the masses. I am not being sarcastic or facetious.
However, I don't think it's necessary to come mock people just to stir up more controversy over what is, honestly, a rather weak, bland, and generally unartistic commentary of atheism. You obviously need to mature in whatever faith you practice since you obviously are mistaking the reactions for positive ones. Harassing and provoking people only will bring you harassment on yourself.
By implication, and by contrast, I'm forced to imagine what he believes his "reward" is for going face down in his Cheerios one day. And that just makes me LOL. I figure he's motivated by the idea that getting extra syrup in his chocolate milk for finishing his book report before bedtime is a microcosm of life itself.
Is that the author? Dude, drawing classes... NAO!!!
I'm not outraged at this piece of 'art', in fact, I think it suits the whole christian art world, from the bland and uninspiring novels of the 'left behind' series to the monotonous drone of the infinitely repetative 'christian pop' music where every song sounds just like every other song in the genre. It has no wit, a weak punchline and is making me yawn like there's no tomorrow.
Its obvious, little though has been put into this work and little time. what, did it take all of 2 minutes in photoshop to create this? the most surprising thing about this piece is that it has gained any attention at all.
if you are going to make a picture or what have you to take the piss/ make a joke about or show your views of a group you are opposed to, them at least put some effort into it.
*here comes the shameless plug:*
below is my depiction of theistic religion and theism in general<click for larger view>
the picture itself is poster size ( 33"x23" ) and took me roughly 4 days of moderate work on it to finish due to size and only having 3 pencils
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
Hi! I know this sounds stupid, but I just had to leave a comment about that picture. I think it is absolutely amazing and it really depicts my views on religion.
Me too, even if it does depict theists as self-righteous bigots and atheists as black stick figures. It's really the best thing that guy has ever done. I mean, have you seen his other stuff? And his favorites? Total furry.
I'm particularly drawn to the picture titled 'Deep Thoughts'. Great work Krensada! Luv teh furease!
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
I'm more offended by the kids views of Global Warming than his "art"work.
I was going to say...
For those of you who might share the opinion that any level of Carbon Dioxide is perfectly harmless to a planet, I invite you to take a look at our neighbor: Venus.
The runaway greenhouse effect on Venus has turned the planet into a gigantic foundry. The atmospheric temperature is hot enough to melt lead or tin, and the tremendous atmospheric pressure crushed the earliest spacecraft we sent to investigate it's surface like styrofoam cups.
Yes. High enough C02 levels will kill everything on Earth, and no, it doesn't matter that CO2 can also exist in safe quantities (this would be like me arguing that since I'm hit by sunlight and X-Rays every single day, solar radiation must be totally harmless regardless of it's magnitude).
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
But it's what plants CRAVE! Sorry. . .
No, the issue isn't whether CO2 is a greenhouse gas or not (everyone who knows anything about the science knows that it does), but whether the CO2 output of mankind is significant enough compared to other sources to be a cause of global warming (everyone who knows anything about the science knows is occuring).
It's a known fact that as temperature increases CO2 levels increase and vice versa. So a large enough temperature increase can cause the whole thing to feedback on itself and make it even warmer and warmer and more carbon dioxide-y.
At this point it's kind of pointless to argue what the first cause was because it doesn't matter. We've got to find a way to get rid of the excess CO2 before they both get completely out of control and doom us all.