Introduction - Baby Dinos Make Jesus Cry
I've been lurking about for a long time, so I thought I would finally introduce myself. I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember. My father was a high school biology teacher (who at one time was in training to become a priest at a Jesuit seminary, but ended up leaving an atheist) who allowed me and my siblings to decide for ourselves on matters of religion. We would attend services at a Ukrainian Catholic church occasionally to appease the grandparents, however the entire mass was in Ukrainian, and not being a speaker myself, I just remember being bored as hell.
My degree is in philosophy, I have a technical position in information technology, and am interested in science/religion debates, especially those involving evolution/ID-creationism.
Not sure if it is a requirement to become a forum member in good standing, but I am willing to genuflect before the awesome power of kelly78's breasts.
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
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Welcome Dino guy
Your father sounds like a very rationl person.I envy your upbringing! Another person who can answer the creationist drivel, I mean questions, is always appreciated I'm sure.
See you around
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Thanks Loc. I am familiar with the majority of the cretinist arguments, and am always on the lookout for any new ones, even though anything resembling new ideas is fairly rare with that bunch. I'll do what I can with any that show up.
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
Welcome Mr Shabadoo. Find a spot on the couch, put your feet up, and welcome to the ride. The fun has only just begun.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
Welcome to the forums, Joey!
I've used the JoeyJoJoJr name in a few other forums, and you're the first one that got the Simpsons link. Congrats!
Thanks for the welcome guys.
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
You're kidding? o.O Wow.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
Fortunately Stalin persecuted that false, heretical church.
You're being sarcastic right? I don't think persecuting anyone for their religious beliefs is a good thing. Stalin was responsible for the starvation deaths of 7 million Ukrainians in the early 1930's when he was forcing collectivization of the country's farms. There aren't too many things Stalin did that I consider fortunate.
Read more about it here:
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
Hey, a fellow philosophy student. Welcome!
It's been a while since I was actually a student, but thanks for the welcome! Just curious, but what are your plans for after you graduate?
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
Of course. It just pisses me off that christians blame Stalin's "atheism" for doing the kinds of things christians did to each other a few centuries ago.
And how do all these current christians know that god didn't send Stalin to test and strengthen their church?
Of course, a lot of these same christians give president Bush a pass on imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering heaps of Muslim creationists in Iraq and Afghanistan because the victims profess the "wrong" beliefs about god. Many Muslims now accuse Bush of "atheism" for that reason.
I agree. I get tired of xian fundies using a fascist dictator's actions as somehow proving anything about atheism. Even if they argue that he did the things he did because he was not afraid of some eventual divine retribution, what is the real difference between Stalin and someone like a Stalin who does something similar because "God told them to"?
WWSD - What Would Scooby Doo?
A science student asks 'Why does it work?
An Engineering student asks 'How does it work?'
A philosophy student asks 'What is work?
Anyway, welcome.
I already graduated with a B.A. in philosophy and now I'm working on an M.A. in English. Depending on how my comps and thesis go, I'll either teach English at the high school/community college level or go on for a PhD in philosophy, theology, or something comparably impractical.