Excorcism - what does it contain?
Exorcism has been in the news numerous times over the last few months. From the pope wanting to practise brought back and at least one fully trained priest in every parish, to the recent uncovering of events going on at Mercy Ministries.
You'll have to excuse my ignorance, but when I think of exorcism the images that pop in to my mind are generally things like The Exorcist and other such B-Grade movies. I know this will make many laugh and slap their foreheads etc, but that's why I'm asking.
Generally when I think exorcism I think things similar to torture. They're both one in the same in my mind so if possible I would like this cleared up. I would like to know what forms of exorcism there are, what processes and actions take place during them etc.
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I've never witnessed one or anything, but I used to love reading books written by former 'satanists' about demons and witchcraft. Generally,it seems they'd hold the person down and call out each demon by name,bind them,cast them out. Ya it's all abit wack.
I had a friend whose mother travels around the country doing deliverance from demons. This is abit puzzling to me.I don't believe in such things,but these people claim to see the demons coming out.I don't know how its possible for several people to imagine the same thing,but it's still more likely than demons.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Ever read Freddie Gage, underworld preacher? It reads like a Stephen King novel, only not very well written.
There was some exorcism nonsense at my church when I was a kid. This douche came in and preached about how he'd seen all this scary shit like in the movie. He exorcised a few demons from some of the faithful, like the demon of sloth, the demon of gluttony, etc.
I think exorcism is as diverse as the number of sects that practice it. It ranges from relatively harmless chanting to beating the crap out of people and torturing them.
Lots of people have seen What's-his-nuts levitate... What's that guy's name? The guy who froze himself in a block of ice?
From my experience, these mass hallucinations usually come from two things. First, some people can find Jesus in a piece of burnt toast. All they need is something that looks like a sign, and their brain will make up the rest. Second, nobody wants to be left out. If everybody else sees something, and you want very badly to see it to, your brain can easily find a way to either remember that you saw something when you didn't, or make something up for you to see.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Agreed.I think this is the reason for speaking in tongues,been slain in the spirit and other stuff I saw in my xtian years. The minds capacity for imagination is enormous,and if you want something to be real badly enough,it will be to you. When everyone around you is babbling like a idiot and flopping around,you don't want to be the one sticking out. Combined with the highly emotional atmosphere,it'd be pretty easy to just think you're experiencing god's presence
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
This is the first write-up I could find for the Catholic rite of exorcism:
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid