Whats Love got to do with it...?
I have read numerous posts here lately, including Kelly’s 'hate' article, I guess I just wanted to sort of post a response to some of this.#1- One must separate Faith from Religion, one is manmade, therefore it is fallible, while the other one can be described as our 'belief system' I believe in God, you believe in the absence of God. I have faith that I will live forever with God, you have faith in the fact that you become dust.#2- Love is an emotion, where do emotions come from? I believe we are all made with a built-in ‘vacuum’ no, not a Hoover.. it’s only a figure of speech.. we are born ‘missing’ something in our lives, we are constantly looking to fill that void, and I believe only the Love of God can fill it, I read other posts on here about those that have a void, when they leave God, or the church, “how do I fix this” they say.. there is a way, fill it with something else, Jesus repeatedly says “eyes to see, ears to hear” for this very reason, God will allow you to fill that void with anything you want, and even make it appear to be right to you, but is it?#3 You don’t believe that God is who He is, but if He was, couldn’t He do anything He wanted? He gave us freewill, if we choose not to accept Him, would he not be capable of making us believe we were correct? And also would one be capable of knowing they made the wrong choice? If God is an all powerful, all knowing God, what could he not do? Have you been on this planet long enough to know everything? I am not that vain.. I know that there are still places on this planet, let alone this universe that nobody has seen or been to.I was recently sent this e-mail, very interesting content, I’m sure you can tear it apart if you want, but that is not the reason for me posting it, (there were other stories relayed to him, this is just one):The next story came about twenty minutes later. It’s a man this time, and he begins, “I’m not a very mystical guy.” I figured he was about to refer to the exercise where we listened to God, and I sort of smiled inside. When did talking to God become mystical? He continued, “But I did what you said and just got silent. And God said, Take Amy to St. John. Amy’s my wife, and God wants me to take her to the Bahamas.” I said, “Wow. Great,” thinking that was the end of the story. But he goes on, “After you finished I turned to the guy next to me and said, ‘I think God wants me to take my wife to St John.’ He said, ‘I have two tickets for St John and God has told me for awhile they are not for me but I’m supposed to give them to someone. So, you have two tickets for St. John.’”They had just met.How completely God is that?And this fellow, he was pretty blown away. “That is crazy!!” I just smiled and said, “Way to go. Enjoy the trip!”It’s not crazy. Just wild, and beautiful, and pretty normal…when you walk with God. I liken it to somebody standing outside a building, and telling people that there is nothing going on inside, “I went in there when nobody was at the reception desk, and nobody was there, so nothing is going on inside, in fact, I’m pretty sure nothing happens there..”#4- Related note: I have seen many post here that ‘I used to be a Christian’ but I would venture to argue that point also, if your definition of Christian is like that of so many others, I’m sure you were, but just saying, or knowing that Christ is the Son of God, does not make one a Christian, I believe in the existence of Satan, but I do not claim to be a follower.. Christ himself (I know the Bible again.. whoa..) said that “unless you are Born Again”. So I would have to say that anybody NOT born again is not really a Christian.. and a person born again, having received the Holy Spirit, would never be able to state that the Trinity does not exist. I would say, if there were one or two things that happened every now and then, you would have just cause to argue the point against Gods existence, but having hundreds or thousands of things happening everyday around the world it would be very difficult to say that they are ALL smoke and mirror tricks, (eyes to see ears to hear).One must remember outside of the existence of God, miracles cannot exist, they are not allowed in a scientific environment. I would have to guess that each of you knows at least one person, if not many, that “unexplainable” things have happened to.#5- Although I ramble, it comes down to Love, Love for others, Love of God for us, our love for God, there are many things that are outside the scope of science, that are unexplainable, that have no reason behind it, you can explain anything you want, anyway you want, does it make it true? No. and I’m in a worse boat, explain the existence of God? Without his actual presence here to prove it? It does say in the Bible that his signature is written for all to see so that there can be no excuse..I live on a 300 acre ranch in the middle of nowhere, and I am incapable of denying his existence, I see it daily all around me, in all the living things, even in the flowers and grass, is this all a mistake? Something that just came to be? When I die, do I turn to dust, do I cease to exist, I do not believe so, I thing we continue on, on the path we have CHOSEN. RUSH (the band) said it best even when the said, “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice” there are sides, and it’s not lots of sides, it 2 sides, and I write not for those of you who want to choose despair, and darkness , but those that still want looking for love and light, and goodness..My only wish is that you make a decision based on knowledge of ALL the facts, those cannot be gleamed by talking to one side of a debate, one must listen to both sides. Make it your quest to find the TRUTH, and you will find it, then make your decision. My_2_Cents…
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#4- Related note: I have seen many post here that ‘I used to be a Christian’ but I would venture to argue that point also, if your definition of Christian is like that of so many others, I’m sure you were, but just saying, or knowing that Christ is the Son of God, does not make one a Christian, I believe in the existence of Satan, but I do not claim to be a follower.. Christ himself (I know the Bible again.. whoa..) said that “unless you are Born Again”. So I would have to say that anybody NOT born again is not really a Christian.. and a person born again, having received the Holy Spirit, would never be able to state that the Trinity does not exist. I would say, if there were one or two things that happened every now and then, you would have just cause to argue the point against Gods existence, but having hundreds or thousands of things happening everyday around the world it would be very difficult to say that they are ALL smoke and mirror tricks, (eyes to see ears to hear).One must remember outside of the existence of God, miracles cannot exist, they are not allowed in a scientific environment. I would have to guess that each of you knows at least one person, if not many, that “unexplainable” things have happened to.
Multiply this several times:
I rest my case, you are a perfect example, thank you for insightful response, it means so much that the first response was so well composed. Truly hilarious too, I can see you put a lot of time into it, well at least you probably taxed your brain..
Loathe as I am to follow the eloquence of Matt's kitty...
1. How can faith in a man-made god not be man-made? Also, if something is a fact it needs no belief behind it ("the fact that you become dust"
. This is in addition to your incorrect definition of atheism - atheism is not the belief there is no god.
2. Man, how long has it been since I've heard the God-shaped hole argument? Emotions are the results of chemistry in the brain produced as responses to stimuli.
3. I think this a record - the combining of Pascal's Wager and the "absolute knowledge" argument into an amorphous mass with some "god is omnipotent but he can't violate freewill" contradiction thrown in.
4. Ah, our old friend the NTS fallacy. They only followed the process described in the Bible but they're not "true christians". Oh, I didn't see the part about where they had to do it your way...
5. And a misconception of science followed by circular logic and the design argument.
I'd love to listen to both sides of the argument - where's yours?
Damn, I should've left it up to Matt's kitty. Now my head hurts.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
Slowly building a blog at ~
Let me example this:
How can that possibly be described as "faith"?
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
My pissed off cat with the "Not this shit again" title is my standard response to stupid arguments that have been repeatedly posted and already refuted on here. Does the Bible say something condemning checking previous internet posts to make sure what you are planning on posting hasn't already been done to death and thus avoiding making a royal ass of yourself?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Its true, i've only been reading up on the forums for a couple months and I didnt read a single new argument in the OP. Not even halfway through the first paragraph I felt the presence of the NTSA cat on its way.
I still wonder if there's an "asshat academy" where they teach the same tired old arguments to proselytizers, like we never heard them before.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
You felt her presence? Wow, could Miss Callie be the next "god" in the "atheist pantheon?" - ie Flying Spaghtti Monster, Invisible Pink Unicorn, etc.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team