Benedictus XVI said: "Jesus resurrection is ->CERTAIN PROOF<-"
Source: An Italian newspaper and an American chatolic website.
Vatican City: 30,000 people swelled in Piazza San Pietro today to take part in the weekly general audience with Pope Benedict XVI, who arrived by helicopter from his Castelgandolfo residence. The Pope dedicated his discourse to the period of Easter, and more specifically, to the fact that Jesus’ resurrection is “'certain proof' ... that what He says is true. The entire liturgy of the Easter period proclaims the certainty and joy of Christ's resurrection", the Pope began. This is "the central truth of Christian faith in all its doctrinal richness and its inexhaustible vitality".
Christ's Easter, he went on, "is also our Easter because in the risen Christ we are given the certainty of our final resurrection. ... The death of the lord shows the immense love with which He loved us, even to the point of sacrificing Himself for us. But only His resurrection is 'certain proof' ... that what He says is true".
"It is important to reiterate this fundamental truth of our faith", explained, "the historical truth of which is amply documented, even if today as in the past there is no lack of people who put it in doubt or even deny it.
The Pope pointed to the effects of doubt versus belief in the Resurrection saying, “The weakening of faith in the resurrection of Jesus leads to the weakening of the testimony of believers. ... Whereas adhesion to Christ, dead and risen, changes lives and illuminates the entire life of individuals and peoples. The liturgy invites us - and especially in this octave of Easter - to encounter the Risen One personally and to recognize His life-giving action in the events of history and in our daily lives".
As with the disciples of Emmaus who figure in today's Gospel, "the Lord is walking with us and he explains the Scripture to us. He brings us to understand this mystery in which everything speaks of Him. This should make our hearts burn so that our eyes may also be opened. The Lord is with us, He shows us the true path".
The disciples of Emmaus recognized Christ "as He broke the bread. ... We too", the Holy Father concluded, "can meet and know Jesus Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist, ... on the double altar of the announced Word and the consecrated Bread and Wine. Each Sunday the community relives the Lord's Easter and draws from the Savior its witness of love and fraternal service".
Sad, really. Every year the same speech, the pope doesn't matter, sometimes i think they use the same brain connected to different bodies. To "celebrate" this event, the italian TV channels did not mention the trial against Pierino Gelmini, a priest charged with sexual abuse.. and half of the tv shows (The other half are reality shows and "Bud Spencer & Terence Hill" movies) were bullet-proof because of the absence of debate on the "resurrection" topic: just 10 chatolic, 1 jew, 1 buddhist professor and a center-right wing (chatolic) showman arguing for 40 minutes, try to imagine something like that if you can. So.. can you link me an interview, a video, something where there is a real debate on the "resurrection" of Jesus? My opinion is pretty clear but, i would like to see how theists defend their one.
Thank you in advance
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Sue the Pope, I AM not kidding ....
I have a debate at