Jesus authenticity

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Jesus authenticity

I called bullshit on this the moment I heard it, but I didn't want to say anything back because I never heard of anybody else confirming or denying this before. I was in North Carolina a couple weeks ago during spring break on a volunteer(not really mission) trip with my church youth group in a very poor area. Me and my friend were the only atheists there, we went to help out, not because "god sent us". Anyway, we watched The Passion of the Christ that thursday(the anniversary apparantly, by the way I thought that the south park parody was over-exaggerating, but this seriously was the worst movie I have ever seen), and after it was over, our pastor told us that nobody can doubt Jesus's death because the Romans kept records of all crucifixions, and we have a record of his. I know the Romans were very good at keeping records, but I have never heard of a record of Jesus's death. Can anybody shed some light on this? Sorry if this isn't the right area to post, i would in Atheist vs Theist but I'm looking for more of only an answer to this question than a full historical Jesus debate.

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Kind of funny picturing a

Kind of funny picturing a crucifiction record and exerpts from it...


.. crucified Dillhollius because he was an asshat. .... Crucified [name lost] for making fun of Bigus Dickus' name.. Crucified Moronicus for the hell of it and becuase it had been a long time since we crucified anyone.

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I'm pretty sure there is no

I'm pretty sure there is no record of Jesus's crucifixion. In fact, I'm pretty sue there is no historical record of Jesus from any historian of his time.

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If we had evidence of Jesus' crucification from Roman records, I think we all would have had quite an earful of this by now, which makes me think the silence on this subject tells volumes about its veracity. Perhaps they did keep records of who the state executed, and Jesus was one of the names(if not many of the names on those lists). As I understand it, Jesus was about as common as a name as Michael is now. Contemporary execution records about an apocalyptic prophet from Galilee named Jesus containing a detailed account of his crime(s) would be an unprecedented amount of tangible evidence to allude to the existence of Jesus as a man, and would therefore be as valuable as gold for those who try to find evidence of a historical Jesus. Ask Rook Hawkins, he can probably give a better answer than most of us.

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Rev0lver wrote:I know the

Rev0lver wrote:
I know the Romans were very good at keeping records, but I have never heard of a record of Jesus's death. Can anybody shed some light on this?

It's a christian "Urban Myth"  They scam their way out of actually providing the real evidence.  I was talking about this with my Aunt not too long ago.

watcher wrote:
I think I remember you mentioning to someone once about an official transcript of Pontius Pilate crucifying  Jesus existing in a library somewhere until it burned down a couple centuries ago.
Can you give me more details about that please?  What library?  When did the library burned, etc.?
Anything you can tell me about that would be very appreciated.
Aunt wrote:
 A scholarly Presbyterian Th.D. talked about that library in Rome that housed the Roman archives.  I did not follow up on it but I am interested also.  Have you Googled it?  Whether the actual case of Jesus' trial was in that Roman library, I do not know.  It seems in my dim recall that the burning was in the 300s A.D.  Let me know if you find something.

BTW, My aunt and I are both atheists but we were both indoctrinated into christianity from childhood.

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The Bullshit-o-meter just pegged out...

We hear a lot of references to so called records of this and that event in the bible.

Moses and the egyptians for example. Some theists claim that the egyptians recorded the slavery of the hebrews, and the subsequent exodus. But, no such record exists, in fact, no record exists of hebrews being used as slaves in an substantial numbers in egypt at ANY time in history. Some evidence shows that the ancestors of the hebrew people may have briefly conquored parts of egypt and been in turn run out, but otherwise, no years of bondage, no plagues, no exodus, no moses.

Similarly, in spite of some pretty wild claims, NO writen record, roman or otherwise has yet been found that validates or substantiates the existence of jesus, little less a crucifixion.

The story about Pilate and Pilates letters have been around for a bit, but, it turns out what has frequently been passed off as authentic letters written by Pontius Pilate were in fact lifted in total from a 19th century novel... (W.P. Crozier "The Letters of Pontius Pilate")


LC >;-}>


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Looks like I am coming in

Looks like I am coming in late on this one.  Your pastor is erroneously claiming that Rome would have kept such trivial records, or rather, they might have kept them provincially (i.e. in Jerusalem) but they would not have bothered sending them to Rome.  Especially not in the period between Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius, and later Nero. 

More than likely, it sounds like this pastor has been watching Monty Python too many times.  "Crucifixion?  Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each." 


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I think you are talking

I think you are talking about the Alexandria Library (actually burned more than once but in the Dark Ages totally destroyed purposely by Chistians - they hated science and knowledge then, too.) Wouldn't make sense they'd bother to send a record of someone crucified in Jerusalem to a library of knowledge in Egypt.

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Louis_Cypher wrote:Moses and

Louis_Cypher wrote:
Moses and the egyptians for example. Some theists claim that the egyptians recorded the slavery of the hebrews, and the subsequent exodus. But, no such record exists, in fact, no record exists of hebrews being used as slaves in an substantial numbers in egypt at ANY time in history. Some evidence shows that the ancestors of the hebrew people may have briefly conquored parts of egypt and been in turn run out, but otherwise, no years of bondage, no plagues, no exodus, no moses.

You're thinking of the Hyksos.   No Hebrew Bible scholar I know believes these are the Hebrews.  In fact, I doubt any do.  The archaeological evidence is strongly against this.  The so-called early Hebrews ('apiru perhaps?) are nothing more than nomadic transjordians, and probably are, in fact, a variety of different bedouin peoples from Syria and Palestine who were moved around and repopulated by the Assyrians in the hill country.  The Hebrews were never in Egypt, nor were they the Hyksos.  There was never an exodus, nor a conquest. 

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Rook_Hawkins wrote:You're

Rook_Hawkins wrote:

You're thinking of the Hyksos.   No Hebrew Bible scholar I know believes these are the Hebrews.  In fact, I doubt any do.  The archaeological evidence is strongly against this.  The so-called early Hebrews ('apiru perhaps?) are nothing more than nomadic transjordians, and probably are, in fact, a variety of different bedouin peoples from Syria and Palestine who were moved around and repopulated by the Assyrians in the hill country.  The Hebrews were never in Egypt, nor were they the Hyksos.  There was never an exodus, nor a conquest. 

Rook, I'm interested in learning on why the writer of the biblical mythos about jewish enslavement by the Egyptians would be created.  Why would the writer of that myth make it up?  Was there a possible reason that he/she wanted to endorse propaganda for the jews to have a grudge against the Egyptians?

This seems rather odd to me.  Why did that person feel like demonizing the Egyptians?  I know the exact reason is rather impossible to know, however what is a possible explaination?

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This is why I hedged....

Rook_Hawkins wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:
Moses and the egyptians for example. Some theists claim that the egyptians recorded the slavery of the hebrews, and the subsequent exodus. But, no such record exists, in fact, no record exists of hebrews being used as slaves in an substantial numbers in egypt at ANY time in history. Some evidence shows that the ancestors of the hebrew people may have briefly conquored parts of egypt and been in turn run out, but otherwise, no years of bondage, no plagues, no exodus, no moses.

You're thinking of the Hyksos.   No Hebrew Bible scholar I know believes these are the Hebrews.  In fact, I doubt any do.  The archaeological evidence is strongly against this.  The so-called early Hebrews ('apiru perhaps?) are nothing more than nomadic transjordians, and probably are, in fact, a variety of different bedouin peoples from Syria and Palestine who were moved around and repopulated by the Assyrians in the hill country.  The Hebrews were never in Egypt, nor were they the Hyksos.  There was never an exodus, nor a conquest. 

Pretty much what I thought. The information I had on the Hyksos was sketchy at best.

I have a guess as to how the story cropped up in relation to the Hebrews, they were inverterate borrowers, taking bits and pieces of the cultures, stories and myths of the civilizations around them, and incorporating them into their own mythology. This is how stories such as the flood and the tale of job migrated from their (?) Sumarian roots to the Hebrew oral tradition and finally into hebrew canon.

LC >;-}>


LC >;-}>



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   It makes not a bit of

   It makes not a bit of difference if a Jesus or Buddha existed. How could it ? 

   What if superman came and died from a meteor of Kryptonite ?  What if the aliens show up ?   



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Thanks for the responses, by

Thanks for the responses, by the way, could a mod move this to the jesus mythisist forum? I didn't notice it before.

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Rev0lver wrote:Thanks for

Rev0lver wrote:
Thanks for the responses, by the way, could a mod move this to the jesus mythisist forum? I didn't notice it before.

Done. Smiling

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