Fuck Ben Stien, and his money too.

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Fuck Ben Stien, and his money too.

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1. Species have a simple

1. Species have a simple definition: those organisms of type x which if mated with another organism of type y either do not  or improperly produce offspring.

2. They actually played a clip from the stolen microbiology animation! Shouldn't there be a creative rights lawsuit by now?

3. Hitler was not a "lineal descendant" of Darwin. Hitler was using the idea of selective breeding, as had been used to produce specialized work animals for hundreds of years prior to Darwin.

4. "How do the planets stay in their orbits?" Yeah, I'd fire a science teacher for asking that. Intelligent falling must not take over the schools! Sticking out tongue

5. A bunch of Arguments from Ignorance. "I don't know how you can X and not believe there's a Y."

6. "Something comes from nothing." No, that's not how it works. I'm not particularly in the mood to rehash this for the thousandth time. Maybe someone else can copy-pasta it, as we should be doing every time the same damn idiotic non-sense comes up.

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Oh yuck. That was like

Oh yuck. That was like watching a mutual masturbatory session only less fun.

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That really is an annoying

That really is an annoying voice.  Heaven forbid the creationist nonsense should have to provide the same evidence as scientific theories in order to be taken seriously.

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First, obviously

First, obviously inspectormustard is right. Second,

phooney wrote:

That really is an annoying voice.  Heaven forbid the creationist nonsense should have to provide the same evidence as scientific theories in order to be taken seriously.

Yeah. And like inspectormustard said, I'd fire a crappy science teacher, too. Why would creationists get to be the only ones who aren't fired for not doing their jobs?

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You've got to be kidding

    I  use to think Ben Stien was an over educated game show host. Now I'm sure he is an over educated 'fruit cake".    Colmes should learn to SHUT UP when his guest is talking;     HOW 'effin' rude of he.     Hannety thinks the same as Stien, they should get a nice house to gether and sip spritzers at sunset, while holding hands    or     Hans.

    Hans probably wouldn't mind.

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Ben Stein,  You fail. 

Ben Stein,


You fail.  You're expelled.


- Sapient

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  B. Stein is like an

  B. Stein is like an arrogant irritating 10 yr old wiz kid parrot seriously lacking creative intuition, logical perception, and humor ..... Somewhat like a classical trained musician who never learned to jam .....     

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Thunderfoot has come up with

Thunderfoot has come up with yet another brilliant edition in his "Why do people laugh at creationists?" series, and it's in direct response to the video in the OP.  Brilliant watch as always, go take a look and vote.

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JillSwift wrote:Oh yuck.

JillSwift wrote:

Oh yuck. That was like watching a mutual masturbatory session only less fun.

Yeaugh! That's not an image I wanted! Agh.

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HisWillness wrote:JillSwift

HisWillness wrote:

JillSwift wrote:

Oh yuck. That was like watching a mutual masturbatory session only less fun.

Yeaugh! That's not an image I wanted! Agh.

One day my mind will be full of so many unwanted images that it will collapse in on itself, forming a kind of imaginary black hole, that will suck the rest of my sanity into it only to evaporate into Dennet Radiation.


Thunderf00t is always entertaining, and I'm watching his response right now. I'd love to get all his stuff on DVD and pass it around.

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Did it say that this piece

Did it say that this piece of crap was an "in depth look into science in the 21st century?"   Christ!!!  only on Faux Nuz!



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I love how he assumes all

I love how he assumes all "Darwinists" are atheists. What a poor job of research. *cough* Ken Miller *cough*.

The implication that we should put Darwinism on trial overlooks the fact that Darwinism has always been on trial within the scientific community. -- From Finding Darwin's God by Kenneth R. Miller

Chaos and chance don't mean the absence of law and order, but rather the presence of order so complex that it lies beyond our abilities to grasp and describe it. -- From From Certainty to Uncertainty by F. David Peat

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jread wrote:I love how he

jread wrote:

I love how he assumes all "Darwinists" are atheists. What a poor job of research. *cough* Ken Miller *cough*.

Actually, I heard him talk about Ken Miller somewhere. He basically said that he's not a "true Christian." Of course.

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LOL Creationism FTW. Is he

LOL Creationism FTW.

Is he challenging the unfounded theory of gravity ? O no we are doomed we don’t have any evidence to prove this !!!

Well since you need to go to the childish level or retardation for thus people lets ask for some counter arguments

Alchemist :
“Its unheard of to not believe in spontaneous generation just lock the spontaneous generation of crystals , tornados and whirlpools ”

Evidence pervaded buy creationism 0 evidence pervaded from alchemy 1 , alchemist wins.

I mean its just like the man is telling all the scientist are in a giant illuminati conspiracy to fool people in believing the earth is round , gravity , evolution , chemistry , electricity , bacteria , the heliocentric model …

One question can you be clinically retarded ?

Warning I’m not a native English speaker.

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How disingenuous. "Oh, I

How disingenuous. "Oh, I didn't make the connection between Hitler and atheists. You made that connection."

I wish Colmes wasn't such a pussy.

I can't believe this movie is getting any attention at all. I really hope that, once we've all died off, and an alien race comes to pick among our ruins, they find something other than this idiot. "Oh, I can see why they all died off. They were fucking idiots."

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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nigelTheBold wrote:

How disingenuous. "Oh, I didn't make the connection between Hitler and atheists. You made that connection."

I wish Colmes wasn't such a pussy.

I can't believe this movie is getting any attention at all. I really hope that, once we've all died off, and an alien race comes to pick among our ruins, they find something other than this idiot. "Oh, I can see why they all died off. They were fucking idiots."

His radio show isn't bad, but he has no balls when it comes to questioning people. He never gets people for evading questions or being blatantly dishonest right in his face. He lets people off the hook all the time, and a lot of times, people just ignore him and start talking to Sean. On top of that he is the ugliest man on the channel, even if you compare Coultergeist's appearances and Greta Van Sustern.

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inspectormustard wrote:jread

inspectormustard wrote:

jread wrote:

I love how he assumes all "Darwinists" are atheists. What a poor job of research. *cough* Ken Miller *cough*.

Actually, I heard him talk about Ken Miller somewhere. He basically said that he's not a "true Christian." Of course.


I hate that kind of criticism among Christians. It's so totally lame and anti-Christian. If Stein said that, then he is seriously mentally handicapped and never read Miller's book. Ken Miller's book rocks the socks off I.D. from a scientific and theological perspective.

The implication that we should put Darwinism on trial overlooks the fact that Darwinism has always been on trial within the scientific community. -- From Finding Darwin's God by Kenneth R. Miller

Chaos and chance don't mean the absence of law and order, but rather the presence of order so complex that it lies beyond our abilities to grasp and describe it. -- From From Certainty to Uncertainty by F. David Peat

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jread wrote:inspectormustard

jread wrote:

inspectormustard wrote:

Actually, I heard him talk about Ken Miller somewhere. He basically said that he's not a "true Christian." Of course.

I hate that kind of criticism among Christians. It's so totally lame and anti-Christian. If Stein said that, then he is seriously mentally handicapped and never read Miller's book. Ken Miller's book rocks the socks off I.D. from a scientific and theological perspective.

To be fair, it wasn't Ben Stein who made that remark. it was producer Mark Mathis who called into question Miller's faith.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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  Exposing Ben Stein's "Expelled"
  From: brittanythecaptain

Cool , nick gisburne, he posted this here at RRS a few months back,  "I am God"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QYx3m-piLA

98 Videos  http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=Gisburne2000&p=r