Communist College or Xtian Nightmare?

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Communist College or Xtian Nightmare?

Pensacola Christian College in Florida is perhaps the most disturbing college I have ever seen or heard about. There is a website called "The Student Voice" that lists (sarcasm used to emphasize the ridiculousness) the rules and issues with this school.

Here is an example of rules for Social Interaction.


No student is allowed to talk or otherwise interact with another student of the opposite sex outside of a "chaperoned" area. It does not matter if they are alone or among hundreds of students if it is not an "official" chaperoned area.

FOR INSTANCE, consider these. . . .

1.) "This is a reminder that the hallway in front of the Field House is an unchaperoned area. Couples may walk through the area during the daytime, Monday-Friday, but may not loiter."

2.) "This is a reminder that the social hours [chaperoned hours] in the Commons Plaza are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. or dusk (whichever comes first) Monday through Saturday, and 12:15 to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays."

3.) "The Academic mall areas are unchaperoned areas in the evening. Students taking evening classes should socialize in the classrooms only."

You may not interact with a student of the opposite sex in any way off-campus without prior approval and an approved chaperone.

Men may not give their suit jacket to their date.

Each gender must use segregated stairways, elevators and in some cases, sidewalks.

There is to be no physical contact between students of the opposite sex, except perhaps on some "dating outings," where hand-holding games are played.

The official rule on "indirect contact" is unknown. It is much talked about, but unevenly enforced. This includes such things as tugging on a coat, poking with a pencil, etc.

Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil."

"It is proper, although not required, for a young man to give a corsage to his date and for a young lady to give a boutonniere. It is not appropriate for plants, fruit, stuffed animals, and other such items to be brought to Fine Arts programs."


There is to be NO. . .



Chewing gum indoors (in certain buildings).

Sleeping in church.

Having more than 8 people at a table in the Varsity Commons.

Eating food purchased off-campus in a public area.

Walking on the grass or landscape.

Wearing face paint at Greek Rush.

Selling anything in the dorms.


Violent, "occult," or "lewd" computer games.

Covering your Photo ID picture in any way.

Playing of instruments (of any kind) in your room, or outside. The only place to play on campus is in the practice rooms.

Possession of an electric guitar or amplifier.

Taking part in a collegian meeting other than your own.

Automotive repair on campus.

Horseplay. This is completely subjective and can be for anything from loudness to throwing a pillow.

"Indirect Horseplay." This appears to be watching "horseplay" from a distance without doing anything to stop it/being entertained by it.

"Flipping." This involves flipping the empty offering plate as you pass it; it may be considered a disruption of the service.

Turning in another student's attendance card.

Disrespect or "bad attitude."



Using another person's automobile.


Lying or any form of deception (widely interpreted and applicable only to students).


Unauthorized possession of a weapon.

"Obscene" language. This includes the terms "suck" or "sucks."

Stealing/Computer Piracy.

Attendance at a movie theater or unapproved concert/event.

Visiting Pensacola Junior College or the Unversity of West Florida.

Disrupting a public gathering or function.

Possession or use of tobacco/alcohol/controlled substances (includes glue).


Duplicating keys (for those of you who brought down your key-duplicator machine).

Assault or attempted assault.

"Squealing" tires.

Gambling (or possession of standard playing cards).

Involvement in any occultic activity.

"Cracking" the communion cups.

Participating in unauthorized protest, petition, or riot.

Writing or distributing unauthorized literature.

All music, speaking, skits, or public/semi-public performances of any kind must be passed by the administration. This includes collegian meetings, Sunday school, Student Body, etc.

You must follow all usher instructions.

"Students are to walk to activities at the Academy, Print Shop, Awana, Youth Group, and Collegian meetings. Anyone needing to drive should get it approved a head [sic] of time with the Dean of Men's Office."

Finally there is IMPROPER PROCEDURE, which is a catch-all for anything you do which they don't want you to do, but hadn't thought of making it a rule yet.


See more, if you dare:

*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*

"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby

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Bob Jones

I  had a roommate in college that went to Bob Jones and he told me they used to get demerits for missing class, not attending mass, and a ton of other ridiculous things. If you got enough demerits you were disciplined and perhaps expelled.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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 Who'd want to go to a


Who'd want to go to a fascist place like that! And it is fascist, not communist.

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What. The. Fuck. "Visiting

What. The. Fuck.

"Visiting Pensacola Junior College or the Unversity of West Florida." = WHAT!?

"Unauthorized possession of a weapon." = Would that include a certain functioning organ between your ears?

"What right have you to condemn a murderer if you assume him necessary to "God's plan"? What logic can command the return of stolen property, or the branding of a thief, if the Almighty decreed it?"
-- The Economic Tendency of Freethought

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peppermint wrote:


Possession of an electric guitar or amplifier.

What a bunch of squares.

Kevin R Brown
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Well, on one hand, it is a

Well, on one hand, it is a college. If you're so desperate to go to this one, so be it: you're the one making time in your your life for this garbage.

On the other hand... some of this needs to be be examined very, very closely.

1.) "This is a reminder that the hallway in front of the Field House is an unchaperoned area. Couples may walk through the area during the daytime, Monday-Friday, but may not loiter."

2.) "This is a reminder that the social hours [chaperoned hours] in the Commons Plaza are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. or dusk (whichever comes first) Monday through Saturday, and 12:15 to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays."

3.) "The Academic mall areas are unchaperoned areas in the evening. Students taking evening classes should socialize in the classrooms only."

You may not interact with a student of the opposite sex in any way off-campus without prior approval and an approved chaperone.

Men may not give their suit jacket to their date.

Each gender must use segregated stairways, elevators and in some cases, sidewalks.

There is to be no physical contact between students of the opposite sex, except perhaps on some "dating outings," where hand-holding games are played.

The official rule on "indirect contact" is unknown. It is much talked about, but unevenly enforced. This includes such things as tugging on a coat, poking with a pencil, etc.

Given that this is a Christian college, I suppose none of the above should really come as a surprise - though that doesn't make it any less face smackingly bizarre. All of the college attendees would be of consenting age, presumably most sexual activity would occur in private anyway, the rules are not reasonably enforceable (and will only lead to legal trouble in the long run), it's laughable to presume there would be enough 'chaperones' to go around (well, assuming the college is as large and well attended as most), allowing 'dates' but banning anything that one would presumably want to do while on a date is nonsensical, attempting to impose restrictions on what someone does outside of school grounds is most certainly illegal and, frankly, the above will fail miserably at the unrealistic goal it's obviously reaching for (conditioning students for celibacy) and only lead to an adversarial relationship between faculty and students.

Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil."

Woah. Those last three words should be looked at very, very carefully. They're a crystal clear message that the school is marrying a magical world view with their policies.

You don't have to be Nostradamus to know how that's likely to turn-out.

"It is proper, although not required, for a young man to give a corsage to his date and for a young lady to give a boutonniere. It is not appropriate for plants, fruit, stuffed animals, and other such items to be brought to Fine Arts programs."

I suppose there might be a rational basis for this (allergies come to mind).


There is to be NO. . .

Oh, man - you know this'll be classic...





Chewing gum indoors (in certain buildings).

Get to the good stuff already!

Sleeping in church.

...This needs to actually be enforced? Yikes.

Having more than 8 people at a table in the Varsity Commons.

Hate to have students cooperating at a scale any larger than this. That'd start undermining your ability to control them.

Eating food purchased off-campus in a public area.

You know, call me paranoid, but I'll never eat food from a place that insists I only eat the food / drink the beverages they prepare right there - and it's for the same reason most girls I know won't accept drinks from strangers in a bar, unless they watched it all the way from being poured and handed to them: I don't trust that you haven't tampered with it.

If it's no different that what I could eat elsewhere, why enforce such an absurd rule?

Walking on the grass or landscape.

I don't know why, but people who treat their lawn like it's living room carpet piss me off. Give me a break - it's fucking dirt and grass. It's supposed to get crushed under the heels of my shoes. It's filled with bugs, you dump water all over it all the time, and it all freezes and gets fucked-up in the winter anyway.

Wearing face paint at Greek Rush.

'Greek Rush'? What the Hell is that, and why give a shit if someone is wearing facepaint to it or not?

Selling anything in the dorms.

Weird that this would even be prevalent enough to merit rules against, but whatever.


My. What a simple, arbitrary, mind-blowingly retarded rule. "May I borrow a pen, mine went dead." "TEACHER! TEACHER! HE BROKE THE RULES!"

I guess this is a good way of conditioning people into accepting a confined, irrational and vehement perspective on the world.

Violent, "occult," or "lewd" computer games.

Nothing amazing or notable about a rule like this in a Christian college.

Covering your Photo ID picture in any way.

Unrealistic, unreasonable way to prevent use of fake / edited IDs.

Playing of instruments (of any kind) in your room, or outside. The only place to play on campus is in the practice rooms.

Possession of an electric guitar or amplifier.

Obvious nod to Christian fear of rock and roll / heavy metal / the Dixie Chicks.

Taking part in a collegian meeting other than your own.

Yup. Those other colleges might actually put information in your brain. It's a horror!

Automotive repair on campus.

...This one I don't get. Some unreasonable measure to prevent car theft, maybe?

Horseplay. This is completely subjective and can be for anything from loudness to throwing a pillow.

"Indirect Horseplay." This appears to be watching "horseplay" from a distance without doing anything to stop it/being entertained by it.

Read: We reserve the right to reprimand you at any time for any reason, regardless of how rediculous that reason is.

"Flipping." This involves flipping the empty offering plate as you pass it; it may be considered a disruption of the service.

I don't get it. Maybe that's because I've never gone to service. What's an offering plate? Sounds like a donation jar or something.

rning in another student's attendance card.

Back to the boring stuff...

Disrespect or "bad attitude."

...and yet more of it.


Terrible and superficial rule.


Reasonable enough.

Using another person's automobile.

I fail to see what listing this as a school rule accomplishes. Again, if it's to deter car theft, it's misguided at best.



Lying or any form of deception (widely interpreted and applicable only to students).

*Yawn*, more boring stuff--

Hey, wait a second... what are those three words my brain told me were important enough to be highlighted, again? 'Applicable only to students'?

Well, kids, I hope you didn't hand over that tuition money hoping to actually learn any, y'know... facts.


Unauthorized possession of a weapon.

"Obscene" language. This includes the terms "suck" or "sucks."

Stealing/Computer Piracy.

Boring. More or less repeating prior rules.

Attendance at a movie theater or unapproved concert/event.

Visiting Pensacola Junior College or the Unversity of West Florida.

Again, cutting-off outside influence, and attempting to dictate what students should do off-campus.

Disrupting a public gathering or function.

Conditioning students to be submissive and uncritical.

Possession or use of tobacco/alcohol/controlled substances (includes glue).

Fucking priceless.


Duplicating keys (for those of you who brought down your key-duplicator machine).

Assault or attempted assault.

"Squealing" tires.


Gambling (or possession of standard playing cards).

Unreasonble restriction. May as well punish students for getting out of bed in the morning - they're gambling with their health every time they do.

Involvement in any occultic activity.

Undefined rule (not that it makes this one exceptional), and a further case that policy is married to a magical world view.

"Cracking" the communion cups.

Have no idea what this means.

Participating in unauthorized protest, petition, or riot.

This was already stated. I guess submissiveness is extra important.

Writing or distributing unauthorized literature.

Fucked-up, and a golden ticket to a legal shitstorm down the road.

All music, speaking, skits, or public/semi-public performances of any kind must be passed by the administration. This includes collegian meetings, Sunday school, Student Body, etc.

See the above.

You must follow all usher instructions

Usher? Unless you mean the pop music artist, haven't a clue.

"Students are to walk to activities at the Academy, Print Shop, Awana, Youth Group, and Collegian meetings. Anyone needing to drive should get it approved a head [sic] of time with the Dean of Men's Office."

This obsession with controlling what students can and cannot do with their personal vehicles has only made me suspicious. Are they being tampered with while parked? It would explain why students aren't allowed to do any maintenance work on them.

Maybe I'm just paranoid when it comes to bizarre insistence on something like this.

Finally there is IMPROPER PROCEDURE, which is a catch-all for anything you do which they don't want you to do, but hadn't thought of making it a rule yet.

...So why the fuck even bother with all the shit written above, then? They could just erase the whole thing, save themselves the time and energy, and write in big, bold, red letters: What We Say Is the Law Around Here. You Can Be Expelled At Any Time, For Any Reason. Thank-You.


"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Having always gone to

Having always gone to private Baptist based schools I can't say any of this looks particulary amazing or bad. We had a passage in the rulebook about the color of underwear,though no one ever checked ours. Most of these rules would have seemed normal to me in my school days.

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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 transform that college ,

 transform that college , destroy what it is , SHOUT .... "FUCK the controllers" .....  I am free ..... this is my world  ..... get the fuck outta my way .... we are free ..... I need no devil lesson .... I AM GOD ..... I own this place .... heal your devil .... kill it ..... the laws are for fools , are you a fool ?  

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Just as bad is "liberty"

Just as bad is "liberty" "university". It's hilarious that they named it "liberty" after their rule book. Check it out. Click "liberty way"


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Medievalguy wrote:Just as

Medievalguy wrote:

Just as bad is "liberty" "university". It's hilarious that they named it "liberty" after their rule book. Check it out. Click "liberty way"



They mention 'fining' students. Does the U.S. permit non-policing agencies to actually fine people? I know that isn't the case in Canada.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Surely this is a landover

Surely this is a landover baptist or theonion site?  Reading through this I was thinking the only way they could possibly get away with any of it is if it was a "college" from grades K through 3.  However, in all seriousness I do have a question about one of the rules ...



There is to be NO. . .

Playing of instruments (of any kind) in your room, or outside. The only place to play on campus is in the practice rooms.

... does this include air guitar?

Edit: After looking at the "testimonies" section (of which none of the links I tried works), I'm very certain this site is created by someone who went to this school and is now VERY jaded and annoyed with them.  Similar vain to the 213 things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the army.

Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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Seems even when they escape

Seems even when they escape they're pretty screwed up. The forum for discussing grudges against the old alma mater is just as anally retentive as the place they're whinging about.

Freud would have had a field day with this crowd of saps


I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

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HeyZeusCreaseToe wrote:I 

HeyZeusCreaseToe wrote:

I  had a roommate in college that went to Bob Jones and he told me they used to get demerits for missing class, not attending mass, and a ton of other ridiculous things. If you got enough demerits you were disciplined and perhaps expelled.

I grew up about five miles away from BJU.  Too many funny stories to recount.  I should point out however that "Mass" is not held at Bob Jones.  That would be Chapel Services.  Only the Catholics, Anglicans and obscure Lutheran sects practice "Mass".  To quote Bob Jones, Jr., Catholicism is "not another Christian denomination. It is a satanic counterfeit, an ecclesiastic tyranny over the souls of men....It is the old harlot of the book of the Revelation—'the Mother of Harlots.'"


"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
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There was once an arabian sheikh, who had a garden. He created a garden, full of beautiful trees and flowers and ripe fruit. Also beautiful hourises there, willing to make all your wishes come true. Everything there was delightful and perfect, a true paradise. In fact, it was a blasphemy of the sheikh, because he wanted to create the paradise, like it is in Quaran, but right here, on Earth. The garden was protected by a narrow mountain pass, with a military outpost, so nobody could get there without a permission.
a free transcription of a piece of Bill Laswell's Hashisheen

I believe, that some christians wanted the opposite. They could think, that people may come to a greater fear of Hell, and thus more favor in Christianity, if they can see and experience it on their own skin, while still alive. So they created that place, a true manifestation of Hell on Earth.
Please, tell me it didn't work. Or if did, I don't plan going to Florida any soon anyway.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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If I'm ever in the area, I

If I'm ever in the area, I plan on making a campus visit wearing a hooters shirt and a very low-cut mini, tons of make-up and ask questions (in a completely serious tone) like "I'm interested in working as an erotic entertainer. What local strip clubs do you recommend?"

*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*

"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby

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Is this place a college or a

Is this place a college or a prison?

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Florida trip

peppermint wrote:

If I'm ever in the area, I plan on making a campus visit wearing a hooters shirt and a very low-cut mini, tons of make-up and ask questions (in a completely serious tone) like "I'm interested in working as an erotic entertainer. What local strip clubs do you recommend?"

   Peppermint could you please, pretty please post the photos of that trip. I'll give you a nickel.    I think the actual term is  "exotic entertainer".

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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A whole nickel?!Oh I know

A whole nickel?!

Oh I know it's "exotic" but "erotic" is so much more sinful.

Kevin R Brown
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peppermint wrote:A whole

peppermint wrote:

A whole nickel?!

Oh I know it's "exotic" but "erotic" is so much more sinful.

Drop the tone, missy - or it's back to the kitchen with you.

*Gestures threateningly with the back of his hand*


Sticking out tongue

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Peppermint is delicious

  Peppermint is delicious hot sweet candy, love at first taste. WOW girl , love it when ya do that naughty sin tease. Awakens the mighty spirit !  ..... Shezzzz, I AM a slave ..... to your charms  .....  ohhhhh , Vagina's AWAKE  !  We need such a church ? , oh yeah, the strip clubs and belly dancers !  .... 

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lolzzz.It is real. Check


It is real. Check this shit out.

Why Attend a Christian College?

Because choosing a college is perhaps the second most important decision you will ever make.



Four Important Decisions You Will Make

  1. Trusting Christ as your Savior
  2. Choosing a college
  3. Choosing your life’s vocation
  4. Choosing your spouse

Why is choosing a college perhaps the second most important decision you will ever make? Because students most often choose their vocation and their mate at college.

Unfortunately, Satan doesn’t want you to choose a Christian college. He wants to control your future. He often convinces young people to believe the following myths about Christian colleges.

“The Christian college does not offer the program I want.”

Pensacola Christian College offers a wide variety of programs. However, if you don’t find the specific program you want in any Christian college, what advice do we give? Attend a Christian college for at least two years to lay the basic foundation for life. You may find, as many students do, that God has other plans, and you’ll stay to complete your education in a Christian college.

“All Christian colleges are the same.”

Many colleges take the name “Christian.” Many once stood for the fundamentals of the faith and were separated from the world, yet today they are not very different from secular schools. In fact, in some ways they are more dangerous. The error they promote is camouflaged by a sprinkling of truth and an emphasis on “Christian love.”

On the positive side, there are some good Bible-believing colleges that stand on the Word of God and seek to train their students for His honor and glory. While all of these colleges stand for the truth, they vary in the way that they go about accomplishing their goals. These variations provide these Christian colleges with their “personalities.” Even the right kinds of Christian colleges are not all alike. Pensacola Christian College is a vibrant, growing Christian college that firmly stands on the Word of God in a warm, caring environment with high academic and spiritual standards.

“Cost is the best way to determine which Christian college to attend.”

Many young people believe that high tuition, room and board reflect a high-quality college education. What you may not realize is that the high cost actually reflects high operating costs (faculty salaries, buildings, etc.) and low enrollment.

Whether the cost is high or low, each college should be examined on a variety of factors; cost is just one.

Pensacola Christian College has always tried to make a Christian education affordable through efficient operation and reasonable salaries without sacrificing quality in any area.

“I can’t afford to attend a Christian college.”

If God calls you to attend a Christian college, He can provide for you. What the Lord orders, He pays for. He’ll take care of you, and we can help, too. PCC offers a variety of scholarship and work programs for qualified students in need. The concentrated semester program provides a five-week break between semesters and an “early out” in May so that the student who needs to work, can. Pensacola Christian College works hard to make a college education affordable to all.

“Christian colleges have  low academic standards, weak faculties, and inadequate facilities.”

Some Christian colleges may be inferior, but not the right kind of Christian college, and not Pensacola Christian College! Remember, the philosophy makes the difference! Our academic standards are comparable to those of the finest colleges in the nation. Our philosophy is traditional and God-centered. Our facilities are characterized by utility, beauty, and permanence. Most important, God has given us a godly, dedicated administration, faculty, and staff who are academically qualified and spiritually committed to their calling in Christian education. So you see, college is more than facilities and programs. Faculty, administration, and philosophy combine to provide high quality in Christian education.

“Christian colleges are just for preachers, missionaries, and choir directors.”

Pensacola Christian College provides instruction for nurses, secretaries, graphic artists, mechanical engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, business managers, law enforcement personnel, computer programmers, and more. And yes, we’re proud that we train preachers, missionaries, youth pastors, and evangelists. We offer you a wide variety of programs in many fields of study.

“Attending a Christian college will cramp my freedom and fun.”

The answer to this myth really depends on why you want to go to college in the first place. If you think of college as a way to get away from home and parents and “do your own thing,” then perhaps PCC would cramp your style. However, if you know that after high school you need additional education, Christian training, and preparation for life, then Pensacola Christian College will suit you perfectly.

There are numerous opportunities for fun, sports, dating, and witnessing for Christ. Our activities calendar is a busy one, and boredom is never a problem.

  • We hope we’ve succeeded in encouraging you to trust the Lord for His leading to the right kind of Christian college. We can’t speak for other Christian colleges, but we can speak for Pensacola Christian College.

    PCC is a distinctively Christian college. Our instructors will never harm your faith; rather, they are dedicated to imparting a biblical philosophy that will stay with you throughout your life, no matter what your vocation or calling. The spiritual and academic emphasis of PCC is and will continue to be determined by the Word of God. You can count on this, and so can your parents. It is this philosophy that makes the difference and assures a high-quality Christian education.

If you think of college as a way to get away from home and parents and “do your own thing,” you're a normal human being who wants to grow up. Dipshits.

And don't miss the best unintentionally hilarious video they put up. I showed it to my sister and she was giving me weird looks and laughing at them. Ha, ha watch the monkeys dance! I swear they just hire random immigrants to be in those "interviews".

The application asks you if you drink. LOLZ I want to submit one as a total atheist, but then again it costs money. I should email them or call them with "admissions" questions. bahahah


*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*

"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby

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Hey guys,  I know this is

Hey guys, 


I know this is a really old thread but I thought I'd chime in. I was googling the college, PCC, because I was wondering what people were saying about it. More specifically, people who are alumni. I graduated from PCC in 2006, so I've been away for a good long while now. The reason this thread came up in google is because I was looking for other people who've had nightmares about the place since leaving. When I was a child I had the usual nightmares people discuss, being chased, buried alive, drowning, falling, sinking ship... But now I only have nightmares of this place. I met my wife there and we've been married for a few years. She also has nightmares about pcc occasionally, but not exclusively like me. Anyway, to get back to the topic of the thread, I'd like to answer some questions about the school. I've talked to many people about it and they always have many many questions. When I answer one, it typically leads to at least one more question.

One person in the thread mentioned something about not having enough chaperones to enforce the rules. The simple answer to this dilemma is this: Big brother is little brother. I would say about 3/4 of the students are not loyalists, and 1/4 are strictly loyal. That 1/4 keeps the other 3/4 in check. There are floor leaders (2 students per floor who get paid to write demerits and generally take care of a floor of students in a dorm), there are graduate assistants (students who get big discounts on tuition for masters and doctorates), and there are teachers. Basically, if a Freshman walked onto campus and knew the rules already, he/she could go around writing students (even seniors) up on the day they set foot onto campus.

If you think that any of these rules could have no way of being enforced, you might not be thinking hard enough. At specific times when no student is in his/her room, floor leaders check to make sure there are no students skipping church/chapel (unless they are sick, in which case you have a limited number of sick days). During these checks, they are allowed by school policy to check inside drawers and cabinets that belong to the school. Some students have recorded floor leaders looking through personal items. Sometimes you will find the contents of your drawers jumbled and unorganized. It's very disturbing. 

At random intervals throughout the semesters, after lights out (the time in which you must be in your bed with the lights off) they'll jar you awake and make you stand in the hall with your face to the wall for the RA to come around and check all the men's grooming. For example, no sideburns, hair must be high and tight, off collar. I once hid under the bathroom sink with the cleaning supplies during hair check so I could avoid getting demerits lol.

I've had friends who were getting kicked out for generally being disobedient and getting too many demerits. They "shadow" the student for the days leading up to the actual dismissal. Shadowing is when the person being kicked out has to follow a floor leader around so that he can't talk to any other students. No contact with anyone else until he or she leaves. This particular friend of mine had to leave in the middle of the night. I'm still not sure why. Possibly they thought he might cause a scene. I've had a couple of acquaintances who were allegedly expelled for being homosexual or committing homosexual acts (one such act that was perceived as a homosexual act was a mooning).

Anyhow, I hope some of you notice the bump and have more questions.


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                 I didn't know places like that existed outside of an SS training camp.    Do stick around and tell us more of your survival.  Do they teach any courses outside of brain washed  xtianity?   How are you surviving now?

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Brainderailment wrote:Hey

Brainderailment wrote:

Hey guys, 


I know this is a really old thread but I thought I'd chime in. I was googling the college, PCC, because I was wondering what people were saying about it. More specifically, people who are alumni. I graduated from PCC in 2006, so I've been away for a good long while now.




I was having a cognitive dissonance here.  If I search for "PCC" I get three likely responses - Portland Community College in Portland, OR - Pasadena City College in California - and Pensacola Christian College in Florida.  I live in Portland, OR, so of course, Portland Community College leaped to mind.  But from the rest of your post, I'd guess you mean the one in Florida.  Portland OR is about as kicked back as you can get - our semi-official bumper sticker is "Keep Portland Weird" and a lot of people try to.

So sorry to figure out that you are probably an alumnus of the Florida college.

You may want to try counseling.  And an anti-depressant probably wouldn't hurt as well.  Being a victim of abuse like that is nothing to ignore or figure you will "get over" without a little assistance.

Yes, "abuse" is the correct word here.


edit: corrected spelling

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