Zombie Plan

Does anyone else have a Zombie Plan, mine is to try and make it up to Alaska where they will be to frozen to do anything... what is yall's plan if ya have one...this is just for humor
I am a fan of Red vs Blue dont know how many actually watches this series but they are the ones that got me thinking of a Zombie plan
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RvB produces my second favorite jersey of all time ^_^
As for Zombie Plan... does the creator of said plan half to plan to survive in order for it to count? Cause, lets face it... Killing hoards of zombies before finally offing myself is much more prefferable then running for you life for years, living thru the fall out of the event, and the downfall of society... >.>
Lets face it, im to lazy to rebuild society... Mayhem awaits!
What Would Kharn Do?
Yea but killing zombie after zombie would get old after a while, i would want to make sure there would be a place I can just go without the threat of being attacked.
Btw, I love reading LFG, have you read his other Comic Least I could do?
malformed video id? Its not working. Is this like the premise of forty days of night? Or I am Legend?
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
This is an extremely serious question, which, personally, I've only been able to answer one way. The same way I answer every serious question where I, personally, would be in danger. Two words:
"Samurai sword."
Now, I know what you're thinking. What if the zombies are infected with something, a la 28 days? Biohazard suit ... samurai sword.
"But how," you ask, "could you kill all those zombies?"
My response is only that they're already dead, and a zombie without a head, legs or arms isn't much of a threat to anyone. Plus, they don't really defend themselves effectively.
"But wait," you insist, "what if they become organized and have packs of zombie dogs?"
To you, I would have to ask if you have ever cut anything with a samurai sword. Zombie dogs would get diced like sashimi by even a low-quality blade in my hands. Even a pack of humanoid zombies wouldn't be a problem ... unless of course they, too, had samurai swords.
"Surely," you now reply, "that if there were thousands of them, you couldn't possibly defend yourself."
I can only say that it would beat my current workout routine in terms of entertainment value, and would also give me that much-needed feeling of accomplishment at the end of a gruelling, killing-zombies-with-a-samurai-sword day.
Vampires? Samurai sword.
Warewolves? Silver Samural Sword.
Banshees? Earplugs, samurai sword.
Evil Demons of the Evil Demonic Super-Scary and Frankly Uncomfortable Underworld? Magic Samurai Sword.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
I got it working now, still trying to learn the ropes of this Forum
Seriously, Will, I hope you are getting laid by a hot geek girl. You deserve it.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Since im bored...
Doomy's Zombie Plan
*Zombie types my alter areas*
1.Well first, theres the enemy
-Bio-Infected Zombies
Personally, my most feared version, they are infected by a spreadable disease, most likely able to infect living humans without actually killing them first. Biting, Blood, Spit... all common transferrences... although mere touching exposed skin may do the same.
Fighting such monstrosities would require, not only full body armor, but chem suits as well (hurray for me, i have military grade ), Gas mask would definetly be required incase of air born contagine.
-Mystically Infected Zombies
No real problems... just your standard zombie arch-type, as long as your not killed you'll be fine
-Metaphysically/Religion Based Infected Zombies
Pain in the ass... so bloody noisy... but very similar to the mystically infected version... just different origins and purposes... not that i care, since they'll still be getting diced.
2. Now my gear ^_^
(lame jokes aside about Canadian Military equipment ok? just this once )
-Other then my standard gear... most of which i would toss out the window as it is, since its worthless when fighting the undead. I'd keep my C7 rifle until other "toys" come around. If it was Bio-zombies, i'd keep my chem gear as well.
I'd then raid my... personal storage unit for my real goodies
My katana... sweet sweet 5,000 fold katana... oh how i miss you... (stupid government laws!)
My unused assortment of armor (stupid military usage laws!)
-For bio, i would be going with full armor, head to toe... but for the others, i would be using next to nothing
Did i mention that "armor" doesnt stand for just kevlar?
Ya... who'da thought that a Sai-guantlet, bracer, full-face steel mask, and a spinal protector would fall under illegal uniform crap that my commy spews at me when ever i beg him >.> hehe
(i should post pictures...)
Sadly, me weapons inventory is not quite up to snuff anymore (lets just say... i pawned ALOT of stuff for that katana)
Other then my Suomi KP M/31 (which has seen better days... ala WW2 >.< )... Which means im obviously off to raid the nearest gun-shop.
I'd probably have to kill a few other humans to get at them though >.> oh woah is me... hehehe
So all geared up, suited up, and armed up i would then rampage around my town until things got quiet enough to travel to the next biggest city... ad nosium until my eventual death.
Some plan huh? Suit up, kill, die! ha!
What Would Kharn Do?
Dont forget your copy of
Saw it. That was pretty great. I think I would probably try to find all the people I cared about and create a semi-democratic tribe that focused on getting out of the city I was in and heading for the coast. You have to get everyone together, amass your supplies, create your exit strategy, basic training in tactics and weapons, then head out of the city to your coastal homeland. I think the coast would have the best possibility of survival. Living right on the beach, or a lake house, so that you can escape to the water by boat if a zombie incursion finds you, would be essential. Finally, I would find a secluded portion of beach away from high population areas that are amenable to agriculture in close proximity to your base of operations.
You have to have the right stuff to start out on your coastal exodus.
1.Traveling in a convoy of humvees, military trucks(stuffed with quads and enduro dirt bikes of course) would be the best way to start your trip, unless you physically can't escape the city with such large automobiles, then its got to be quads, dirt bikes, and motorcycles. You will need to keep in constant communication with your convoy and have gunners in the front and back of the motorcade to take care of zombies in your way.
2. Now that you have your transport figured out, you need your survival gear
-guns, ammo, ham radio, flamethrowers, explosives, swords, knives, movable perimeter motion sensors for your camp security measures, night vision goggles, first aid and a small pharmacy of painkillers, antibiotic etc., tools, topographical maps, road maps, multiple long range walkie-talkies, water purification tools, food rations, seeds from a variety of agricultural plants, fishing tackle, tent, sleeping bags, clothing for your future environment, fuel, flint and matches, GPS, water bottles and water, flashlights, batteries, numerous books about how things work(maintenance on vehicles, electricity, military tactics, survivalist writings etc.)
3. Make sure you are traveling with winners, not whiners
-your tribe must... know their place in the tribe, be in fairly decent physical shape, have a group-survival mentality, let go of their altruistic notions, be implanted with locator chips, distrust governmental and military controls of your movements, err on the side of shooting outsiders rather than waiting to see if the person is infected or not, establish divisions of labor based on knowledge, leadership, and gender limitations, expel those that create conflict and reduce tribal unity, have confidence in a strong, smart leader that bases actions on the majority of the group, create a positive tribal identity and foster egalitarian, collectivistic ethical codes for your new tribal society
4. Train all members in Zombie Killing Tactics and Techniques
-This means every member regardless of their specific role(ie. navigator, warrior, leader, resource manager, horticulturalist, etc) must have a working knowledge of firearms, ammo, explosives, swords and be able to use them in an all out fight for survival. Creating warriors that specialize in your zombie killing and security needs. These sentries will guard your convoy and compound at all times, and carry out scouting missions a few miles ahead of the convoy, if tribal numbers permit it. Create a specific fallback plan to deal with circular, single front, mulitple front zombie incursions.
5. Create a new, fortified compound that is secure and easily exited
-Creating storage shelters of a long term supply would be necessary. Right next to the beach it would be best to find a previously inhabited small area and build a large wall around it with an underground tunnel that extends to the beach where your escape boats are located. Your escape boats need to be filled with enough supplies and weapons to sustain your tribe for 6 months if forced to flee. Guard towers on all four corners will be manned by your warrior specialists. You would need to make sure that all zombies within twenty miles of your location are wiped out using military incursions of explosives and artillery fire. You will have to raid an abandoned military fort or two to obtain large scale weapons and artillery for your incursions and compound defense. Agriculture nearby will be done on a scale large enough for sustainibility and food reserves.
I am sure there is more, but that is pretty good to get started.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
I must echo the sentiment.
Personally, I look to the sole weakness of the walking dead:
They are ineffectual against autonmous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is an honorary Autobot pin. Best 5 bucks I've ever spent on eBay:
Rollin' with Optimus Prime. Guaranteed protection against the unliving menace, Decepticon incursions, horrors from beyond time and space, alien abdunction and all other manner of unthinkable demise.
My Ace is on the River.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Will is spot on. I've got a pretty secure house, a beautiful katana and I am trained to use it.
There won't be never ending hordes of zombies as they don't breed, so they gotta run out sometime. there will be a hell of a lot though!
Vehicles aren't a long term solution, fuel will run out fast.
Long term you gotta build a fort or walled city big enough to have farms inside. Or a collection of smaller forts.
Body armour would be good too, doesn't have to be chunky, just to protect against bites. Even just on your hand or forearm so you can stick that in their mouth for something to chew on if they get you at close range.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
Yep, samurai swords would be your weapon of choice to fence off a zombie horde, coupled with a Bellini M1 Shotgun for tight situations, unless they're some of them running zombies (Dawn of the Dead) in which case you're plain screwed.
What do you mean? Did your government outlawed katanas and armor? That's just not right.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
First off, the bio-zombies, or those infected by a virus, these are not true zombies, they are people infected with a virus, hence still alive and can be killed by normal means, shot to the head, heart, blowing of their heads completely off etc, etc, etc. Of course the means of infections matter, if by contact in the case of 28 days later, resident evil then get my hands on a amoured vehicle and loads of ammunitions and sub machine guns a maybe a vehicle mounted machine gun (that can be taken off and located some where else. As well gather a few survivors (mainly female and really I don't like the idea of competing with other males for a few females), head north (pumps will still be working if not can manually pump out gas), take a few vehicles for food and medical supplies.....oh and condoms you just never know where these women were before. If it is airborne like in I am Legend, then if I haven't become infected, I am immune....follow original plan.
The mystical/magic resurrected zombies, these are easy to avoid, they tend to be falling apart and walk slow, like old people crossing the street when your in a hurry. normally the only way of infection is through sorcery or mystical means....find the bastard, kill them off and then go on a zombie hunting spree. For shits and giggles, shoot off one limb at a time to see how badly they want my brains
Religious caused zombies.....nail the bastards back to the cross, maybe try some holy water of opposite religion, or make sure I have a rabbi to make the zombie Kosher which should cure it's affliction.
That was plan A.....plan B well.......don't have one yet....waiting for interplanetary travel....so when it does happen, I am leaving all your asses behind, you can deal with them, or become zombie food.
Yes yes, samurai sword, blah blah. Really, it wouldn't be the zombies that worry me. I'd be more worried about the HUMAN RAIDERS, trying to take my stuff so that they can survive.
Well, unless we're talking ninja zombies like the screechers in Half Life 2. That could be a problem.
No, first thing I'd get one of my gun-collecting friends to help me raid Walmart in the Exploder (it's a Ford Explorer that's been through hell and back). Then I'd hit Radioshack, Pacific Steelworks, and Home Depot for supplies. They have security cameras, motors, and damn near everything you need to put together a few sturdy remote gun turrets. Then I'd move into this huge cathedral like theatre we have over here. I know a couple of people who plan on doing the same. The place is basalt and mortar with high towers perfect for spotting (and stopping) any raiders who decide to disrupt our hideout.
Not like they'd come here anyway. This is Idaho, gun capitol of the pacific northwest.
well, all you fuckers with folded katanas can piss off. i only ever bought a dead blade, swedish powdered steel from paul chen, for practising iaido (whenever i got to the point where i could study iaido). i was on the lookout for a good dojo to start studying kendo when i went to slovakia, got married, and even had to leave my dead blade behind. now all i have is a bokuto and very imperfect knowledge of the basic iaido kata that i got from "samurai fighting arts" by fumon tanaka.
i also readily admit, which i am sure most of you will too, that i never got into any of this because i am in some way an inherent badass, but because i watch way too many chambara films. also because i did take foil fencing for a year and my instructor told me i was much more suited to saber, and hell, if you are gonna go saber, why not go katana?
so swords are out for me until i can pilfer one. in the meantime, if i am in the united states, i am in luck because dad is an avid hunter and card-carrying NRA member. i would definitely go for his winchester model 12 12-gauge pump and magnum shells: a heavy gun, but thus little recoil. for long-range encounters, his .22-270 with scope would do nicely. i would also grab his old smith wesson .22-.32 kit revolver as backup. it does not pack much of a punch but if i understand george romero and lucio fulci correctly, all that is necessary is to stop the brains activity.
i am also in luck in that my former stepfather is a car dealer and thus will have plenty of heavy duty vehicles left. i would choose a chevy suburban, spraypaint "FUCK THE KYOTO PROTOCOLS" on the side (who would give a fuck by then?) and use it to flatten the zombies of environmentalists (i have a few i went to college with in mind). i would then raid the nearby army surplus store for supplies such as RTEs and survivor handbooks, possibly highjack an army truck if they have one there, and head for the most unpopulated corner of the blue ridge mountains i could find, occupy a nice deserted log cabin, hopefully with a generator and a well, and booby trap the fuck out of my surroundings. on the way to the mountains i would pick up some security supplies like the strongest reinforced door i could find, with a heavy duty multiple deadbolt system, and heavy storm shutters to install inside the windows, and also things like a water purifier, kerosine lanterns, kerosine heaters, a gas grill, a kerosine and wood stove, plenty of fuel, propane, oil, and of course ammunition. obviously i would have to make multiple trips, but not many with a suburban and maybe only one with an army truck.
now, if i am in europe i am fucked. nobody has a gun here and good luck finding a sparsely populated area.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Or maybe you'd like to watch someone whose balance doesn't suck.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
You may want to fix that link, I had to type it in by hand.
i see your point, James' does throw himself too much into his final cut, which would suck for him if he had 2 opponents.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
No no no... Military's have this thing about accountability and such, so i cant use any of my own equipment while deployed (hard to pin a friendly fire on me if i didnt use my registered gear.... for example... >.>.... <.<... why's every one looking at me? )
So basically my armors out for the same reason (that and it would not instill peaceful, and trust worthy images in civilians i encounter...)
But the katana, its... an "import"
and "importing" authentic historical culture items of significance is out-lawed pretty much everywhere (to cut down grave robbing, theiving, and such of a countries valuables ) katanas from japanese history fall under such laws
if you havent figured it out... import = smuggled
What Would Kharn Do?
Kevin... is your father Xenu?... that picture creeps me the fuck out...
I hate Greys!! (blah blah, racist/speciest bigot blah blah)
What Would Kharn Do?
so the two katana's that my brother sent to my dad bout ten years ago thru the mail were smuggled in? They were hand made in the late 1800's and my brother was stationed in Okwinawa(spelling) at the time.
] I would then raid my local walmart and deck my car out so that i can get away alot faster than a heavy duty vehicle. i would probly have a couple of friends with me and they would probly be driving a heavy duty vehicle. but i will still take my car due to the fact that i can get from 0-60 in bout 5 seconds. i figure if i have to i will leave them in my dust if i have to. And then i would drive north till i hit either lake erie or the frozen tundra of Canada. I would have no problem driving on the back dirt roads to gewt anywhere. If i made it to lake Erie i would find a yacht and sail out to the middle of the lake and come to shore in low population areas to get food, plus i would get some fertilizer and use a part of the deck to have a small garden. I would be able to fish in the winter there also plus with there being nothing in any direction i will make it easier to see any zombies coming. i know its not ideal but ehh i don't care...
My plan is to basically raid some of our local homes due to the majority of people round here are big gun owners [out of 10000 people in town more than 9000 are Repulicans
Well that would all depend... on the year they were shipped to your father, could be grandfathered in, that and the fact that 1800 is to recent to be of historic cultural significance... *yawn*... who knows? they could very well be illegal still ^_^ all depends on whether or not the authorities can track down its origins.
Dealing with the law is a pain in the ass... but dealing with laws from 2 different countries at the same time, as well as international laws may induce fits of homicidal rage...
What Would Kharn Do?
You guys can't be using those fancy swords to hack up zombies! If they're fancy, they were never meant for fighting anyway. Get yourself a Practical Plus or something like that. I mean, for practical zombie hacking purposes. You want a beater sword or two, not something that's been folded a billion times, or whatever.
Pearls before swine, guys! The zombies wouldn't even appreciate the majesty of the sword you used to dismember them! A total waste. You'd be sharpening the thing daily, anyway. And not with the powder-ball nancy-boy routine, I mean grinding it on a sharpening stone. Do you really want to mess up the mokume on a beautifully made sword? Baka!
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
The practical plus is a fine "beater" sword. Mine is a Dragonfly blade from Bugei. They do use their swords for cutting, so I know it will stand up to it. But it is very pretty, with a special polish so that you can see the folds, so I will be crying slightly as I lop zombie heads.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
That's a really nice sword - probably my favourite modern one. You don't want to be marring that blade on zombie skeletons. What happens if you chip the blade? Terrible.
You better be, wrecking a nice sword like that. Don't come running to me when you have to grind the blade because of zombie damage! I told you to get a beater sword, but noooo, you had to meet the onslaught of the undead with something prettier.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Well, at least you'd be armed.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
yuh, when I take up kenjutsu again I'm gonna have to get me a practical plus
Is it wrong that I want to be a zombie?
Planning on becoming religious Jillswift?
Well, not when you put it that way...
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
I would steal a car, some kind of weapon and go north towards the Scottish Highlands, where I would then ditch the car, steal a boat and find a remote island in the Out Hebrides. Even if the people there have been zombified it won't take long to kill them off as the Outer Hebrides are pretty isolated and only accessible by boat (assuming the zombies cannot drive/row boats I should thus be fine). I will then live off the land, and if not then at least I will die an Orwellian death in an old leaky croft.
Atheist Books
Nice plan, I'd do that to... The scottish highlands are a bit of a drive from Australia though. Maybe I'd go to Rottnest Island instead. Same idea, but warmer. As long as there were no zombie quokkas I'd be fine.
Zen-atheist wielding Occam's katana.
Jesus said, "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division." - Luke 12:51
so what is up with the point system here, i got like 80 points from all my posts, now can i use said points to buy merchandise, or do i get ranked for having the highest points just curious...
on the point with the zombies, apparently zombies can walk underwater, for they do not need air to breath so if your planning on taking a boat to a island be prepared for the dead to be walking up the beach
Right... i could hardly see why we would want to use a sword thats so sharp it cuts through flesh by its own weight >.<
fancy wont matter when the world ends... and when else am i gonna use it? what else would i save it for? >.> uh forget those last 2
What Would Kharn Do?
ahhh, all this talk about paul chen swords takes me back about five years to when i was hunting for a sword and a dojo. my ambition was eventually to learn iaido (beginning with kendo or possibly aikido), thanks mostly to watching yojimbo, sanjuro, and the lone wolf and cub movies. my buddy and i used to watch toshiro mifune frame by frame. i got my sword, a paul chen nami iaito, but i never found my dojo, as i ended up in europe, got married, and well, you know how it goes...
my sword is still in the states. it cost way too much to ship. whenever i get home every six months or so i powder and oil it, mostly for meditative purposes and to play samurai for a few minutes. especially since it is swedish powder steel and needs almost no upkeep. i even fucking do it in seiza position, holding the rice paper in my mouth...jesus christ.
now i have just a cheap bokuto but i wouldn't sell it short with zombies. the great miyamoto musashi was known to have routinely won duels by beating the fuck out of his opponents with wooden swords, often smashing in their skulls. that's how he won his famous final duel with sasaki kojiro. as it pulverizes the brain, it'll work for zombies too. as the three great classics of sword play--musashi's book of five rings, takuan soho's the unfettered mind, and yagyu munenori's the life-giving sword--will tell you, it's more about footwork and frame of mind then about what your sword is made of.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Speak of the devil... im reading vagabond right now iwbiek (sadly the chapters with kojiro's death arent translated yet, just finished with musashi's 70 man fight )
What Would Kharn Do?
It's not wrong, it just dooms you to being dismembered by a lower-quality sword.
(By the way, your avatar is blowing my mind!)
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Sharp is sharp, dude. Cutting through flesh is a pretty straightforward operation. Butchers don't use razor blades.
But fine, if you want to look even fancier while demonstrating your invincibility to the undead, go ahead and use a fancy sword.
AND, just to open a can of zombie worms, modern methods for the most part do better than the press-and-fold technique, which is largely decorative, but only serves to give the blade differential hardness, not some super-duper sharpness, which can be achieved by any decent tool steel.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
i'm not familiar with vagabond. is it a novel? i'll have to check it out when i have time. all i know is eiji yoshikawa's novel musashi, though i haven't read it yet either. i have seen the trilogy of films based on the novel however, with toshiro mifune as musashi.
most of my knowledge of musashi comes from those films and william scott wilson's wonderful introductions to his translations of the book of five rings and the life-giving sword. the 70 man fight was the one in ichijoji temple, right?
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
"Graphic Novel" im not sure whether or not its historically accurate (betting on not), but its been damn good so far. It details the story of Musashi's life from his teen years onwards through his sword mastery
What Would Kharn Do?