Question About Smoking

What all effects does smoking have on the human body/mind and why! Main target here is cigars/cigarettes but if you want to go into other things I'm all ears.
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Question About Smoking
Posted on: May 8, 2008 - 12:53pm
Question About Smoking
What all effects does smoking have on the human body/mind and why! Main target here is cigars/cigarettes but if you want to go into other things I'm all ears.
We pop theist like Orville Redenbacher!
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the list is a mile long, i suggest you google the answer for yourself and save the RRS some jigabytes of space
What Would Kharn Do?
According to the American Cancer Society:
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Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Thats powerful stuff.
Thanks. I'm trying to get a close friend to stop. (I stopped a while ago... I only smoked for like a month though.) I stopped because it made me feel like shit in the mornings and made me not workout as much... thats reason enough for me.
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There's benzene in cigarettes???!!! No wonder so many people get lung cancer... that's like inhaling death.
That being said, I probably won't give up my social smoking. A cigarette every 6 months can't be that terrible..
Well, to be fair, benzene can be found in a lot of things. Its an extremely useful and prevalent chemical, though it is being phased out in many areas by slightly less carcinogenic compounds like toluene. You can find benzene in your carpet, in gasoline, in residual levels in many plastics (benzene is a prime precursor to the monomer styrene, which makes polystyrene, one of the most abundant and useful polymers known). It's also used to make nylon.
Granted the levels are low in such cases and have not been shown to lead to disease. The difference is that cigarette smoke comes in direct contact with a blood-gas organ, and whatever you inhale gets distributed through your entire body.
That benzene is in the smoke is probably less a detriment to your health than the strain the carbon monoxide puts on your cardiovascular system.
As a light smoker (about a pack a month unless stressed out) and a person who spends much of their day working with VOCs like benzene, and even pure benzene, I'm fully aware of the risks.
Smoking certainly is horrible for your health, but then again, so is working in my profession. People who work with the chemicals I do tend to die an average of 9 years earlier than the rest of you.
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Does smoking cigars and thing such as affect your thought process or brain? It seems like while I was a smoker I didn't care to read or learn anything new. And I didn't have thoughts propagate in my head like I usually do. I will just be sitting here and something crazy comes to mind so I test it. That didn't happen while I was smoking.
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Nicotine certainly does affect your brain. It increases dopamine levels (which is why it is addictive, dopamines are your "reward" homones). It also stimulates epinephrine production and acts as an MAO inhibitor. (MAO is monoamine oxidase, the thing that breaks down dopamines - many anti-depressants work on the same principle). It's also a stimulant.
Why you reacted the way you did is odd, the opposite should have been the case, typically - I know it is for me. It could be that it sped you up too much to the point of overload or scatterbrain. Or it could be that you were doing other things while you were smoking that contributed, such as heavy drinking perhaps - they often go hand in hand.
Personally, I've always found that such stimulants jump start my brain, be it nicotine, caffeine or cocaine.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
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Right. As long as you keep your "inhaling death" to a minimum, it should be fine.
Wait, WHAT??
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
That's not too bad, really. I mean, considering current life expectancy stats. The last years are the shitty years anyway. (Wasn't that part of one of Dennis Leary's old routines?)
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Thats a good notion you have. Maybe it's because I went from not smoking at all to smoking a lot in a very short period... then I stopped smoking all the sudden. But usually when I was smoking I was driving around with a friend listening to very loud music with lots of bass. So maybe it was just overload. But still, even when I was sitting at my house I didn't have any desire to study anything... and I didn't really feel like getting up and going to classes in the morning... not really like me.
We pop theist like Orville Redenbacher!
Haha thats the truth. I don't want to be running around on fake legs soiling myself and chasing children with a cane... oh wait... that would actually be pretty badass.
We pop theist like Orville Redenbacher!
Well, as trite as that bit is, I do believe that's how it will work for me. I've seen enough people I love waste away in hospitals and hospices. I think I'll be satisfied with about 55-65 years or less, I'm certainly structuring things with that in mind anyway - IOW, not putting off that dream vacation or asking the cute girl at the coffee shop out.
If I do ever end up an invalid, I will end it on my terms, life's too short to spend the last bit of it suffering.
Then again, I certainly wouldn't mind living to 120 either, so long as I had a decent quality of life and my mental faculties intact.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
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