Hot Chicks, are they worth it?

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Hot Chicks, are they worth it?

I have a question for those of you who understand Evolution (or at least think you do).

Why are some people physically more attractive than others? Why aren't ugly people just bread out of existence? Is it just that ugly people breed with other ugly people, so we have no end to ugliness in the human race? It has been proven that ugly people have economic and social disadvantages besides just mate selection, so one might think they would be naturally selected away. Why is there such a wide range of attractiveness?

Could it be that ugly people have other advantages that the physically attractive don't have? This question comes up because as us guys know, the hotter the chick, the more effort we have to put into getter her and keeping her. The more crap we're willing to put up with from her if she's hot. So many of us ask, "Hot chicks, are they worth it?"

I read this article from Christopher Hitchens on "Why women aren't funny":

I know it's very sexist, but it makes a lot of sense. Hot women don't need to be funny, they can just bring their looks to the relationship. This is how it seems to be with better looking women, they just bring their looks that's it. I have to be funny, rich, interesting, pleasant, etc... It's also interesting how he says women get funnier with age, their looks fade, so then women develop other qualities to attract people. I find this to be true, more mature women are generally better for a relationship.

So, is the problems with hot chicks just that they know they're hot so they can treat men badly and still have men treat them like a princess? Or is it evolution? Has nature give some women looks, but then to balance things out given less attractive women other qualities to attract and keep a man? Is physical beauty just a trick nature plays on men to get us to waist our time and money on women that are otherwise bad mates?

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illeatyourdog wrote:

Sorry, I've been away from the forums a few days, but wanted to continue our banter...

illeatyourdog wrote:

Actually, yeah playing the piano kinda is, even if you play by feel instead of reading notes.  It is an increidbly challenging instrument to play.

This may not seem to have much to do with appearance... but it's kind of a risk vs. benefit situation.  There is really no harm that can come from not playing a musical instrument. But there are benefits to be had from playing.. it teaches self-discipline, knowledge of music has many applications in life, and it's a good skill to be able to list on a resume for college or certain careers. It can also be therapeutic (in my personal opinion). Thus the question to be asked is "Is it worth my time to pursue this in the hope of reaping these benefits?"  Same with appearance... even if you show up to a job interview unshaven and in sloppy clothes, you might still be hired based on merit – no harm. But why take the chance of rejection, when just a few extra minutes of time will translate into a professional appearance that inspires confidence in a potential employer?

illeatyourdog wrote:

I apologise for making it sound foreign but cmon.  You do not just slap it on your face and hope for the best.  The primary reason to wear make-up is to hide "imperfections" for, if you really believed your face was fine as is, you would not wear it.  Furthermore, if you really don;t care about imperfections on your face it makes absolutly no sense for you to wear it.

My dark circles aren't that noticeable or severe, but I notice them because they're on my face, which I look at every day. Most of my friends say I don’t really have dark circles, but it stands out to me, so covering them up makes me feel less self-conscious. Overall, I'm pretty lucky face-wise. My features are symmetrical, my skin tone is even, I've never had acne, etc. But if other girls are going to use artificial means to cover up their dark circles and make their cheeks look flushed, why can't I? I'm essentially competing with them for men, and if the majority of those men are going to prefer women with artificially enhanced faces, then I'm on the losing end of that bargain.

In my case though, I'm currently in a relationship, so I'm not actively seeking someone. I don't really care how I look when I go to the grocery store or to the gym because I'm not trying to attract a mate wherever I go. Hell, I don't even care how I look around my boyfriend as much, because we tend to spend Sundays laying around in sweats (& no make-up for me) just studying and doing whatever. But just because I'm not trying to attract someone doesn't mean I let myself go. Most people still hold themselves to certain standards because 1) there's always the chance their mate will leave them for someone better, and 2) people tend to treat attractive people better. There are psychological studies on this; perhaps Hamby has researched the concept more than I have.


illeatyourdog wrote:

I was honestly not referring to whore or horror style make-up.  I knew you meant a more modest application.  That is why I said guys would definatly disagree with me on this becuase most guys would not feel that the modest application of make-up is high maintenence. 

Ok fair enough. I just wasn't clear on whether you meant any make-up is high maintenance, or just "whore" make-up, but now I see it is the former.


illeatyourdog wrote:

Your face being smooth is a deal breaker for your professors?

Ok back to the job interview thing. First impressions are important, and can be deal breakers. In my particular case, no, because the people I would ask for recommendation know me pretty well, and are familiar with how I work.

But if you go to a job interview looking sloppy, the employer associates the adjective "sloppy" with you immediately. A sloppy appearance gives off the impression that your work is sloppy. If you don't care about your appearance, the conclusion could be drawn that you don't care about your work. Obviously, the extrapolation may not be true - but why even let the notion cross a potential employer's mind?  It's like that  old adage: "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."



Dinners, depending on where you are having it, and bars, which is weird, usually call for high maintenence preperations since dinners are all about being "nice" and "mannerly" and bars are about spuerficial hook-ups or simply looking good for the sake of looking good.  

Well for me they're about the same, since I go to dinners and bars with my boyfriend most of the time. I don't dress very sexy to go to bars, because it's a pain in the ass getting hit on and having to explain for the 20th time to a drunk guy that I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested. It happens anyways, but not as much if I dress more "modestly."


illeatyourdog wrote:

Nope.  I am just a very simple-minded person.  Meaning if a certain part of the morning ritual does not serve any apparant practical purpose, it is high maintenence. 

Ok, I was wrong about the dichotomy thing. But instead, what it seems you've done, is set a level of minimalism that is one step above a caveman's idea of grooming, and then conclude that anything above that is high maintenance. Like I said in a previous post, there is a such thing as medium maintenance. It's hard to tell where the cut-off point is for classification, because grooming behaviors follow a gradient, but it's sort of unreasonable to say that anyone that cares one iota about appearance is automatically high maintenance.

Besides, as stated before, many of these behaviors do serve a practical purpose - attracting mates. Pretty important for preserving our species. While culture has shaped our particular grooming behaviors, the instinct to "do whatever it takes" to attract a mate is clearly at work.

To take your position literally, what about bathing? It helps prevent disease, but bathing weekly would suffice. It is not necessary to bathe daily, as is custom. But we do it for the purely frivolous reason of not smelling like our own bodies. Is showering daily high maintenance?

I think the point I'm trying to make is that there are cultural norms regarding what is normal grooming behavior and what is high and low maintenance in comparison.

illeatyourdog wrote:

So yes, to me, guys who simply gel up their hair in the morning are high maintenence becuase there is no apparant practical purpose to geling your hair.  If you are doing that, you simply want to look good or believe you look good by doing that.  I also feel the same way about guys who wear suits (of course I hate the whole idea of suits but thats a different issue) since suits are high maintenence clothing.  A guy talking about his suit is almost no different than a girl talking about her favorite dress or pair of jeans. 

Or, they're self-conscious about how they look because they want to appear attractive to the other sex.


illeatyourdog wrote:

Girls with low maintence mornign rituals have low maintence attitudes and girls with high maintence morning rituals have high maintence attitudes.  And, I shjould have specified this earliar, simply beucase you wore make-up one or two daysw out of the week does not mean you are high maintence the other 5 days.  So high maintence, to me, is not really an intrinsic quality but a property anyone can have, or not have, dependig on their mood.  Also, High maintence (as I am using it) is not a general negative quality.  It becomes a negative quality when their primary concern is being high maintenence.  I know many girls who, on certain occassions, are reluctantly high maintenence and, in all honesty, it does suit them well.  All I'm saying is I would prefer that they never feel need to be high maintenence since many are perfectly fine just how they are without it.

Again, just wanted to point out that there are certain bitchy behaviors associated with being high or low maintenance. The "excessive" grooming tends to be one symptom of high maintenance behavior in my opinion - the stereotypical bitchy, spoiled, demanding acts. My best friend behaves like this whether she's dressed to the nines or in sweats. It's not like once she takes off all the make-up and slips off her heels she morphs into a chill person. Nope. She's still like, "How long is it gonna take for [insert boy of the week] to call me back? Geezus, I left 8 messages on his voicemail already!"



I think perfume and cologne are extreme and too many people wear it.  It makes me gag.

I agree. Although most people wear WAYYY too much.

illeatyourdog wrote:

Depending on your defition of relationship its either a definate NO or a kinda sorta maybe. 

Ok, at least I know where you’re coming from and what your personal experience is.

illeatyourdog wrote:

Not in the slightest.  I do not view girls shaving their legs as frivilous or them growing long hair as frivilous.  The reason why I bring them up is becuase one activity, shaving legs, is very time consuming (based on what girls tell me) and the other results in simple tasks like washing their hair very arduous since it takes a long time to wash long hair. 

Shaving one’s legs serves no function. How is that not high maintenance? The definition of being high maintenance practically mandates that you do time-consuming things like spend 4 hours getting your hair cut & colored for no primary function. Again, American culture dictates that women remove their body hair. It’s a cultural norm (which is gradually being relaxed, but nevertheless).

The long hair thing can or can’t be high maintenance, depending on a person’s specific routine. I’ve personally been growing mine out, and it’s almost waist-length now. But I only need to wash it 2 or 3 times a week, and I just let it air dry and wear it up most of the time, so it doesn’t really inconvenience me more than having short hair would, other than having to be extra sure that I’ve rinsed all the shampoo/conditioner out. But I know other people that blow-dry/style/dye their hair religiously, so it can vary.


illeatyourdog wrote:

Second, in regards to the time worth comment, in my experience its usually been the opposite that, after spending a little time with me, it becomes apparant that they feel I am not worth their time.  And girls whom I have developed close friendships with very often tell me why and suggest that I change but I refuse to because the changes, I feel, are not me. 

That’s cool. At least you know your own shortcomings/weaknesses. As Hamby said earlier in this thread, we all settle to a certain degree, depending on what we are and aren’t willing to put up with. And even though the majority of women may find certain qualities about you intolerable, there are bound to be at least a handful that don’t mind, or find it endearing.

illeatyourdog wrote:

Ironically, the last girl I had serious feelings about, and had serious feelings about me, seemed afraid of being a relaitonship.  I deduced this since she turned me down siting how, being that she was a Christian (you might want to say my first mistake was trying to get with a Christian), I would, somehow be more influential on her than an omnipresent, omnipotent, and ominicient being who created everything.   And no, I do not get serious feelings about girls that often.


Well that definitely qualifies as one of the weirdest excuses I’ve heard.

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Geezzz, I get the feeling

Geezzz, I get the feeling GreekGoddess isn't a virgin, likes guys, and messes with their heads and body parts , I AM so jealous of GIRL POWER , we men must stop them at once, cage them .....  Outlaw lipstick and all that and remove their clits , STOP THEM STOP THEM        sheezzz

    I think we are all fuck crazy      

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illeatyourdog wrote:My next

illeatyourdog wrote:

My next comment mihgt sound weird considering how I have been arguing so far but ther eis no science of friendships.  There those who are natrually social and those who are not.  We should not force those who are naturall not social to be social.

Sorry but their is a science of friendship. In fact science can be applied to the study of everything. Darwin speculated on the value of "aiding fellows". There are plenty of social scientists doing legitimate work on our need for friendships and what makes people popular or unpopular.

So do we also tell people who are not naturally good at reading or math to just accept that this is the way it is? Scientists and educators should just stop developing methods to teach the reading and math impaired? Just let them stay poor and ignorant cause this is how nature made them?

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Wow.Ok... Lots of important


Ok... Lots of important things to stay clear on:

The brain is a biological organ.  It functions the same way as every other organ in the body.  Everything that your brain produces is a result of biology.  Love, friendship, attraction, lust, guilt, withdrawal... all of it is biological in origin.

Eating is biological, but we enjoy some foods more than others, and eating can be much more than sustenance.  In fact, food sharing is one of the biggest social bonding mechanisms humans have.

You guys are all familiar with the error of composition, right?  Just to be sure, an Error of Composition applies when someone assumes that the qualities of a part, or component, of a whole must also belong to the whole:

Sodium is poison.  Salt is made of sodium.  Therefore, salt is poison.

That's an error of composition.  Ok.  See if something looks familiar in this next sentence:

Our brains function on chemicals (drugs).  Love produces chemicals (drugs).  We feel love because of chemicals (drugs).  Therefore, love is a drug.

Goddess wrote:
... even if you show up to a job interview unshaven and in sloppy clothes, you might still be hired based on merit – no harm. But why take the chance of rejection...

Yes.  There's something in illeat's posts that is subtle, but shouldn't be missed.  Imagine, if you can, that no humans ever did anything to augment their appearance.  We all wore only sackcloth, never wore any makeup or deodorant, never bathed, and left our hair to grow in whatever way it naturally grew.

How would we choose mates?  Exactly the same way we do now.  Women would pick the men who were most intelligent, strongest, best looking, and most socially successful.  Granted, we would hardly recognize them as such in our current society, but relatively speaking, Grakk, with his huge club (insert joke here) and herd of sixty yaks, would get lots of chicks.  Which chicks would he get?  The ones he wanted, since he had such a big stick and herd.


Why don't we live like that?  Simple.  Because schmucks like me are smart enough to realize that a thousand dollar suit impresses a lot of women where pure old muscle-bound WWF brawn doesn't.  Just about everybody is smart enough to recognize that there are LOTS of different reasons to get together with somebody.  I have no idea what Greek Goddess is into, so if somebody set us up on a blind date, you know what I would do?  I would cover all my bases.  If she's into clothes, that's ok... I'll wear something nice, but not ostentatious.  That'll display wealth and moderation at the same time... two generally good qualities.  I'll make sure my shoes are shined.  That will display thoroughness.  I'll clean out my ears and clip my fingernails.  Attention to detail.  If I see any stray hairs on my shoulders or back... guess what... they're getting plucked.  I don't know how good a date this is going to be, and just in case, I want to make sure that the physical is as good as possible if that's what she's about.  During the date, I'm going to be aware of the flow of conversation.  If I notice that I'm talking too much, I'm going to ask her about her.  If she's struggling, I'll pick up my end.  I'll offer insights into the menu, demonstrating broad knowledge. 

This could go on for a long time.  The point that I'm trying to make is that what you guys are calling "high maintenance" is actually "high probability."  There are things that most people like, and "high maintenance" activities are like net fishing.  You're trying to cover as many bases as possible to give yourself the best chance to impress someone.

Ok, here's the part that I'm afraid EXC isn't going to like very much.  Women have a much higher threshold to get over.  There are several reasons.  First, they have a much smaller biological window.  Men can reproduce after puberty until death.  Women, for only a couple of decades.  Whether our society is geared towards it now, we are still biologically tied to this simple principle.  This is why, across all cultures, men prefer childless women who are over puberty and under 25 more than any other subset of women.  Simply put, if a woman doesn't fall into this category, she is starting at a deficit compared to all the women who do.

Second, men are much more visually oriented than women when selecting mates.  This is not cultural.  It's biological.  In other words, not only are most women in some category other than the most desirable one, men's preferences are highly weighted towards that category, so women have to try even harder to look good.

Third, what do the really good looking women do when they see the less attractive women putting so much effort into their appearance?  Do they just let them do it, relying on their natural good looks?  OF COURSE NOT.  They think, "Gee, if that woman can look that much better, then I can do the same thing."  So, then the best looking women look even better.  You know what this is about from history.  It's an arms race.

Fourth, it's not just about physical for women, either.  Not only do they have to look their best, but they have to display other traits, too.  Just like a man performs all these mating rituals that I described earlier, women have to do the same things.  They have to appeal to all of a man's senses -- AND to his brain as well.

This goes back to something that EXC and I have talked about, but I'm not sure if I've communicated it adequately.  Women are the selectors in humans, but there's a very, very important caveat to this.  Women generally only select after they've been approached.  There are a couple of obvious reasons for this.  First, we all know that very attractive women never have to approach men.  Men drool over them the instant they come into a room.  So, what does it say about a woman if she has to approach a man?  Duh.  She's not attractive enough for them to approach her.  Perception being so important, women instinctively know that they must wait for suitors.  (If it still doesn't make sense, think of it in reverse.  If a woman approaches a man, the man gets to make the decision, right?  The woman wouldn't be the selector.)

So, the power of being the biological selector is mitigated by the need to wait for suitors.  Since the quality of a potential suitor depends on the perceived quality of the woman, appearance is really fucking important.

Notice how long this post is getting?  I'm just getting started.  At some point, somebody's going to say, "Yeah, but I prefer women who don't rely on makeup and just have a natural look."   Yeah, yeah.  I know.  And how do you judge them?   BY THEIR APPEARANCE.  That's how you know they don't rely on makeup, right?  Also, sometime when you're not trying to get laid, ask one of those "natural" women to describe every detail of their grooming life to you.  You'd be amazed how much work goes into the natural look.  Seriously.  It's so ingrained in most women that even they will tell you that they hardly do anything, but what they mean is they hardly do anything compared to women who do a lot.  Compared to men... well, there's usually no comparison.

Yes... I know.  There are exceptions.  Think about a couple of the completely average looking women you know who never do anything about their appearance.  Most of them don't get approached as much as other women, do they?

But just because I'm not trying to attract someone doesn't mean I let myself go. Most people still hold themselves to certain standards because 1) there's always the chance their mate will leave them for someone better, and 2) people tend to treat attractive people better. There are psychological studies on this; perhaps Hamby has researched the concept more than I have.

Generally, we don't let ourselves go completely because we are not just interested in attracting a mate.  We have a job and friends and all sorts of social networks.  General attractiveness is part of society, not just mate selection.  Also, this is a testament to the fact that people are not monogamous.  At any given moment in a committed relationship, the possibility exists that either partner will get a better offer and trade up.  This means that we have to stay attractive enough to our mates that we don't actively encourage them to leave.  The interesting side effect of this is that we stay sexually attractive to potential mates for ourselves, effectively encouraging ourselves to leave by cultivating offers.  It's an interesting catch-22.  (Add to that the fact that people in relationships act more confident and carefree around potential mates, and it gets nasty.)

Attractive people make more money than unattractive people.  They get more promotions.  They get bigger portions at restaurants.  They get more freebies.  The list goes on and on and on.  There is simply no reasonable way to debate this fact.  We all know it instinctively.

First impressions are important, and can be deal breakers.

Humans can recognize a change of emotion in another human in less than a tenth of a second.  When I interview someone, I notice a lot.  You'd be amazed how much you can learn from one simple gesture.  If you ask ten questions, and the applicant answers them with the same body language, and then the body language changes on the eleventh, you know to keep asking questions in that direction.  Something's up.

Don't think appearance is important at a job interview?  Let me tell you a story about a dating experience I had, and then apply the same logic to an employer, and you'll see how important it is.

A few years ago, boredom, curiosity, and a nosy ex-girlfriend combined to convince me to try online dating.  For the most part, it was a terrible idea, but I learned a lot, so it was worth it, I guess.  One date in particular stands out.  I'd been talking to this girl over email for a couple of weeks, and she had sent me a picture of herself... just one.  She was a little bigger than average, but far from obese.  Certainly within dating range for me.  When we decided to meet, she showed up, and was at least fifty pounds heavier than her picture, which was obviously several years old.  I politely had one beer with her and then left.

Was I leaving because she was fat?  No.  I left because she lied.  She asked me, point blank, why I was cutting the date off.  I said something like this:  "Yeah.. well, see, this is the first meeting we've had, and the first thing I notice is that you lied to me.  Am I just supposed to say, hey... I've known her all of ten minutes.  I should just forget about the fact that our entire meeting was based on a lie.  She'll probably never lie to me again."

Call me harsh, but that first ten minutes told me a lot about her.  She's ashamed of her weight, and she thinks it makes her undesirable.  She has low self esteem because of it.  She's desperate for a date.  Odds are she's been rejected because of it.  She avoids conflict by being passive aggressive.

Now, go back to an employer, and ask yourself, if I can tell that much about a person (or at least have a damn good chance of being right) within a couple of minutes, how important is it for an employee to judge everything about a person?  There's a good reason to ask the question, "If he doesn't care to dress for an interview, is he going to care about my business looking good to the customers?"

Like it or not, being a mate is a job.  It is a trade of work and resources for work and resources.

I don't dress very sexy to go to bars, because it's a pain in the ass getting hit on and having to explain for the 20th time to a drunk guy that I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested. It happens anyways, but not as much if I dress more "modestly."

Exactly.  They're doing the correct thing, which is put themselves into consideration for the selector.  By moving yourself down in comparison to other girls at the bar, you reduce the number of options.  In this case, it's for the best for you.

it's sort of unreasonable to say that anyone that cares one iota about appearance is automatically high maintenance.

There's a big difference between choosing not to play a game and saying there's something wrong with the game.  Illeatyourdog, you seem to understand the difference, but your language still betrays bitterness.

there is no apparant practical purpose to geling your hair.

You've read The Selfish Gene, right?  We are vehicles for our genes.  Reproduction is the only purpose for our genes.  Gelling your hair (though not my tactic of choice) is full of purpose.  We are biological machines built for the purpose of attracting mates and reproducing.  Your decision to avoid this process doesn't change the purpose of your genes.

It's not like once she takes off all the make-up and slips off her heels she morphs into a chill person. Nope. She's still like, "How long is it gonna take for [insert boy of the week] to call me back? Geezus, I left 8 messages on his voicemail already!"

She's proving that looks aren't everything.  She gets lots of interest, but not a lot of follow through?  First impression good, lasting impression, not so good.  I'm guessing she doesn't go celibate for long, though.  The genes are still getting their way.  She's just not getting a husband.

The long hair thing can or can’t be high maintenance, depending on a person’s specific routine.

There's a hypothesis in evolutionary psych that says that long hair is an indication of overall long term health, and that's why men tend to prefer long hair on females.  It's unproven at this time, but interesting, nonetheless.

And even though the majority of women may find certain qualities about you intolerable, there are bound to be at least a handful that don’t mind, or find it endearing.

One way we settle is by placing our own bar.  If I decide to let my appearance go, I will only attract women who don't care about a guy looking good.  Make your own value judgments about that, but the numbers will still exist.  It's a much smaller portion of the population.  Also, you can wish for a different world all you want, but there are psychological implications behind everything.  Girls who accept laziness in their man's grooming do it for a reason... it's good to find out why.


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Hambydammit wrote:Gelling

Hambydammit wrote:

Gelling your hair (though not my tactic of choice) is full of purpose.  


Now that is what we call an understatement.  Rimshot.

Seriously, though, now that we're (hopefully) reaching the end of illeatyourdog's interrogation of goddess on her morning ablutions and such--and for that matter, none of that was your business and you should apologize for asking in the first place and give thanks she didn't just tell you to fuck off--I've got to ask Mr. Dog some questions of my own.  I don't know if you're single or married or what, but when you meet women (or just new people), do you attempt to be funny or interesting?  Do you shower previously and wear clean clothes?  Do you bother to buy toilet paper or do you scrape your ass on the bathroom tiles?  I mean, our ancestors got by without all these social graces and they quite obviously did just fine in the reproduction department, so why do you bother with all that time wasting bullshit?

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EXC wrote:Sorry but their is

EXC wrote:

Sorry but their is a science of friendship. In fact science can be applied to the study of everything. Darwin speculated on the value of "aiding fellows". There are plenty of social scientists doing legitimate work on our need for friendships and what makes people popular or unpopular.

Friendships are based on popularity and the need of aide according to these researchers?

So do we also tell people who are not naturally good at reading or math to just accept that this is the way it is? Scientists and educators should just stop developing methods to teach the reading and math impaired? Just let them stay poor and ignorant cause this is how nature made them?

You can't equate skills like reading and math to a more robust social interaction like friendship.  It is not necessary to be involved with other people to learn math.  Friendships do.  To put it simply, you can get a collection of books and learn math.  You can't get a bunch of books and learn to be social or interesting (in fact having to read a book to be social or interesting is a mark of being non-social and uninteresting).

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Hambydammit wrote:

There's a big difference between choosing not to play a game and saying there's something wrong with the game.  Illeatyourdog, you seem to understand the difference, but your language still betrays bitterness.

To be clear about my bitterness, I am not bitter about the game in itself.  I am bitter about pointless and nonsensical notions (like love),  that are based on this rather basic and biological game, having more importance than simply accepting that we are creatures with desires that will we try to fulfill and nothing more.  What really irks me is when I get into a discussion like this with people and their response is "You have to experience for yourself" which is asinine because they are assuming I never had any feelings whatsoever for anyone, rather than, basing my claim on these feelings and realizing that they are not magical mystery but a brute fact about humanity.  Of course that has little to do with high maintence and I should have made it clear, I think I already have, that high maintence is not in and of itself a negative.  If people find enjoyment in looking good then look good.  I was just honestly answering a reasonable question and then it turned into a cluster fuck because people take honest, yet blunt, observations and answers as insults.  Interestingly, this is why I never compliment people on how they look. 


" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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 Quote:Gelling your hair


Gelling your hair (though not my tactic of choice) is full of purpose.

  I suppose I did get careless here.  Although I did specify practical purpose, if your desired mate prefers gelled hair, i guess, In a certain sense, it is more practical (of course I would use the word sensible but that just semantics) to gel your hair than it would be to not gel it.  My point was, shampoo has a practical purpose regardless if you are trying to get a mate or not, namely, it cleans your hair, whereas, gel does the exact opposite and is only "Practical" in a specific, or a much more specific, sense than shampoo would be.

Seriously, though, now that we're (hopefully) reaching the end of illeatyourdog's interrogation of goddess on her morning ablutions and such

She could have interrogated me.  It is only fair.  Of course you decided to beat her to the punch.

--and for that matter, none of that was your business and you should apologize for asking in the first place

Is this because i should give special consideration to the female species or because it is a universal law that if someone makes a claim that requires investigation into private matters, you are still obligated not to make such an interrogation?

and give thanks she didn't just tell you to fuck off--I've got to ask Mr. Dog some questions of my own

I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she had a genuine curiosity into my claims, as well as, wanted to back up her own claim.  You seem to think Greek Goddess is a prissy bitch or should have reacted as such.  I look forward to your questions.

I don't know if you're single or married or what

This should go without saying but I'm single (yes, yes, another understatement of the year)

but when you meet women (or just new people), do you attempt to be funny or interesting?

I attempt to be honest because sometimes, honesty is funny.  Of course I do have a very sarcastic humor which I use whenever I can.

Do you shower previously and wear clean clothes?



Do you bother to buy toilet paper or do you scrape your ass on the bathroom tiles?

Depends on my mood.  On some days I find a random stranger and crap in their mouth . . . .

I mean, our ancestors got by without all these social graces and they quite obviously did just fine in the reproduction department, so why do you bother with all that time wasting bullshit?

You just answered your own question.  Thank you for not forcing me to answer it.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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illeatyourdog wrote:  She

illeatyourdog wrote:



She could have interrogated me.  It is only fair.  Of course you decided to beat her to the punch.

Point being, she didn't.  Anything regarding her habits or your habits ultimately brings nothing to the discussion because the data is completely anecdotal.  You were trying to argue that "high maintenance" is an extant category of personality type, giving your own definition for same and then basically complaining about the fact that the personality type you define exists and is worse than some other personality type in some real way.  The data you have is not going to get you there.


Is this because i should give special consideration to the female species or because it is a universal law that if someone makes a claim that requires investigation into private matters, you are still obligated not to make such an interrogation?

Don't use the phrase "female species"; it's meaningless.  And admittedly, this was completely ad hominem on my part.  It was my way of saying that you're clearly not a gentleman because you asked a woman about her personal hygiene in a public forum.  And as I pointed out in my last response, for no reason.


I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she had a genuine curiosity into my claims, as well as, wanted to back up her own claim.  You seem to think Greek Goddess is a prissy bitch or should have reacted as such.  I look forward to your questions.

Telling a man to fuck off when he asks a personal question with no invitation does not a "prissy bitch" make; I was actually complementing her on her civility.

I'm not handling anything else point by point as it seems that you missed my point or just got pissed off, which is fine.  I was attempting to point out that for either sex, there's a bare minimum of behaviors that an individual must observe in looking for a mate or mere companionship.  I asked you if you attempted to be funny when you met new people, assuming that you do (and you do!).  I made this assumption on the basis of what little I know of psychology, by the way, not on the basis of a personal theory.  Making people laugh is work, believe it or not.  A sense of humor does not come naturally but is developed in years of social interaction.  I was making the point that there is a bare minimum of social behaviors required for general acceptance and that we all subscribe to them however "necessary" they might appear to be on the surface level.  

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DamnDirtyApe wrote: Point

DamnDirtyApe wrote:


Point being, she didn't.  Anything regarding her habits or your habits ultimately brings nothing to the discussion because the data is completely anecdotal.

No it isn't.  They provide us with examples that be analyzed.

You were trying to argue that "high maintenance" is an extant category of personality type, giving your own definition for same and then basically complaining about the fact that the personality type you define exists and is worse than some other personality type in some real way.

You clearly were not paying attention to what was going on.  Greek Goddess, as well as others, noticed that my understanding of high maintenance had little to do with personality and more to do with what was actually being performed.  The only comment i made on personality was stating how high maintenance bothers me if it is clear these high maintenance activities are valued above everything else which Greek Goddess is NOT like.


Don't use the phrase "female species"; it's meaningless. 

Not every attempt at humor succeeds.

And admittedly, this was completely ad hominem on my part.  It was my way of saying that you're clearly not a gentleman because you asked a woman about her personal hygiene in a public forum.  And as I pointed out in my last response, for no reason.

At least I didn't ask her about her weight huh?  The Mannerly Matrix might have imploded unto itself wrecking havok with everyone's sense of decency!

Telling a man to fuck off when he asks a personal question with no invitation does not a "prissy bitch" make; I was actually complementing her on her civility

Ive have asked many girls the very same questions that I asked Greek Goddess and none reacted the way you are right now.  Even if they feel it is inappropiate to ask, they are a hell of alot more mature about than you are and simply state "I don't feel comfortable about this topic".  Which, if Greek Goddess would have made that reply, I would not have pryed any further. 

I'm not handling anything else point by point as it seems that you missed my point or just got pissed off, which is fine.

I think you are the one who is pissed off.  I am perfectly content and enjoyed the discussion with Greek Goddess and Hammbydammit as well as everyone else.

I was attempting to point out that for either sex, there's a bare minimum of behaviors that an individual must observe in looking for a mate or mere companionship.

How many times do I have to say this?  For me, high maintenance is GENDER NUETRAL.  I never once made the claim that high maintenance is strictly a female trait.  I know straight guys who go on and on about how awesome their hair is and how they made it so awesome as well as go on and on about what clothes look good on them and which clothes don't.  All I'm saying is, FOR ME, high maintenance is doing more than is necessary.  "Necessary", being what is needed to keep from getting diseases and to at least attempt to keep one's self healthy.   As Hammbydammit pointed out, it is NOT necessary to do all these "social" graces since their are individuals who do not value such things as much as others do.  They are a lower percentage of the population but they do exist.  Which puts me in a strange spot since it means "not playing the game" is impossible since be rejecting these "social graces" I am simply playing by a different rule set than the one's who accept them. 



" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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illeatyourdog wrote:As

illeatyourdog wrote:

As Hammbydammit pointed out, it is NOT necessary to do all these "social" graces since their are individuals who do not value such things as much as others do.  They are a lower percentage of the population but they do exist.  Which puts me in a strange spot since it means "not playing the game" is impossible since be rejecting these "social graces" I am simply playing by a different rule set than the one's who accept them. 



Oh, so you're saying that you're a member of a minority of pricks.  Hats off for self-awareness.

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EXC wrote:illeatyourdog

EXC wrote:

illeatyourdog wrote:

My next comment mihgt sound weird considering how I have been arguing so far but ther eis no science of friendships.  There those who are natrually social and those who are not.  We should not force those who are naturall not social to be social.

Sorry but their is a science of friendship. In fact science can be applied to the study of everything. Darwin speculated on the value of "aiding fellows". There are plenty of social scientists doing legitimate work on our need for friendships and what makes people popular or unpopular.

I was a pretty shy child. Part of it may have been that I was a bit precocious, so I think I actually had an easier time being understood by adults than my own peers. Another factor may have been that not only was I on the small side for my age, but I skipped a grade, so I was a year younger than the others, with regard to physical development. I was one of the brightest in the class, but I was also the runt of the class, so kids got even with me by picking on me on the playground or in gym class. Although I made friends, I never took initiative to approach people because I was too shy, and too scared of being laughed at or punished somehow.

That all changed in middle school. The sixth grade was divided into three "teams" - you pretty much only interacted with people from your own team, because they were split into different wings of the school. But on the first day of school, one of my teachers told everyone that it should be our goal to get to know every single person on our team. They said they would quiz us at the end of the year to see how well we knew our team.

Whether it was an exercise she got out of some sociological teaching methods book, or whether she thought of it off the top of her head, I don't know. The quiz never happened, but it didn't even matter - my life, and the way I interacted with people was changed forever. It put me outside my comfort zone at first, but I forced myself to talk to people and strike up conversations. By the end of the year, I did know all several hundred people on my team, and even people on other teams. The lesson I learned that year has gotten me through every single social situation since. I still am sometimes not as assertive as I feel I should be, and it took another 10 years to get over my self-confidence issues, but I am able to at least carry on conversations and approach people without feeling awkward. I probably wouldn't even be dating my boyfriend if I hadn't approached him and started talking to him, and the same goes for many of the friends I've made in college.

I think social interaction is a worthwhile skill to teach. Even though I was primarily "self-taught" the last 10 years of my life have benefitted from it.

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I find what that teacher did

I find what that teacher did horrific. If I had been in that class and she actually graded no way I would have passed.  Some of us just don't "get" social stuff. I'm somewhere between Aspergers Syndrome and actual Autism. Saying that body language/facial expressions and nonverbal communication is like a foreign language to me would be a vast understatement - alien language would be more accurate. People like me just don't "get" social communication and never will unless we are with someone like ourselves or someone who knows they need to spell everything oout directly and to never be subtle. Seriously, to me social situations are not only utterly terrifying they totally make no sense whatsoever.

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MattShizzle wrote:I find

MattShizzle wrote:

I find what that teacher did horrific. If I had been in that class and she actually graded no way I would have passed.  Some of us just don't "get" social stuff. I'm somewhere between Aspergers Syndrome and actual Autism. Saying that body language/facial expressions and nonverbal communication is like a foreign language to me would be a vast understatement - alien language would be more accurate. People like me just don't "get" social communication and never will unless we are with someone like ourselves or someone who knows they need to spell everything oout directly and to never be subtle. Seriously, to me social situations are not only utterly terrifying they totally make no sense whatsoever.

Matt: Consider for a moment that you have an actual impairment in this area. No offense, but applying her methodology to your own anomolous circumstances isn't very reasonable - no conventional course on social interaction would be of benefit to you (or anyone else with Aspergers). It's not a problem with the teaching method, it's an impairment on your end of the relationship.

This would be like me criticizing someone teaching a successful way to get into healthy sleeping patterns because of my occassional sleep paralysis / nocturnal hallucinations. Of course it won't work for me; that doesn't mean it's not an effective methodology in general.


They get bigger portions at restaurants.  They get more freebies.  The list goes on and on and on.  There is simply no reasonable way to debate this fact.  We all know it instinctively.

While I certainly won't debate the financial arguments, I'll argue that humbleness and 'smallness' (for lack of a better word) earn me my fair share of unfairly favorable ends of various bargains, and certainly has netted me an unusually large social network. I don't know what it is (part of me want to say it's likely our natural instinct to look out for the small ones in our herds, from way back when), but there's almost definately (in my experience) a real effort to look-out for 'the little guy' among humans - and not for any reason related to sexual attractiveness. I know I get heaping portions at restaurants, I always get offered free rides when walking in the winter, bus drivers waive fare fees all the time and other little freebies in life are usually passed my way.

Of course, I imagine that really attractive small people have it even better, but I just wanted to mention the above.


"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
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First I apologise for not

First I apologise for not seeing this post, thus, responding to the posts that came after this one first.

greek goddess wrote:


This may not seem to have much to do with appearance... but it's kind of a risk vs. benefit situation.  There is really no harm that can come from not playing a musical instrument. But there are benefits to be had from playing.. it teaches self-discipline, knowledge of music has many applications in life, and it's a good skill to be able to list on a resume for college or certain careers. It can also be therapeutic (in my personal opinion). Thus the question to be asked is "Is it worth my time to pursue this in the hope of reaping these benefits?"  Same with appearance... even if you show up to a job interview unshaven and in sloppy clothes, you might still be hired based on merit – no harm. But why take the chance of rejection, when just a few extra minutes of time will translate into a professional appearance that inspires confidence in a potential employer?


Not quite the same thing.  Playing the piano is a skill.  Looking good isn't.  And I think most employers are more interested with how you handle situations.  However, just becuase I have these views does not mean I feel kustified in showing up in ratty clothing to job interviews.  It just means I really hate having to get a hair cut and dressing nice when I do.




My dark circles aren't that noticeable or severe, but I notice them because they're on my face, which I look at every day. Most of my friends say I don’t really have dark circles, but it stands out to me, so covering them up makes me feel less self-conscious. Overall, I'm pretty lucky face-wise. My features are symmetrical, my skin tone is even, I've never had acne, etc. But if other girls are going to use artificial means to cover up their dark circles and make their cheeks look flushed, why can't I?

I'm not saying you can't.  I am saying its high maintenance.  Two different things.

In my case though, I'm currently in a relationship, so I'm not actively seeking someone. I don't really care how I look when I go to the grocery store or to the gym because I'm not trying to attract a mate wherever I go. Hell, I don't even care how I look around my boyfriend as much, because we tend to spend Sundays laying around in sweats (& no make-up for me) just studying and doing whatever. But just because I'm not trying to attract someone doesn't mean I let myself go.

Don't see why you must jump to letting yourself go.  I know many girls who stay away from the whole high maintenance thing but they do not let themselves go by any means. 



Well for me they're about the same, since I go to dinners and bars with my boyfriend most of the time. I don't dress very sexy to go to bars, because it's a pain in the ass getting hit on and having to explain for the 20th time to a drunk guy that I have a boyfriend and I'm not interested. It happens anyways, but not as much if I dress more "modestly."

I can only imagine. 


I think the point I'm trying to make is that there are cultural norms regarding what is normal grooming behavior and what is high and low maintenance in comparison.


This shouldn;t be a suprise considering my beleifs but, in middle school, I pretty much did take showers once a week and did not wear deoderant.  The main reason why I take showers more consistently or wear deorderant is beucase it's annoying to have people tell you "You should put on some deoderant" incessantly.  And yes, I consider this high maintenance meaning that I myself partake in high maintenance activities (you didn't think I actually did away with all high maintenance activities did you?)  


Or, they're self-conscious about how they look because they want to appear attractive to the other sex.


Same difference really. 


Again, just wanted to point out that there are certain bitchy behaviors associated with being high or low maintenance. The "excessive" grooming tends to be one symptom of high maintenance behavior in my opinion - the stereotypical bitchy, spoiled, demanding acts. My best friend behaves like this whether she's dressed to the nines or in sweats. It's not like once she takes off all the make-up and slips off her heels she morphs into a chill person. Nope. She's still like, "How long is it gonna take for [insert boy of the week] to call me back? Geezus, I left 8 messages on his voicemail already!"


See what I mean about High Maintenance Rituals usually result in high maintenance attitudes?


Shaving one’s legs serves no function. How is that not high maintenance?


I honestly do not know how to respond to that other than to point out the obvious truth of, no concept is perfect.


The definition of being high maintenance practically mandates that you do time-consuming things like spend 4 hours getting your hair cut & colored for no primary function. Again, American culture dictates that women remove their body hair. It’s a cultural norm (which is gradually being relaxed, but nevertheless).

Very true. 

The long hair thing can or can’t be high maintenance, depending on a person’s specific routine. I’ve personally been growing mine out, and it’s almost waist-length now. But I only need to wash it 2 or 3 times a week, and I just let it air dry and wear it up most of the time, so it doesn’t really inconvenience me more than having short hair would, other than having to be extra sure that I’ve rinsed all the shampoo/conditioner out. But I know other people that blow-dry/style/dye their hair religiously, so it can vary.


That’s cool. At least you know your own shortcomings/weaknesses. As Hamby said earlier in this thread, we all settle to a certain degree, depending on what we are and aren’t willing to put up with. And even though the majority of women may find certain qualities about you intolerable, there are bound to be at least a handful that don’t mind, or find it endearing.

They find it endearing until I ask them out.

Well that definitely qualifies as one of the weirdest excuses I’ve heard.


At least it wasn't "BUt I don't want to risk ruining the friendship".  If anything it made me feel extra awesome in the sense of "Wow, her feeling for me are so strong that she beleives I can pull her away from a being that, along with being everywhere, is the msot powerful being ever!" Sticking out tongue

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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DamnDirtyApe wrote:saying

DamnDirtyApe wrote:

saying that you're a member of a minority of pricks.  Hats off for self-awareness.

And you are part of the Prick Majority.  Congrats.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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greek goddess wrote: I was

greek goddess wrote:


I was a pretty shy child. Part of it may have been that I was a bit precocious, so I think I actually had an easier time being understood by adults than my own peers. Another factor may have been that not only was I on the small side for my age, but I skipped a grade, so I was a year younger than the others, with regard to physical development. I was one of the brightest in the class, but I was also the runt of the class, so kids got even with me by picking on me on the playground or in gym class. Although I made friends, I never took initiative to approach people because I was too shy, and too scared of being laughed at or punished somehow.

Other than the whole skipping a grade for being smart, dido.

That all changed in middle school.

Hehe, it took me all three years od middle school to get accepted into a group dynamic then I had to switch schools when going to High School.

I think social interaction is a worthwhile skill to teach. Even though I was primarily "self-taught" the last 10 years of my life have benefitted from it.

I pretty much self-taught myself as well (which probably shows).  The one thing I learned, in regards to getting girls attention, you pretty much have to at least appear to act like a mysoginistic jerk to get genuine and worhtwhile reactions and responses from them.  Not that I am getting them left and right now but, I managed to form friendships with them much quicker and they don;t jsut use me as a shoulder to cry on ( as they did in high school when I was the nice quiet guy).  Another thing I'm finding out is, I seem to get along better with girls who are already in relationships than girls who aren't.  And I usually do not find out they are in one until like a few weeks or a few months in.  It's not really on my mind when I get in conersations with them and I just (stupidly) assume they aren't in one.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Quote:The one thing I

The one thing I learned, in regards to getting girls attention, you pretty much have to at least appear to act like a mysoginistic jerk to get genuine and worhtwhile reactions and responses from them.

...But you take ownership of your own social problems and don't blame women, right?

Sticking out tongue

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
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The wink and a smile .... is

The wink and a smile .... is basically what I do , the rest is up to the girl ....   (self taught ! )   

     [ just meaning a happy go lucky, carefree, flirtatious acknowledgment ]

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I'd take intelligence over

I'd take intelligence over 'hot' any day and witty over intelligence, although the two generally go hand-in-hand.

I'd also add that a lot of 'attractiveness' is driven by media, advertising and peer pressure.

It all comes down to how you click anyway.



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"Clicking" ....  My 5

"Clicking" ....  My 5 senses , plus or minus , depending on the weather in my head , or storm , I should say  ....        LIGHTNING !      

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illeatyourdog wrote:What

illeatyourdog wrote:
What really irks me is when I get into a discussion like this with people and their response is "You have to experience for yourself"

That's not pointed at me, is it?  I never said anything remotely like this.

I am bitter about pointless and nonsensical notions (like love),

I'm the first person to stand up for your right to make whatever goals you want in life.  Still, if you're comfortable with the notion that we are nothing more than very smart animals, I can't imagine how you can call mating and bonding "nonsensical."  We definitely spend a lot of time at it, and maybe compared to... I don't know... building skyscrapers... it doesn't leave as big an impact on the world, but hell... it literally is the only thing our genes care about.  To call it nonsensical or pointless seems... um... bitter.


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Kevin R Brown wrote:...But

Kevin R Brown wrote:

...But you take ownership of your own social problems and don't blame women, right?

Sticking out tongue

Sure . . . Sticking out tongue

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Hambydammit wrote:That's not

Hambydammit wrote:

That's not pointed at me, is it?

Nope.  don't know why you would think it would be.

I'm the first person to stand up for your right to make whatever goals you want in life.  Still, if you're comfortable with the notion that we are nothing more than very smart animals, I can't imagine how you can call mating and bonding "nonsensical." 

I think I said this already but, to me, there is a distinction between the idea of a natural and easily revealed phenomena, relationships (mating, bonding etc.) and robust and mystical concepts we use to try and explain why this occurs, namely, love (or soul mates, significant others, etc.).  There has yet to be any real robust, or seriously held, conception of love that reduces it to our biological desire, need, or want to mate (unless you subscribe to Frankfurtian terminology which has an even weirder conception).  Love usually entails magical nonsense.  To people who seriosuly beleive in this notion, like my parents for instance, do not explain their relationship in brute biological facts, rather, they are utterly convinced that, along with being perfect for one another, they are the ONLY onces who are perfect for one another.  Furthermore, that it was meant to be.  And it is only within analytical discussions like this that love means something different or, at least, loses its magical and mystic conotation.  To put it simply, reducing it to biological functions within the context of analytical discussions or scientific disucissions (again I find that to be a dubious move in science) is not enough to convince me that there is really something there to discuss in regards to love since all we are doing are applying a different word to something we both agree occurs (you, and others apply "love" to the biological need to mate and I just stick with "a biological need to mate".  Of course, "love" has also been applied to the release of endorphines, thus, a mere momentary feeling of pleasure has also been called "love".  Is it any wonder why I dislike the term "love"?  Even in discussions like this it is being applied to two radically different things and, in both cases, this is how "love" is argued for by saying "phenomena X happens and that isn't nonsense" and "Phenomena Y happens and that isn't nonsense".  So is love both X and Y or either one or the other?  Let me tell you: it is neither becuase love is absolute total nonsense which is why it can be applied to pretty much anything similar to how a Christian can appeal to God for just about anything) . . . My face didn't get too red with rage did it? Sticking out tongue

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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DamnDirtyApe wrote:

Seriously, though, now that we're (hopefully) reaching the end of illeatyourdog's interrogation of goddess on her morning ablutions and such--and for that matter, none of that was your business and you should apologize for asking in the first place and give thanks she didn't just tell you to fuck off--

Haha, to be fair, I offered the information because I just thought people would say "oh ok, she looks good, but doesn't reapply lip gloss every 10 minutes and doesn't demand fancy dinners. There are girls that don't fit the hot = high maintenance stereotype!" I didn't realize my personal life would become such a thing of scrutiny. Now that you all know more about my beauty routine than you probably ever wanted to know, I'm going to ask that you guys work with the "data" that you have - because I'd say there's more than enough - and stop prying. If there is a relevant piece of info that I feel like sharing, I'll share. Gentlemen of this thread, consider this your "fuck off" because this is truly getting out of control.


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Now that the fight... err...

Now that the fight... err... debate is over, every can go back to hitting on Greek and displaying your e-peen

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Go Girl, pull out the whip,

Go Girl, pull out the whip, break them chains, lash them dogs ....

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greek goddess

greek goddess wrote:

 Gentlemen of this thread, consider this your "fuck off" because this is truly getting out of control.

Since I never claimed to be a gentleman, this must not apply to me

"oh ok, she looks good, but doesn't reapply lip gloss every 10 minutes and doesn't demand fancy dinners. There are girls that don't fit the hot = high maintenance stereotype!"

For the record I pushed the matter becuase individuals who make it a point that they are not high maintenance, usually are.  Thats the assumption I was working with.  And lo and behold, under my rather obscure and bizaare formulation of high maintenance that no one else accepts, you are Sticking out tongue



" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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The Doomed Soul wrote:Now

The Doomed Soul wrote:

Now that the fight... err... debate is over, every can go back to hitting on Greek and displaying your e-peen

What the hell is e-peen?

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Hambydammit wrote:Why don't

Hambydammit wrote:

Why don't we live like that?  Simple.  Because schmucks like me are smart enough to realize that a thousand dollar suit impresses a lot of women where pure old muscle-bound WWF brawn doesn't.  Just about everybody is smart enough to recognize that there are LOTS of different reasons to get together with somebody. 

Good point. I think this also relates to your earlier comment about how we settle in some areas for traits that are of more ciritical importance in a mate. The guy I'm dating (Jesse) is Asian, and has crazy metabolism that makes it hard for him to gain a lot of muscle (on the bright side, he only has like 6% body fat.. I'm so jealous). There's a guy that works at the gym I go to who keeps hitting on me (and doesn't seem to comprehend the words "I'm not leaving my boyfriend for you" ) and has a larger frame and more muscle than Jesse. But when I told him I was studying to be an evolutionary biologist, he said, "I dunno... they say we came from monkeys.." Yeah. I don't know this guy's religious leanings or anything, but it's important to me that a potential partner is atheist and has an interest in science and learning - Jesse meets both. Physical looks are not nearly as important to me as these two criteria. (I still think Jesse's cuter anyways.)


Hambydammit wrote:

I have no idea what Greek Goddess is into, so if somebody set us up on a blind date, you know what I would do?  I would cover all my bases.  If she's into clothes, that's ok... I'll wear something nice, but not ostentatious.  That'll display wealth and moderation at the same time... two generally good qualities.  I'll make sure my shoes are shined.  That will display thoroughness.  I'll clean out my ears and clip my fingernails.  Attention to detail.  If I see any stray hairs on my shoulders or back... guess what... they're getting plucked.  I don't know how good a date this is going to be, and just in case, I want to make sure that the physical is as good as possible if that's what she's about.  During the date, I'm going to be aware of the flow of conversation.  If I notice that I'm talking too much, I'm going to ask her about her.  If she's struggling, I'll pick up my end.  I'll offer insights into the menu, demonstrating broad knowledge. 

I'm sure I'd be impressed Hamby.

Haha, but in all seriousness, this is sort of what I'm getting at. The way you dress and present yourself, is basically personal advertising. That's why there are shows like "What Not to Wear" - the people they make over are already cool, accomplished people. The thing is, who would know, if they're hiding under frumpy sweaters, or wearing unflattering clothing, or whatever each subject's issue may be. They always say "don't judge a book by its cover," but like it or not, we do anyways. Might as well let it play to your advantage.

Oh, another thing about "What Not to Wear" (illeatyourdog is gonna love this): The point that they make is that you can look good without being high maintenance. It takes the same amount of time to put on pants and a shirt. Person 1 opts for sweatpants and a t-shirt with bleach stains. Person 2 opts for trousers and a collared shirt. Which one says "up and coming professional" to you? What they do on the show is create the illusion of being high maintenance, without spending nearly as much time as you'd think it would.


Hambydammit wrote:

This could go on for a long time.  The point that I'm trying to make is that what you guys are calling "high maintenance" is actually "high probability."  There are things that most people like, and "high maintenance" activities are like net fishing.  You're trying to cover as many bases as possible to give yourself the best chance to impress someone.

Well put.


Hambydammit wrote:

Second, men are much more visually oriented than women when selecting mates.  This is not cultural.  It's biological.  In other words, not only are most women in some category other than the most desirable one, men's preferences are highly weighted towards that category, so women have to try even harder to look good.

Again, really good; I didn't even take this factor into consideration before in this thread.


Hambydammit wrote:

Third, what do the really good looking women do when they see the less attractive women putting so much effort into their appearance?  Do they just let them do it, relying on their natural good looks?  OF COURSE NOT.  They think, "Gee, if that woman can look that much better, then I can do the same thing."  So, then the best looking women look even better.  You know what this is about from history.  It's an arms race.

This is what I was trying to convey with the make-up thing. A lot of women look terrible without make-up. Someone like me, who has good skin and symmatrical features, is at an advantage in a make-up-less society. But someone decided to invent make-up so less attractive women could look more attractive and boost their chances of mating/reproduction. That's why I was saying, if less attractive women are going to use these products to try to look better than me (and steal my men), why would I stand for that? I wouldn't; I'll get my own damn make-up to swing the odds in my favor again. Like I said, there is this instinct to do whatever it takes to get some ass (and make babies).


Hambydammit wrote:

Women generally only select after they've been approached. 

Right. We have to know you're out there before we select you.


Hambydammit wrote:

Also, sometime when you're not trying to get laid, ask one of those "natural" women to describe every detail of their grooming life to you.  You'd be amazed how much work goes into the natural look.  Seriously.  It's so ingrained in most women that even they will tell you that they hardly do anything, but what they mean is they hardly do anything compared to women who do a lot.  Compared to men... well, there's usually no comparison.

This is why I have a problem with illeatyourdog saying his idea of HM is gender-neutral. It's almost impossible, because for most people, their grooming is based on what the opposite sex prefers. And, as already established, males are more visually focused than women. The judging criteria varies, and so the grooming varies in accordance.


Hambydammit wrote:

Attractive people make more money than unattractive people.  They get more promotions.  They get bigger portions at restaurants.  They get more freebies.  The list goes on and on and on.  There is simply no reasonable way to debate this fact.  We all know it instinctively.

I still have yet to buy myself a drink at a bar.


Hambydammit wrote:

Was I leaving because she was fat?  No.  I left because she lied.  She asked me, point blank, why I was cutting the date off.  I said something like this:  "Yeah.. well, see, this is the first meeting we've had, and the first thing I notice is that you lied to me.  Am I just supposed to say, hey... I've known her all of ten minutes.  I should just forget about the fact that our entire meeting was based on a lie.  She'll probably never lie to me again."

So true. I haven't had experiences quite as blatant as this, but I do remember my first high school boyfriend telling me on our first date how he loved to grill, and wanted to be a pastor (we went to a xtian school), and was interested in doing more reading, and all this stuff. He sounded like a really interesting person. But over a year later, he hadn't grilled once, the closest he'd come to becoming a pastor was falling asleep every chapel, and he hadn't read a single book outside of school. The advertisement was good, but the product didn't live up to it.


Hambydammit wrote:

Like it or not, being a mate is a job.  It is a trade of work and resources for work and resources.

Quite true.


Hambydammit wrote:

She's proving that looks aren't everything.  She gets lots of interest, but not a lot of follow through?  First impression good, lasting impression, not so good.  I'm guessing she doesn't go celibate for long, though.  The genes are still getting their way.  She's just not getting a husband.

I'd argue that her looks are actually a turn-off for a number of guys. She always complains that guys we meet are more interested in me than in her (which I wouldn't say is true ALL the time, but sometimes sure). But the reaon is that when we go out in public she either 1) wears her pajama pants and no make-up, so I look more put-together in comparison, or 2) puts on a lot of make-up and perfume and makes a fuss about her hair & clothes, so I look like I'm not neurotic in comparison.

She has a new hairstyle every couple months, and a new set of acrylic nails every couple weeks. The fact that she does all this "fake" stuff to her appearance screams "high maintenance" to guys, which is why many write her off as relationship material right away - they don't want to deal with the 3 am phone calls and pestering to come. Some of them have been interested in just a hook-up or fling with her, but she actually only became sexually active about 6 months ago, so before that, she drove them off because they couldn't even get any physical satisfaction from the situation. As soon as guys give her their number, they wish they hadn't, because she calls them incessantly. She's a bit of a ditz, yeah.

I've been trying to coach her on not scaring guys off, and she's making improvement, so there is hope for her yet!


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The thing is there is a difference between looking good and HM, the big one being that HM is more selfish and more towards getting the best the most upto date even after they have a BF/Husband and if they don't get what they want they tend to be mean/pouty (sp?) or spitful until they get their way, mainly it is all about what they want, and they want the best, into the best clubs, the best clothes, the best nails, the best of everything, that they can afford or get someone else to buy them. HM is more selfish than trying to look good, a woman can look good without being selfish or HM.

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Quote:Oh, another thing


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Oh, another thing about "What Not to Wear" (illeatyourdog is gonna love this): The point that they make is that you can look good without being high maintenance.

Don't get me started on bullshit reality shows mianly becuase my issues with them have little to do with the high maintenance discussion. 

Right. We have to know you're out there before we select you.

Didn't you say that YOU had to approach your boyfriend?  It seems that girls do know you are out there but, due to social "norms" of having to be approached first, they wait for the "Man" to do it.  Thats the other thigns that bugs me about the whole "Dating Game", but thats a different issue entirely.


This is what I was trying to convey with the make-up thing. A lot of women look terrible without make-up. Someone like me, who has good skin and symmatrical features, is at an advantage in a make-up-less society.

Guys can tell the difference between girls who are naturally "hot" and "ugly" girls who wear make-up.  


This is why I have a problem with illeatyourdog saying his idea of HM is gender-neutral. It's almost impossible, because for most people, their grooming is based on what the opposite sex prefers. And, as already established, males are more visually focused than women. The judging criteria varies, and so the grooming varies in accordance.

Now you are talking about a different issue, namely, the comparison between high maintenance guys and high maintenance chicks.  On the average,I would concede, there are probably more high maintenance chicks.  This does not mean, however, that high-maintenance is only a female fenomenon (intentional typo in case you are wondering). 



I'd argue that her looks are actually a turn-off for a number of guys. She always complains that guys we meet are more interested in me than in her (which I wouldn't say is true ALL the time, but sometimes sure). But the reaon is that when we go out in public she either 1) wears her pajama pants and no make-up, so I look more put-together in comparison, or 2) puts on a lot of make-up and perfume and makes a fuss about her hair & clothes, so I look like I'm not neurotic in comparison.

Sounds more like an attitude problem than looks problem.  I can describe the male interpretation of your friend in a single sentence "Shes hot but fucking crazy".



" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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illeatyourdog wrote:The

illeatyourdog wrote:

The Doomed Soul wrote:

Now that the fight... err... debate is over, every can go back to hitting on Greek and displaying your e-peen

What the hell is e-peen?


internet slang for ego, pride, or attitude in the virtual world. long standing net definition for the age old "bigger penis" arguement.


Essentially... Electronics + Penis + Ego = E-peen

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The Doomed Soul

The Doomed Soul wrote:


internet slang for ego, pride, or attitude in the virtual world. long standing net definition for the age old "bigger penis" arguement.


Essentially... Electronics + Penis + Ego = E-peen

So women can;t e-peen?  Its only a male thing?


" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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illeatyourdog wrote:So women

illeatyourdog wrote:

So women can;t e-peen?  Its only a male thing?

In theory, a female would just have to provide excess ego to suplant the penis (or some such)

In actuality... the female would need a male brain to even provide the penis'ed based ego


So... No they cannot... Male only (not a rule by any means)

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My cock is EXTREMELY HUGE ....




     as it can "dominate" my senses !  ..... as the GIRLS own ME ..... I can only resist, and pretend who has the REAL POWER .....

    Thing is,  Girls tell me , it is basically the "same" for them ....    

  Hey GIRLS , ask that dude if he would like to be one of your many slaves, with no promises of everlasting satisfaction ....  Tell him you would like to break his sweet heart ....       

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Quote:She's a bit of a ditz,

She's a bit of a ditz, yeah.

Sounds like it.  I didn't quite get the right impression from what you said before.

She has a new hairstyle every couple months, and a new set of acrylic nails every couple weeks. The fact that she does all this "fake" stuff to her appearance screams "high maintenance" to guys, which is why many write her off as relationship material right away

Acrylic nails pretty much tell me all I need to know when I meet a girl.  That's just me.


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Quote:Didn't you say that

Didn't you say that YOU had to approach your boyfriend?  It seems that girls do know you are out there but, due to social "norms" of having to be approached first, they wait for the "Man" to do it.  Thats the other thigns that bugs me about the whole "Dating Game", but thats a different issue entirely.

Did I waste all that energy explaining the dynamics of selection pressure?  This is really simple.  Social "norms" are the result of people forming society.  People forming society is the result of people being biologically programmed to do so.  Society is a direct reflection of what human beings are.  You don't have to like it, but it's what we are.  Women aren't the selectors because somebody decided that's the way society would be.  They're the selectors because they manufacture bigger and fewer sex cells, and are disproportionately physically invested in childbirth and rearing.


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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:Girls

I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

Girls wanting attention ? I AM glad they do, and they are good at it. Thing is, they are all really just perfect completely naked  .....  just as they "naturally" are ..... breast milk included ! 

I AM a girl lover ..... they need not work hard , but I like when they do. 

   High Heels, lingerie, lipstick !  and all sexy messages ! GO GIRLS, I love what you do, but don't worry pretty ones , don't over work , Hey girls, you got all the slaves you want for that ! and I like it like that  ....    "Slaves to love" , that is GOOD !

Dave Clark Five - I Like It Like That


So, god likes girls?

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The Doomed Soul wrote:In

The Doomed Soul wrote:

In theory, a female would just have to provide excess ego to suplant the penis (or some such)

In actuality... the female would need a male brain to even provide the penis'ed based ego

1) Don't you mean hypothesis. 2) Women can be assholes too.

So... No they cannot... Male only (not a rule by any means)


" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Renee Obsidianwords

Renee Obsidianwords wrote:

So, god likes girls?


Obviously he likes girls, he likes to keep them for himself.  There is a big gender gap in Christianity. Apparently Gawd must like women better than men since apparently so many more are saved:


He must hate men though. 


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Hambydammit wrote:Did I

Hambydammit wrote:

Did I waste all that energy explaining the dynamics of selection pressure? 

Nope, I'm just saying there are many examples that go against your very general and broad understanding of humanity using Greek Goddess as an example since you made it clear that girls need to be approached first whereas she approached first.  Now, unless we are to think Greek Goddess has superfemale powers that break the evolutionary laws of human relationships and society, we have to assume her case not unique by any means.

People forming society is the result of people being biologically programmed to do so.  Society is a direct reflection of what human beings are

There is a difference between having a biological need to form a society and using society to  fit a bogus conception that simply is not true.  Using this logic, there is no real difference between a society that encourages women to be (more) liberated, to get educated and to be self-sufficient  and one that encourages women to be constantly covered, not to work, and to never pick up a book since, the people of the latter society are simply biologically programmed to be as such and if you don't like it, thats too bad because thats how it is (not to mention that the, in the latter society, the males are, without any doubt, the selectors since they arrange marriages in which the women have no say in).   My point being, there is a difference between biological programming and social programming and you almost seem to be equating the two by appealing to "Well, forming a society is part of biological programming, ergo, anything that is enforced or imposed in a society is also part of our biological programming as well".   

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Quote:Nope, I'm just saying

Nope, I'm just saying there are many examples that go against your very general and broad understanding of humanity using Greek Goddess as an example since you made it clear that girls need to be approached first whereas she approached first.  Now, unless we are to think Greek Goddess has superfemale powers that break the evolutionary laws of human relationships and society, we have to assume her case not unique by any means.

You understand that culture is a product of evolution, right?  And you understand that what makes humans particularly good reproducers is our adaptability, right?  It would be naive to think that beings with high intelligence and the ability to abstract and predict would follow their biological drives 100% of the time.  Of course some women are going to approach men.  This is so irrelevant to the discussion that it doesn't need to be mentioned at all.  The point is that whether or not you choose to play the game the way it's programmed, you are still driven by the same human nature that everyone else is.

To be frank, it annoys me when people project their own insecurities or personal foibles onto society and try to make it seem like they're the only ones who "get it."  As several people have said, it's perfectly fine with me that you don't care to attract or date women who are doing what normal humans do.  However, your own issues with dating, whatever they are, don't mean that you're "above" the system or that the system is flawed.  It is neither good nor bad.  It's just the way humans behave.

My point being, there is a difference between biological programming and social programming and you almost seem to be equating the two by appealing to "Well, forming a society is part of biological programming, ergo, anything that is enforced or imposed in a society is also part of our biological programming as well".

Well, yeah.  Forming a society is part of biological programming, and anything that a society does is also part of our biological programming.  I'm surprised you're making this an accusation when it's exactly what I've been trying to get you to understand.  When someone asks why people act the way they do, the answer is that it's their nature to do so.  Why do some societies force women to stay covered and only go out with male escorts?  Because human nature programs males to be jealously protective of women.  There is no question that this is true.

Value judgments are answers to an entirely different set of questions.  With the goal of egalitarianism, should women be forced to cover themselves completely in public?  Clearly not.

As I've described many times before, human morality is subjective, but it is not arbitrary because we have been programmed with something like a morality template upon which our society builds.  We can talk all day about whether or not a society should have this law or that law, but we'll have to do it within the context of normatives. 

I've explained why human nature is what it is, and then explained what behaviors it produces.  Exceptions occur, of course, but that's to be expected.  I've said nothing normative, only descriptive.  Want to know why human females put so much time into looking good?  Because they're the selectors, but they have to appear high value to get the maximum number of offers from which to select.  Society propagates this model because society is also built into our genes.  Don't like that?  Not my problem.  Think it ought to be another way?  Good luck making it happen.  Choose to do things another way?  Fine.  Don't let the door slap your ass on the way out.  I'm not here to judge you or anyone else, but I'm not going to let you paint a picture of this "high maintenance woman" as if it's something aberrant or counterproductive.  The reason women do it is because they come from an unbroken line of the most successful women.  It's the mating strategy that won.




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Hambydammit wrote: Of

Hambydammit wrote:

  Of course some women are going to approach men.  This is so irrelevant to the discussion that it doesn't need to be mentioned at all

If it is irrelevant how come you brought up the idea that women need to be approached first?  Wouldn't that claim also be irrelevant as well? 

The point is that whether or not you choose to play the game the way it's programmed, you are still driven by the same human nature that everyone else is.

1) Where did I deny this? 2) What biological drive is driving me now?  The drive to be a thorn in your side?  Which I am perfectly fine with quite honestly.

To be frank, it annoys me when people project their own insecurities or personal foibles onto society and try to make it seem like they're the only ones who "get it."  As several people have said, it's perfectly fine with me that you don't care to attract or date women who are doing what normal humans do.

It's not that I don't care to.  Its more that I realized that I am not the attracting type.  Keep in mind that this all started because Greek Goddess asked a straight forward question and I gave a straight forward answer.  Any evaluative judgments that were being made about my answer were not mine, but those of the people who ASSUMED i felt one way or another about it.

However, your own issues with dating, whatever they are, don't mean that you're "above" the system or that the system is flawed.  It is neither good nor bad.  It's just the way humans behave.

You are the one who seems to feel "above the system" by thinking you can summarize it up in a few sentences.  All I am saying is, you can't.


Well, yeah.  Forming a society is part of biological programming, and anything that a society does is also part of our biological programming.  I'm surprised you're making this an accusation when it's exactly what I've been trying to get you to understand.  When someone asks why people act the way they do, the answer is that it's their nature to do so.  Why do some societies force women to stay covered and only go out with male escorts?  Because human nature programs males to be jealously protective of women.  There is no question that this is true.

So would you also agree that it is within the female nature, of such societies, to no want to educate themselves and to read?  To be clear I am not making any moral or evaluative judgments here.  I am just trying to understand your views and, with this answer, you totally ignored the nature of the women and only focused on the nature of the men. 

Value judgments are answers to an entirely different set of questions.  With the goal of egalitarianism, should women be forced to cover themselves completely in public?  Clearly not.

I wasn't making one.  I was describing a society that, I believe, presents a problem to your "Women are selectors" claim since, in the society as described, they are not the selectors but selectees.  And your response to this is "there are always exceptions" which seems like a copout since this is how civilizations were in ancient times and women very rarely had a choice in anything, in fact, in ancient times (and fuedal times) the exception would be a society in which the women were the selectors.

As I've described many times before, human morality is subjective, but it is not arbitrary because we have been programmed with something like a morality template upon which our society builds.  We can talk all day about whether or not a society should have this law or that law, but we'll have to do it within the context of normatives.

Not really my concern at the moment so I do not know why you are bringing this up.


I'm not here to judge you or anyone else, but I'm not going to let you paint a picture of this "high maintenance woman" as if it's something aberrant or counterproductive.

I am not calling it counterproductive. I thought I made it clear in one of my earlier posts that I do not see high maintenance, in and of itself a negative.  It being a negative, or a positive, is entirely dependent on the individual whom is high maintenance. 

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Quote:2) What biological

2) What biological drive is driving me now?  The drive to be a thorn in your side?  Which I am perfectly fine with quite honestly.

You're male.  You have been programmed to compete with other males, mostly as a way to impress females.  Even when you're not consciously trying to attract females, you still engage in behaviors that stem from female selection.

Any evaluative judgments that were being made about my answer were not mine, but those of the people who ASSUMED i felt one way or another about it.

Fair to say.

You are the one who seems to feel "above the system" by thinking you can summarize it up in a few sentences.  All I am saying is, you can't.


Seriously, what the heck does this mean?  I'm sorry if you don't approve of my summary of sexual selection.  It's accurate.  Read any science book you like.  I choose not to write a book in this thread because I'm pretty busy most days.  I'm sure I've recommended several that you can read if you are unsatisfied with my summary and would like to have the full story.

So would you also agree that it is within the female nature, of such societies, to no want to educate themselves and to read?  To be clear I am not making any moral or evaluative judgments here.  I am just trying to understand your views and, with this answer, you totally ignored the nature of the women and only focused on the nature of the men.

Sexual selection has to play averages.  Because the genes don't 'know' whether a child is going to be male or female, it's inefficient to have elaborate mechanisms in place that only apply to one sex and not the other.  When females begin selecting for intelligent males, both their female and male babies are more intelligent.  Consequently, both sexes are inherently curious and interested to some degree or another in the acquisition of knowledge, even though the initial impetus behind the runaway selection was male intelligence.

I was describing a society that, I believe, presents a problem to your "Women are selectors" claim since, in the society as described, they are not the selectors but selectees.

You really don't get out much, do you?

First, I've already explained that we don't need uniformity of individual habits to say that women are the selectors.  All we need is a test tube.  In animals, the sex that has the larger, more scarce sex cells and puts more resources into childbearing is the selector.  Beyond that, we can back up this fact with the observation that far and away, the most prevalent practice is females choosing between men hitting on them.  Beyond that, we have psychological data demonstrating very clearly that across cultures, females are empirically choosier than males.  This can only be true if they are the selectors.

Again, if you don't like my summaries, read some of the science yourself.  In the time you've been griping at me, you could be half done with a book and well on your way to recognizing your mistakes.

And your response to this is "there are always exceptions" which seems like a copout since this is how civilizations were in ancient times and women very rarely had a choice in anything, in fact, in ancient times (and fuedal times) the exception would be a society in which the women were the selectors.

Think about this for just a second.  What would humans have to be in order to have 100% adherence to biological drives?

Not even our primate cousins have uniform mating practices.  Haven't you ever read anything about deviance as a function of societal cohesion?  Far from being a copout, the observation that females sometimes hit on males demonstrates our adaptability, which is a direct result of sexual selection by females.  Seriously, this is not even a question in any science circles.  It's just not.  Females are the selectors in humans.  Period.  End of story. 

I am not calling it counterproductive. I thought I made it clear in one of my earlier posts that I do not see high maintenance, in and of itself a negative.  It being a negative, or a positive, is entirely dependent on the individual whom is high maintenance.

Well, I'm completely baffled, then.  Did you just want us to know what a rebel you are?  You went through all that trouble just to say that you think people have differing opinions on what high maintenance is?


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Hambydammit wrote: Well,

Hambydammit wrote:


Well, I'm completely baffled, then.  Did you just want us to know what a rebel you are?  You went through all that trouble just to say that you think people have differing opinions on what high maintenance is?


Forget it Hamby.  He isn't worth your time.  And he'll be better off too, spending his time trying to get the lighting right on the next photo in his "Dog's Asshole" series.  I'm assuming it'll be a self-portrait this time.

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Quote:Forget it Hamby.  He

Forget it Hamby.  He isn't worth your time.  And he'll be better off too, spending his time trying to get the lighting right on the next photo in his "Dog's Asshole" series.  I'm assuming it'll be a self-portrait this time.


Incidentally, I read something about how humor fits into the model of runaway selection and the big brain.  I wish I could remember what it was... it's been years.

Anyway, I'm going to do the only responsible thing and spend a day or two writing a real explanation of sexual selection.  I've been meaning to for weeks, and it'll be a good way to convince myself of the pointlessness of this whole thread.


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Hambydammit wrote:


Sexual selection has to play averages.  Because the genes don't 'know' whether a child is going to be male or female, it's inefficient to have elaborate mechanisms in place that only apply to one sex and not the other.  When females begin selecting for intelligent males, both their female and male babies are more intelligent.  Consequently, both sexes are inherently curious and interested to some degree or another in the acquisition of knowledge, even though the initial impetus behind the runaway selection was male intelligence.

Still not answering my question.  Based on what you have said so far, if I understand correctly (which is something I suck at I'm guessing) is that "social" programming is not in anyway distinct from biological or evolutionary programming since the need or desire to form a society is, of itself, evolutionary.  This means any social "norms" is also a result of this evolutionary programming.  You also maintain that this is human nature in a nutshell.  What can be gathered from this, since you seem to agree that whichever personality type in power can, potentially, change or develop a radically different nature (in the two cases of a society that keeps women in a perpetual state of male-aide and a society which does not) within its population.  I guess what I have been trying to get as is, if it is human nature to being able to change our nature, it seems we cannot hold ourselves to the same strict categories as other animals since other animals do not display such an array of nature-changing ability within in the same species

First, I've already explained that we don't need uniformity of individual habits to say that women are the selectors.  All we need is a test tube.  In animals, the sex that has the larger, more scarce sex cells and puts more resources into childbearing is the selector.

I apologize for not taking this into account sooner.

Again, if you don't like my summaries, read some of the science yourself.  In the time you've been griping at me, you could be half done with a book and well on your way to recognizing your mistakes.

Or just one mistake, that is, not taking into consideration the basis by which selectors are determined within a scientific context.


Well, I'm completely baffled, then.  Did you just want us to know what a rebel you are?  You went through all that trouble just to say that you think people have differing opinions on what high maintenance is?

Nope.  I answered a question honestly and everyone else turned it into a complete cluster fuck. 

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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DamnDirtyApe wrote:Forget it

DamnDirtyApe wrote:

Forget it Hamby.  He isn't worth your time.  And he'll be better off too, spending his time trying to get the lighting right on the next photo in his "Dog's Asshole" series.  I'm assuming it'll be a self-portrait this time.

Fuck you very much as well DamndirtyApeshit.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff