do we? we Really need a purpose from god? why not make our own purpose?
2.why did he give us the ability to reason beyond his existence?
3.if, knowing that this life is infinitely shorter than the after life, why would this life determine all of eternity? what is the purpose behind that? why not reincarnation of past and future lives to perpetuate god's purpose in this kind of fashion instead of one short purposeful life dictating our infinite purpose-less after-life?
4.why confess to god? he knows what you did (according to you, he's all-knowing, why does he need you to tell him your sins in the first place?). why not confess to the person(s) that you did wrong to instead?(and wouldn't confessing to god to avoid hell encourage more bad behavior?)
5. if god is omnipotent, and he created us in his image, then does that mean that we're all gods ourselves, able to override his words, his plans, his omnipotence?
6. if god plays dice (quantum mechanics), whats with the all-knowing factor, wouldn't those ideas cancel each other out?
7. why did Jesus (lord in flesh) have us eat his body and drink his blood, why not his Holy spirit be given to us instead of soon-to-be-discarded-meaningless-flesh? (flesh does not enter heaven, & why is his divine if flesh cannot enter into heaven? wasn't it discarded?)
8. what does god need us for? what do we need God for anyway? do we really need god for our purpose in life?
I probably have more, but i can't think of them right now.
"The longer you live the higher you fly,
the smiles you'll give and the tears you'll cry,
all you touch and all you see,
is all your life will ever be."
-Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon.
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No. We make our own purposes all the time.
Maybe God's a sadist?
Personally, I think the actual function of 'confession' is more to force you to admit your mistakes to yourself and recognize that actions have consequences.
The Mormons think so. Or maybe when we realize that, we shunt ourselves into a pocket dimension. Or maybe it's all bunk.
Not if the dice are loaded.
He didn't. That line was added to the accounts of the Last Supper following the popularizing of the theology of Paul of Tarsus, and the "gospel" he preached, which was nothing of the sort. Paul is the one who made the focus of Christianity into a death cult, and at a time when even animal sacrifice was beginning to wane, corrupted a growing movement to participation in a symbolic re-enactment of (and thus, rededication of the congregation into) human sacrifice. Remember that the God of Abraham's laws of ritual purification include abjurations against being the presence of a corpse, and against contact with blood. The ritual 'body and blood' transfiguration in the Christian Mass is, in fact, a direct blasphemy toward the God who handed down the Law to Moses.
Sitcoms. To give us something to bicker about on internet forums. No, I already said we don't.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
It's true. None of it makes all that much sense.