Any Atheist cops here? Know any? (Atheist career issues)

Ok, a little background first. I'm sure there are some of you here who can relate to this. I'm 31 with a wife and two kids (3 years, and 15 months), and I'm at a kind of crossroads with my work life. I work for a medical supply company delivering home care supplies (beds, wheelchairs, oxygen setups etc..) I was intending on staying with this small (but expanding) company to see if I could move up the ladder a bit. Problem is they don't offer benefits! My wife has ok benefits through her job, but they are EXPENSIVE. I've reached the point where I need to get a real career so I can support the fam, and live the lifestyle I want (at least a modest version of it)
I have several options to try:
I qualify for a very entry level Network Admin position, but the company I interviewed for requires that you travel almost 6 months out of the year. I just have a bad feeling about that because of leaving the kids for so much time, and then there's the fact that I have a history of depression. Even though I'm doing better at keeping depression at bay that I ever have, all that time in a hotel alone would probably be a bad thing for me.
Option 2 is to go to school for welding, and go to work for one of the many shipyards here. I've always wanted to build performance/custom cars for a living, so at least I would get some fabrication experience, and make good money while I'm at it.
Option 3 is to become a cop or a firefighter. Police departments around here (Virginia Beach, Norfolk area) always need people, and it would be extra motivation for me to get back in shape (which I am doing anyway)
So the reason I bring this up here is the fact that most military/police types are very conservative, usually Christian. I see how Atheists get treated in the military nowadays. The only thing that has me wondering whether to take this career path is fear of being very uncomfortable being an Atheist in that environment. I am leaning towards doing it anyway, but maybe I just need some reassurance or something.
Does anyone else have a career or job where being an Atheist is an issue? How do you deal?
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
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How could you enforce the earthly law without the Law of the Lord written on your heart?
Oh you mean all those biblical laws against driving without a drivers license, running stop signs or failing to have proof of insurance ? Didn't the Jews used to stone people to death for those kinds of things ?
We dont live in England
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Hi Tony. I'm not a cop nor do I have a desire to be one but you stated that you deal with depression. I have learned through academic sources that police officers in the US have a suicide rate that is approximately twice that of the general population. That's not a very good statistic for someone already suffering from depression.
Many municipalities provide no form of counseling for police officers who are suffering from job related stress. Being a cop is rooted in machismo, being in control of yourself and your surroundings. "Weakness" is frowned upon.
If you would like some verification of this unfortunate trend here is a anti-suicide web site that is maintained by members of law enforcement and their survivors.
About 2 years ago I found a web site hosted by a man who claimed he was an atheist and a cop from Houston (if I remember right, but it was definitelyTexas). Did a google search but did not find it.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
How can you believe in ghost sperm and zombie gods in 2008?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Lots of leisure time and an extensive film collection.
The law that says disobedient children should be stoned in the town square?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
No, we should forget about the ones that sound silly nowadays.
Isn't that like most of them?
So we should go by "the law of love" aka "do whatever you want as long as you believe in Jesus"?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Let's talk about something else.
Point well taken. I don't think I would have done this ten or even five years ago, but I have been doing very well from a mental health standpoint for the last few years. I've turned the tables to the point where most people would have no idea that I ever suffered from depression, and I find myself helping other people work on their issues all the time. If I had 6 + years of life to dedicate to school, and the financial flexibility to do it, I would definitely be in the psych field, but I don't. I feel like time away from my family/friends, and hobbies on top of the forced solitude would be harder than dealing with the stuff I'd see as a cop. I've seen death and brutality before, and I see plenty of sickness and poverty in my job now, so I think I'm prepared to deal. Thanks though.
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
How can you speak these internet forums without anything worth while to say?
i'm in va as well... if i were you i'd go with the welding just because you won't have to worry about unemployment. however, how far would you really have to travel with an it position. i mean if it's dc it isn't so far that you would be an unreasonable distance from your family.
I served as a firefighter for 13 years, working my way up to Fire Marshall/Inspector in the small Texas town in which I was born.
I was an Atheist then as now, and all those around me knew it. No problems.
I highly recoment the Fire Service, it's a satisfying and fulfilling job, where you can always feel you are helping people.
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
I work in "public safety". Although I'm sure that there is likely a few departments ruled by bonehead theists but I think you'll find the vast majority frown on people bringing jesus to work. You may have a few good conversations with the ignorant though.
Fire service is good but hard work. You'll definitely know you are doing good for your fellow man/woman. But your ass will be put through the wringer.
Police work is important but hard psychologically. It's hard dealing with scum on a daily basis. Many cops start seeing the bad in everyone and that leads to depression.
Detention can pay well or bad, depends on the organization. But it is also hard work psychologically as you are dealing with the worst people in our society on a daily basis. Not all are bad but most are.
Good luck in your quest.
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
Well I turned in my application for Norfolk PD yesterday, I am scheduled to take the written/physical tests on July 26th. I have been kicking my workouts up a few notches so I can get in better shape by then. I would go to academy in November if all goes well.
I'll put in an application for Virginia Beach PD as well, but they are harder to get into.
I didn't mention in my previous posts that I was a corrections officer for a short time. I was kind of in a hurry when I made this thread, and forgot to mention it. So I have at least a little insight into dealing with criminals, and the manipulation they try to pull. I met quite a few good people that were inmates, who kept making bad choices. Not all bad, but there were plenty of people that would keep you on your toes. I would probably still be a CO till this day if it wasn't for a doctor that was convinced I was trying to scam workman's comp with a back injury, and a Humans resources manager that believed the doc. In the end prison is a very dull place, and 12 hours a day in that place was pretty monotonous. I think being a cop will be more exciting.
I really want to explore some of the other jobs within law enforcement other than being a street cop. I'm sure I will have to pay my dues on the street before I can move on, and I'm fine with that. I plan on giving 100% to excel so I can move past that phase as quickly as possible. Investigating and SWAT are what really interests me.
Another plus about this job is I will have even more reason to stay in shape. Staying motivated to work out and eat right can be extremely difficult.
Anyway, I appreciate all your thoughts on this. Well, almost all
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
athiest and it shows. only one in a pd dept of 54. lets say i have had my struggles
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"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I'm friends with an atheist cop. When he was in college he tried to start up an affiliate of RRS at a Philly University. Last year we hung out together with PZ Myers and Tom Flynn at Margaret Downeys anti-superstition party on Friday the 13th. He said most of the cops know he's an atheist and it's not an issue. He said the guys on the force are like brothers, especially his partner who knows the most about him. I have cop friends in my area who know I'm an atheist, in fact some even know more details about just how much so... they're always cool about it.
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Stick with welding. Here in Florida suicide rates for the Fire Department are on the rise as well, law enforcement. Both of them are very stressful jobs.
If you didn't like Welding then go with Fire.