Shout out for support

Hi Folks,
I am currently debating a 'super' on YT, see:
He is trying to apply the 'laws have lawmakers' argument despite my efforts to point out that it is a failed analogy. Does any one fancy a shot at explaining this to him better than I have?
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Tell the dumbass that scientific laws aren't like legal laws - they are descriptions not prescriptions.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Yep, done that. I explained that the term law as applied across legal and scientific domains is really analogous only. The analogy is clearly flawed since legal laws may be broken. But then the dimwit comes back with 'well that is evidence of an omnipotent law enforcer'. I point out that he is now using an assertion to hold up his argument for an assertion, i.e. circular reasoning. Still flatlining though.
Well, you can lead a jackass to evidence but you can't make him think. Some people are just too stupid/deluded/unwilling to give up their beliefs to bother with.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
You are too cute for your own good.
I hope you're female.
Nope - not gay so I don't care if guys are attracted to me, but it's great if women are.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Hi Matt,
I'm not sure if that was a reference to the pic or my writing, but thanks anyway.
Is that one of your own offspring in the pic?
Yes. That is my first born offspring when she was three weeks old.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
How can you be so unashamed of being a breeder Watcher? Really.....harumph!
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
A what?
Your OP link is an Atheist pretty girl, not a "HE" ?????
Is this the right link ?
Atheism Books.
It was debate going on in the comments section for the video. It's long gone!
Even us older women
I agree with Matt once again... Sometimes you have to just shake your head and walk away. Matt refers to these people as being "unwilling". That's being polite . I would say they are too bullheaded. Same difference right.
Dude, I'm looking at your avatar...I know you're a devoted father and everything, but....are you breast feeding your daughter ?
(.......muffled laughter from PDW . Just messing with you
That is a little cynical don't you think? Life is life! Pain is purely an evolved perception that causes us to take evasive or remedial action in the case of a threat to our genes' time travel vessel. This is but one of many evolved functions of animals (and some plants) and probably the least experienced, afterall we spend most of our time trying to avoid it.
I hope you were joking about your baseball bat ambitions. If there is something we humans do know for sure it is that none of us know everything about anything or anything about everything. Of course you were making a good point and I accept that.
"The trouble with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves and wiser people are so full of doubts" -- Bertrand Russell.
Cynical ? Uh yeah, you could say that. ( you obviously don't know me that well, yet
You're right I don't know you, so I don't even know if you are being sarcastic there. I have noticed however that many religious people seem to think that atheists (which I assume you are) are cynical and depressed. I hope you're not giving them amunition.
Yes, I'm an atheist who was formerly a Protestant Christian. I appreciate your interest sub but cynicism and depression affect both theists and non theists alike ( as I'm sure you know
) and as such it's an issue that's completely beyond my control. No offense but if theists are too blinded by their religious dogma to realize that, then that's their problem.
( edited to remove meaningless, superfluous information.
Yeah, I just recently ran into this idiot as well. I've pointed out to him about a dozen times now that he's making an equivocation with the relation of the human concept of societal laws and the laws that govern the universe/reality. He just doesn't get it, then rambles on about how scientifically accurate the bible is *rolls eyes*. The day metaphors and allegory that I pull out of my ass from a book are considered scientific evidence is the day I kill myself.
This is always a good source to quote to these kind of morons. you can easily edit it to request anything from the creationists. one thing I've never seen a christian answer is when you ask them to point out somewhere where their god is/was wrong or where it was unjust (genocide, that kind of thing). another good question to ask is 'does god have to tell the ruth to everyone?' which is a 'no' then ask why you should trust something that could easily be fooling you or l;ieing to you in order to pyunish you for fucking up (ther is a passage in the bible where god forces people against their will to do something so he can then punish them).
I prefer to use their own theological bullshit against them. its always fun watching a motherfucker try wriggle his way out of situations like being shown all the places where god doesn't keep his promises, kills people, bes an amoral asshole and forces people agaiinst their will into things they don't want to do, then asked why anyone would trust a being where its entire history is full of shit like this.
of course, the christians usually ignore the main points of your posts, focusing on the most insignificant thing they can find. in the one debate I've had on youtube, I noticed the asshole liked to repeat the same 'I can prove statistically that the chance of life occuring by random chance is impossible' or somesuch even after I repeatedly (I think) told him that evolution was not random (I should have called him out on abiogenesis and cosmology not being a part of evolution).
keep up the good fight anyway. even if you don't directly (de)convert anyone, you should still be planting the seeds of doubt in them an any fence sitters watching the debate (its how I abandoned belief in the supernatural after finding this site).
edit: url tag
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
You can't answer that kind of stupidity. Not only would he ignore the answer he would not understand it. The whole 'you can't do stats on a sample of 1' is too much for these people.
But if stats is the game then question it. A statistic is ultimately a division operation. A numerator and a denominator. You can bring their numerator into question by asking:
Q. ' how many universes are there?' Of course they will answer:
A. '1' But then you may them question their certainty.
Q. 'how are you so certain that there is only 1?'
A. 'Because the bible says so!'
S. 'Crikey, it looks like we don't need the large hadron collider afterall. Just phone them and tell them will you? If only you had spoken up earlier!'
Statistics for the cosmos ??? How many numbers is that idiot working with ?
Does he have a FULL DECK ...
shezzzzzz , and the ABC's .....
Atheism Books.