A response to the rapture email site...
![atheist_activist79's picture atheist_activist79's picture](https://www.rationalresponders.com/sites/www.rationalresponders.com/files/pictures/picture-13547.gif)
I decided to take action against the retarded rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com). So, I created a YouTube channel to host all of the nonbelievers comments, thoughts, reactions, etc. I'd love for this to take off and send a loud message! Please help out in the effort!
The one minute, forty second vid on the channel homepage explains it.
Thanks for the help you guys!
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
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How do you know it's not a parody? Or just a scam on weak minded religious people?
Well, if it is a scam...they have alot of people fooled. It has gotten A LOT of media attention and the site creator said:
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
They have some sample letters on their blog: http://youvebeenleftbehind.blogspot.com/
...and... http://www.raptureready.com/index.php
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
It all seems like harmless idiocy to me. The subscribers can't seem to agree on the details of what they think is going to happen (hardly surprising given the incoherencies in the source they are using) and in any case don't let simple things like logic get in the way of their phobia (all christians will be snatched up for seven years, during which time christians will be martyred on earth - duh!). About the only thing that unites them is their rather touching childish acceptance of rubbish as literal truth and a propensity to part with money for no good reason.
I fully support the notion that the cynical little creep who is stealing their money should be fingered, but I would not advise going about it by raising a big fuss over the site content on youtube or similar. Believe it or not, some of these poor eejits are so far removed from rational thought - or even thought - that you would actually succeed merely in attracting traffic to his site (and worse, funds) instead of what you might hope to achieve.
A better tactic is to make a list of all such shysters and publish it, with some details of their scams. If the list is long enough - and it should be - most people will not bother to investigate links etc connected to each case but instead will be more likely to get the point.
The point being: Hold on to your cash you eejits and don't give it these charlatans - you'll need it for your therapy fees in the future.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Thank you
It's real and the guy does real business and he's sincere about it. The people are undoubtedly weak minded, but that does not detract from the reality that they are buying into what they and the creator believe is a legitimate cause; sending out emails to loved ones who they want to convert in order to be saved when the rapture occurs.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
It's real and the guy does do real business. But he's about as sincere as any other shyster out there stealing money from gullible fools.
And your point about them trying to convert people doesn't pan out. The e-mail, if I'm reading this right, is to be sent AFTER all these fools have "disappeared". Since this is never going to happen they've simply wasted both their money and their intentions, if those intentions included conversion of friends and family in time to be included in the great round-up.
This is cynicism of the highest order on the part of the guy who came up with the idea. He claims to have found difficulties in having his site hosted and it doesn't surprise me, and from reading between the lines he's finally found someone who doesn't ask too many questions in the end to oblige him, and has been less than honest about both his identity and purpose, even with them. His only mistake is that he has been tempted to risk identification in order to garner publicity for his scam. Let's exploit it.
Anyone who embarks on a mission to put this creep behind bars is completely right to pursue that action, but in the process they shouldn't be sucked into providing him with the one thing he craves most - even more short term publicity. This is not a site designed to convert anyone - unless of course Nigerians are into converting us all into believeing that Nigeria is populated by disenfranchised heiresses who need your bank account number to temporarily lodge their millions.
Shyster. Cheat. Cynic. Bastard - but not a proselytizer (though he'd gratefully accept all and any converts should they cough up the readies and lodge an e-mail on his server). Send a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission and report both him and his host. I already have. Send e-mails around soliciting others to do the same. I 've done that too. At the least he'll end up on a database of con-artists, at best he will be forced to reimburse all the fools he's conned.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
"It all seems like harmless idiocy to me." -Nordmann
Yes, it is idiocy...but harmless?
I was a very dedicated fundamentalist christian only a few years ago. I was raised that way and raised not to doubt it. Not too long ago, I would have thought that creep's website was a fantastic idea. It took events taking place over a period of time in order for me to get up the courage to begin to question it all. There was a snowball effect that eventually resulted in who I am today. I did not know who I was until my eyes were opened to religion and its strongholds. My life did not feel like it began until my mind was freed.
As a secular humanist I can't help but feel an enormous compassion for those trapped in fundie/evangelical christianity. I can relate to them...I have felt their struggles before. I believed all of the crazy nonsense that comes out of the old & new testament. I was taught that demons and angels were as real as I am and I was to fear both...and I did. I was brainwashed at a very early age and as a result of hearing of demons so young I had nightmares for about seven years. I did not have much of a childhood because of religion. So, I can't help but to want to help pull people from the madness. The only way I know to do this is to go in the back door. Because any dedicated christian (as I was) will not tolerate anyone coming in from the front and attacking their belief system.
What I mean by "back door" is doing what I'm attempting to do with taking out this site (youvebeenleftbehind.com) with protest and whistleblowing and hopefully other projects in the future. We have to do this with cold hard facts, science, and most importantly human compassion.
We have to be "militant"...in the fact that are firm in our stand, but we have to be compassionate at the same time. These are human beings we are dealing with.
None of it is harmless.
Anyways, I went on a rant...sorry.
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
Nice preamble on the opening video - shame about the spelling though.
Oh crap, I have a spelling error on the vid???? I didn't catch it!!!
Dang, don't be an ass...tell me what I mispelled so that I can fix it.
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
1. They think that they will all dressed in white / They think that they will be all dressed in white OR They think that they will all be dressed in white
2. They need saved from themselves / They need to be saved from themselves OR They need saving from themselves
3. Proprosed / Proposed
Your friendly ass
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Oh, I see...well, you know how it is when you work on some diligently for a long stint and then even more so when it is late at night when you do it.
Thanks for pointing them out. The ass remark was because I thought you were mocking my efforts instead of it being helpful criticism. sorry...
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
And here was me thinking you'd seen me from the rear ...
By the way I now know of at least thirty people in the US who have lodged an official complaint about this guy to the FTC based on my alerting them through e-mail. Seriously - do the same. Shouting this guy down on youtube is all very well but it's advertising for him too, don't forget, and he doesn't need that many pathetic gullible fools to make him a tidy profit, however many opponents to his ethics you manage to generate.
Here's the legal deal. He's selling a service based on an improbable (read "impossible" ) event without citing this in his literature. He does not say "if" the rapture comes but "when" the rapture comes. This is fraudulent marketing, and since the statement forms part of the actual published payment portal it is also illegal according to US law. It is a bit like a bookie inviting you to back a horse without ever telling you the odds, or in fact that the horse does not exist. Nor does he offer a refund based on customer dissatisfaction - he can't in fact as this would have to hinge on the rapture not coming, and to do that he'd have to assign a "rapture by" date.
The law he's breaking is federal law, but if he is sued by any US subscriber then the state law of the subscriber's home state applies when it comes to penalty and compensation (and if it's Wyoming he's in big shit!). If he's sued therefore by a spread of subscribers dotted around the country his travel expenses alone in trying to answer the charges would require the funding of a republican presidential candidate. So start getting those e-mails out. If the FTC gets enough of them they'll investigate him. He will at least be put off the air while this is going on, and at best they might even take up a lawsuit against him themselves, as they do in situations where subscribers are incapacitated. Normally that means they're poor, hospitalised or living outside US jurisdiction. In this case they'll have to include mentally subnormal but what the heck.
Nail the creep. But please don't give him the compensation of having drummed up a few bucks through publicising him first!
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Oh wow...great point and strategy! I like it! Okay, I'll definitely send in a complaint and drum up more. I knew it was a scam, but did not realize he was breaking federal laws. He is in deep shit...
A response to the blathering christian rapture email site (youvebeenleftbehind.com): http://www.youtube.com/user/wevebeenleftbehind Join the ranks! Let your voice be heard!
While we are at it, Put murderer Bush (and his) on trial , then send to prison .....
( hell for eternity )
Atheism Books.