what you miss by being a christian...

i don't even have to put bumper stickers on my car... word just travels so well in this building even though only 2 people even talk to me. i just received a nice little pamphlet on my windshield - complete with all the biblical descriptions of hell. ironically, if i whited-out the last line about accepting jesus as your lord and savior, the entire brochure is something i could pass out as an atheist. ah well... collection for the recycling bin.
what's with the fear tactics anyway? i guess they learned that in church, huh?
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On the pamphlets: What a waste of paper and trees!
On the fear tactics: It is amazing the fear tactics have survived this long. Nowadays they are more prone to work on the most impressionable of all---the kids.
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More evidence that the god of the buybull is based on late stone age/early bronze age despots. Actually Hell is from the NT so would be on iron age despots - though that area was pretty backwards in those days, too.
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No. Engaging in simple fear tactics isn't nearly self-serving enough for the average Christian. They think they're scoring bonus points with their god by at least attempting to set you on the road to salvation.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
Every once in a while some "come get saved" zealots decide to come to the college I attend and hand out pamphlets with some line like "10 Reasons to Believe". I've thought about distributing some "Why You Shouldn't Believe" pamphlets, but I'd probably be harassed immediately.
actually aqua you should go for it... one of the things we do as a student group is use their crowd to our advantage. they draw the crowd, you get pamphlets in those hands which they (hopefully) will read when they get home, on the bus, etc. they'll say something about praying for you and in return you can thank them for doing your work for you.
it works even better if you have or are trying to start a campus group. the people that stop for the protesters are mostly people that want to argue with them... ie. are in fact atheists. think about it - unless you have a ton of free time or the subject is of particular interest to you - when you pass by a protester you agree with you typically just give them a thumbs up and walk on by.
I was never attracted to those people preaching on campus, and that never did sell me on christianity...
I think you can pretty much tell when someone is trying to scare you into believing vs someone actually does care enough to not want you to go to hell. Its unfortunate that being a christian does not endow anyone with common courtesy.
I consider myself a pretty good salesman, but theres really not that much worth selling to people that they actually need. Some will also try to "sell" how God will make your life better. Thats not exactly true. Your life could get a lot worse no matter what you believe.
And with all the testamonials for products on tv and scams out there, you cant really trust anyones testimony anymore.
I once found a pamphlet when I was little by Chic D.... Somebody or another. I remember it well, even though it was so long ago. It was a good size comic too. I think I remember tearing it in half.