temper and rationality losing both and making a bad call

Well here i am an atheist a human a slow fuse guy. yet i lost my temper and endangered myself and others needlessly. Why ? stress and assholes. me being the first one on the asshole list today. i lost my temper and drove a car like a bloody lunatic around the block and into the ally at about 60 mph in a 25. again why did i do this stupid thing? the fact of the matter is that i am the only guy with an up to date vehicle license and drivers license below 40 in my household. which means that i am the designated driver for groceries and all the other bullshit. my parents can drive but they don't. my little brother mike will never have a drivers license again ever. he has the Paris Hilton complex (i am a rich asshole brat who can drive drunk without a license or tags on my vehicle while running from the police). we have a highly constricted driving space and believe me where i learned to drive it was much worse i was so frustrated at not being able to park in between mikes truck and ma's suburban that for some reason (though i was able to deal with it all week) i flipped my lid and tore ass and parked in the alley like Elwood blues with out the Hollywood nobody gets hurt rule complete with 180 and squealing tires. i regretted this immediately after but on a brighter note it got mike to move his dumbass truck the 5 feet i needed though i should have walked in and made his dumbass park the car. damn intrepid has no front or back to see a parallel park worth a shit. no one was hurt some people were scared and i feel like a royal ass for doing what i did stress is most defiantly a factor. but i strive to not physically harm anyone and though i beat myself up for it (not for real i am not Edward Norton) i think that my temper is pretty cool cause i usually deflect anger into humor. but i could see trouble coming and someone thought that fighting me after i did this stupid act would be a good idea somehow i diffused that situation without a single blow or swing. that my dear atheists was the one redeeming part of this little fuck up in my life. though i clam full responsibility for my poor actions i also would like to point out my good ones here i did not play the fool and fight with the other guy i contained my history of fighting and violence with my brothers and my parents i feel that though i still lost my temper at least was good at keeping it to the right parties the right reason. i confess this here for me and others to learn that your temper is you and you are not always in control of yourself i offer no excuses and all apologies to the people involved. the whole point of this thread should be to vent your temper and or your bad experiances with your own temper.
mohammed is mr poopy pants allah is a cootie queen and islam is a lint licker
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I tend to lose my temper when I ask people repeatedly to use paragraphs and they ignore me. I think it's a perfectly rational thing to do.
Seriously, dude. Your posts are nearly impossible to read. Do you understand the basics of paragraph structure, syntax, and grammar? You appear to have the writing skills of a third to fourth grader. Could you please, please do us all a favor and put some time into reviewing basic writing skills?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
my time is a little used up hamby usually i wind up not posting at all because i get about 5 mins between bullshit in my life rght now
mohammed is mr poopy pants allah is a cootie queen and islam is a lint licker
I'm timing this post from start to finish. It's my considered opinion that typing with correct punctuation takes virtually the same amount of time as not, once you've practiced a little. I am guessing that you wouldn't add more than a couple of minutes to a post by sticking your pinky out to the shift key at the beginning of each sentence, and hitting the enter key at the end of each complete thought. (Paragraph.)
Total typing time: 1 min 6 seconds, including corrections
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
but i am a much worse typer than you
It seems you have the same problem I have. I want to drag on and explain every little detail too which sometimes makes me type gibberish and goes on tangents. ( I actually talk that way too.)
What I do is break up the post into sections. Think what you want to type then how you want to type it.
Or get somebody to proof read.
I don't think it's the typing. I actually type fast.
My brother writes better than I do, but 'hunts and pecks' the keyboard. The funny thing is that he's an IT tech.
Okay, you lost your temper
( ha, welcome to my
world ! ) it just means you're human. Thankfully you only lost your rational perspective for a short time. Also you have learned that it wasn't such a gratifying experience after all but you still gained some "wisdom" about powerful emotions. Chalk it up to experience and put it behind you.
Peace !