Indigo children?

Surely you've heard about them. And most probably a load of nonsenses. Indigo children are described like superheroes with psychic powers, or stricken by things like autism, unable to live in today's unkind society.
There is only a few seriously sounding informations I have ever heard of them.
There's a laboratory tool, called 'polarized light'.
DNA sample of some children has a tendency to obtain a blue color under an exposure to the polarized light.
And relatively sober informations:
Indigo children have a specific DNA change, which makes them a new sub-race of current human race. Some sources mentions this sub-race primarily, taking the "indigo" therm as a secondary popularization of this phenomenon.
Thir occurence in population was quite long, it just rapidly increased in several last decades, so they got more attention. This is why many of them most probably already died by old age, and others aren't quite children already.
The number of indigo children is supposed to increase, till it eventually becomes a major part of population.
Their aura is supposed to have an indigo color. (this statement is competing with the above mentioned DNA sample color, but both may be true)
Some of us sees, that people aren't what they used to be. Since the age of hippies, we're generally still more inclined toward the thoughts like freedom, justice, equality, spirituality, peace, and so on. If the phenomenon of indigo children is true, they can be relatively common among population. Or we, exactly said, it's about us and all our potential descendants. Guys at school were always telling me that I have a bit too weird personality. But they didn't have to worry, I have another four
So, any thoughts? If I remember, deludedgod is a professional biochemist, he could know something about it. Of course, it's a topic of refuting irrational precepts, and the most intelligent people of today has an unpleasant habit to refute everything in sight, no matter if it's true, it just has to look controversially according to a current knowledge and standards. So, welcome to the non-controversial world!
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
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First of all, the plural of information is information, not informations. Second, Indigo kids are not real. You don't need to get DG involved.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
The whole idea of "auras" is also nonsense (and could easily qualify as an irrational precept.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I hope my polarized sunglasses lens don't change the DNA in my eye.
Luminon, you are a very strange person. I wonder about you.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I don't know about psychic powers, but there is a rare genetic trait that produces people with a blue-ish skin color....
"We are the star things harvesting the star energy"
-Carl Sagan
and they have these guests on along with a lot of other kinds of guests. its a late nite radio show wit i think heard them claim about 16 mil listen probably overkill claim but still if people believe you can't stop them. you can make fun of em and that will entrench them more. but who knows.
You do? Really?
I hardly wonder about him at all.
Luminon: You're really fucked-up, dude.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I'm guessing that this whole "indigo child" thing is just the product of those who can't come to grips with their child's ADHD. Then again, I doubt that many kids actually have ADHD. Maybe if kids would get recess instead of "Test Drill 101" then they wouldn't be so antsy in class. Thanks, No Child Left Behind.
... erm, EVERYBODY's DNA shows up blue on a normal SDS PAGE gel. The dye commonly used for such a procedure is Coomassie blue. duh.
If you're talking about agarose gel electrophoresis, certain agents are added that are only visible under UV - not polarized - light. Ethidium bromide is the fluorescing agent, which glows a pinkish-orange color under UV light, and bromophenol blue is a common tracking dye added that is visible under normal light, though the lab I personally work in uses SYBR green.
At any rate, DNA is the same "color" regardless of species in all these procedures, whether the DNA is obtained from yeast, mice or humans.
What a load of crap.
Well, how can I say this without laughing and falling off my chair.
There are two ways to visualize DNA molecules that have been seperated in a gel matrix by electrophoresis. The first is staining. If stained, the molecules in question will turn the color of the dye. The most common dye is coomasie blue, resulting in the effect you described. The color of the molecules in a matrix will depend on the dye. I use ethidium bromide, which makes the molecules turn a distinct silver color. A comparison of two staining techniques on SDS-PAGE matrices is demonstrated below:
Now, with respect to the other method, this involves the use of UV light, not polarized light, under which the analyzed molecules will flouresce, and again, all look the same color. Of course, this doesn't mention the fact that a) DNA doesn't turn blue in UV light and b) even if it did, this would have nothing whatsoever to do with blue-colored skin and c) everyone's DNA looks the same under UV light, regardless of skin color, or I might add, regardless of whether the DNA belongs to a bacterium, a fish, a mammal, a plant, etc. DNA is...well, DNA. As I said before, having blue skin won't change the chemical makeup of the primary heriditary molecule held by the organism in question. I leave the explanation of that to your creative imagination.
You are very strange indeed to think that the blue color that is produced by a lab test on everyone's and everything's DNA has even the slightest connection to the possibility that there exist people with blue skin.
I suppose this conveniently forgets the slight problems posed in assembling a proper refutation of something which is true? Come now, at this point you are merely being immature.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Provide any evidence of "psychic powers".
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Tell that to people who sees them. I don't, I have mainly touch-oriented ESP. None of my family can see aura, but we had here a few people who could. And very well, I can tell you.
A friend (he's now about over 40) told me about an event he had. He was sitting in a bus, and "'magically concentrated'" on a pretty girl sitting far ahead of him, to see if he can make her turn around, or whatever. That a girl didn't sit calmly, she was clearly disturbed by something, it looked like the effort of mind worked. Suddenly, a man stood up in the front of the bus, came to the back side and started to yell angrily at my friend about his bad behavior, that he must not do "that" anymore... Nobody in the bus really knew why is that man so outraged, what he's yelling about, except of my friend...
A bit similar thing happened to me (without being yelled at, I handled things calmly), it's just about a practice, by a practice to perfection.
Of course, every several days I have to go out driving on a bicycle like crazy for about 3 hours, to maintain a physical health and clear my head a bit, listening to a psychedelic music at the same time. I call it The Bicycle day
That quote was just a general statement, about some others areas of knowledge (or ignorance). There I have personal experiences that they work with near 100% efficiency, as well as for hundreds of other people I saw, but an intelligent, educated person would fight to death to prove it's not true. It's interesting, that laics sometimes doesn't have a problem to understand, what an educated person (like higer university degree I mean) practically refuses. This is a phenomenon observed everywhere, I'd like to have it psychologically researched. This is also why sometimes a generation of academics must die or retire, before a really big paradigm shift can occur. It wasn't so obvious in this era of exponential technical growth, but it was in times of bloodletting till the beginning of 20th century. Now it's just more hidden, but still, for example, we keep rejected a well working science, which just found a new occurence of natural laws in reality, like a law of resonance and a law of energy preservation, just because it's outer appearance and public reputation. Maybe this didn't ever happen with you, but more probably you see just a crazy teories being refuted and a surprising amount of people believing in them anyway.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Well, staring at somebody is often considered rude......
There are also people who see aliens eating their body or monsters coming after them. It's called a hallucination (or in the case of auras possibly an eye problem.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Before a sleep, I sometimes keep hearing a strange, beautiful but completely unfamiliar music of various genres. For example, choral, baroque, piano, industrial/heavy metal, psychedelic, and so on. I'm glad for it, whoever sends it, but I'd love to have the music converted to mp3, it would make me rich and famous musician.
I never had a sight hallucinations. I only heard about them from a friend, who tried some mushrooms.
Anyway, I can't imagine, that a hallucination would be coherent, that it would always look similar, possible to control by will, and that it would reflect a reality. Aura vision, or etheric-material vision at least, should show an emotional state of a person (if the emotional body is visible) and then a health of body organs. The seen state of things of course matches, this is why no-one with a real aura vision ever considers it as a hallucination.
Of course, beginners in training, who doesn't see the aura properly, may surely consider the unsignificant things he sees, as a hallucination.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I think you have stuck yourself into the mindframe of wanting to believe anything that sounds cool to you....auras, indigo kids, etheric material vision. You are taking these things to be real until they are proved wrong, and even then you seem like you will waffle a bit.
THis strikes me very similar to theistic reasoning of not letting go of the idea of God, because it is simply more pleasurable to believe in it and all the things possible with God, than without.
Am I wrong in this assertion?
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
"I could swear I hear a computer case fan, or a silently playing TV"
How can you hear a silent tv?
"It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand." - Mark Twain
Adults can be too!
My thoughts on those that are 'indigos'...they are skilled in the art of empathy. Body language, facial expressions, tone of voice can all give clues into what a person may say or do, being able to pick up on these cues could give the illusion of being gifted or touched ... think John Edwards....
Slowly building a blog at ~
Please tell me you didn't shave off the beautiful hair you had off your head!
We have 5 senses. Information from them comes to a brain by nerves. My touch sense works in two modes. One is normal touch, and the second mode is capable of touching an etheric matter. The normal touch gets weaker, out of my attention, and I perceive etheric matter, which is subtler, but has it's structure, shape density, energetic charge, even elasticity. This secondary touch mode is available on all my surfacial nerves, varying according to their sensitivity (hands and tongue are the most sensitive).
This is an equivalent of normal sensoric input, it's equally intensive and reliable. It's independent on faith.
I already had verified, that this phenomenon of sensitivity to etheric matter is natural, can be awakened by training and is interpersonally confirmable. An etheric matter created by one person can be detected by touch or sight by another person.
Yeah, I can be quite a gullible fool sometimes, I want to trust people, I tend to think good about someone at first, unless I'm convinced about an opposite. What is the life worth, when we can't trust anybody?
I have my reasons to be such. My everyday experience supports some of the "irrational" ideas, this is why I'm initially more inclined to suppose they're true.
Hey laics, remember how RRS donaters receives an Extra Special Gooey Feeling Inside? It's similar to what I describe, just etheric matter is mainly outside and it can be played with like a plasticine. It's just very subtle, loses a shape quickly, but nonetheless, it's almost as good as a normal plasticine.
In last months, about twice, by a special effort, I managed to summon a structure of the etheric matter, which was extremely charged by energy. It was painful to touch, it burned! It's a pity that man with etheric vision wasn't there, he would be impressed. My left palm of hand (the more sensitive of them) was clearly overcharged for two next days, distinctly pale and hurted like I would hold it above a candle for too long. It's not a children's play, not without risks, it's a future for science. Technology so advanced, that it seems not even like magic, that it's almost out of a cognitive grasp! Almost.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
English is not your first language, obviously. What is your nationality, Lum? Just curious.
I wouldn't dismiss everything he is saying on "energy." Track some of my previous posts on this subject. I've experienced, albeit indirectly, that of which he speaks...
Then I learned English. I hope I'll start living in an english-speaking country, to get more verbal practice.
I'll check out your posts, man. I'm glad to see every time someone experiences something like me, or even more. This is a part of human nature, people should learn about themselves, this is why I'm so open about it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Mutant -Marvel comic books, particularly those of the X-Men mythos, is an individual who possesses a genetic trait called an X-gene that allows them to naturally develop superhuman powers and abilities. Mutants are members of the subspecies Homo sapiens superior, an evolutionary progeny of Homo sapiens, and are considered the next stage in human evolution.
So you have mutant powers?
I don't mean mainly the tricks like flying, materializing objects or walking through a certain very long and thick wall, these are interesting and useful, but they're just by-products of a certain level of awareness, we aren't here to focus on them, but on that process which brought them. It's like in that Biblic quote, "Seek for the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to you."
The more significant by-products are a political influence, having a business emporium, being a great artist, and several more. This is a result of having a big ego. All religions says to be humble, to give up the ego, but I say, first there must be really big ego, so there will be something big to give up, that would be really worth something. Which means I have quite a problem with my great selflessness, humility, and altruism, which are already a big burden enough.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.