Now before you go off and think I’m saying that if the Immaculate Conception was being made manifest down the block... that we should rush over with a Hoover and suck the miracle child from the womb of the Blessed Virgin… let me clarify…
There are as many ideas of what the word ‘Christ’ even means within the culture, so since everyone has their own definition… I’ll assign the following. Christ in this modern culture most points, to me anyway, to the Fundamentalist Christian cult that is trying its damnedest not to become extinct and stay relevant.
Jesus Christ is this god who watches everything that you do and everything that you think. He’s recording every move you make and will ‘hold you accountable’ for everything when you die. ‘He’ has a plan and it’s your job to make sure that you somehow figure out what it is and do it. Can you ever really know what that plan is? Not sure, but the point is that it’s not YOUR plan. You’re asked to submit your will, and consequently the responsibility of your life.
In order to induce this submission, the Christian culture is infected with ideas of guilt, fear, and condemnation. It may be subtle in most arenas, but it happens with messages that constantly challenge your ‘commitment’ as a Christian. Always hovering is ‘where you’re at with ‘god’, are you reading your bible enough, praying enough, doing enough good? Most don’t take their faith seriously and just rest on ‘the grace of god’ to make up for things, but those that do take their faith seriously are in for a world of suffering once they realize that the standards of Biblical Christianity are simply impossible.
It’s designed that way, but most seem to be unconscious as to why these antiquated religious dogmas are death to the human spirit that aches for Freedom in those that want to live a conscious life.
When we say to ‘ABORT CHRIST’, we are declaring that we will not live under the fear, guilt, and condemnation that is the natural result of a Cult that boldly declares ONE TRUTH… Theirs!
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It's definitely a good 2 word sentence guaranteed to piss Christians off - especially the conservative variety.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Is it a sentence? I mean, wouldn't the proper grammar be subject predicate?
"Christ, abort!"
It's a sentence. The subject is you(understood.) Just like "Shut up" or "give me a beer."
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Yeah fuck them , I am CHRIST as YOU ....
predicate perfection
as I am what I am
nothing higher
nothing better
nothing separate
Atheism Books.
Oh fuck. They understand each other.
Oh shit, what do we do now?
get a 12 pack of beers and a bong (IAGAY should agree with me on this)
BTW, nice work OBSCENITEASE. I'll have to give it a re-read after I've got some sleep though as its around 1:30pm and I'm nocturnal, should've gone to bed a few hours ago.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
Good thread. That would make an awesome bumper sticker. I'd make one and put it on my car but, in Bakersfield, CA that would be like showing the bottom of your shoe to a radical muslim.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
I don't have a deep, thought-provoking signature......but I do love chocolate!