Worst Movie Ever Made, Etc...

What is the worst movie ever made?
What is the worst leading man/woman combo?
What is the worst love scene in movie history?
I ask these questions in light of my own votes:
Worst movie ever: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Worst leading man/woman combo: Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman
Worst love scene in movie history: The Sound of Music Ripoff scene in SW: AOTC
For the purposes of this informal survey, please limit your answers to "A" movies. There is no end to horrible indy films and B movies. I'm talking about Hollywood "A" movies.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Sorry , I can't be of much help .... but will say they most all suck .... worthless crap most all movies .... ET was fun !
Favorite movies !!! ??? "Lassie" ( Timmy's mom !!! ) "Flipper" .... "Big Ben" (the bear) .... "Skippy" (the kangaroo)
, add in all them sweet nurturing mommas .... lucky Tim
Yeah, my pretty fun mom was my favorite girl .... she liked me , and cooked me lots of good food ! Dad liked my hobbies and loved mom too ..... They were real lovers ! I was there, .... I was the little kid .... Me in the movies, as I remember it now ..... while uncle Steve was doing "Flash Gordon" on the TV after school .....
whatever , Hollywood sucks ..... what movies ???
Atheism Books.
Oh, geez... It's hard not to let my personal bias creep-in on this with one particular film...
Let's see. A list of contenders:
- Pearl Harbor
- How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days
- Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
- Balls of Fury
- Catwoman
- Sweet Home Alabama
- X3
That was tough. There's just so many awful ones out there. Hm... well the top two contenders, for me, world be Pearl Harbor and How to Lose a Guy in 10 days (both are actually probably a little better than most of the films listed here - but they were the only two I was actually forced to sit down and watch all the freaking way through)...
...Bah. I don't give a shit. For me, How to Lose a Guy takes the cake. worst love scene was the retardedly cliche shower scene my friend and his girlfriend started trying to covertly dry-hump each other during, while I clutched my forehead in embarrassment, worst leading man/woman combo was whoever the fuck the lead actor/actress were in that movie, playing-out the stereotypical cheesy romance novel duet on screen.
Here's the background underlying my bias:
My friend and I planned, during the middle of the day, to go see a specific movie. I don't recall what it was right at the moment (whatever action blockbuster was out at the time, likely); suffice it to say, it was not 'How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days'. He picked me up in the evening to go see it, and picked-up his girlfriend on the way because she called him and decided she wanted to come along too.
We get to the theater, and she has a fit / temper tantrum. Apparently 'How to Lose a Guy' is the movie she's waited her whole life to see, she's convinced it will help further the growth of her relationship with my friend, and a few other erroneous arguments. When my friend explains that he and I made specific plans to see a specific film, she snaps, starts screaming / crying, and insists that he and I go see our film while she sulks in the car for 3 or so hours.
Naturally, I don't get involved in the dispute, and agreed to go and see the movie when he caved to her unreasonability.
I then sat for 2 hours sandwiched between my friend and his psychopathic girlfriend as the spent the entire movie making-out and another couple who were basically trying to out-compete them with being in the throes of passion, biting my tongue, wishing I could somehow lobotomize myself.
Worst. Movie. Experience.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Can I add "worst film that the critics all loved"? I would nominate No Country For Old Men. I'm still hurting after that disappointment. When the critics love a film, shouldn't that mean that it's at worst mediocre?
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
Very true. I think the only reason they liked it is because they've never read Cormac McCarthy, and it's something new to them.
My nomination, however, is indisputable. Southland Tales.
No seriously, if you haven't seen this movie, DON'T. It's not so-bad-it's-funny, it's just bad. The best thing about the movie is the acting by The Rock. He's the only person who actually provides entertainment in the film - so much so that it appears as though he's a good actor. It's directed by Richard Kelly, who did Donny Darko. (If I've spelled that wrong, I don't care - that was a terrible movie, too.)
I would take the Pepsi taste test with any other movie against that one. Yes, even Pearl Harbor.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
I guess I enjoy a good chick flick!! Provided it is well done. The only war movie I really liked was Enemy at the Gate. Otherwise I don't care for the murder and mayhem. Too much of that in real life, not enough romance.
How about hated movies .... I love girls , call me a womanizer , but "Indecent Proposal" pissed me off, and so did "Pretty Woman" ..... I am still pissed ..... not sure why? , I haven't given this much thought , ummm , maybe I should see those movies again ... ?
, NOT ....
Atheism Books.
What is the worst movie ever made? Disturbia.
I posted a long rant about this film somewhere when I first saw it. I'll see if I can dig it up and post it here when I get home tonight.
I have to keep with what I said in the other thread - "Manos the Hands of Fate." This movie was so bad they ought to have like an opposite of the National Film Archives - where they preserve classic/great movies. This would be where they collect every copy of utterly bad movies to destroy.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Matt, Manos was the inspiration for this thread. Besides being really odd that I've never heard of it before, and it's really obscure, and then it got mentioned twice in one night, it got me thinking about how bad some of the movies I've seen were.
Other extraordinarily bad movies I've seen:
Bruce Almighty
Me, Myself and Irene
Pet Detective
Anything with Jim Carrey.
(Yeah. I know. He's really funny. But, the thing is, he's not. He's not funny at all. He's just stupid and has an elastic face. He's never acted a day in his life. All he does is go around blathering like the kid in grade school that had to always be the center of attention. He's acted just like himself in every movie he's ever been in. Yes, I know he acted in "Man on the Moon." That's because he acted just like the guy he acts like in real life. Yes, I know he tried very hard to act in Eternal Sunshine. He almost made it, but he had to have his infantile 'under the table looking up the skirt' scene where he got to do his schtick. He always does his schtick. Because he's talentless.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Snakes on a Plane
Even before it was released, everyone was fully aware that the movie would totally suck. It doesn't take a genius IQ to work it out. A totally artless title, a plot line which transcends absurdity, and acting that could be better performed by inanimate objects, all added up to a truly terrible movie experience. Just awful. Like salty garbage.
PS Hamby, dod you recieve my PM?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
I have to wonder why anyone with a average or above IQ (ie, you) would have watched this in the first place.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Yep. Was getting in from a night of debauchery when I read it, and didn't want to respond before reading the thread and sobering up. I'll check out that thread later today when I have a bit more time.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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It seems like we're actually talking about really dissappointing films here, as opposed to purely bad. Which is fine, because coming to a consensus about the true worst movies ever (the old B movies and LifeTime originals and all that shit) would be impossible. Everybody's got a horse in that race. For example, I think Manos is up there and definitely held the title until Future War--don't ask about Future War. For the curious, it's Terminator meets Jurassic Park starring a guy scraped off the wall of a Jean-Claude Van Damme cloning vat.
The Star Wars prequel trilogy narrowly wins the dissappointing award from me. Narrowly. With damn near twenty year to prepare and an army of fairly talented minions feverishly cobbling together the loose ends of his hastily designed universe all that time, Lucas somehow managed to piss every last ounce of it down his leg by the halfway point of the second film. Sith reminds me of nothing so much as a drunk guy who, having wet himself at the urinal, holds his head high and asks the world to take him as he is. I've also been bored out of my skull by each and every one of Spielberg's sci-fi films. Good casting, performances and all around product, but I get sick of being asked to feel sorry for a character for two hours straight. He's a misery pimp. My ideal Spielberg sci-fi film would feature Morrissey from the Smiths being emotionally tortured on a lonely space station by a really well done hologram of Klaus Kinski voiced by Robin Williams. I'd still hate it, but at least people would begin to understand where I'm coming from.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Well, now that I see you said only counting "A" movies, I'd say "Weekend at Bernies 2." The original was funny and a hit - the 2nd was incredibly stupid - somehow the dead body wanders off because of music playing? And rigor mortis hasn't set in? It's at least several weeks since the last movie and he hasn't started to rot/smell? I could only watch about 15 minutes before I turned it off.
I would also say virtually every Stephen King novel turned into a movie - they always change the story so it's almost nothing like the book (The TV movie a few years back for The Shining was an exception - the 1980 one with Jack Nicholson sucked - even Stephen King says that.)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
That statement is puzzling in light of this one from the OP:
Granted, I don't think Manos qualifies, as it was shot on a $29k budget, but as that movie was the inspiration for this thread, I let it slide.
Anyway, the reason I think AOTC trumps all the other movies is that it fails (EPIC fails) on pretty much every level.
1) Attempts to be a "good" movie. It's not trying to be so bad it's funny, or anything. Lucas really wanted it to be a huge blockbuster epic movie.
2) Horrible script. Truly nauseating.
3) Worse direction. Only Lucas could take that dung heap of a script and make it worse by forcing the actors to deliver the lines as if they were in a high school play.
4) Horrible cinematography. If the original SW trilogy was neat because the special effects were better than anything anyone had ever seen, that's fine. BUT! All the background movement, and the ridiculous action sequences with billions of cars racing around each other, and all the other constantly movement made me want to sit quietly in a room with bare walls for about a week, just to rid my mind of all the ADHD nonsense.
5) There was no good reason for Jar Jar Binks to come back after TPM.
6) Worst chemistry between lovers --- ever.
7) Worst love scene ever.
9) C3PO's lines were horrible. He was not funny. Ever.
10) Hayden Christensen was just as whiny as Mark Hammil, without any of the redeeming features of SW: ANH to blunt the mental pain.
I could go on. That's just the top ten.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I hope you at least chewed your friend out for caving to his psychobitch girlfriend.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
Word. I rented it this last weekend. The previews made it out to look like a good mindfuck, instead it was just a bunch of nonsense and bad acting.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
I nominate the Kevin Costner / Kurt Russel abortion "3 Bajillion Kilometers to Elvis's House". At three hours long, this movie was a bukkake of shameless attempts to be "edgy" and "stylish", featuring casino robbing Elvis impersonators, Courtney Cox as a slutty single mom, and Ice-T flying across a warehouse on a pulley upside down firing two sub machine guns only to be killed when he comes to a full stop in front of his enemies.
I was late to work (night shift) for this abomination because I was determined to get my seven bucks worth. I never did.
Speaking of "stylish" movies "300" can suck a dick too. Since when did slow motion become bold and stylish? That movie was nothing more than tired cliches spouted by men in speedo's and curtains.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
Hey! Not fair! Snakes on a Plane was supposed to be bad. It never once pretended to be anything other than a bad movie.
It's not like it was trying to be serious like Deep Blue Sea or Jumper or anything.
My wife and I often have "bad movie night," in which we dull the pain of a terrible day with bad food, good beer, and a bad movie. Deep Blue Sea is often the choice, but so is Snakes on a Plane. (Also a favorite: Psychomania. But whatever you do, don't watch Frogs. It might seem like a good idea, but it's not.)
Every year sees its share of 'A'-list bad movies. Remember Titanic? That shat. How about Home Alone? Then there's the original Star Wars, which was only good because of its lack of romantic tension, and a surplus of Harrison Ford.
But, come to think of it, the OP is right. The most recent Star Wars outings were enough to make me want to hook my own genitalia up to an electrical socket, just to distract me from the pain. And me, the masochist, had to go see all three, just to see if there was a payoff.
And that to me is what makes Revenge of the Sith even worse that AOTC. Where's the fucking payoff? The lack of chemistry between the Hayden "Boy do I suck" Christiansen, and Natalie "Hot Grits" Portman from the previous movie turned into anti-chemistry during the third. Their faux-emoting caused my stomach to lurch like the "plot" Lucas was trying to force-feed me. "Annikin" took to the dark side like a dog to its own feces, forgoing any dramatic tension at all. The only good scene was the death montage of all the Jedis. And that was ruined by some middle-aged actor on a fucking iguana!
There was no payoff.
I'm bald from pulling at my hair during the first two, why can't there be a payoff?
Oh. Right. Because it sucks.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Titanic I can't believe the ship sunk, how comes Mel Gibson didnt turn up to plug the hole with his ego.
I just watched this a few days ago for the first time, and I liked it for the fact that it shocked audiences with the brutal power of the Roman emperors. These guy were sick fucks.
Best commentary from wiki:
The film was panned by critics; Roger Ebert gave it zero stars, describing it as "sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash." Perhaps the most scathing comment to ever appear in one of Ebert's reviews is attributed to a third party: "This movie", said the lady in front of me at the drinking fountain, "is the worst piece of shit I have ever seen." This was also one of the few (if only) films Ebert ever walked out of; two hours into its 170 minute lentgh [sic]. [16] Reviewer Leonard Maltin said the film was little more than "chutzpah and six minutes of not-bad hardcore footage." [17] Newsweek magazine called Caligula "a two-and-one-half-hour cavalcade of depravity that seems to have been photographed through a tub of Vaseline."
The cinematography and acting was excellent.
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The point of the movie was that it was going to be absurd and cheeky in an over-the-top way, and to my knowledge was never marketed as anything else but that. I saw it and enjoyed it, but had I gone into the theater expecting a serious movie, sure, I'd have been pissed.
Watcher, you'll have to forgive my ignorance. What does a bowl of glazed MTV popcorn signify?
I can't tell from this video whether you agree with me or not. All I see is a bunch of women who want to suck Jim Carrey's dick. That's never been a good indicator of acting ability to me.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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So many bad movies to pick from. I had a retail store next to a video store and had free video rentals until last year, so I have seen hundreds of movies per year. I used to pick up whatever my current girlfriend wanted so there are some really bad chick flicks I have see.
Worst Movies ever made:
- Gigi
- Hollowman both of them
- Chain Reaction
- Superman 2,3,4
- No Where to Run
- Color of Night
- Battlefield Earth
- Son of the Mask
- Glitter
- Hudson Hawk
- The Adventures of Pluto Nash
- Littleman
- Deuce Bigalo
- Rollerball remake of 2002
Usually anything else that had a 2 or 3 after it too.
Worst leading male/female - Ben Affleck and J Lo
Worst love scene - Gigi - Ben Affleck and J Lo
Let's not forget the disgusting Mel Gibson snuff film The Passion of the Christ. Complete patch job of mismash, in a language no one uses today. The best way to watch it is on DVD with the visually impaired selected so you can hear Mel's distortion of the myth in English. Perhaps a little bias is showing here,
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
1st I liked Snakes on a Plane a lot.
2nd I dont know how "A" list we are getting
but Day of the Dead was remade with A list actors but was so bad they went right to video....
just a teaser on it....how about it had a zombie in it that didnt eat people because he was a vegitarian before he died...wow.
Bad Science bothers me....
The Core....sooo bad.....so much nonsense.
And in the so bad I watched it twice bad movie..
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
Just as much as and as little as any other award.
I don't think Carrey is a great actor at all.
I do find him entertaining though.
"Despite having a twenty year career with no Academy Award nominations, Jack Nicholson (who in the first 20 years of his career had 5) has named Carrey the "Jack Nicholson" of the next generation."
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Seeing 'Snakes on a Plane' was like seeing the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'. You don't go see it for the movie per se, but for the whole experience. When I saw it there was all sorts of MST3k comments, including one horribly drunk girl whose comments were always about 2 minutes behind the movie.
Subvert the Dominant Paradigm
I'm not just being snarky when I say that I have no idea why anyone finds Carrey funny. I honestly don't think I've ever even cracked a smile at one of his movies -- at least not from anything he did. I thought Jeff Daniels was funny in Dumb and Dumber, which was the only reason I managed to watch the whole thing. (That, and as I recall, I wanted to get laid after the movie, and I didn't think boycotting the movie would further that aim...)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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My 2 cents
Worst Movie? (That ive seen recently)
Transformers >.>
Worst Male Actor... of ALL TIME
Shia La Bofh (The little doofus that star'ed in... Transformers >.> )
I hate him... so... much... Hollywood, he is not an action hero, stop putting him in action films!
and for the tri-fecta
Worst Director
Guess who?
Michael Bay -_-
If Bay and the Pope wre sitting side by side, and i had a sniper rifle zoomed in on their asses... i would actually have to think about which to shoot first...
Oh yes... the worst love scene...
Armageddon, the ''Animal Cracker'' Love scene -_- Raise you hand if you didnt cringe in the theater
(again... DAMN YOU MICHAEL BAY!!!)
What Would Kharn Do?
You have to consider the amount of resources put into making the movie and all the other things it had going for it in the first place in how you judge it. Mike Nelson of MST3k, when interviewed by Richard Kyanka of SomethingAwful.com, said that it was The Phantom Menace and I would say that it is a strong contender. There are lots of movies out there that are so bad and so unprofessional that they hardly even register as movies, like Manos, the hands of Fate, which I would consider to be objectively worse than any movie I have ever seen. But the Phantom Menace, given its budget, its rabid fan base, the amount of creative people behind it who should have known better, was probably the worst thing to come out of a professional studio.
Objectively, any movie featured on MST3K would qualify but Manos is by far the worst.
Worst Couple would have to go to either Neo and Trinity or Anakin and Padme, both for having no believable chemistry on screen
I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but until the new Star Wars movies came out, I thought Armageddon was the worst movie ever made. It's still in the top 5 list.
I'm going to throw something else out that may or may not hijack my own thread. There are a number of movies that are so incredibly bland that I can't possibly accuse them of being the worst ever, but they are possibly a bigger waste of time than extraordinarily bad movies. When you can sit in a theater for two hours and not be moved to any emotion whatsoever!? That's bad in it's own way.
To that end, I would like to submit for consideration: The Day After Tomorrow.
I can't think of anything to say about it. Those two hours of my life were non-hours. There was no mental stimulation of any kind, positive or negative. I simply stared at the screen, my mind a complete blank.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Has anyone seen Battlefield Earth? I tried once. I think I managed to see half of it without pressing "stop", which I heard is pretty good.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
Yes, it's one of the worst Sci-Fi films ever. Travolta is terrible and Barry Pepper usually a decent actor was lousy. L. Ron Hubbard may be very strange but he at least knew how to write decent Sci-Fi though his prejudges always came through. This film should never have been made and it's a waste of time to watch. That said, I watched the whole thing straight through hoping for improvement somewhere. There isn't, it only gets worse with every minute.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
Talladega Nights, I turned it off after 15 minutes. Any Will Farrell movie.
The Hulk, I turned it off. (the recent one, though I imagine the early one was horrid too)
A good portion of most of the movies I've ever seen. If only we could put B movies on here. I would recommend Dragon Wars: D-Wars!
X3. Pure shit, should have turned it off.
The Matrix, your pick.
Star Wars, especially the most recent three, any of your pick. Fell asleep during episode 2 and episode 3.
Spider Man, your pick.
I can't think of more... there are many, so very many. None of these are in any particular order. When I don't like a movie, it goes to the same place in my mind as all other movies I don't like: hopefully to be forgotten so that I can at least pretend my time wasn't wasted watching the movie place. Apparently, I'm getting quite successfull at relegating movies I don't like there.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
This is my exact feeling about Chris Farley; I simply do not get how he got a job on SNL or why people thought he was "the next Belushi". I know SNL's standards of "funny" have deteriorated with the ongoing dumbification of America, so I guess that could explain it.
But, to answer the questions:
Worst Movie: If What the Bleep Do We Know? isn't A-list enough, I'll have to go with Blair Witch 2.
Worst leading man/woman combo? Woody Harrelson and Rosie Perez in White Men Can't Jump.
Worst love scene? Ohh, worst in what way; emotionless, uncomfortable, wooden, badly-scripted? I think I'll have to second Hamby with SW: AotC; that rolling-in-the-field crap was just painful.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
Is "Expelled" considered an "A" movie? If so it get's the #1 for being shitty title.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Battlefield doesn't quite make my list because it has a dialogue sequence that is one of my most favorite:
The scene where Travolta is feinting guesswork at who the other villain could possible have entrusted with the information, and then pulls the bartender's head out of the ice bucket.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Well first off any of the scream sequels, I know what you did last summer, Battlefield Earth (The only reason I didn't walk out was because my ride wanted to see it all), any of the new Star Wars, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (what the hell was the concept behind this movie?) Almost every Movie based on a video game (street fighter anyone?), Face/Off and transporter 2. Yeah that's it for what I can remember.
Im totally calling it right now...
HALO MOVIE WILL BE TERRIBLE (which is slightly better then the game itself... >.> )
GTA MOVIE... uh... sex/drugs/murder/guns/criminal hero.... eh... i guess it stands a shot at being decent
What Would Kharn Do?
Ok Ill man up...
I like Will Farrell in some of his movies....I didnt see all of them but I like Elf, Anchorman...
I think Chris Farley is funny.
I hate Micheal Bay but I loved Armegeddon...it is prob in my top 25 movies of all time...I even cried the 1st time I seen it.
Ok...those are the ones Ill admit to.
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
Waterworld...Kevin Costner is a much lamer version of Aquaman....nuff said.
D-wars! That, with a double-feature with Reign of Fire, makes for a perfect Bad Movie Night.
Thanks for the reminder. I feel so much better.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
One of the most hideous, pretty much unwatchable movies of all time is......wait for it..............................
"Battlefield Earth"! Hurts just to think about it.
Ooh... I didn't remember this one. You've got a great point. Top 10 worst movies of all time
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Sgt Peppers Lonely hearts club band.....IT SUCKED, I MEAN SUCKED WORSE THAT THE STRIPPER IN TIJUANA SUCKING DONKEY BALLS. Ok now I feel better getting that off my chest
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
I'm so sorry. No one should be reminded of having watched that movie. We have a knack for grabbing up the worst movies to fill our Saturday nights when we have no anime to watch... I wish we could grab better movies, but we get intrigued about just how bad some of the movies we find can really be... they're always worse than we'd imagined.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Does anyone remember that parody of Star Wars from the '70s called "Hardware Wars?" It was VERY cheaply made but funny as hell. It was only about 15-20 minutes. Used to be on TV every so often until the early 80s.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team