Dumped because Im atheist....
I want to start out by saying this isnt a whine thread. If anyone can handle this shit its me...But I must say Im in shock. I didnt think this shit really happened...Anyone had it happen before? Have a beer with me and lets trade stories! Im just curious...
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Hey AMP,
That sounds like a bullshit reason. I've never been dumped for being Atheist, but I did get in a near fist-fight with a blind date one time in Barnes and Noble.
We were introduced by a good friend (with an evil sense of humor) and first impressions were excellent. I love brunettes, she was shapely, pretty and brunette, YAY! We wandered around the book store and made various comments about the books we passed, both having a good time flirting and laughing.
We got to the 'Religious' section and I said "This shit should be under Fiction".
She got that thousand yard stare that the evangelical get and said "Oh, you NEED to find the lord!" went all red in the face and then added "You fucking godless bastard! You're going to burn in hell, yes you are! Fuck you!"
So I made things worse by laughing at her and mocking her beliefs.
I bet she would have been a great shag, too. Half way through I could have played 'Religious Rodeo' and dropped "I'm an Atheist" then see how long I could stay on. Damn my lack of preparation.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
lol...Thanks...That story was awesome...As bullshit as it sounds here was what I was told. "I just cant be with someone who doesnt believe in a higher power." Then she went on about "miracles". I was up front about my atheism..I think second date..So she knew all along. Eh well back to the drawing board. Who wants to be my next x girlfriend?
Dump Line: "I just can't be with someone who doesn't believe in a higher power"
Better Dump Line: "Yeah, know just what you mean. I have the same problem with delusional hypocrites (but I can overlook if she's a good shagger)."
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Not only do people get dumped for it... people get divorced over it. I was a fundy for years and we both were when we got married. I came to realize that I didn't believe in Santa or Jesus anymore and everything came crumbling down like a house of cards. Of course, there is no one person to blame more than another, but she certainly loved Jesus more than me and we're divorced now.
And hey... don't feel sorry for me... I've never been more satisfied with my journey. I'm just saying that your story isn't unique.
A few years ago there was a girl I liked quite a bit, and she loved me quite a bit as well. Her future plans would've been to get married at a Church, and Christ was a big part of her life. Two to three months into the relationship as you start to consider the long term possibilities we had several conversations about what that would be like and how we'd raise our kids. Each situation she described about how her ideal plan would be laid out was too religious in nature for me. Not only with kid rearing but also with, wedding ideas involving God, and multitudes of family functions with God invited.
At the time I was helping Jake run atheistnetwork.com behind the scenes as a 25-40 hour a week volunteer job. I would try to get away from volunteerism in my head but couldn't. I probably spoke about it too often, and whenever I did speak about it, I got a look from her that I remember not liking. Sometimes she'd smile, often she'd have a more disapointed look, sometimes she'd have a threatened look but masked in a smile. At this point in my life it wasn't crucial for me to date a non-religious person as long as they could listen to me, and maybe find a way to meet in the middle on the issue of it's discussion around the house. I did consider it important to me to be able to feel comfortable in my skin, it's not in a relationship at home where you want to feel like an idiot for being free of god (especially a voluntary relationship). The looks were uncomfortable, and she's not the only girl who's given them. So while I was able to muster some respect for her religious beliefs, I was not willing to compromise on how dangerous I felt those beliefs were.
Around that time we just slowly grew apart, my activism coming up as a "cause" more often than not. And the relationship slowly died off a death at the hands of an imaginary friend. About a year later she invited me to her wedding and told me how she was pregnant.
It was this relationship plus about 6 others with girls who had an imaginary friend that led to my rule since '05 that I couldn't date anyone with a belief in a god. I'm not talking about the bible thumpers either, I'm talking about moderate cafeteria christians who go to church 5 times a year have premarital sex do some type of drug and like drinking at clubs with a fake id.
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Fundies are like that.They will end a relationship if they feel they love their S/O more than they do their invisible friend. I've seen it. I knew a couple who had been together for a few years. After praise and worship one night, she broke with him as she loved him more than god. She was in tears and for what? An imaginary friend?
They got back together so I guess jesus' love wasn't as good.
I have to confess, I once passed on a possible date oppurtunity because I didn't feel she was christian enough.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
AMP, I know you aren't whining but I almost cried when I saw this... I thought things were going to be different with this one. (((hugs)))
I don't date theists - period... but sadly for my story this is in a public forum. Let's just say you might think good sex can make up for delusions but I just can't deal with the guilt tears afterwards. Multiply that by three - since there were four of us frolicking under the sheets.
And of course there's the delusion about who that person is, which of course works both ways. It goes back to beliefs, it's just beliefs about people rather than God or whatever - and the contradiction and incompatibility that comes with it on the interpersonal level.
I went out with a religious woman a few years ago. We got on really well, in fact we still do, despite a difficult clash in personality. In the end I finished it because I really didn't want to be there, plus the whole no-sex-before-marraige thing was driving me insane. Funnily enough, after we stopped going out she dropped the whole chastity thing. Good job I didn't really find her sexually attractive.
I don't think I'd ever wanna go out with a religious woman again. I find it too hard to respect religious people as being of any intellectual merit, and I wouldn't want to be with someone I thought was stupid. At the same time, I'm not attractive enough, physically or as a person to be picky.
Atheist Books
I don't have any super awesome stories, but I've definitely had dates that were going great until she asked what church I went to. I've never gotten far enough into a relationship with a theist to have it come to a break up over atheism.
I have lost many friends because of it. I've lost business clients. (No, I didn't bring it up. That wouldn't be good business. They found out through being nosy.)
I got blackballed by a music teacher's union, so that I had to quit teaching because nobody would give me any referrals for new students.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I'm not going to eliminate believers from who I will date (beggars can't be choosers) but fundies are out as is anyone who isn't ok with my atheism or who would try to convert me. Also if they are conservative it would be a bad match.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Hey AMP,
If it's any consolation she was too stupid for you to date long-term anyway.
Get yourself a nice Atheist woman, far more substantial.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
Really dont understand why anyone could possible divorce over religion on the basis of how the hell did you get together in the first place without the subject being brought up?
If someone is genuinely religious and you are not then their religion is telling them that you are going to burn in hell (and quite possibly they will too for associating with you).
Now I not an expert on relationships but your partner thinking that you of to burn for all eternity due to your evilness is probably not a good basis for a happy future
Of course given half the chance I will shag anything and someone thinks its a sin then thats bonus
Awwww! Dont be sad. I hate to say it but I kind of dont even feel this stuff anymore. Girls come and go.
Nope never been dumped for being an atheist, however I have been told they won't date me because of it (however getting shagged by my was fine go fig), I was told they wouldn't sleep with me because I am an atheist (However dating was fine, go fig on this one as well). I have been told a few times that I am a godless bastard (to which I corrected them that I am merely godless, my parents where married when I was born thank you very much), and I have been told countless of times that I am going to hell, to which I have replied I have been to Hell Michigan and it was ok. But never dumped for being an atheist.
So, AMP, what are the odds you'll take some time and be by yourself, as per our discussion with Matt?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
AMP, if you can make them come I think you'll get some repeat business.
Get in there!
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
I don't understand if Gawd is so important to people, why don't they find out your beliefs before you even date. I think they can shine their halos when they dump you. I dated Christian women that violate their own bibles teaching by dating non-believers. I've had to break up with them and remind them of what their own bible says. So, I as an atheist tell Christians to follow their own bibles.
If you stay with a Theist, they'll always use their 'beliefs' as an excuse to treat you like shit. "We can only do what you want when it's the Lord's will". This way, they never come off as being selfish and self-centered, they're just obeying Gawd. So it's really not "the higher power" that's the invisible person in the relationship, it's their selfish alter-ego.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I got a preachers daughter drunk the other night and banger her....
Consider that retrobution!
(We did hook up 1 more time she then came over for a 3rd round and we got into a religious debate because she said Catholics were not Christian....and of course I should have just kept my mouth shut and got laid again but not me...BLAH BLAH BLAH...by definiton they are so I kick her out when she starts telling me Im too stupid to understand the bible and such...)
Im mostly pissed I didnt get any good nood pics
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
Exactly! I thought of that conversation today on my drive to work. I think now is a good time to do just that.
Years of practice my friend...Years of practice.
Eh?... you'd be suprised what you can accomplish with a 40 in your left hand, 3 grand in your right, and a woman on your shoulder...
What Would Kharn Do?
How did I miss this! What the fuck? When your having get togethers like this I would appreciate an invitation!
(Drunk posting again.)
It's been a long time since I messed with a girl that didn't understand we were both god .... not that they exactly agreed ....
I prefer saying we are god, rather than atheist .... it seems less confusing and confrontational, even tho it is the same message ..... all is one, let's live it up girl .... play with me !!! ..... Let's take god to the max ..... let's moan the love song !
Fell the burn , the desire , godly we are !
moan a little louder !
Atheism Books.
I can certainly feel your shock because, as the saying goes, been there, done that. And I didn't think the $hit really happened either.
When I was 31 I married a young woman, (ok, a very young woman) she was 18 and a protestant and I, at the time, would have told you that I was agnostic. Anyway, we actually had a wonderful marriage for 13 years.
(Whoa, I just now realized that I was married for 13 years to a woman 13 years younger than me....ya know, if I were superstitious...
I point out the marriage as an example that two people can have different views about an intelligent designer and still have a fairly long and successful run. Yes, in this day and age and considering the average life span, anything over a decade is long, IMO. By the way, marriage did NOT end because of religious views.
Sadly, after the marriage my next relationship (another theist) was NOT so smooth. In fact, rocky comes to mind and that's no bull-winkle. This time though, the split, after 8 months, was due to her constant desire to see me under the steeple, with all the people and her wanting to be there nearly every time the doors opened.
She just walked into my apartment one day, perched on my kitchen counter and said she was collecting her stuff and leaving and we were done. I was shocked yet in another light, as I would realize two weeks later, I was relieved and knew she had done us both a favor.
OK...so anyway...what kind of beer is this we're drinking?
I wasn't dumped for being an atheist, but the fact was brought up in the dumping process. Part of her various reasons was that I was not fully engaged in Yoga as her and she wanted to be with somebody who could chant to Gods or sources of life. She proceeded to tell me that I couldn't do that because I don't even believe in God. That was shocking to me since she came off as very open-minded, accepting, understanding, and intellectual during the relationship. In the end I sort of realized that she was just as fundamental with her Yoga lifestyle as the fundamentalist.
"Those who think they know don't know. Those that know they don't know, know."
love to - but you're 2,000 miles away.
Cafeteria types are relationship poison for anyone, religious or irreligious, who has a strong belief and the inclination to argue for it. It's easy to like them in the short term and difficult to respect them in the long term.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell