It's OK to marry a 1 year old???

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It's OK to marry a 1 year old???

Saudi marriage officiant Dr. Ahmad al-Mu’bi told Lebanese television viewers last week that it’s permissible for girls as young as 1 to marry — as long as sex is postponed.

Al-Mu’bi’s remarkable comments also included an explanation that “there is no minimal age for entering marriage.”

“You can have a marriage contract even with a 1-year-old girl, not to mention a girl of 9, 7 or 8,” he said. “But is the girl ready for sex or not?” What is the appropriate age for sex for the first time? This varies according to environment and tradition,” al-Mu’bi said.




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What kind of an insane fuck

What kind of an insane fuck thinks a 1 year old could possibly comprehend a contract?

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I believe the rule is, first

I believe the rule is, first sign of pubic hair it's ok to rape her.... I mean consenting sex.

It's things like this that really instill in me the importance of respecting religion... not.


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Of course didn't MOhammed

Of course didn't MOhammed marry a 6 year old - he just waited until she was 9 to fuck her. This article didn't say as much as they did on the Non-Prophets podcast. This asshat said it was probably ok to start having sex once she's 8 or 9.

I agree, this does not deserve respect. Maybe these Catholic priests should have become Imams instead. Oh, wait being gay is frowned on there, too. So consensual sex between 2 men or women is bad, but raping an 8 year old is fine - as long as her parents are ok with it.


**Edit: here's a more full article - and it mentions the thing with Mohammed - so he pretty much says 9 is old enough for sex.  Article



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MattShizzle wrote:What is

MattShizzle wrote:
What is the appropriate age for sex for the first time? This varies according to environment and tradition,” al-Mu’bi said.


Wonder what the hell kind of tradition or environment he's referencing.


Also makes me wonder if the Lebanese people have some of the same

dopey phrases we have here in the states... 

Is there a Lebanese equivalent for:

'When there's grass on the infield, it's time to play ball'



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Who the fuck would want to

Who the fuck would want to marry a 1 year old anyway? Even avoiding the whole pedophilia issue and the having to wat years to have sex with your wife after marriage - you cannot possibly tell what a person's personality will be like as an adult when they are that young. Hell, you can't even tell what they'll really look like even. This is even more fucked up than "normal" arrainged marriage.

I'd be willing to bed this is soon used by Christians and Right-wingers to show just how evil Moslems are - I really doubt most Moslems would agree that marrying a baby is a sane - let alone appropriate - thing to do.


The guy even talked about consent! How the fuck can a 1 year old consent?????


"Does baby want to get married?"


"Goo gah gah"


"OK that's consent."


Fucking unbelievable. Maybe this has something to do with Islamic culture treating women and girls as property.

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Many child molesters are

Many child molesters are attracted to infants and even babies.  Child molestation has been a way of life in those countries for mellenia, and you have to remember that women are not considered equals with men, they are merely chattel.  It's easier to train a child to be what you want than an adult woman.  Think of "honor" killings and all the barbaric customs in many different societies. 

The Saudis overlook such things because the king can't front the imams in any serious way without endangering their rule and they probably don't really have a problem with the practices anyway.  They have their religious police running around beating women who offend allah because a lock of hair has slipped out from under their burka.  Women/girls are looked down on as filthy creatures whose sole purpose for existence is to please their husband and the slightest transgression can result in severe beatings and even killings.  Compare that to biblical law and there is no difference. 

Under a christian theocracy it is feasible that biblical punishments for transgressions of the slightest nature could be instituted.  Punishments would be no different than in Iran, Afghanistan or any other primitive muslim nation.  The bible, quran and even the torah are fucked up beyond reason since they were written by primitive men who's greatest desire was to control everyone and everything possible.  Their egos could not handle a mere female not obeying them in every little thing so women were never considered anything more than a possession. 

I agree that most mainstream muslims would not agree with this sort of thing, but arranged marriages between older men and young girls are made all the time in any number of countries.  In most cases, however, the child remains with the parents until marrying age, which varies depending on the society involved.

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