Nightmares about Tesla's Tablets

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Nightmares about Tesla's Tablets

deludedgod wrote:

Luminon wrote:

deludedgod wrote:

See my quote box (the first one, obviously). I'll tell you what would happen if I jumped in here. It would be redundant since this has been done to death already. But I imagine something similar would happen as in the previous thread. I would demand a rigorously formulated mathematical explanation about your assertions. You would post a pdf. I would waste time refuting it. We can only discover that which is coherently defined. This is the simplest way to trip up pseudo-physics. No math, no game.

So what should I do, if I'm one of many who perceive edge phenomena, which, if understood with typical scientific ingeniosity, would push our technology beyond a level shown in some sci-fi serials? And I can't do much maths? If a right person would read the right books, it could trigger an inspiration... I've read them, I'm all inspired that it pours out of my ears, but the math is missing.
Sailors in the ages of Galileo Galilei were in similar situation, they saw spheric Earth quite commonly, but landlubbers probably considered it as some kind of seawolf folklore.
It's diffcult to describe in mere words, and without usage of a sanskrit jargon, which sounds terribly in sceptic's ears. When  If I'd be a billionaire, I'd be a patron of biophoton,  consciousness and superstring research, (where are the keys as I think) but as a barely employed guy I can only suggest stuff on an internet forum. It's like a proverbial Muhammad and the mountain, I'm the one who went to the mountain and saw a bit of what is to be seen there, but experts demands the mountain to move to them first. Yeah, patience with the system 

Study math. The only people who truly understand anything about physics are those who would bleed mathematics if cut. If you can't do much math, your ability to comment on anything physics will be entirely restricted to virtually nil. Let me make it perfectly clear that if you think you can talk physics but do not have the patience or competence to study mathematics, which is absolutely necessary to have any meaningful knowledge of  underlying mechanism of physical phenomenon, then I have no symapthy for you, or your position, whatsoever.

Or they could do a double blind test. A neutral party splits volunteers into two groups, one using a real plate and one using a fake plate, each with an index. The biased party then posts the reports from the volunteers along with the index of each volunteer's plate. The neutral party then posts their index of which plates are real and which plates are fake.

I'm sure there's someone from the forums that's in your area that wouldn't mind helping. Failing that, I'm sure you can work something out with a local group of professional witnesses, a high school science class, or what have you.

As of now they have a hypothesis and no documented tests.


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inspectormustard wrote:Or

inspectormustard wrote:

Or they could do a double blind test. A neutral party splits volunteers into two groups, one using a real plate and one using a fake plate, each with an index. The biased party then posts the reports from the volunteers along with the index of each volunteer's plate. The neutral party then posts their index of which plates are real and which plates are fake.

I'm sure there's someone from the forums that's in your area that wouldn't mind helping. Failing that, I'm sure you can work something out with a local group of professional witnesses, a high school science class, or what have you.

As of now they have a hypothesis and no documented tests.

Why double blind test? We had here dozens of blind tests. Clients bought a small Tesla's tablet, and then came for more, because it worked so well. Or they came to buy another, because they borrowed it to an ill relative, who afterwards didn't want to return the tablet. Clients discovered things about the tablets we didn't know before.  One aikido practitioner, sensitive to energies of body, (probably chi or something) got his hands on a Tesla's tablet, and immediately recognized a very pleasant energy for him, and immediately ordered more tablets.  The only bias here was when an amazed people recommended the tablets to relatives. For year of their frequent sale, we never had ANY unsatisfied customers, all were glad.
We don't have a thorough brain massaging lectures for crowds, like Wagnerists has, we've got it only at a club web pages and an occasional advertisement in one magazine.
But the radiant energy around the tables has also more material effects, than just healing and prolonged food preservation. We had at home a supply of certain sweetener, basically a herbal protein, for further distribution. (stevia rebaudiana, a wonderful thing) It was in vials of a clear liquid, like water, with a drop-glass. As everything drinkable around, we placed the vials with sweetener on a big Tesla's tablet. After a time, we noticed that the small flasks aren't translucent anymore. The clearly dissolved herbal protein within somehow changed it's structure and now, instead of fluid solution it was thick, dense white mass, almost undissolvable, not even by a hot water. We had to return the vials to a producer, who fortunately exchanged them for new, but he claimed, that he had never seen anything like this ever happen to his liquid sweetener.
Tesla's tablets, though some are made in a size of a credit card, should not be carried in wallet. My mother's bus chip card stopped working, when she had the tablet near. When she removed it, the chip card after a time started to work again.
I'd like to emphasize, that the tablet supply, usage and most of the sale is happening right at my home, so I know what I'm talking about, these are not a random heard rumors.

Anyone's free to buy and try original Tesla's tablet from the Swiss company to test it, but never, I beg, never buy any stuff from that Wagner. He's in USA, so taxes from such a trade are used for killing civilians in Iraq. Also, his stuff is shitty, it's just random stuff which has the healing properties for a while, it has no special crystallic structure to keep these properties forever. It's just a random stuff, like plastic, cloth, or beds for dogs, temporarily "tachyonized" (as Wagner calls this process on his popular lectures), and 3x more costy.  It's much cheaper to buy things from Switzerland and have it shipped, also it's very solid and resistant to damage.
I really don't know why (maybe by that corruption of capitalism) but it seems like all such things in USA are a scam. No offense, but I constantly have to remind myself, that in USA people have a great reason to be pissed off by scammers and religional fundies, it's all much more intense there, isn't it?

One more note. If you are healthy, the Tesla's tablets should not have any effect on you. In case of injury, disease or strained muscles, bruises, and so on, you can expect a significant effect, but if there's nothing wrong with you, there's not much to fix on you, even though in other cases a response can be practically immediate. Still, most of people finds it very diffcult to get asleep on a big Tesla's tablet. Not that it's hard, they just can't sleep.
I'm almost permanently exposed to Tesla's tablets, so I got quite accustomed to this, but I can confirm, that sleeping with a tablet under a pillow is very different experience, compared to a normal sleep. I had much more vivid dreams from this.

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This is the only

This is the only scientifically relevant portion of your post:

Why double blind test? We had here dozens of blind tests. Clients bought a small Tesla's tablet, and then came for more, because it worked so well. Or they came to buy another, because they borrowed it to an ill relative, who afterwards didn't want to return the tablet. Clients discovered things about the tablets we didn't know before.  One aikido practitioner, sensitive to energies of body, (probably chi or something) got his hands on a Tesla's tablet, and immediately recognized a very pleasant energy for him, and immediately ordered more tablets.  The only bias here was when an amazed people recommended the tablets to relatives. For year of their frequent sale, we never had ANY unsatisfied customers, all were glad.

That's not even a blind test. It's not even really a test at all! A blind test would mean that you knew who had the fake plates and who didn't, and thus you could skew your own results.

The purpose of these types of tests to to actually differentiate the placebo effect (as would be seen with a fake plate) and whatever effect the actual plates have.

Moreover, myself and others can and have duplicated the described reported effects using placebo alone.

I will refer you to this video which will hopefully show you the sheer power of psychological placebo effects:

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[offtopic]  Damn that New Age girl is hawt.  [/offtopic]

It's good that she has a sense of humor and can laugh about being tricked.  Not everyone reacts so kindly to having the rug pulled out from under their belief system.

Remember how you figured out there is no Santa? Well, their god is just like Santa. They just haven’t figured out he’s not real yet.

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inspectormustard wrote:

That's not even a blind test. It's not even really a test at all! A blind test would mean that you knew who had the fake plates and who didn't, and thus you could skew your own results.

The purpose of these types of tests to to actually differentiate the placebo effect (as would be seen with a fake plate) and whatever effect the actual plates have.

Moreover, myself and others can and have duplicated the described reported effects using placebo alone.

We're not equipped for that kind of tests, I doubt there are any identically looking fake plates manufactured, they would have to be probably specially ordered from that company, as semi-finished product.
But I think it's significant, that we have a practically 100% success. The worst response ever we had, was one doctor who claimed that these tablets doesn't work, but she probably changed her mind afterwards, because she didn't demand her money back, though she knew she could do it. Honestly, I don't remember that anyone of our customers ever wanted to return their money and tablets. I used to fetch the mail daily for years, and there were only orders for new tablets, and sometimes a shipment of supplies came, but I've never seen a pack of returned tablets. Maybe there were some, or more complaints, I'd have to ask mom to be sure, but right now my trusty long-term memory can't dig up anything.

Btw, my imagination is limited in that, what would be the estimated placebo effects if such an experiment would be performed? Would a placebo group report a much lesser efficiency of tablets, than 100%?
I mean, Tesla's tablets can have very significant effects...for example, it's good for easing the pain of common wounds, but as paradox, it makes burns to hurt hell a lot more.

inspectormustard wrote:
I will refer you to this video which will hopefully show you the sheer power of psychological placebo effects: 

Lol... Yeah. New Age is, at it's majority, a synonyme for seeking, and being less or more under some illusion, then exchanging it for a lesser degree of illusion, and so on. It's a long process, there are many parallel ways, and everyone has their speed of progress. The most advanced and condensed knowledge doesn't feel right to a person, before he/she gets rid of some illusions.
That NA chick (truly hot and cute) simply has still a way ahead of her as we all have, and I think she will go that way quickly, according to the ease she handled such an illusion loss.  I don't know, how I would handle that, I didn't have any greater "crisis of faith" ever in my life...everything went smoother in that direction.
As for me, I probably wouldn't notice I still have the ring as well, but the stuff like "giving the puppet a soul through my ring" wouldn't work for on me at all. I don't have the soul. I have no soul within. Soul has me, my body and personality is just a temporary sensory and  executive tool. And analogically, even if such a ring would be a part of me (nonsense, it's just metal) it would be an inferior thing, compared to me, having no power over me. It's a hierarchic structure, and such a ring would be way below both me and my soul.
Anyway, a lot of dealing with people is simply a fight of energies. You can feel a pleasant power surge every time you mischievously mock someone, when that cuts deep. Not that I accuse you of doing it, but you surely know that feeling. And also you know feeling drained, when losing an argument. Some people are like "energetic vampires", demanding attention, and sucking all energy they can, while whining and complaining on life. It happened to me a few months ago, and later I felt really sick, shivering and with headache, but I recovered next day without a real sickness. I swear, next time I'll send such people right to some church's confession booth, or to Jehovah's witnesses. I'll be polite, but cold, and screw a probable gosssips about my cold-heartedness which will be surely spreaded on local Hag-net.

Mr. Darren Brown, if he was that man in the video, probably is quite skilled in dealing with people, and energies. Anyone who is succesful in our society, less or more is. His trick could be an attack on all fronts, psychologic and bioenergetic.  Besides getting rid of illusions, it's about how your "chi" is strong Smiling A weakened person is more likely to give up an energetic fight with a travelling salesman, and to pay a lot of money for useless stuff.

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Luminon wrote:We're not

Luminon wrote:

We're not equipped for that kind of tests, I doubt there are any identically looking fake plates manufactured, they would have to be probably specially ordered from that company, as semi-finished product.
But I think it's significant, that we have a practically 100% success. The worst response ever we had, was one doctor who claimed that these tablets doesn't work, but she probably changed her mind afterwards, because she didn't demand her money back, though she knew she could do it. Honestly, I don't remember that anyone of our customers ever wanted to return their money and tablets. I used to fetch the mail daily for years, and there were only orders for new tablets, and sometimes a shipment of supplies came, but I've never seen a pack of returned tablets. Maybe there were some, or more complaints, I'd have to ask mom to be sure, but right now my trusty long-term memory can't dig up anything.

Btw, my imagination is limited in that, what would be the estimated placebo effects if such an experiment would be performed? Would a placebo group report a much lesser efficiency of tablets, than 100%?
I mean, Tesla's tablets can have very significant effects...for example, it's good for easing the pain of common wounds, but as paradox, it makes burns to hurt hell a lot more.

Well, regarding health claims, it's tricky because people will naturally heal at different rates as a result of many different factors: diet, environment, habits, medicines, emotional state, etc.  But, referring to the original thread which mentioned these tablets, didn't you say they had other observable effects, like changing the brightness of LEDs?  If you could find a way to hide a tablet in such a way that no one knew where it was, and then if people could reliably find the tablet using an LED or something similar, that would be a good indication that the tablets at least do something.

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QuasarX wrote:Well,

QuasarX wrote:

Well, regarding health claims, it's tricky because people will naturally heal at different rates as a result of many different factors: diet, environment, habits, medicines, emotional state, etc.

That's right. Fortunately, they know themselves all their life and despite of these various circumstances, they can observe a relative effect on their own body and mood. Effects of the Tesla's tablets are various, but the experiences of customers helped to summarize a basic things which can be expected from them. For example, Tesla's tablets are beneficial, but should not be used in cases when a medical treatment is "harmful" or unnatural to the body, like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or painkillers. In these cases Tesla's tablets acts against effects of this treatment. It's mainly supportive thing and should be used only if it's coherent with a main treatment method.

QuasarX wrote:
  But, referring to the original thread which mentioned these tablets, didn't you say they had other observable effects, like changing the brightness of LEDs?  If you could find a way to hide a tablet in such a way that no one knew where it was, and then if people could reliably find the tablet using an LED or something similar, that would be a good indication that the tablets at least do something.
Yeah, I heard it. The problem is, that I don't know when, and my mother, who most probably mentioned it, doesn't already remember. Most probably it is one of parents' frients in a near city who tests the tablets by his own methods (which are based more on intuition than technics, when I yesterday asked about him) and to be sure I'd have to ask him directly, when he would come on a visit.
I know what I heard, (though it might be years ago) but for now the most reliable methods of potential detecting, that the Tesla's tablets does something, remains that herbal protein sweetener and it's molecular change effect (which doesn't occur by any other way and is very significant), and a subtle electronics, like the bus chip card. Both these cases we had seen personally at home, but unfortunately, both aren't immediate, it takes a time. At this moment, own body response is the most quick method I saw in practice.

Another thing, Wagner, who uses the same principle (just applied on different materials) has quite well made statistic researches on effect of this, as he calls it, "tachyon energy" on a growth of plants. He made some kind of "tachyonized" sand, which, when added to a soil of one bush, made the bush grow like 1 meter more than a comparative bush in non-tachyonized soil. There's a lot of it in his book, brochures, and so on. I can agree with that, I just don't like the way he uses these impressive research results on brainwashing courses for people, to sell them overpriced and shitty materials, which doesn't hold the "tachyonization" forever, but for rather a short time, maybe a year, then a customer must pay again.

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