the good news

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the good news

sorry for being out for so long , i was working on my hardwood floor and it too longer than i expected, however i came to deliver the good news , jesus chrst has risen and that whoever believes in him wont die but have eternal life (john 3:16) hope that helps.. pat

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God hates atheists and loves

God hates atheists and loves theists.

Gawed loves atheists and hates theists.

      This is a "true" exaggeration


        Ever heard of hell  ?
God created you, so you would know !

        Welcome to pain, life !
    Pleasure is a tease and a sin
a message from mark, I meant gawed


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well , i dont have any want

well , i dont have any want to off my followers yet, (that cracked me up) and i will bring more data to back up my points that only seems fair i  guess. setting an end time date for the end of the world is wrong .due to the fact that the bible mentiones that no one knows except god when that time will be . i should also mention that the end of the world wont be a destruction of earth as per say, it will only be a change from what we currently see. looking at todays headlines the war drum beating between iran and isreal i believe to be very real. i still think one day we are going to wake up and see headlines that isreal attacked irans nuclear reactors, and war will break out , as for how this leads into biblical prophecy, ezekiel points out what will happen , a coalition of islamic countries will attack israel ( a country at peace) which it currently inst?? i still have yet to figure this out but those countries are libya, iran , egypt, turkey , sudan , syria and russia gets dragged into it , looking at todays headlines wouldnt you say this matches up well ?? all of those countries are islamic and have no lovefor isreal .

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Turkey is a pretty secular

Turkey is a pretty secular country (also a NATO member) with no problem with Israel. Egypt has been at peace with Israel since the '70s.

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pm9347 wrote: i should also

pm9347 wrote:

 i should also mention that the end of the world wont be a destruction of earth as per say, it will only be a change from what we currently see.

So you think John was on LSD when he wrote Revelation? That's my opinion, I didn't know some Christians didn't buy his hallucinations as real as well.


pm9347 wrote:

looking at todays headlines the war drum beating between iran and isreal i believe to be very real. i still think one day we are going to wake up and see headlines that isreal attacked irans nuclear reactors, and war will break out , as for how this leads into biblical prophecy, ezekiel points out what will happen , a coalition of islamic countries will attack israel ( a country at peace) which it currently inst?? i still have yet to figure this out but those countries are libya, iran , egypt, turkey , sudan , syria and russia gets dragged into it , looking at todays headlines wouldnt you say this matches up well ?? all of those countries are islamic and have no lovefor isreal .

No. I don't think that matches up to anything.

Israel attacks Iran.

Iran disappears from the face of the Earth.

Sunni Muslims are happy the heretic Shites are gone.

After the radiation cools off Iran is taken over by the US, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, and the neighboring -istans.

End of war.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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The REALLY good news is that

The REALLY good news is that it's all make believe like any other religion.

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pm9347 wrote:well , i dont

pm9347 wrote:

well , i dont have any want to off my followers yet, (that cracked me up) and i will bring more data to back up my points that only seems fair i  guess. setting an end time date for the end of the world is wrong .due to the fact that the bible mentiones that no one knows except god when that time will be . i should also mention that the end of the world wont be a destruction of earth as per say, it will only be a change from what we currently see. looking at todays headlines the war drum beating between iran and isreal i believe to be very real. i still think one day we are going to wake up and see headlines that isreal attacked irans nuclear reactors, and war will break out , as for how this leads into biblical prophecy, ezekiel points out what will happen , a coalition of islamic countries will attack israel ( a country at peace) which it currently inst?? i still have yet to figure this out but those countries are libya, iran , egypt, turkey , sudan , syria and russia gets dragged into it , looking at todays headlines wouldnt you say this matches up well ?? all of those countries are islamic and have no lovefor isreal .

No, I wouldn't. Here's why.

1. Ezekiel never suggested that Israel starts the war. Israel has asked the US for permission to initiate a strike on Iran to which Bush said, "Let me see the plans before you go".

2. As others have said, most of those countries you've listed are either at peace with Israel  or don't care one way or the other. Some, like Syria and Lebanon are quaking in fear of Israeli nukes.

3. As mentioned in 2 - Israel is the sole nuclear power in the region. 

4. The only reason the good Christians want America to side with Israel is because they want the Jews dead as well - they just want to be in charge of it. Gotta make that pile of bodies highe enough that Jesus doesn't have to float so far down.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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pauljohntheskeptic wrote:You

pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

You have clearly been listening to George W too much. Iran is Shite and has so many friends among Sunni Arab Muslims. If the Saudis could get away with it they would blast Iran off the map before Israel because they so love those Persian heretics to Islam.

PM.... you need to re-read the above written by pauljohn. Let it sink in for a few minutes... or hours. If you don't believe what he has written I suggest you do some fact checking on your own. Online or a library are great places to start. Think you will be surprised at the results. You will find many other Arab nations have difficulties with each other and not all are even centered around a Sunni-Shia problem. ( You can ignore the GW part if you are offended as that was not his central point.)

pm9347 wrote:

well , i dont have any want to off my followers yet, (that cracked me up) and i will bring more data to back up my points that only seems fair i  guess. setting an end time date for the end of the world is wrong .due to the fact that the bible mentiones that no one knows except god when that time will be . i should also mention that the end of the world wont be a destruction of earth as per say, it will only be a change from what we currently see. looking at todays headlines the war drum beating between iran and isreal i believe to be very real. i still think one day we are going to wake up and see headlines that isreal attacked irans nuclear reactors, and war will break out , as for how this leads into biblical prophecy, ezekiel points out what will happen , a coalition of islamic countries will attack israel ( a country at peace) which it currently inst?? i still have yet to figure this out but those countries are libya, iran , egypt, turkey , sudan , syria and russia gets dragged into it , looking at todays headlines wouldnt you say this matches up well ?? all of those countries are islamic and have no lovefor isreal .

PM, I have some questions for you. I have made a few assumptions based on what you have said so you'll need to correct me, if I'm way off base. 

As JillSwift pointed out, there've been hundreds claiming the end was near and she gave several fine examples from just the 20th century. Neverminding the fact that  when she questioned your intentions you found her funny.... should a cult group such as the Jones followers or the Koresh group at Waco be allowed to do whatever they please?  i.e. never have to answer to the government of the country they happen to be in?

Could you define for me what you mean by Israel, a country at peace ?

Lastly, since Israel is but one nation, why should non-warring countries get involved in a massive effort to save that nation should they decide to go to war with islamic countries? And is your answer based solely on the Christian-Jewish notion that 'we' are right and Islam is wrong ?

Your answers will help me understand your position.


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pm9347 wrote:well , i dont

pm9347 wrote:
well , i dont have any want to off my followers yet, (that cracked me up)
You find mass murder humorous?


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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OH BOY YOU THINK ISRAEL IS AT PEACE???? Man you really don't read into the headlines, Peace in the land of Israel is FAR FAR from happening, between Syria, Iran, Lebanon and various other Arab countries that want Israel out of the middle east, it ain't at peace, it has attack Lebanon in the past year, before that it has attack Syria, it has in the past attack various other Arab countries. Now lets not forget the Palestine problem and they haven't been at peace for since I have been out of high school and actually started to pay attention to the world (way back in 1995) and they have been going at it since before that.

Lets not forget that no one outside of that area has controlled the middle east, not the greeks the romans, the British and various other nations that tried to control that area and failed, it has been at war for over 3000 years....rumors of wars in that area is like say there is rumors of rainfall in Seattle. I mean come on really come up with better crap than this. Israel won't attack Iran unless it has US backing and soliders to spare, as well the Russian have to back down as well because even the Jews don't want the russians to come, nor does the US, and with that said, we know that China would probably get involved as well. But hey, Israel is going to make a real stupid mistake because we all know that israel is INFAMOUS for making incalculated actions.

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im trying to respond but my

im trying to respond but my browser is having diffculty loading this page. ill keep trying

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pm9347 wrote:im trying to

pm9347 wrote:

im trying to respond but my browser is having diffculty loading this page. ill keep trying


Try Firefox.


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pm9347 wrote:sorry for being

pm9347 wrote:

sorry for being out for so long , i was working on my hardwood floor and it too longer than i expected, however i came to deliver the good news , jesus chrst has risen and that whoever believes in him wont die but have eternal life (john 3:16) hope that helps.. pat

It's interesting the way you ramble, perhaps dimly aware of, maybe slightly uncomfortable because of, the realization that proselytizing is tacky and rather grubbing and pathetic. I've seen it often in youth pastors, and other very closet-case-esque religious people, trying to ingratiate themselves really quickly to their marks. Or maybe you just haven't been able to strangle that one piece of your rational mind that informs you what you're about to say is devoid of content, so you have to reference something real; if only something as hugger mugger as your tract house in Bumfuck, Iowa.

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So is pm9347 ever going to

So is pm9347 ever going to return and actually make an argument, or has he given up being pwned all the time by his own ignorance about anything and everything in the world around him from science to world politics?

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thingy wrote:So is pm9347

thingy wrote:
So is pm9347 ever going to return and actually make an argument, or has he given up being pwned all the time by his own ignorance about anything and everything in the world around him from science to world politics?
Perhaps he drank the Kool-Aid.


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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thingy wrote:So is pm9347

thingy wrote:
So is pm9347 ever going to return and actually make an argument, or has he given up being pwned all the time by his own ignorance about anything and everything in the world around him from science to world politics?


JillSwift wrote:
Perhaps he drank the Kool-Aid.


Mus....stop...laughi...can'take.....any......more.....calldoc. *gasp* Side....splitt..must *groaning agony*....musthave....... stitches