Miley Cyrus - A good Christian Girl
From a page straight out of the celebrity PR playbook - start thumping the bible after some scandal...
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
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Who? </sarcasm>
So ?
No big deal as far as I can see.
I mean... So she's delusional about god and the bible. So what.
It's nearly the same as her delusion that her dad is a talented actor/singer.
(funny reading... thanks, geirj !)
I wonder how much of this is in response to her "slutty" pictures a couple months back...
Don't sell him so short - he's extremely skilled at sponging off his kid...
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
she's been caught twice now with "questionable' pics... once from that photo shoot and a second time on her cell phone. but of course, she wears that 'chasity' ring so it's all good. ROFLMAO
Maybe in 2011 she'll be doing porn...
Gag me!
The sad thing is, I didn't find either the Vanity Fair photo shoot nor her cell phone pictures to be remotely scandalous. She's clearly exploring her sexuality in the cell phone pics, which is *gasp* what teenagers do! OMG, like, srsly!
But, oh yeah, sex is dirty. Start thumping your bible, kids.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
I think it would be hilarious if someone manufactured a large leatherbound Bible, the size of a king size bed. Imagine if a porn studio filmed some of its stars thumping on it. The series could be called Bible Thumpers and the tag line at the end of every scene would be "Fuck the Bible." Unfortunately any studio that actually did this would alienate their core fans, so I don't see it ever happening.
Remember how you figured out there is no Santa? Well, their god is just like Santa. They just haven’t figured out he’s not real yet.
Wait, no one said this yet.
Who the fuck cares?
I promise that's not spamming. Do we really care about Miley Cyrus? I do not.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
Of course we don't. But unfortunately she's sending mixed signals to people who do.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?