Gee... another anti-gay politician is really gay. Are we surprised?

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Gee... another anti-gay politician is really gay. Are we surprised?

Ted Haggart would be proud...


MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Okay; who said the following?

"The existence of the Gay-Lesbian Alliance on this campus is an affront to the state of Alabama, its citizenry, this university and its students."

"Currently, AIDS is the most behavior-oriented disease known to mankind. If this nation's current purveyors of perversion would refrain from committing sodomy, they would unquestioningly be spared the ravages of the disease."

"It is indeed sad that America has fallen to the point where she will condone any type of deviant, immoral activity in which a group desires to participate."

"I often hear the argument that homosexuals who live together create a loving, caring family environment, perhaps an environment which is even superior to that which can be provided by a heterosexual couple. In this day of rampant decadence, many homosexuals would mislead society into believing that three men, an armadillo and a house plant create a functional family."

If you guessed "Troy King, Attorney General of Alabama," give yourself a cigar!

That would be the same Troy King who, within the last couple of weeks - no exact date available - was caught by his wife Paige  in bed with a male aide - in fact, a former "Homecoming King" from King's undergraduate days at Troy University - and subsequently thrown out of the couple's house.

Of course, King is best known to AVN readers as the current defendant in retailer Sherri Williams' fight to legalize the sale of "obscene devices" - adult novelties whose purpose is sexual stimulation - in the Eleventh Circuit (Alabama, Georgia, Florida), which case has been before a trial court three times, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals twice, and was recently rejected for certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Williams' case will also be the subject of a segment on ABC's "20/20" this Friday night.

"I don't know Troy King any more than having sat across the table from him during appeals hearings," Williams told AVN today. "But in my experience, it's the guys that are the guiltiest that prosecute the hardest."

The 40-year-old King, according to his Wikipedia entry, has three children, is a practicing Baptist, is anti-abortion - he once decried "the terrible 'cleansing' of the wombs that is carried on in the butcher shops we call abortion clinics" - attended the University of Alabama Law School and has been involved in several scandals while serving as Alabama's Attorney General, a job he obtained after his predecessor, Bill Pryor, was elevated to the Eleventh Circuit bench by President Bush in a recess appointment.

But while rumors that Gov. Bob Riley will ask for King's resignation in the wake of the bedroom discovery are unconfirmed, the announcement that King was named to be state campaign chairman of presidential candidate John McCain's Leadership Team in Alabama has been removed from McCain's Website, and King's hopes to succeed Riley as governor in 2010 appear to be over as well.

After all, as someone reportedly advised Lyndon Johnson as he was beginning his first term as U.S. Senator from Texas, "Once elected, a politician can stay in office until they are caught in bed with a dead prostitute or a live boy."

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Hambydammit wrote:After all,

Hambydammit wrote:

After all, as someone reportedly advised Lyndon Johnson as he was beginning his first term as U.S. Senator from Texas, "Once elected, a politician can stay in office until they are caught in bed with a dead prostitute or a live boy."

The greatest political quote ever! Joking aside, I feel I should be pissed off about this, but I am not going to feign offense at this continual hypocrisy from homosexual hating closeted homosexual politicians...the problem is so ubiquitous it has lost its zing!


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 I know it's a bit of the

 I know it's a bit of the schadenfreude, but I love it every time that happens.

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Maybe all the anti-gay

Maybe all the anti-gay politicians should gather somewhere and just come out to one another. Get over this weird self-repression thing.

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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What was it that William

What was it that William Shakespeare said about one protesting too much?

Ken G.
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The Franklin Cover-Up

 Hambydammit ask are we surprised and then told us what Johnson was told about keeping their office ,and then I thought about " The Franklin Cover-Up " and I wonder about all of this Hypocrisy in Washington today. The Franklin Cover-up was during  Bush Sr. term in office.     Here's a good link about it ,in case you've missed it..I'm having problems with the link up soooooo,try google - The Franklin Cover-up.


Signature ? How ?

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JillSwift wrote:Maybe all

JillSwift wrote:

Maybe all the anti-gay politicians should gather somewhere and just come out to one another. Get over this weird self-repression thing.

Republicans getting together to discuss their gun control ????

Jill, surely you jest.

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Umm , Pat Condell had a

Umm , Pat Condell had a point, which brings me to this. Maybe the daring atheist  rational, or any caring thinkers, should pretend to be gay cool people. 

  What an embarrassment homo phobia is ..... heck, maybe I haven't met the right guy, as I can't imagine one, but whatever .....  darn busy with girls !    

  Here is the great prophet, Jesus fan, buddha, atheist, dogma fighter, Pat Condell !   

"Was Jesus gay?"  6 mins


    I'm married to that guy, but we don't get physical, not even arm wrestling ... just can't miss what ya don't want , but you miss what ya want , so whatever ..... be real, yourself , and always proudly .... or be a liar and miserable .... so smile , it's your thing !  Strut yourself Kindly .... I can't [won't] tell ya who to sock it to ....


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How do they say it ??



   Is this what they call " getting caught with your pants down ?? " 

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It makes me think too that

It makes me think too that the biggest anti-atheist crusaders are actually closet atheists. They just use religion for their own selfish interests. I don't think we need to convert people to atheism, just get people to come out of the closet.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Wonko wrote:Republicans

Wonko wrote:

Republicans getting together to discuss their gun control ????

Jill, surely you jest.

*splort* Hahaha!


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Quote:It makes me think too

It makes me think too that the biggest anti-atheist crusaders are actually closet atheists. They just use religion for their own selfish interests. I don't think we need to convert people to atheism, just get people to come out of the closet.



Does that mean that I'm really a closet theist... since I'm a gung ho anti-theism crusader?  This is all getting very confusing.



Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Hambydammit wrote:Quote:It

Hambydammit wrote:

It makes me think too that the biggest anti-atheist crusaders are actually closet atheists. They just use religion for their own selfish interests. I don't think we need to convert people to atheism, just get people to come out of the closet.



Does that mean that I'm really a closet theist... since I'm a gung ho anti-theism crusader?  This is all getting very confusing.


Ah finally figured it out. Too bad you're going to hell for Blasphemy and lying.

No people are only in the closet when there is some social or financial advantage to doing so. I don't see any advantage in being a closet Theist. Besides if you were a bybull believer you couldn't "bear false witness" anyways.


The problem is society does not encourage people to be themselves or honest with themselves. This is the real evil in society. If 'atheist' meant 'one who is honest with him or her self at all time' instead of 'godless immoral heathen' there wouldn't be closet atheists. We can thank the religious propaganda machine for the current situation.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:The problem is

EXC wrote:

The problem is society does not encourage people to be themselves or honest with themselves. This is the real evil in society. If 'atheist' meant 'one who is honest with him or her self at all time' instead of 'godless immoral heathen' there wouldn't be closet atheists. We can thank the religious propaganda machine for the current situation.

Well stated.

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There was a recent story

There was a recent story locally where a woman was arrested for beating her 16 year old granddaughter with her cane (hard enough that it broke the cane) and then with a dog chain - she needed to be hospitalized- after finding her in bed with another girl. After the 1st beating she dragged her to the girls house and asked the mother if she new they were seeing each other that way (she did - obviously that was a more enlightened family.) Well, the mother of the other girl figured what happened - the grandmother was arrested for aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and child abuse - and is currently living in Berks County Prison. There were letters written in to the local paper saying the grandmother did nothing wrong.

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