God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick--Documentary
This is an itneresting video. I ordered it and got it in the mail this week. It's an interesting analysis of the source of all those goofy tracts about a faceless god sending people to Hell for no particular reason.
The people who put this out are even goofier than I imagined, and I imagined them to be pretty goofy.
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is there a website where we can check it out or do we have to google the title?
Jack Chick is that asshat that puts out all those fundie crappo cartoon pamphlets. Google Jack Chick if you don't know.
I think the OP forgot a link/imbeded video.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I know who the guy is, I just didn't know where to go to get the documentary.
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Trailer here: http://www.jackchickmovie.com/
I don't think it's available online.
interesting portion of a critique:
Kent "Dr. Dino" Hovind (founder of the Dinosaur Adventure Land creationist theme park)
it's found on this page: http://joglikescomics.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-had-to-happen-jack-t-chick.html
Vote for McCain... www.therealmccain.com ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Much better video about Kent Hovind:
that is funny. dunnow about the cross in the jail cell, though...
That some funny shit, this guy is a moron and the most publish comic book artist ever... I think I've gotten some pamphlets with his art in them, funny shit.
Chick Publications has released over twenty "Chick comics" since its founding in 1970. The first 11 form the Crusader comics series, which follows the stories of two fundamentalist Christians and addresses topics such as the occult, Bible prophecy and the theory of evolution.[15] Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about the Roman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims, the Catholic Church created Islam (the "Vatican Islam conspiracy"
and masterminded the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Holocaust and started World War II.[16] There are also three independent comics, one telling stories from the King James Version of the Bible, one relaying the claims of Charles Chiniquy regarding the Catholic Church, and one detailing Chick's opinions on Joseph Smith and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.[15]
Chick Publications also distributes Chick's most notable creations, "Chick tracts", small comic tracts with religious messages. Over 200 have been published and most can be viewed in their entirety on the company's website. The most popular Chick tract, This Was Your Life, has been translated into more than 100 languages,[3] and many other tracts are available in widely spoken languages such as Arabic,[17] German,[18] Spanish,[19] and Tagalog.[20]
Chick's views are best documented in his tracts, which cover subjects such as abortion, homosexuality, non-Protestant religions, the occult, rock music, politics, popular culture, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series and the theory of evolution, mostly in a negative light.[21] Chick believes many of the world's problems are deliberately caused by the Catholic Church. He credits the Catholic Church with founding Islam,[22] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,[23] and the Jehovah's Witnesses,[24] persecuting Jews and starting the Holocaust,[25][16] and founding and promoting Communism.[16]
hey i saw the documentary. can someone please give me the title of the first song and maybe the band that plays it?