Help get Pastor David Manning's Tax Exempt Status Revoked

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ATLAH World Ministries
38 West 123rd Street
Atlah, New York 10027
Pastors name: James David Manning
Could someone please fill one out as anonymus and upload a completed form.
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I'd love to see any religions tax free status revolked; BUT!!! Oh do forgive me one and all; please. I agree with the man.
Condi Rice and/or Colin Powell would be my choice for president over and above McCain and Obama; I'll settle for veep though.
Bitch if you want about this Canadian, but I grew up in South Brewer Maine, "Go Witches!!" in the U.S. of A. Hell I'm still a Patriots fan.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
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Is talking politics a violation?
Yes it is - especially endorsing a candidate.
Colin Powell maybe, but Condi? Are you fucking serious? I'm gonna have to defer to The Donald on this one. She hops all over the fucking world and has accomplished jack shit. She's an ineffective schill for an illigitimate administration.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
4:41 Obama is a possible murderer, drug user, and has homosexuality in his background, many believe Obama is a Muslim, and he'd allow other nations to have their way with America. (retarded, borderline violation)
The rest of the video up to 6 minutes is an appeal to John McCain to choose Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell as his running mate.
From 6 minutes to the end he has a delusional fit in which he talks to an imaginary friend who supposedly and violates the bible by telling his friend what he desires instead of simply going into his closet and saying the lords prayer. I believe it's Matthew 6:5 that he's spitting on.
I'm not familiar enough but I believe he has to specifically endorse a candidate even though it's obvious who he wants you to vote for. Other than him being a moron, I'm not sure if there is a violation here. Anyone got more details on what you have to do to violate?
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Rather than sit through a boring tirade by a blowhard pastor is there anything actionable in the video?
It's clear he's using church property for the videos. He is free to criticize Obama's positions on issues as much as he wants, or call him the devil or white trash or whatever else he does. However, the moment he says to not vote for Obama or to vote for someone else then he has violated his tax status.
The IRS is reluctant to revoke the tax status of a church unless there is a direct endorsement.
Technically couldn't Obama sue him for slander for calling him a drug user?
Actually I kind of doubt McCain would be too excited about this guy endorsing him.
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no, not if it's insinuation, unfortunately.
does the name Hagee ring a bell? of course, McCain would deny, but the guy is a walking contradiction who has to have things fed to him by handlers in order to have any coherence.
Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Well there is certainly no shortage of pastors endorsing candidates. Pat Robertson held a fricking press conference when he officially endorsed Rudy G. This is not the first time this idiot has slandered Obama, check this video out. I alerted the IRS months back about that one and have yet to hear a peep back from them. Whether this video is enough to get him revoked is not all that crucial to me. What I want to do (now that I have the forms readily available), is to start a campaign where no act of this kind is left unanswered by those of us who care about the laws governing their tax exemption. If we continually press this issue in the future, we may have the ability to get one of these idiots. It would only take one high profile case to show them that they run a grave risk doing this sort of thing. They are doing it more overtly these days, simply because the IRS has failed to hold them responsible.
I'm with ya Rich, I just don't want to spend govt resources if the case isn't clear cut. If someone can show me that it is a clear cut case I'll create a video with the offending segments (in case he deletes his upon the start of the shitstorm), put it on the homepage, and send info out to 50,000 people to ensure the govt does the deed. But I would be more worried about the govt coming down on me for some sort of oddball harassment charge if I organize such an event and am wrong.
A few people sending requests in though will hopefully draw enough attention to at least have it looked at. Shit, I don't even think churches should be tax exempt for conducting their standard business (as many here would agree).
With that said, does anyone have info on what is legal in cases like this? D-Cubed?
edit in: I think the liar in the video knows the law which is why he didn't specifically state to endorse McCain or not vote for Obama. He created a shield in his "urge McCain to select Powell" and "Obama may be a muuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrddddddddeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr" routine.
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Yes, and for the other 2 claims of murder and homosexuality. But he wont.
And someone here could make a video pointing out that McCain served time and likely has kills, and if his beef is murder, he should turn that on McCain.
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I'll tell you what Rich, to help deal with this issue I'll make a move that I was trying to steer clear of in case we do try to get non-profit status. I myself was so concerned about 501c3 laws that we've steered clear of engaging in endorsement of candidates. However I have been disgusted lately by the dishonesty out of anyone arguing on behalf of lately that I will now use a portion of the site to expose John McCain and his double-talk express. The first action will be linking to and creating a video area promoting the work of
I will put my 501c3 ideas on the back burner and check into laws later as it applies to groups that have exposed dishonest fucks like McCain and attempted to attain 501c3 status after the fact. If it turns out that I myself can't attain such status because of it, well then I guess we'll get to use our clout to endorse candidates, and talk shit on the ones not deserving of holding political positions.
I have a feeling that in order to be cleared later we would simply need to remove the offending content, so we will likely limit our anti-McCain work to specific areas of the site that make it easier to remove down the road. So you won't see us doing this in all threads on this issue, but you will see us doing it. My signature is getting changed now to a promotion for hmmmmm about 5,000 posts on this site, wonder what that will do for their efforts.
Way to put a hurting on your boy McCain, Pastor James David Manning.
Rich, rest well knowing it was you bringing this issue to my attention that was the nail in the coffin on this. Here we go get ready for the anti-McCain ride.
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I used to think McCain was a pretty good guy for a Republican. Whether he's showing his true side now or he is just pandering to the religious right he's not someone I'd ever vote for now. He officially gained asshat status when he said something a few months back that the US president should be Christian.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Geez, I didn't realize he so openly endorsed Obama like that.
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Here's an idea....
add to your signature on this site
you can also add a link to this John McCain playlist (being built now) in your sig:
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I know people in Arizona that have time and again proven he's been an asshat at least since the 70's, and this one guy who knew him during the Vietnam Conflict. The veteran that knew him states time and again how his actions were directly responsible for the deaths of 120 people on the U.S.S. Forestal. I have no reason to doubt a Navy chief who was there.
Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back
As far as I know the pastor isn't doing anything illegal. The most we could hope for is that enough complaints would grab the IRS' attention and they'd take a look. However, without specifics on actual violations (i.e. endorsements) then no action will be taken because, due to Republican cuts in the IRS, they don't have the time or manpower to do witch hunts on small time churches.
The only cases where the IRS harassed churches tended to involve liberal churches that spoke out against the illegal occupation in Iraq. However, those cases the churches were cleared.
Nuts like this preacher just want attention. He'd be more than happy to play the persecuted Christian martyr and any attention, even negative attention, can only serve his desires. I'd say that if there is nothing illegal being done on the part of the preacher then the best remedy is to ignore him and have him fall into obscurity.
He's on the legal side of a very thin line. First, he can't be sued for slander about drug use because Obama wrote a book several years ago in which he talked about doing coke. So, just like AA tells members they're alcoholics whether or not they're currently drinking, some people would call anyone who used to do drugs a drug user. That's probably enough gray area to make his speech non-slanderous.
Second, in order for it to be considered slander (iirc), you have to say it knowing it to be false. So lying about someone to damage them is slander; passing unsubstantiated rumour around is probably not.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
I had forgotten about that admission, I agree with your assessment.
I'm not positive that this is true. I believe if it's not true whether you know it or not and it's damaging to their character the person has a case.
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When he said that about the US president should be Christian it wasn't a swipe at Obama - this was fairly long ago - when it looked like Hillary Clinton was the most likely Democratic candidate. I forget how it came up. Anyway, his saying that means he disagrees with the Constitution. I'm sure there are plenty of other places he does to when it comes to church/state separation.
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